Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 806, Deno's Choice

Chapter 806, Deno's Choice
"Your point of view is quite novel, since you insist on this, then the matter of Shenzhou becoming an angel-affiliated civilization should be invalidated.

But Shenzhou must join the justice and order. This matter is not negotiable. There is no free lunch in the world. Since you enjoy the reputation and protection of angels, you have to pay a certain price. "

Sun Wukong thought for a while, and finally chose to keep his mouth shut. Justice and order, Sun Wukong heard Ducao say that the civilizations he joins are relatively free and have no restrictions, but they need to have the same ethical and moral concepts as angels, that is, the concept of justice.

"Okay, after talking about the things in Shenzhou, it's your turn to Deno adherents.

Ducao, you are called by this name now, right? Do you have anything to say about what happened in Shenzhou? "

For Dukao Binghua, who is not familiar with him, he is not very friendly, and his attitude is very ordinary.

"Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword King, this time De Nuo escaped unharmed thanks to your protection, and we De Nuo cannot shirk our responsibility for bringing Lie Yang here.

We are willing to use the next time to spare no effort to help the Chinese civilization gain a firm foothold in the Milky Way. "

Binghua just smiled when he heard the words, and didn't say anything. Seeing this, Ducao knew that the attitude of the survivors of De Nuo was not enough to get the protection of the Heavenly Sword King, so he said cruelly.

"We De Nuo are willing to use the power of the galaxy, Nuoxing God of War and all the super gene seeds mastered by De Nuo to cultivate China's own super fighters.

I just hope that in the future, Lord Shenzhou and Heavenly Sword King can help us Deno to rebuild our homeland. "

Ducao simply studs all the chips in his hand, just in exchange for an illusory opportunity in the future.

Hearing this, Binghua couldn't help feeling a little surprised at Dukao Guojue. This is a big deal. The super gene seeds of the two anti-void god-making projects said they didn't want it, and they didn't want it, and they got the help of the future Shenzhou.

In fact, Ducao’s doing this is also a helpless choice when there is no other way out. Now it is known that the universe can help them rebuild their homeland, and it is not important to the information and gene seeds of the anti-void god-making project.

For example, angels with excellent reputation have their own god-making engineering system, and they will not establish an anti-void god-making project. They will only learn from some of the technologies and advantages and integrate them into their own system.

Other civilizations are either afraid of Lie Yang's reaction, or they are seeking skins from tigers, and in the end, let alone rebuild De Nuo, there will be no scum left if they are not eaten, and they are considered compassionate.

There is another most important reason. God-making technology is constantly being updated and improved. In this conflict between Lieyang and Shenzhou, Lieyang has already shown signs of understanding the sun's light god-making engineering technology, and has begun to use the exclusive The star drive technology of the sun's light is installed on the ordinary blazing sun body.

The powerful strength shown by Angel Leng and Sun Wukong has already shown that the power of the galaxy and the technical advantages of Nuoxing God of War are being surpassed. Ducao is afraid that when Deno spends a long time and finally waits for the opportunity to rebuild Deno, Deno once The proud anti-void god-making project has fallen behind the entire era.

It's a bit unrealistic to exchange gene seeds and technical data for the angel's strong support, because this will make the angel have an enemy of advanced god-making civilization, at most in exchange for the angel's protection, so Lie Yang can barely accept it.

That's why Ducao put his chips on Shenzhou, a civilization that is still in the pre-nuclear era, because the future of Shenzhou is limitless, with the protection of Sun Wukong, a great god who can stand up to Pan Zhen, and behind him is the thigh of Heavenly Sword King. , It's like a crazy start, Ducao can't think of a safer place than here.

How can Binghua fail to see Dukao's plan, but he does not necessarily have to refuse, it is better to say that it is beneficial to both parties.

Sun Wukong also rarely said anything because De Nuo violated his warning not to intervene in the development of Shenzhou civilization. After the battle with Lieyang, he also knew that a super soldier is a good thing. If they are strong, no one will bully them.

After everything was settled, Binghua didn't plan to stay in Shenzhou for a long time, and planned to go to the moon, where there was still a sister of hers waiting to meet.

"I thought you were planning to go back to the world of justice directly. In that case, I won't tell you the news."

Hexi sat on a steep slope, folded his hands and fingers on the knee of his raised leg, and said jokingly as he watched Binghua's projection fly over.

"Sister Hexi, you are just joking, how could I forget that you are still waiting here for my arrival."

"Stop being silly, come and sit here."

He Xi gave Binghua a white look, and patted the steep slope next to him, Binghua also walked over to do it without any hesitation.

"He Zhui is planning to leave the Heavenly Court of Merlot, and your former assistant officer Jing Nan, I recommend them to go to your side, don't treat them badly."

"How has Jingnan been doing these years?"

Binghua is familiar with this name, but she has not been in touch with the other party for thousands of years, and to be honest she has that.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to feel embarrassed. Don't worry, she has lived a fulfilling life as my assistant officer and assistant these years. She is already a very qualified scientific research officer, but he has always had a knot in his heart." Not untied."

When Hexi was talking, he still looked at Binghua with a kind of staring eyes, very disdainful.

Binghua was baffled by Hexi but still asked: "What knot?"

"Of course, when a certain irresponsible former holy left wing left Tiancheng, he didn't take her with him, thinking he was abandoned.

Do you think this is a jerk or a scumbag? "

Binghua laughed dryly, unable to speak, completely lost the demeanor of the previous Heavenly Sword King.

Seeing Binghua like this, Hexi felt that his bad taste was greatly satisfied, so he didn't plan to continue, but Binghua said seriously:
"I will find an opportunity to apologize to her. I was also confused when I left the Heavenly Court of Melo and didn't know what to do.

When I found my next target, I didn't want my former subordinates to be involved in this endless vortex of war again, but obviously I was wrong.

Dang Ran did not hesitate to cross the barriers of the known universe to come to the unknown and dangerous chaotic sea of ​​stars, but also to find me. After following me, I already understood that I was wrong. "

Hexi looked at Binghua in surprise, never thought that she would admit that she did something wrong so easily, if only Kaisha could do the same.

"Okay, let's not talk about this sad topic. I have some news to tell you that there has been a small breakthrough in the research on the void and the fourth-generation divine body."

(End of this chapter)

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