Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 833, mortals who deceive God

Chapter 833, mortals who deceive God

And soon the trading street introduced new rules, besides no fighting and killing people in the street, there are many other rules, even including robbery and rape, for a while the mercenaries and star thieves here thought that I suddenly came to a certain civilized city, but this did not cause much backlash.

Because most of the people who come here are wanted criminals and people with shady identities, and they can’t go to some civilized cities on the surface, otherwise, who would come to this broken place, and this place has only changed from a simple order to an orderly order, yes They're here to relax and not have much impact.

However, this change is very unfriendly to some low-level gangs and scum, because it means that some of their income will change from legal to illegal, and they will be brutally suppressed by Trading Street, maybe And you will lose your life.

This practice of abandoning some small profits to rectify the atmosphere really changed Angel Wen's view of the boss of Trading Street, at least it doesn't look so bad.

Of course, many vested interests were offended by the rectification of Trading Street, but under the tough tactics of the boss and the possible platform of the angel, no one dared to stand up to oppose it, which greatly increased the prestige of the boss within the power.

On the other side, Angel Xi, who personally watched the placement of those poor women in Trading Street, also returned to the hotel. Facing the sister who provoked the rectification of Trading Street, Angel Wen didn't blame her, but put the black god company behind the beautiful home The information is roughly described.

Angel Xi heard the words and was about to set off to solve this notorious star thief gang, but was stopped by Angel Wen's words.

"Don't worry, this group of star thieves not only plundered the civilization of justice and order, but also attacked many businesses and resource transportation fleets of Hayden civilization. After I talk to them, you can deal with them.

We can't do good deeds, but let the Lord be kept in the dark, isn't it? "

Angel Wen is not like these young angels, who can't wait to rush forward when they hear evil. She is not so flattering, and she does good things without asking for anything in return. As long as this matter works a little bit, it will be a win-win outcome, maybe Angel can reach a good cooperative relationship with Hayden civilization in this regard, so as to gain an extra eyeliner in the Parker Nebula.

Although Angel Xi felt that there was no need to inform Hayden Wenming, since Sister Wen said so, she could only resist the impulse in her heart and wait for a while.

However, during this period of time, Angel Xi still has one more thing to do, and that is to find Rand, that is, the boy who had a meal with her. It is not difficult to find him relying on the relationship on the trading street.

The waste dumping area of ​​Trading Street, where Angel Xi found the other party, he was wearing a worn-out protective clothing, rummaging for some useful scrap parts here, after simple processing, he sold them to the weapon repair shop in Trading Street, or resources recycler.

"Sister, I didn't expect you to come to me so soon, how about another place?"

Although it was a question sentence, Rand mentioned his harvest and walked out of the waste area. Angel Xi silently followed behind the other party. This scene attracted many people, because this pair was too strange. The visible scavenger imp, the other one is an angel with a pretty face and wearing clean armor.

"I'm sorry, Sister Angel, I have a limited environment here, so you can make do with it."

Rand lifted the mended curtains in his living room, went in and wiped the only metal table and two stools in the small room. Angel Xi didn't mind, and sat on one of the stools, without saying anything. With blue eyes, he stared at Rand who was also sitting opposite him.

"Sister, you will come to me, I guess you should know the cause of this matter, yes, sister, you will be targeted by the beautiful family, I provoked it.

It is said that angels can see through the minds of mortals. It seems that my cleverness cannot deceive God's eyes after all. "

Hearing the words, Angel Xi confirmed a certain doubt in her heart, that is why the beautiful family dared to take her as a target, and the reason why she came to see Rand was just to get an answer, not to settle accounts with the other party, as Angel she is not so stingy.

"Why did you provoke this matter? Are you not afraid that I will kill you after being exposed?"

Rand smiled indifferently when he heard the words, he didn't look like a teenager at all, but after laughing, Rand regained his composure.

"Don't be afraid, what is there to miss in this hell-like world? If you are found out, you will die, as a god, you will not torture me, a mortal, with evil intentions, right?"

"Angels will not do such things. We fight for justice, we will never tolerate evil, and we will never point our weapons at innocent mortals."

Angel Xi said seriously:

"You are really as great as the legends say. If only you could have come here a few years earlier, or I was born in a civilization of justice, order and civilization."

When Rand said this, he looked a little regretful. In his eyes, this beautiful and unusually beautiful angelic sister seemed to be covered with a touch of divine light, but as he blinked, the light disappeared without a trace. Without a trace, it seems to be his own hallucination.

"My elder sister was robbed and sold here by the star bandits, but because she is good-looking, she is a little worse than you, elder sister. But she is really nice, nice, so nice that she doesn't fit in here.

I am not her real brother, but I was adopted by her because I had no food to eat. She treats me very well like her own brother. I know she just regards me as a substitute for her brother, but what does it matter?

She regards me as the pillar of her life, and I am not the same, but the people from the beautiful family came to my sister, saying that the money owed to them has not been repaid, and they took her away and injected her with spirit Addictive drugs prevent her from escaping!

Since then, my sister has changed!She became withdrawn, afraid to see me, often hiding in dark corners, getting weaker and more emaciated, and finally asked me to kill her to end her pain."

Rand said that at the end, his fists were clenched tightly, his emotions were a little agitated, and the calm and indifferent appearance before that was completely gone. Angel Xi's eyes also drooped slightly. The feeling of watching her relatives gradually self-destruct, she can get from Rand In his words, he felt the anger and despair of being powerless to change the status quo.

Rand didn't say anything about his sister's final ending, but Angel Xi could guess it.

"When you arrived at Trading Street, I saw your face, sister. When you left the hotel that day, I happened to be nearby. I saw you go to a roadside shop to change clothes. A thought of borrowing sister from you appeared in my heart. Hand ruined good home ideas.

I went directly to the people in charge of purchasing under the beautiful home and provided them with your news, but they didn't believe me, so I took them to find you. At that time, deliberately falling beside you was their last temptation. Look at you Is it a dangerous person.

In fact, when you looked up, sister, they saw your face through prosthetic eyes not far away. Fortunately, they didn't recognize you, otherwise I would have died directly. "

(End of this chapter)

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