Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 700, Difficult Victory

Chapter 700, Difficult Victory
The residents of the world of the throne of God talked a lot about the occasional light and dark changes of the stars above their heads, but after the official Ministry of Internal Affairs issued an explanation, their doubts were dispelled.

They are even more proud of the 'Hepolias' stellar energy transmitter, because this is an armed force belonging to the world of the gods, and they are the residents of the world of the gods.

Although it doesn't make them think that they are superior to other worlds, it is inevitable to have a little pride when introducing their world to other worlds.

For this, other worlds can only look enviously.

As for jealousy, there is no such thing as jealousy, because anyone who has received a certain amount of education in the world of justice knows that the creator of the world of justice, the Supreme Goddess, lives in the world of gods.

And use her vast wisdom and god-like power to lead and protect all the people of the righteous world.

With the passage of time, the Justice World's attack on Destroyer 011 has also stabilized, and good progress can be made every day. It is only a matter of time before it is captured.

Binghua also gradually put his attention on his own research, in addition to the routine miniature star drive technology, the new god body, and the reincarnation technology.

Regardless of how easy it was for Binghua to reincarnate Chi in the past, it was because she performed the operation herself, and it would take a certain amount of time to apply this technology in batches.

After all, the body data of each angel is different. If these angel warriors are reincarnated with standard bodies, it would be an insult to their achievements. Binghua is not too lazy to save these procedures.

In addition, the demigod warriors and some members of the elite legion who died in the battle of Airos this time, as long as they have undergone data soul transformation surgery, they will all be reborn in the world of God Throne.

It is up to them to decide whether to continue to dedicate their second lives to the world of justice, or to spend the rest of their lives as ordinary residents of the world of justice.

This law has not been written on the surface, including data soul transformation is also a top secret in the army, and Binghua is not planning to use this technology for civilian use.

If a civilization or a race erases death, which is the greatest threat that forces life to evolve and move forward, then this civilization or race will also lose the greatest motivation to move forward.

Binghua once had a deep understanding of this in the Merlot Heavenly Court. The period of the angelic war and the physical war between men and women was the period when angel technology progressed most rapidly.

Afterwards, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Super Seminary allowed Angel to obtain a large amount of advanced knowledge and theories, and passed the most difficult and long period of theoretical exploration.

Only then did the second generation, the third generation of God Body, and other series of powerful cutting-edge technologies be born, but when Angel and Super Seminary parted ways, including Binghua, Hexi, Kaisha, and the Angel Research Department, Few new technologies are born.

Most of them are some old projects, which are constantly optimized and developed, and scientific research angels have little motivation to explore new things.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, that the angelic civilization has solved the two most basic problems of survival and death that plagued living beings, coupled with such a powerful force, that there is no civilization in the universe that can threaten angels.

But recently, the devil seems to have created a sense of urgency for the angelic civilization. After all, the fall of a holy left wing is not a trivial matter. He is the most cutting-edge technological master of the angelic civilization.

Binghua doesn't believe that demons can shake the foundation of Melo's Heaven, but it's okay to cause some trouble. This is why she didn't have much emotional fluctuation when she learned from Kesha that Morgana was still alive.

In Binghua's eyes, Morgana is not terrible, she can easily destroy it, she has this confidence.

But the devil will not be completely extinct because of Morgana's death. In fact, the devil gene Binghua has also been studied. Its technical content is not high, but its unique side effects will make most civilizations reject it.

The first is that creatures that have undergone genetic modification from demons will look abnormally hideous to normal people.

Scarlet eyes, pitch-black curved horns, black-purple skin, and ominous fleshy wings.

This is a physical distortion. Of course, the magnitude of the change is not exactly the same. This is a change that most civilizations that value order cannot tolerate.

The second point is the magnification of the desire to destroy. The demon gene will make the bearer irritable and kill. Of course, it is not absolute, but most demons will have these bad habits.

But these disadvantages are actually advantages for chaotic and disorderly civilizations, cosmic wanderers, and cosmic bandits, and the number of uncivilized wanderers in the known universe can't even be counted by angels.

And the size of the angels has always been a big problem. In addition, the venue of justice and order is too large, and the manpower of the angels is simply not enough. They can only passively wait for the demons to grow bigger and destroy them.

If the devil appeared in the boundary of the world of justice, Binghua shook his head slightly when he thought of this, it couldn't happen.

Just like the invasion of demons, the elite legions stationed in various worlds in the world of justice are not decorations. Ordinary demons can't make waves at all.

Elite demons, the established demigod legion will let them see what group warfare is. Even if you are a generation of gods, if you don't retreat strategically, you will fall under the siege of the demigod legion.

Of course, this requires the support of the Heavenly Sword Computing Cloud in the God Throne World to suppress the large-scale energy attack algorithm used by the opponent and deploy the god-killing weapon, otherwise the demigod army lacks the means to effectively attack the god body.

Of course, this is not to say that the strength of the world of justice is comparable to that of Melo Heaven.

Binghua had simulated in his mind what the chances of winning would be if the World of Justice and Heaven of Melo faced each other. As a result, the World of Justice was completely defeated, but Heaven of Melo would not feel too good.

It can't be called a complete crush. The elite legion and demigod legion that the world of justice has been building will bite off a piece of meat from the angel before they are destroyed.

This is the final result of throwing away time and accidents, and no one can tell the reality.

Moreover, the world of justice is now like a teenager, growing rapidly, and no one knows how far he will grow in the future.


The passage of time will not be stopped by anyone's wishes. After ten years of bloody battle, the righteous world's battle against Destroyer 011 has finally come to an end.

As the components of Destroyer 011's core area were destroyed, the purification energy reactor group ceased to operate, and his huge planet-like body finally came to a standstill.

The Eternal Ascendant no longer sent the purification fleet and the mechanical warriors of the Destroyer sequence, as if they had given up on Destroyer 011.

However, in various star fields unknown to the world of justice, the various Destroyers that originally served as transfer stations for purifying the chaotic virus started to move one after another, leaving the orbit that they had been running for tens of millions of years.

(End of this chapter)

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