Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 831, serious crime

Chapter 831, serious crime

"Have you provoked our angels to believe that you know it in your heart? Don't forget that our angels have eyes of insight. Any so-called secrets of yours can't be hidden in our eyes."

Angel Xi's indifferent words made the person in charge of the beautiful home excited. They are not good people. If they follow Angel's concept of justice, they will be subjected to so-called trials, but he still didn't order his subordinates to do anything. He said a few words, but was interrupted directly by Angel Xi.

"You dare to capture the civilized residents of justice and order, this is an unforgivable crime, accept the trial!"

Immediately, a blazing slash of nearly ten meters fell from the air, and exploded with a bang. The raging energy flames immediately engulfed the entire hall, and the security personnel holding weapons were washed away by the flames on the spot, turning into nothingness .

Such a huge movement naturally alarmed the controller behind the trading street, and small floating ships began to rush towards the incident.

However, when they arrived, the flames of the beautiful home had already spread, and buildings tens of meters high had collapsed in several places, and spectators were standing hundreds of meters away. The reason for this was that Because the forces that attacked the beautiful home had no intention of affecting the innocent, otherwise they, the people who eat melons, would have run away long ago.

At this moment, Angel Xi was rescuing the women who were imprisoned in the underground prison, and brought them outside one by one, and did not stop her actions because of the floating ship coming overhead.

"Please put down your weapons and surrender immediately. You have violated the rules here. If you don't give up resistance, we will open fire directly!"

The airships in the sky began to shout. The reason for this is that they have already seen that the forces attacking the beautiful home are not easy to mess with. Otherwise, they would have done it long ago, and there would still be moaning and stopping in the sky.

"It was you who violated the law of justice and order first. My angel Xi hereby declares that we angels will never tolerate any existence that dares to take action against justice and order."

Angel Xi incited his angel wings to rise into the air, which shocked everyone present, including the security forces of several trading street floating ships in the same sky as him.

After knowing that it was an angel who caused the trouble, the security forces on the trading street were caught in a dilemma. They didn't know whether they should take down the opponent according to the rules, but soon the captain of the security force who was on duty this time didn't want to think about it. Leave it to the people above to have a headache.

So after reporting layer by layer, this matter was put in front of the big boss behind the scenes on the trading street. The first time I saw this problem, I felt my head was a little big, and I kept persuading myself in my heart. calm.

"Boss, tell me whether we want to do it or not. If we don't do it, we will lose our dignity, and we won't be able to control the situation in the future!"

"Fuck me, one angel is enough for us, but this time there are six of them here, all of them are high-ranking angels, let's beat them with our heads!

Give me the shuttle ship ready to go to the surface, I want to talk to the angels in person, otherwise the entire Trading Street will be annihilated. "

Soon a shuttle ship flew out of the small star port on Trading Street, and quickly rushed towards the surface. In the ship, the big boss was checking the reason for this conflict with the angel. When he saw that there was a When he was a just, orderly and civilized resident, he was simply speechless to the person in charge of the good home.

As the owner of Trading Street, he certainly knows what Good House does. When the angel arrived here, he reminded the other party to restrain themselves and not hit the angel's gun. There is no sand in the eyes of those women.

I didn't expect the other party to be entangled by the angel, but judging from the current developments, there should be something to talk about, otherwise the angel should be on the small Xinggang, but in my heart, this person who single-handedly developed the trading street The boss has already made a decision in his heart, and this incident may also be an opportunity to hook up with Angel.


"I'm sorry this time it's all due to our lack of supervision on the trading street. I'll have my subordinates conduct a thorough investigation to see if there are any other residents of justice and order living here.

I wonder if you have any suggestions on how to deal with this matter, Your Excellency Angel? "

The boss of Trading Street had already made plans on the road just now, but after seeing Angel Wen and the four angels with unfriendly faces behind her, his heart still slowed down a bit. He is the big boss here, and he has the will to kill many people. Right, but angels are worshiped as gods in various civilizations. When they put on a straight face, the invisible pressure filled the room with an extremely depressing atmosphere.

So the big boss also gave up the initial wrangling and the idea of ​​shirking responsibility, directly admitted that their supervision was not good, and directly handed over the initiative of the negotiation to Angel Wen.

"You are very sensible. We didn't come here to trouble you. If a scum like you was within the scope of justice and order, it would have been the target of our angel warriors and died under our swords.

But this is not the coverage of justice and order. Punishment of criminals like you is the responsibility of the Poke Nebula civilization. We angels will not overstep our power, but this time the incident is different. It is your people who took the lead in attacking one of my soldiers.

Naturally, my soldier would not swallow his anger, and as a result, as you know, she found the residents of justice and order who were kidnapped by star thieves in that beautiful home.

Then the nature of this incident is different. This is a major crime that provokes justice and order. The last civilization that did this has already perished under the pressure of the sky blade. "

Angel Wen's words didn't have any threatening meaning, but the big boss of the trading street was already in a cold sweat. Ordinary civilians in this universe may not feel it, but the higher you climb, the more you know, the more you will feel about this universe. awe.

Coercing the entire universe, angels who call themselves order maintainers, spread chaos, demons who want to establish a fallen kingdom of freedom, the mysterious and unpredictable Styx, the blazing sun that has the power to transport stars, and many other powerful creations. All god civilizations are able to look down on the existence of the surrounding stars.

But there are a few of them that you must never provoke. The angels are the first ones, because provoking other civilizations, as long as you hide in the sphere of influence of another god-making civilization, the other party may take into account the conflict between civilizations, and will not Hands-on with great fanfare.

But the angels have proved that as long as they have reasonable reasons, almost any civilization will sell them a face, and when the time comes, any resistance will be reduced to ashes.

It couldn't help that he didn't feel awe and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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