Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 825, report the situation

Chapter 825, report the situation

Just as the Rommelites were discussing whether to transfer the corpse of the god to a temple in a nearby city, there was a commotion at the guards guarding the corpse of the patron saint. Seeing this, the officer walked over quickly, and also froze on the spot, because The corpse of the god is glowing.

The faint golden glow rippling on the body surface of Angel Chase like running water, the wound pierced by Snow's weapon began to shrink little by little until it disappeared without a trace, and the destroyed super gene was also affected by the sub-biological energy Restore, and self-replicate to fill the part that was annihilated by the god-killing energy.

A few minutes later, Angel Chase, who was lying on the ground, opened her eyes and sat up in shock. The Romers around the tent sat on the ground in shock, but Angel Chase's current attention was on herself. She moved her fingers first, After touching the wound on his abdomen that had disappeared, he was convinced that he was really alive.

However, Angel Chase soon noticed the tent above his head and some Romer people who were kneeling outside the tent and dared not look at him. He immediately understood what they were thinking, stood up dumbfounded, and said softly to them :

"Get up quickly, I don't need your kneeling."

Seeing Rommel's dawdling, Angel Chase couldn't help but increase his tone:

"If you don't get up, can I understand your blasphemy against justice?"

The Romer people, who were still dawdling before hearing the words, immediately got up from the ground. Blasphemy of justice is a felony that will be judged by God, and civilian soldiers like them dare not commit it.

"That's right. Kneeling is a desecration of the dignity of intelligent life. Remember not to kneel when you see angels in the future.

And thank you for pitching the tent for me when I was asleep, and now I am awake and going back to heaven.

And you don’t have to worry anymore, the man-eating demon that was raging here has been judged by me. If there are similar demons in the future, please pray to our angels in your temple, and we will come to help you banish evil. "

After talking about Angel Chase, she spread her angelic wings to leave the ground and climbed towards the sky. This is not the first time Angel Chase has encountered such a thing. In the beginning, she would talk to mortals, but the difference in status brought about the difference between the two. There is an insurmountable gap between people, and mortals are always very uncomfortable in front of her. Over time, Angel Chase avoids too much contact with mortals.

Not long after Angel Chase left Romer Civilization, he met sisters who came to support him from the Heavenly Court of Melo. However, Chase did not tell them that he had already died once, but explained to them that he was lost in Rome. The person who put Merle into the beast body demon needs to return to the Merlot Heavenly Court to report the matter to the queen.

The supporting sisters undoubtedly had him and Angel Chase go to the nearest star gate and return to Heaven together. It wasn’t that Angel Chase didn’t want to share information about the sub-biological engine with these sisters, but Chase felt that it was a bit sensitive, and whether it was the Queen Neither the Holy Right Wing nor the Holy Right announced this news in Heavenly Court, so Angel Chase chose to conceal it.

"It seems that some civilizations have recently begun to move around, launching immature super genetic warriors, with the intention of just a few, and the known universe is capable of conducting such experiments, and not many have the courage.

Chase, thank you for your hard work this time. As for the existence of killing you in Romer civilization, Melo Heaven will investigate. Dare to attack angels within the scope of justice and order. This is already a provocation to our angel civilization. Can't be tolerated. "

Kesha replied to the report of Angel Chase, and at the same time, she was thinking about which civilizations have such abilities. First of all, Kaisha ruled out the demon civilization. When the other party does this kind of thing, they never hide their heads and show their tails. , and those god-making civilizations that have always had some gaps with angels.

However, they have not lived a very satisfactory life under the deliberate exclusion of the angels these years, and they should not jump out at this juncture to die.

Then it might be Karl's handwriting. What is the purpose?
Keisha began to speculate, and used the exhaustive method to list each possibility, and finally ruled them out one by one, and finally came to several possible conclusions.

'Carl, do you already want to do something to the angel?But even if you have thoroughly studied Angel's battle statistics, so what. '

In the end, Keisha felt that this was the most likely. As for the research on Angel’s super gene, it’s not that Keisha looked down on Karl. The time unit needs to be millennia.

On the other hand, there is a certain difference between the super genes of angels and the super genes of the Kamigawa system, and there is nothing special about them. Kesha can't think of the significance of Carl's research on angel super genes, because it can't improve him in this aspect. Technology.

Moreover, the so-called super genetic technology Kaisha does not believe that Karl has no information on the anti-void god-making project, but whether he can be cultivated is a question. There are two aspects that restrict the development of god-making civilization. One is of course technology, and the other is naturally resources. The amount of the two, one determines the upper limit, and the other determines the lower limit.

As far as the place in the Styx galaxy is concerned, it’s not that Kesha underestimated Karl, even if Karl was allowed to develop for another 1 years, he would not even think about creating ten first-generation gods, and there are more than ten first-generation gods. Not to mention a high-ranking angel with the size of a legion.

The reason why Keisha didn't rush into the Styx was to make a drastic move on Karl. On the one hand, she was afraid of Karl's void technology. The universe will cause great chaos, and the justice and order of angels will also be greatly impacted.

In addition, the existence of Karl has not posed a substantial threat to the angelic civilization for the time being. Angels can use their own influence to suppress the spread of the influence of his Death Song Academy, and buy time for the research and development of sub-biological technology of their own civilization.

Although Keisha knows that he will become a big problem sooner or later, but if there is no all-out war, Keisha is still unwilling to fight for all-out war, because this is not a fight for survival, and even if he wins, the gains will be limited, and even if the angelic civilization wins, it will not be enough. Fading is inevitable.

Because Keisha knows without thinking, as long as the angels cannot win the victory with a destructive force, those civilizations suppressed by the angels will take the opportunity to expand their chassis and dismember justice and order.

If the angels are unable to maintain their own order in the future, the scope of justice and order will definitely be pushed back to the Angel Nebula by those civilizations, and they can only entertain themselves in their own one-acre three-point land.

The reason why it is so peaceful now is nothing more than that no civilization is willing to be the first bird, because it is not known whether the first one to jump out can disturb the situation of the known universe, but it will definitely be crushed to death by the angel in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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