Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 802, Solar Flares

Chapter 802, Solar Flares

Pan Zhen's complexion quickly returned to normal, and Sun Wukong saw that Pan Zhen didn't speak but hit the snake with the stick instead, and spoke more vigorously.

"Look, you have nothing to say to yourself."

"Lieyang Tiandao really can't control demons and angels, but it can control you."

Pan Zhen raised the long lance in his hand, pointed at Monkey King and said in a deep voice.

"At the end of the day, isn't it better to have bigger fists than anyone else?

Then you are still yelling about the way of heaven, the way of heaven, and you don't feel ashamed. "

Sun Wukong also raised his weapon on guard. Pan Zhen felt a little different to him. After Sun Wukong turned on the dark energy analysis function of his eyes, Pan Zhen he saw was like a big burning fireball, and the light Very dazzling.

"If you don't believe that I can control you, just try it."

Pan Zhen's words were very strong, and orange-red energy glowed all over his body. Seeing this, the soldiers of the Lieyang Army retreated further, and soon there were only Monkey King and Pan Zhen left in the wide square in front of the Yunxiao Hall. The two stand opposite each other.

"Then my old grandson will try it out today, your so-called way of heaven can't be beaten!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he made a vertical leap and smashed the dark alloy rods in the hands of dozens of clones towards Pan Zhen, like a dark cloud overwhelming the top.

Pan Zhen saw that the orange-red energy glow in and around his eyes suddenly became blazing, and the next moment it transformed into a devastating energy storm and swept away towards the surroundings.

Sun Wukong was also sent back backwards by this energy storm, and the rest of the clones were no exception.

At this time, Pan Zhen cut open the energy storm with a long lance in his hand, and pointed at the sky. Before Monkey King could figure out what happened, the sky darkened, and a beam of energy compressed into a beam suddenly fell from the sky and exploded.

A wave of fiery air swept across the surroundings, ravaging the square in front of the Yunxiao Palace, and Monkey King fell to the ground and rolled several times under the impact of the energy of the explosion.

Several clones close to the center of the explosion were blown into pieces, disappearing into energy particles, and Sun Wukong also lost these clones permanently.

"Look, this is the power of heaven? Your proud avatar is a joke in front of the power of the sun.

And you are about to become one of the many violators judged under the Dao of Heaven. "

Pan Zhen said in a deep voice, his tone was neither complacent nor joyful, as if all this should be like this.

"Isn't it just destroying a few clones of my old grandson? You think I will care, and besides, my grandson still has dozens of clones like this, can you destroy them all!"

While Monkey King was speaking, the whole person had come to Pan Zhen's side, and the dark alloy rod in his hand was smashed out with golden energy flames.

There was a loud bang, and a circle of golden energy impact spread to the surroundings. The long lance blade with a faint energy glow in Pan Zhen's hand resisted the dark alloy rod that hit him, and a crack spread from the middle of the two to the squares on both sides. At the end, it seemed that the square was split in two.

Pan Zhen shook the long lance in his hand hard, and Monkey King turned over and landed on the ground tens of meters away. With the weapon in his hand, he pointed at Pan Zhen, and several avatars rushed over the deity.

The long lance turned around slightly, and Pan Zhen switched to holding it with his left hand. He raised his right hand, and the surging energy condensed into sun-like energy spheres and shot out fiercely in his palm.

Sun Wukong's avatar possessed autonomous intelligence and scattered to dodge, but one avatar was a little slower to hide, was hit by the energy sphere, and was blown to pieces on the spot.

But Sun Wukong suddenly broke through the fire waves that hadn't dissipated in the air, rushed to Pan Zhen and swung the weapon in his hand horizontally.

This time Pan Zhen didn't take a back and dodge, the long lance in his hand was like a dragon jumping out, the sharp tip of the lance slipped over the body of the dark alloy rod and sank into Monkey King's wide-open chest.

But the next moment, Pan Zhen's chest was hit hard by Monkey King's avatar, and his whole body turned into a cannonball and flew upside down for hundreds of meters. Then he turned over and landed on the ground. After standing upright, he bounced his chest lightly. First.

Sun Wukong half-kneeled on the ground, a faint golden light was emerging from a gap in the armor on his chest, and his eyes were fixed on Pan Zhen.

Sun Wukong was wounded for the first time since his fight with Lie Yang. A fiery high-temperature energy boiled at the wound on his chest, as if to burn him into ashes.

"It seems that you are not the so-called indestructible, the spear in my hand is the crystallization of Lie Yang's god-killing technology.

As long as Lie Yang thinks about such weapons, he can easily create hundreds or even thousands of them.

But you have only one, how do you say you want to break the way of heaven, how can you disobey Him? "

While Pan Zhen was speaking, the engravings on the long lance in his hand, which looked like words, seemed to come alive, revealing a dazzling firelight. The sun above his head also dimmed at this time, and the sky became extremely oppressive.

After a second or two, Sun Wukong finally dispelled the alien invasion energy in the wound, stood up again, and was not afraid that the weapon in the opponent's hand could hurt him.

"With that broken gun in your hand, it's still a few hundred years away from killing my old grandson!

Come on with me and tear him down! "

With Monkey King's order, the remaining dozens of avatars rushed towards Pan Zhen at the same time, and the weapons in their hands were slashed, smashed, or swept from all directions at the same time.


Pan Zhen didn't even move his feet, and pointed at the many avatars of Monkey King attacking in front of him with the long lance in his hand, and whispered four words.

"Solar flare."

As Pan Zhen's voice fell from the sky, a dazzling glow with a diameter of tens of meters descended, like a beam of light reaching the sky, showing a color like a raging fire, covering a large area in front of Pan Zhen.

The soldiers of the Lieyang Army who were watching the battle from a distance turned their eyes away to avoid hurting their eyes by the strong light. The only Lieyang generals, Yuanli and Xuankun who could look directly at them were shocked by General Pan Zhen's generosity.

Solar flare bombing!
This is one of Lieyang's trump cards to deter hostile civilizations, and it is one of the few destructive methods that can control the power of Lieyang's star-driven technology.

A few seconds later, the energy from the flare bombing was exhausted, almost all of Sun Wukong's avatars were melted into ashes by the extremely high temperature, and the remaining few who were physically incomplete were also dissipating into energy particles.

However, because of Pan Zhen's flare bombardment, the square of Cloud Firmament Hall was burnt and melted into a large hole with a diameter of [-] meters.

Sun Wukong didn't charge with his avatar, and naturally he was not within the coverage of the flare bombing. Looking at the big hole, Sun Wukong felt in his heart that Yunxiaotianting might be the end of his life.

But when Pan Zhen wanted to kill himself, he was still a little short of the level of attack just now. Since the opponent had no intention of retreating, he should fight until the opponent did.

Having determined his goal and strengthened his mind, Sun Wukong, who has put life and death aside, has unprecedented peace of mind.

Then came an unprecedented bloom, and the surging dark energy began to boil on Sun Wukong's body, like a golden flame constantly burning.

The terrifying dark energy tide even affected the surrounding environment, and Yunxiao Tianting trembled slightly under the influence of this energy.

Seeing this, Pan Zhen's expression also changed slightly. He knew that Sun Wukong was desperately trying his best, but as the regent of Lie Yang, and even a general who had fought in the battlefield, Pan Zhen was not a softie, and the same energy output was fully activated. Don't fall behind.

For a while, the sky was full of wind and clouds, whether it was Pan Zhen or Sun Wukong, the god of battle who was at the top of the known universe for a short time, and wantonly radiating his own energy without regard to the surrounding environment would cause extreme terror to the surface of the planet. destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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