Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 680, The 4th Holy Left Wing

Chapter 680, The Fourth Holy Left Wing
The news that the fourth holy left wing of the angelic civilization will be held by the angel Ruoning quickly spread throughout the Heavenly Court of Melo, and then the entire justice order. The other civilizations and demons in the known universe were the last to get the news.

Regarding Angel's selection of a new Holy Left Wing so quickly, ordinary civilization feels that Angel's background is profound.

You must know that the Holy Left Wing must be a god of three generations, otherwise it will not be able to subdue the various god-making civilizations in the universe, and Kaisha, as the king of angels, generally will not end, so the Holy Left Wing can be regarded as the angel's platoon.

Moreover, none of the previous Sacred Left Wings was a fuel-efficient lamp. Needless to say, the first Heavenly Sword King Binghua had earned his reputation abruptly.

The second Angel Ran didn't give up much. Although his methods were milder than those of the first one, he was also a tough existence.

In the third term, Angel Ailan was considered to be the most gentle existence, but his term of office was also the shortest, and he fell into the hands of the devil.

The civilization within the Justice Order expresses regret for Alan's death, but is a little worried about Ruoning's superior attitude, because they don't understand the angel Ruoning's style of doing things.

But they didn't worry too much, because the angels were high above them, and they wouldn't make things difficult for mortals like them. They just need to offer their faith devoutly and abide by the justice of the angels, and they will be safe.

"I didn't expect Ruoning to succeed the Sacred Left Wing. It seems that there are not many talents in Angel now, so I can only use her to make up for it."

Morgana sat on the main seat with her legs crossed, her tone was extremely derogatory towards Ruoning.

In the repaired Demon Hall No. [-], compared with the battle of Frazer, there are no more demons in this hall at this moment, and there are more fallen angels in dark purple armor and with a pair of black wings.

"Queen, no matter how unbearable Ruoning is, she is still a holy left wing, and we can't underestimate her too much."

The angel Shalan observed her hands and skin. Although she was talking about Ruoning again, her attention was obviously elsewhere.

Sha Lan felt a little unbelievable. The battle thousands of years ago seemed to happen yesterday. She felt a little lost about her resurrection. To be honest, deep down in her heart, she didn't really want to be alive again.

She felt that her life, her journey should have ended in that war.

'To die in allegiance to the Queen! '

This is the ending Shalan chose for herself.

But now that the queen needs her, she will not disappoint the queen's choice, and she will use her best to achieve the queen's idea.

And Yun Lan, who was beside Sha Lan, also looked up at a part of the hall, wondering what she was thinking, and the other fallen angels were also not in a very good condition.

Liang Bing looked at his old subordinates, and finally said nothing. At this moment, Liang Bing suddenly realized that pulling these sisters who should have died out of hell again to be enemies with their former comrades-in-arms and the same clan, would be a big deal for them. Isn't it a little too cruel.


For the time being, the drastic changes in the known universe cannot affect the distant chaotic sea of ​​stars and the flourishing world of justice in it.

"Queen, I have found several angel settlements, and after my reasonable persuasion, they have agreed to join the world of justice."

In the communication, Kazana's words came with a sense of asking for credit, which made Binghua very satisfied with the completion of his task.

"Yes, you did a good job, keep working hard, they will all be your subordinates in the future, remember to protect them, and wait for the activation of the gate of time and space."

"Understood, queen, I will not disappoint your expectations, and I will definitely pull all the angels in the purified star field to the world of justice."

"Okay, then you can continue to work hard."

After finishing speaking, Binghua hung up the communication. Binghua thought that Kaza was a very serious angel, but he didn't expect that after getting along for a while, after getting acquainted with him, he would become like this.

"Hey, how did an angel who is obviously very stable become like this? Can't there be a few angels who act steadily and can share my worries?"

Binghua was just talking to herself casually, but she didn't expect something to answer her.

"According to the analysis of Kaza's usual language habits and personality, the queen is deliberately trying to curry favor with you, and has unknown intentions."

"Well, you've become a master analyst again.

I can't even see his small thoughts, and I have lived for so long in vain.

But it's impossible for me and him. I'm not interested in anything. "

Tianjian Projection tilted his head in doubt when he heard the words, and asked curiously.

"Which thing? Since the queen, you know she has plans for you.

Why not just point it out and let him put an end to that attempt. "

Binghua raised her hand to cover her face, feeling that Tianjian was like a curious baby who would break the casserole and ask the end of everything.

"You don't even know what I mean, so forget it!"

Binghua ended the topic, she felt that she was going on, and she would definitely be the one who couldn't get down.

"Queen Airos Chi, made a proposal to the God Throne World to recover the Aloers Star, hoping that the God Throne World can provide support."

Seeing that the queen didn't want to discuss the previous topic, Tianjian reported some issues that Binghua had to deal with personally.

"After more than 2000 years, Chi finally decided to take back Airos, she is really patient.

Agree with Queen Aylores' proposal. "

In fact, it's not that Chi didn't want to recover Airos before, but because if he wants to regain Airos, he must take the initiative to attack the Eternal Ascendant, which will affect the entire world of justice.

The former justice world has always implemented a policy of only defending and not attacking, so Chi suppressed some voices in the new Airos world to recover the Airos star.

However, after Binghua stepped into the purification star field and the Eternal Sublimator took the initiative to conflict, the policy of only defending and not attacking is no longer applicable to the current world of justice.

So before the large-scale conflict broke out between the world of justice and the eternal sublimators, Chi wanted to take this opportunity to recover the hometown of the Airos, even if it was a hometown that had been away for thousands of years.

Even if some Airos people don't remember this incident, it is Chi's regret as Queen Airos after all, that's why Chi will personally submit the proposal to the God Throne World.

The application for support is just to say hello to Binghua, and the recovery of the Airos star will be done by the Airos people themselves, unless they encounter a situation that they cannot handle.

Otherwise, God Throne World and other worlds will not choose to intervene, because this is an unspoken rule. If everything needs help from other worlds, then this world will always feel inferior, which is unbearable for all worlds.
(End of this chapter)

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