Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 706, Yun Lan falls

Chapter 706, Yun Lan falls

The pitch-black devil's claws collided with the huge silver wings, bursting out dazzling sparks, and constantly crushing each other.

"Blocking the silver wings, it seems that you have found a lot of dark silver mines over the years, so how about adding one?"

Keisha looked relaxed, and as she raised a finger and pressed forward, the other silver wing suspended aside cut out from another direction, but was also blocked by the devil's claw.

"It can still be stopped, so how about adding two more?"

In addition to the two silver wings present, two huge silver wings appeared around Kesha again. Seeing this, Morgana couldn't help but swear. Increase the speed of rotation, and it is obvious that an attack is about to be launched.

At this moment, a dark figure swept from the side of the scene to Kesha sitting on the throne. It was Shalan who was hunted down by Xingming before.

Seeing that her queen is in a desperate situation, Sha Lan can only surround Wei and rescue Zhao, hoping to distract Kaisha's attention so that the queen can get out of trouble.

But in desperation, Sha Lan forgot that there was the angel's holy left wing. Ruoning went directly through the micro-wormhole, came to his side and kicked him out.

"If you want to get close to Queen Keisha, you have to pass me first."

Ruoning had a slight contemptuous smile on his face, obviously not very interested in Sha Lan's strength.


Sha Lan slowly spat out the name with an ugly look on her face. In fact, most of the angels present are old faces.

They used to be sisters who fought side by side.Now it is an enemy who is about to face each other with swords, which has to be said to be a kind of sadness.

But the angels present were not children, and although they felt very uncomfortable, they did not show any mercy to the former sisters.

Although Ruoning said it was easy, he did not let down his vigilance, because Sha Lan is also a master of micro-wormhole warfare, and if he is a little careless, he may fall here today.

So Ruoning fixed her attention firmly on Sha Lan, and would never let her hinder Queen Keisha.

Seeing this, although Sha Lan was anxious, she did not dare to blindly jump into the wormhole. If Ruoning caught her, she would not only be unable to save the Queen, but would take advantage of her precious combat power.

On the other side, Morgana was struggling to resist the two silver wings. It was too late when she found Xingming approaching at a high speed, so she had to deflect her body and narrowly avoided the rotating cutting blade of Xingming. front.

As soon as Xingming passed Morgana, he immediately turned back, which meant that he would not cut it in half and vowed not to give up.

Seeing this, Kesha shook her head slightly and stopped the cutting movement of the two silver wings beside her. She just looked at Morgana like this, dodging the cutting of Star Life in embarrassment, and soon her body was covered with colors.

At this moment, in the throne hall of the flagship of the Tianren, He Xi rubbed his clean chin, his blue eyes didn't have a trace of divine light, and he was obviously wandering away.

However, the slight smile on the corner of her mouth tells others that she is in a good mood now.

At this moment on the battlefield, Morgana kept yelling some rude words, it seemed that only in this way could relieve her nervous heart at the moment.

The fallen angels and high-ranking demons who were originally watching the battle from the back of the battlefield saw that their queen was at an absolute disadvantage, and rushed towards Kesha's direction.

Seeing this, the high-ranking angel guards floating behind Keisha also attacked to meet the enemy. Yan and Leng were also among them. Some of the guards were older and enthusiastically reminded them in the communication.

"Don't be impulsive for a while, remember not to go deep alone, the other party is just like us, pay attention to cooperate with each other."

After saying this, the high-ranking angel guard speeded up and caught up with his companions. Yan and Leng also got closer to each other to take care of each other.

And not long after the guardian angel left Kaisa, a figure suddenly appeared in the empty void, right next to Kaisa's throne, and the silver rapier fluttered from its black wings like a deadly poisonous snake. Bite towards Keisha's face.

But it was a pity that a silver blade emerged from the void and blocked Kaisha's face, and the ripples visible to the naked eye expanded when the two collided.

"Yun Lan, you are good at concealment skills, but do you think I will forget you?"

Keisha still looked in Morgana's direction without even shifting her gaze.

"I didn't expect Queen Kesha to still remember me after so many years."

While Yun Lan was speaking, she turned over and flew backwards. Along the way, silver blades almost cut past her body.

Seemingly finding it useless to simply cut with the silver blade, one of the silver wings suddenly turned the tip of the blade and rushed towards Yun Lan who was constantly being forced to stay away.

Seeing the huge silver wing stabbing Yun Lan, she could only hold the weapon across her body against the edge of the silver wing. As the two collided, terrifying pressure came from the weapon.

The sharp-eyed Yun Lan even found that there was a crack on her saber, and the next moment the saber in her hand touched the silver wing, it suddenly broke apart.

Yun Lan hurriedly dodged sideways, but the silver wing that was already close was something she could dodge if she wanted to. The huge silver wing directly cut past her left forearm.

Yun Lan gritted her teeth and backed away even more quickly, not daring to stop at all, until she was two kilometers away from Keisha, then she stopped and twisted into a ball in pain.

Her left arm had disappeared, and she was quietly floating hundreds of meters away from Keisha, and Silver Wing did not continue to chase, but slowly retreated to Keisha's side.

Just when Yun Lan breathed a sigh of relief, an anxious cry from Morgana rang through the communication.


Yun Lan was startled and just turned around, a silver streamer suddenly struck and passed directly through her chest and abdomen, and Yun Lan froze in the middle of turning around.

Morgana gritted her teeth, clenched her fists tightly and her eyes were full of anger, but she could only watch helplessly.

Yun Lan slightly lowered her head to look at the wound that traversed the entire chest and abdomen, continuously oozing out energy particles, and could only feel the strength in her body draining away rapidly.

Her super genes are working hard to heal the wound, but the two completely separated upper and lower bodies can no longer be reunited.

'That's fine...the queen is sorry...I can't be with you anymore...'

Yun Lan closed her eyes, and as the energy particles leaked from the wound continued to increase, her entire body began to transform into energy particles.

Sha Lan and Ruoning's fierce pursuit of each other also temporarily came to an end, looking at Yun Lan's direction, Sha Lan felt a kind of sadness again.

"This is already the second time. The second life I finally obtained ended in this way again. What's the point of going on like this?"

The voice of Sha Lan talking to herself reached Ruoning's ears, and she didn't deny it.

"No matter how many times you reincarnate, you will eventually die. This is the end of your betrayal of Queen Keisha."

(End of this chapter)

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