Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 672, the execution of justice has never been better

Chapter 672, the execution of justice has never been better
Angel Yue and the remaining 40 or so angels immediately dispersed, forming a battle formation of five or five, and immediately turned back to the demon who had just rushed past them.

The demons have the fighting qualities of angels. Seeing the angels turning back and chasing after them, some demons turned around to meet them, and some continued to move forward and escape, and they became a mess for a while.

"Sisters! Follow me to kill! Avenge the sisters who fell just now!"

Angel Yue Chong was at the forefront, wielding the flaming sword in his hand with several flaming slashes one after another, blasting several demons into pieces.

Nearly one-third of the demons had been lost before, and a large number of them were lost. Angel Yue led the rest of the angels to speed up, rushed into the demon group, and slashed and killed recklessly.

The demon commander outside the arena couldn't sit still after seeing this scene. These are all his capital. Without these demon warriors, he would be nothing in the demon civilization.

"Quick, come on, kill these angels!"

Immediately, nearly ten thousand demons who were on standby in the air moved. Seeing this, Angel Yan glanced around, and finally concentrated on the area where Angel Moon was, because after that, it might be the commanding layer of the demons.

Don't ask Angel Yan how he knew, because some seemingly powerful demons gathered there. Since the demons have no weaknesses, it is better to put them to death and regenerate.

"All the angels listen to the order and attack in the direction where Angel Moon is. That may be where the devil's commander is located. Let me penetrate them!"

Up to now, no angel will jump out to oppose Angel Yan's decision, because disagreement during war is an extremely dangerous thing.

In addition, the other angels had no good way but to follow suit, and began to direct their teams to keep up.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

Angel Leng led the team out first, staring at the demon with chilling eyes.

As the angel battle group moved, the demon immediately accelerated the speed of shrinking the encirclement. As for why the angel didn't escape into the universe from above, it was purely because they were afraid that the retreat would turn into a real rout, which would be troublesome.

On the ground, a group of demons wearing tight black combat uniforms, wearing purple goggles and holding modern technological style sniper rifles are observing the battle situation in the sky.

"Ake, do you think they can beat those little angels?"

"Stop joking, just rely on those cannon fodder, just watch, they should flee in a while.

Let the brothers prepare, and give those little angels a good start, let them understand what it means to be poor and not to chase. "

A demon with red pupils and red lines like war patterns on his skin gave an order, and the surrounding demons were all gearing up for a fight.

Just as the demon named Ake expected, Angel Yan and other angels led their respective teams and directly pierced the demon's formation.

Of course, it was not without paying any price. More than a dozen angels fell because of this, and their young lives remained forever on this planet for which they gave everything.

Seeing the demon fleeing towards the surface, whether it is Angel Yan or the other angels present at the moment when they are in the midst of fighting, how could they let the demon escape like this, and immediately chased after them, intending to expand the results of the battle.

Angel Yan, Angel Leng and other angels didn't bother to reorganize the team. After all, the opportunity is not lost. After a while, the demon may recover from the rout and reorganize the formation.

Among them, Angel Yue, Angel Keya, Angel Tina, Angel Miyue, and Angel Leng took the lead, rushing to the forefront, their pupils were filled with flames of hatred, because members of their squads all fell at the hands of these demons, Angel Yan There are no exceptions.

Suddenly sharp piercing sounds sounded one after another, and slender silver bullets shot from the ground into the air, and the pupils of the angels rushing forward shrank to the size of a needle.

Then there was a puff and a crisp sound at the same time, and then there was a deafening gunshot, accompanied by splashed blood and the figure of an angel who fell to the ground.

"Ambush! There is an ambush! Everyone disperse!"

Angel Yan shouted hoarsely, her helmet was bounced off by bullets from nowhere, and her golden hair flew in the air in a piece.

The other angels in front of her chasing team were similar, all of them were more or less hit by bullets. If they were lucky, the bullets were bounced off by the armor, but the huge impact still made their flight movements unstable for a while.

By luck, he was almost directly pierced through the weakly protected abdomen and face of the armor, and lost his mobility on the spot and fell to the ground.

The powerful body that angels were proud of in the past did not bring them any sense of security at this moment.

Angel Leng used the wider flat section of the flame sword in his hand to protect his fragile face, and stared at the surroundings with a pair of cold eyes, looking for traces of the enemy.

But less than two seconds later, another round of barrage hit, and this time more angels fell under the shooting, and a message that he had accidentally browsed in Melo's Heavenly Court flashed through Angel Yan's mind.

"It's a god-killing weapon! Come down, sisters, don't stay in the sky!"

After speaking, Angel Yan immediately rushed to the jungle on the surface, other angels followed suit, and Angel Leng shouted loudly.

"Found you!"

After speaking, he led some angels to rush directly to the direction where the bullet hit.

"Hehe, I have a keen sense, but it's useless.

Next is free hunting time, be careful not to be caught by angels. "

The demon Ake raised his hand to signal to stop shooting, and then ordered.

"Don't worry, Ake, but now we are the best, and the angels are like turtles in a urn, unable to escape from our palms."

Immediately, the demon sniper troops were broken into pieces, dispersed and entered the pre-set ambush points. At the same time, they activated the shielding function of the combat uniforms on their bodies, and the detection methods of angel soldiers could not find them at all.

Afterwards, continuous gunshots continued to ring out in this vast jungle, and the situation of the angels did not change in any way because they came to the ground.

A beautiful angel who was supposed to soar in the sky was shot and killed by a demon in this jungle as if hunting.

There were also angels who tried to forcefully fly out of the jungle and escape from this planet, but they were all shot and killed by concentrated fire the moment they rushed out of the jungle.

Angel Leng also rushed to nothing, and then encountered an ambush. The angels of the same team were sniped and killed. Only she and a few lucky sisters escaped the lock of the demon sniper.

At this moment, these new-generation angels seemed to feel that they had returned to the time when they had not become angels or were weak mortals, and some angels with slightly weaker wills hid in their hiding places and began to cry.

Only then did they discover the true meaning of some of the words that the instructors had told them in the past.

"The battlefield is neither beautiful nor glorious, and justice is not just something as simple as shouting. If you want to implement justice, you must have the awareness to give everything for it."

(End of this chapter)

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