Chapter 686, Threats

Ran is the first one to end here, and Ming, Xiluo and Xiyue are not much different.

Mingzhao is looking for the Destroyer 104 fire support model with high defense, which has continuous powerful firepower, thick armor, and a purified energy field, which can be said to be a turtle shell.

But he has a fatal flaw, that is mobility and flexibility, compared to the other types of Destroyer, he is undoubtedly cumbersome.

Therefore, Ming easily cut the Destroyer 104's structural armament into several sections with the flame sword, and then released a flame bombardment close to him, breaking through the upper defense limit of its purified energy field and destroying it.

Xiyue and Xiluo couldn't compare with Ran and Ming, and they didn't solve the Destroyer so quickly. Xiluo encountered the only melee special type 103 in the Destroyer series.

The Destroyer 103, as a special melee type, has abandoned redundant armaments, and only retains the miniature ray gun on the wrist for harassment.

But at the same time, it also has good armor strength, the strongest skeleton system, as well as micro-vents all over the body and the strongest output of the same series, as well as the purification energy field module.

This makes the Destroyer 103 capable of meeting any operational requirements except for long-range fire support, and of course it cannot be compared with specialized combat models.

Xiluo's combat style is also unique. Compared with her good swordsmanship, she is more talented in unarmed attacks, so she specially developed a set of energy-driven algorithms that fit her own combat style.

Every time she swings a fist, it will form an energy shock and shock, which can quickly destroy the shield and the special cells of the super fighter, and easily damage her enemies.

However, Xiluo's fists were greatly reduced when he encountered the Destroyer with a metal body. Therefore, he fought back and forth with Destroyer 103, which was extremely fierce, but overall, he still had the absolute upper hand, because Destroyer 103 did not touch the Destroyer at all. If they don't reach her, they can only be beaten unilaterally.

Xiyue's opponent is the sniper-type Destroyer 105. Precise sniping is not a big threat to Xiyue. As a god-level angel, it is basic common sense to predict the enemy's attack trajectory.

Unless the linear orbital attack is dense and there is no room to dodge, specially trained super fighters like angels will not be hit at all.

What happens when a sniper 103 is approached by a god-level angel warrior who has experienced many battles? It is obvious that the weapon is destroyed on the spot. Only the calculation is outstanding, and the Destroyer 103, which is mediocre in other aspects, of course cannot escape being attacked by Xi. The fate of the big moon.

And Angel Ran Sannv, who solved the opponent, naturally wouldn't just watch from the sidelines. After helping Xi Luo quickly solve 103, she quickly set off into the universe, preparing to support the fleet of the justice world.

When Binghua, who was in the world of the gods, got the news again, the situation of the battle was basically clear, and the purification fleet and the Destroyer sequence mechanical warriors were all wiped out.

The supporting force achieved its strategic goal and successfully rescued Angel Kaza, as well as thousands of Angel civilians and a small number of male and female Angel warriors.

Today, the number of angels in the world of justice is close to [-], and of course most of them are ordinary angels who have not received combat training.

Binghua has no intention of forcing them, but will silently guide the new generation of angels to receive complete combat and knowledge training, not asking them to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, at least they will not be bullied by cats or dogs when they are in danger.

Moreover, according to Gu Binghua's news from Ran, Melo Heaven has already begun to turn the whole people into second-generation super fighters, that is to say, whether they are angel civilians or angel fighters, they will at least start from the second-generation super fighters in the future.

Once born, they will get everything that the top soldiers of ordinary god-making civilizations can ignore most harmful radiation and ordinary firearms, energy weapons, and the power and body to soar through the universe and starry sky at will.

The world of justice is still far from the goal of Melo Heaven, but Binghua is not doing nothing.

She has already started to promote the transformation technology, which can allow the residents of the justice world who work in some dangerous and harsh environments to obtain a powerful body, although it cannot be compared with a super soldier.

Since then, Binghua has been experimenting, simplifying the super soldier technology, and has achieved certain results. Coupled with some transformation techniques in mechanical engineering, it can achieve an effect similar to that of a super soldier.

Of course, there are also some shortcomings, that is, physical strength. Strictly speaking, since the second generation of super fighters, the body of a super fighter has been completely different from a flesh and blood body.

After all, ordinary flesh and blood can't resist the energy burning of energy weapons and the terrifying penetrating potential energy of kinetic energy weapons.

However, the reformed fighters made with Binghua's model are still flesh and blood, but possess the nature of a part of super fighters.

They will hurt, they will bleed, and they will be weakened from the shock to their internal organs.

Not to mention the destruction of the physical body caused by the vacuum environment of the universe, and the attack of powerful kinetic energy weapons and energy weapons cannot be resisted.

But he has an advantage, its cost is far lower than super genetic enhancement, and it is easier to popularize on a large scale than super soldier technology, and it has extremely strong versatility. Binghua has taken a fancy to this.


Facing the failure of the capture plan, the mainframe of Samayello also took in five mechanical warriors of the Destroyer sequence. Some advanced intelligence inside the Eternal Ascendant can no longer just sit back and watch the continued growth of the world of justice.

Although it doesn't make any sense to conflict with the world of justice in their calculation results, it is obvious that the world of justice will hinder their actions to purify the chaotic virus.

Although the Chaos Virus cannot be completely eradicated, it has been confined by the Eternal Ascensionists in the Chaos Star Sea, and there is no hope of expansion, because any signs of Chaos Virus infection in other star fields will be extinguished by the Eternal Ascensionists with a thunderous force.

Even if it would cause countless deaths and injuries, in the eyes of these intelligent beings with wisdom, it was all worth it.

Moreover, Samayello has already figured out a way to prevent intelligent life from being infected by the chaotic virus, that is, to carry out eternal sublimation, turning the flesh and blood into a cold machine, so that there is no need to fear the threat of the virus.

However, this method does not seem to be very popular with those fragile intelligent life, but the eternal sublimation never considers the attitude of others, they will only do what they think is right.

But now there is a civilization that refuses eternal sublimation and destroys high-sequence combat units time and time again. This has to make the eternal sublimation consider whether to eliminate this obstacle.

The previous existences of the previous sequences of the Destroyers all chose to put this issue aside for the time being, but now the world of justice makes them feel threatened.

(End of this chapter)

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