Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 704, Devil's Claw

Chapter 704, Devil's Claw

In a short time, a worm door release cabin inside the Devil was completely destroyed by Ruoning, and the solid alloy walls could not stop Ruoning's wanton destruction.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before all the wormhole arrays of the Demon are destroyed, and it won't take long for a third-generation god to paralyze a celestial warship if he really wants to launch his power.

"You demons are vulnerable!"

Ruoning cut a big demon in half and stepped on his corpse, disdainfully degrading towards the surrounding demons.

"Don't be too arrogant, Angel!"

A tall demon appeared from the worm gate, and the pitch-black halberd in his hand was surrounded by thunder. Coupled with his oppressive figure and wide wings, it was extremely difficult to provoke just by looking at it.

Ruoning clicked his tongue, then lowered his body, and spit out a sentence.

"It's quite bluffing, but I don't know if it's not useful."

After speaking, Ruoning rushed forward into the micro-wormhole, and suddenly appeared on the side of this high-level demon's head, with the silver blade almost reaching his neck.

But at the next moment, Ruoning suddenly withdrew the stabbing sword, and spun his body back. The sharp sword he swung with the help of his body also collided with a halberd stabbed in the air, making a huge bang.

The spreading impact knocked away all the surrounding demons, even the high-level demons were not spared.

"Looking at the small size, I didn't expect the strength to be quite strong. My hands are numb from the shock!"

The devil who attacked Ruoning spoke solemnly, not only to warn his companions, but also to relieve his tension.

You must know that they are supported by the calculation support of the wormhole array of the Devil. Any movement of Ruoning will be analyzed, and the prediction result will be told to them. It was just a prediction in advance, otherwise they would not be able to keep up with Ruoning's movements.

Ruoning was half lying on the floor with the sword in one hand, and the wings on the back were contracted, ready to push the body out at any time like a charged spring.

"I didn't expect to hunt geese all day long, and I was almost pecked by geese today."

If it wasn't for discovering the spatial fluctuations that appeared in the wormhole just now, and avoiding the grid in time to block the sneak attack, Ruoning felt that even if she wasn't injured, she might be injured.

That being the case, the enemy should not be underestimated, Ruoning suddenly flipped back, avoiding several armor-piercing bullets fired from the concealment, and threw the saber in his hand to the surroundings at will.

A pitch-black longbow was carried out, and a pure black arrow appeared at the same time, and the action of drawing the bow was completed before Ruoning landed.

As soon as it hit the ground, Ruoning shot out a pitch-black arrow emitting a faint gleam, and the target was a high-level demon.

"Watch me smash it!"

Regarding the arrows shot by Ruoning, because of their limited knowledge, the high-ranking demon didn't care at all. He raised the lightning halberd in his hand, and the turbulent lightning torrent entangled and rushed out from the halberd blade.

Ruoning didn't care about the comparison, half-kneeling again drew the bow and shot an arrow in another direction. Seeing this, another high-ranking demon cautiously avoided it, not daring to take it hard.

But at the next moment, two high-level demons were shot through their heads by the black arrows that appeared out of thin air from less than ten centimeters from the side of their heads.


Ruoning stood up, her eyes fell on the remaining big demons and ordinary demons, before they could escape, the black arrows pierced through their bodies.

Then Ruoning put down the raised longbow and exhaled, instead of rushing into other areas again, but contacted the Heavenly Blade to which he belonged.

"Hey, hello, did you receive it, transfer the idle computing power to me except for the necessary attack and operation of the Heavenly Blade."

"Understood, Sister Ning, I am building a connection channel for you, and the construction has been completed."

"Very good, when I go back I will ask Queen Keisha for your credit."

Ruoning felt all kinds of information around him that became extremely clear at once, and directly opened the eyes of insight, and carefully scanned his surroundings with faintly white eyes.

The original black alloy wall was dismantled quickly in front of Ruoning's eyes of insight that had been blessed by the Heavenly Blade at this moment, revealing the rear and further rear structures.

"found it."

Ruoning Yixi closed the eye of insight, opened his palm, and carried out an arrow that was densely engraved with sacred language on the surface, and the whole body was pitch black without any reflection.

Ruoning put it on the pitch-black longbow very gently, and slowly pulled the bowstring in one direction, as if afraid of accidentally launching it in advance.

And as Ruoning pulled the bowstring, the sacred language inscription on the black arrow also began to glow, and was finally covered by a layer of dazzling orange light.

With the long bow fully stringed, Ruoning let go, and the arrow shot out fiercely, easily piercing through the layers of alloy bulkheads in front, and finally hit the energy reaction conversion stack inside the Demon.

Then a terrifying explosion suddenly swept through the interior of the Demon, and the ordinary demons close to the engine and energy reactor group had no time to react to what happened before they were turned into fly ash in the torrent of energy.

The angels and demons in the outside world only saw one of the slightly crude Demon celestial warships shooting passionately at Tianren. A hull exploded suddenly, and raging energy flames gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

Immediately, the shield strength of the Demon began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it stopped attacking.

Ruoning was not satisfied after inflicting heavy damage on the Devil she was on, and drew her bow to make a few more shots, but suddenly a pitch-black metal giant claw suddenly appeared, grabbed Ruoning, and rushed into another open space. in the micro-wormhole.

Ruoning only felt a blackness in front of her eyes, and then went to the universe outside the Demon, and kept increasing the pressure on the giant black claws that grabbed her.

Ruoning only felt uncomfortable being strangled all over, struggling hard was useless at all, the pressure from the giant claws did not decrease at all, and tended to get heavier and heavier.

"You little bitch! How dare you break my beloved Devil No. [-]! See if I don't twist you into a twist!"

Morgana held one hand in a false grip, constantly exerting force, while Ruoning was held in the palm of her hand by a giant black claw that was bigger than her entire body not far from her.

Finding that she couldn't break free from the giant claw holding her in a short time, Ruoning hurriedly began to calculate the micro-wormholes, intending to carry herself away.

"Playing these little tricks in front of me, who gave you the confidence of this little bitch!"

Morgana laughed as she finished speaking, feeling a little better about how badly she had been wrecked by the destruction of Demon Four.

And Ruoning also found out that no matter how he calculated the micro-wormhole transportation, he couldn't succeed. Knowing that he was being targeted, his heart suddenly became cold.

"I'm going to kill him, otherwise things will change later."

The figure of Shalan on Morgana's side suddenly appeared, the black armor with purple embellishments, coupled with her elusive movement and dark wings, made her look like a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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