Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 835, Looting Fleet

Chapter 835, Looting Fleet

"Captain, do you know where the Black God's plundering fleet is now?"

Angel Xi and Angel Yun boarded the flagship where the captain was. As soon as they met Angel Xi, they asked straight to the point. She didn't want to delay too long, because she had to rush to the Hayden Galaxy to join Sister Wen.

"Just behind our ass, they have been trying to encircle us for a while, because we broke their looting operation not long ago, and now they have an interstellar cruiser, they must be thinking about destroying us first, and integrating this area All the power of the star field."

The captain briefly talked about their current situation. Angel Xi and Angel Yun looked at each other and after a brief communication in the communication channel, Angel Xi spoke directly to the captain:
"Since that's the case, it's just that we can set up a burial to give them a fatal blow."

Facing Angel Xi's words, the captain thought that Xi didn't know the opponent's strength, so he directly objected and explained the reason.

"Your Excellency Angel, although I know you are very powerful, the opponent has five raiding fleets and one cruiser. The total number of battleships is more than three times that of ours. The gap is so huge, how can we win!"

Angel Xi was not angry at the captain's questioning words, but explained aloud:
"Your Excellency Captain, we have already learned about the strength of the Black God Company before we came here, and we know who our opponent is, so you don't have to worry about the outcome of this battle."

"Impossible, I will not agree to such a playful battle plan, risking the lives of my soldiers."

The captain did not agree to the plan to ambush the Black God fleet because of Angel Xi's guarantee, because the risk was too uncontrollable.

Angel Xi felt a bit difficult to handle, and finally said directly:
"Your Excellency, Captain, we can't stay here for too long. If you don't agree with this action, then we will complete the ambush plan for the Black God Fleet alone."

The first negotiation between Angel and the Hayden Civilization Fleet ended in the unhappiness of both parties. Angel Xi didn't care too much about it. Originally, the support of the Hayden Fleet was extra, and it didn't make much difference whether they were there or not.

Although the other side disagreed with Angel's tactics, the captain of the fleet was a little ambiguous about the above-mentioned special order to cooperate with Angel's actions, so he contacted his old boss to inquire about the situation.

The old boss's answer was very short, 'that is, our Hayden civilization is just a foil for this campaign to encircle and suppress the Black God, just cooperate with the angels, don't think too much.Their strength is far beyond your imagination. '

After hanging up the communication, the captain still cared about it, but the old boss couldn't deceive him about it. He decided to talk to the two angels tomorrow.

After a planetary day, Angel Xi unexpectedly received an invitation from the captain to negotiate again on the issue of ambush the Black God fleet. Will overreach the opponent's fleet.

Angel Xi readily agreed to this, which made the captain hold back all the remaining words in his throat. He wanted to use this to force Angel Xi to revise the battle plan, but he didn't expect the other party to agree like that.

The captain had nothing to say about this, he could only take advantage of the time before the ambush to think about possible contingencies and make a backup plan to increase the success rate of this battle.

After a brief discussion, the ambush point was placed in a star field close to the asteroid gravel belt, which was convenient for hiding the ambush fleet, and the captain also ordered his subordinates to open a retreat route in advance so that they could run away at any time.

Angel Xi and Angel Yun have no objection to this, all that is left is to wait and see how the captain attracts their target.

In fact, this is not difficult, because the arrival of the angels is a secret, and large-scale military mobilization is easy to be detected, so after obtaining the position of the escort fleet of the Hayden civilization, the Black God's plundering fleet immediately assembled The marauding fleet came running.

Following the captain's reminder in the communication, Angel Xi saw a large-scale fleet sailing from the deep space of the universe, more than 90.00% of which were small raiders with a length of nearly 200 meters. Refitted, the hull is covered with various spikes and the coat of arms of the blood gorilla.

The most eye-catching in the Black God fleet are two large ships of about 500 meters, and a 700-meter-long behemoth with sharp edges and thick armor and many near-defense turrets on the hull, which is quite different from other warships.

The biggest one is probably the interstellar cruiser that the captain said. No wonder the escort fleet of Hayden civilization can only hide, because the escort fleet only has the flagship of a large ship of the 500-meter class, and the others are some conventional 300-meter ships. Mi's strike ships, less than ten in total, are completely useless.

But this is the same in the eyes of Angel Xi and Angel Yun. Angel has eliminated small ships a long time ago, and now only the Sky Blade series are still in service, which are behemoths with a wingspan of tens of kilometers.

"Yun, wait for them to approach me later to attract their attention, and you take the opportunity to use the Heaven Blade Trial to knock out the big one first."

Angel Yun nodded, and stepped back slightly to prepare for the Heavenly Blade Trial. Angel Xi relaxed her body a little and was ready to attack. When the raiding fleet was still a short distance away from the asteroid belt, she rushed out.

Of course, Angel Xi didn't rush directly to the plundering fleet. She ran the conventional shielding algorithm of Melo Heaven, which can shield the conventional scanning detection methods of most civilizations in the universe.

This is an algorithm specially developed by the angelic civilization to fight against the fleet of the space-level civilization. It is to bully the other party without dark energy scanning and detection. The general space-level civilization is no different from a blind man when encountering an angel's surprise attack.

Of course, the Black God Raiding Fleet, which is a star thief, would not have such advanced scanning equipment. It was not until Angel Xi got close to the fleet's near defense zone that it was discovered and captured by the optical observation equipment, but it was already a little late.

A flaming bombardment formed a slash that directly cut a looting ship in half, and then Angel Xi shuttled through the dense near-fire power net of the plundering ship, continuously slashing flaming slashes several meters away.

I saw dazzling flames rising from the hulls of the looting ships that Angel Xi passed by. Although there was no explosion, the Flame Slash directly cut through the outer armor of these battleships.

A large number of star thieves were sucked into the universe by the unbalanced air pressure, suffocating to death, even wearing a breathing mask was useless, the various rays of the vacuum, and the low temperature would directly turn them into lifelike ice sculptures.

Although the few star thieves who floated to the area illuminated by the stars will not be frozen to death, they can only helplessly be carried away by the impact of the explosion and drift farther and farther. This is even more cruel to them, because they do not know that they are still alive. How long can you live.

(End of this chapter)

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