Chapter 816, Ontology

Seeing this, 101 retreated slightly. She had already fully realized the sharpness of these gadgets. Cutting up her body was just like playing with it. However, as a civilization suppressing weapon made with ice as a template, of course, it was equipped with a defensive weapon that fit the identity.

As 101 stepped back to open the distance from Binghua, four palm-sized flying devices suddenly appeared in the space around her, and simultaneously unfolded and pulled up a transparent square curtain in front of her, covering the incoming The silver feathers were all taken in, and then the curtain quickly disappeared.

Binghua felt the silver feathers who were disconnected from him, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, carelessly, it turned out to be a defensive method similar to space exile, and then he couldn't throw weapons at will, otherwise there would be no return.

Although it hurts, Binghua is not too angry, but the stronger 101 is, the more curious she is about where her limits are. When the Eternal Ascendant uses her as a template to create new weapons, Binghua is also learning from them at the same time. technology to improve itself and the technology of the just world.

After successfully defending against Binghua's offensive, 101 chose to counterattack directly, directly calculating the surrounding space data, and the miniature space rift generator suspended around him interacted to create two crescent-shaped space rifts several meters long. out.

Although I know that the Eternal Ascendant's technology is not weak, but the ability to easily create miniature space rifts still surprised Binghua, but this form of attack may be very difficult for those who generally do not understand space technology, because of the phenomenon of space dislocation It can cut most of the known substances into several pieces, and it is impossible to defend.

But 101 played this kind of method in front of Binghua, it was a bit tricky, Binghua directly pulled out his space medium disrupting sword from the arsenal, and swung a fan-shaped energy shock wave forward.

Whether it is the space rift cut or the space dislocation created by the space generator suspended around 101 becomes unstable at the same time, 101 wants to continue to maintain it, but the next moment, no matter whether it is the space rift or other things, it will stay where it is. Disintegration disappeared.

Not waiting for 101 to make other moves, a giant thunder and lightning that dyed the surrounding space with a touch of faint blue struck over, with a bang, the ground splashed with mud, 101 was directly blasted out, and his body was shot with lightning.

But the energy absorption is simply turned on, except for being a little embarrassed by the impact of the thunder explosion, all the lightning on 101's body has been transformed into her own energy.

Not far away, Binghua was a little dissatisfied when he saw that his thunderbolt did not achieve any effect. He raised his hand again, surrounded by thunder, and at the same time, the sky became dark visible to the naked eye. Thunderclouds should not have appeared in the first place. In the sky of the barren planet, several thunderclouds covering nearly a hundred kilometers appeared abruptly under the interference of the glacier.

Of course, Binghua did not rely on her own strength to do this. She alone could not affect such a large area in such a short period of time. Instead, she did it with the help of the Thunder Sword that walked above the sky in advance.

101, which keeps flying forward and away from the glacier, feels that its situation is not good. The positive and negative charges in the space above are abnormally active. Under the intervention of unknown means, they are colliding violently, which triggers one of the most destructive forces in nature. A thunder and lightning.

And almost when 101 discovered this, the thunderclouds in the sky also began to show their power, and thick pillars of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, like silver roots winding down from the nine heavens, rooted in the sky. Above the earth, the earth cracked for a moment, the space trembled, and the power was extremely astonishing.

A few minutes later, the thunder in the sky stopped. Binghua looked at the devastated land, searching for the trace of 101. She had a premonition that the other party would not be easily destroyed. The power of nature is very powerful, but it has its limit after all.

For the level of God of War, unless the power of nature can be concentrated at one point, it is impossible to cause fatal damage to it. Although the opponent is not a god, the strength of the body is obviously not weak after the short contact before. .

Sure enough, 101 rushed out from a mountain peak that was shattered by thunder, but it was obvious that the thunder bombing this time exceeded her upper limit, and the cloak behind the angel king's armor, which was similar to Binghua's style, became tattered. There are also a few scorched marks on the chest and abdomen.

At the same time, the skin on 101's face and other parts of his body that were not protected by armor showed signs of scorched carbonization, and there were a few places that directly exposed the inner silver metal material, which made Binghua frown, imitating himself, imitating, But it is obvious that the Eternal Sublimator is a bit careless about the technical research on the appearance.

'The body is full of energy, and all parts are slightly damaged'

'Space exile needs to re-analyze the space due to unknown interference'

'According to calculation and analysis, all conventional weapons currently equipped on this machine cannot cause any damage to the individual code-named Angel King'

101 didn't know what to do next after getting the above results, and finally she calculated a plan again.

'Calculate the probability of a successful retreat. During the calculation, the result has been obtained. Because of the unknown space interference means, the success rate of retreat is 30.00%. '

'Add the suppression form of celestial civilization to the retreat condition'

101 added a new condition to the retreat plan, and the success rate of the retreat this time increased by nearly [-]%.

Binghua in the air saw that 101 below hadn't moved, so he swooped towards the opponent with a dive, and Wang Jian's seven kills were covered with a layer of silver-white dark energy, and Wang Jian's dark energy cutting mode was activated.

The 101 below was indifferent to Binghua's behavior, but quickly connected to the dimensional space he carried, connected to his real body, the celestial-level civilization suppression weapon Type 01.

Binghua didn't know about this, and after piercing through a layer of energy film like a shield in his hand, Wang Jian easily pierced through his counterfeit chest.

Seeing the existence in front of him who didn't resist and had the same face as himself, Binghua felt extremely boring, because the other party obviously had wisdom and personality, but he acted like a puppet in front of him.

This made Binghua, who hadn't been moved by anything for a long time, feel a feeling that he couldn't vent his emotions, and the culprit was the guy in front of him, who completely frustrated Binghua's sense of expectation.

"I thought I could have a good fight with you, but I didn't expect you to learn this as a counterfeit."

Binghua pulled out her own king sword, intending to take 101's body back for research, but suddenly the surrounding space became unstable, and the shadow of an extremely huge unknown existence appeared and disappeared in the space behind 101.

(End of this chapter)

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