Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 848, Ultra-Far Space Projection

Chapter 848, Ultra-Far Space Projection

While the fleet and legions gathered in the world of God's Throne, the scientific research angels of God's Throne World were not idle, and began to make final preparations for the gate of time and space to prevent accidents from happening.

When the time came to the end of the eighth millennium when the justice world was established, the plan for the annihilation of the Sameeiro mainframe was finally finalized.

"I don't know how many familiar faces will never be seen again after this war."

A chapter leader of a super legion looked at the soldiers lined up neatly in the military port before boarding the ship, and said this to himself.

Even the super legion officers with the lowest casualty rate in the world of justice have such thoughts, let alone those elite legions.

From God's World's move to remove the Defense Force from the combat sequence, it can be seen that even if the Defense Force goes to this war, it is just cannon fodder.

And these elite legions, who used to be the elite strike squads of war, will play the role of the defense force this time, and they will be the vanguard of the assault in this war.

But no one said anything. Everyone knew that this battle was of great importance. As long as they won, they would lose a powerful enemy.

Binghua also completed the preparation of his own weapons during the period of formulating the battle plan. The scientific research angel also completed the positioning of the galaxy where Sameailo is located. Open a super-giant space-time gate.

But if you want to let all the troops stationed in the world of the gods pass through, then the gate of space cannot be closed in a short time.

If the army of the justice world did not occupy a safe area there after passing through the gate of time and space, then it is not impossible for the eternal sublimator to hit the world of the throne of God along the gate of time and space.

Therefore, the day before the decision to start the sameeiro annihilation battle, the world of the gods stopped the interstellar route and began to restrict personnel travel.

The protective facilities of God Throne World were also activated one after another, and various orbital strike methods and orbital defense platforms were mobilized near the gate of time and space.

The space-time shield system of God Throne World was also activated on the day when it was preparing to attack Sameeiro. It can be said that the Supreme Tactical Planning Department has done everything it can think of.

"Queen, I didn't expect you to be in the first echelon with us."

Alan, Binghua, and Hezhui stood on the carrying platform of the Gate of Time and Space, behind them were soldiers of the Second Angel Legion standing on the platform in a square formation.

"I am the strongest angel warrior in the world of justice. Of course I will participate in something as important as opening up a safe zone."

Binghua supported the hilt of Wang Jian in front of him, smiled lightly and said:

"The three angel fighters of the holy wing level, several god-level angels, and hundreds of high-ranking angels are just the so-called vanguard."

He Zhui glanced back at the densely packed angel warriors behind him and said in shock:

"If this is in the known universe, if those god-making civilizations don't form an alliance, I feel that it is enough to fight a war of annihilating the god-making civilization."

Crane Zhui has stayed in the known universe for the longest time, and knows the situation of some civilizations in the known universe, which is why he sighs.

"Sameairo is very dangerous, and has strength far beyond the god-making civilization, otherwise I would not have gathered so many troops to participate in this annihilation battle.

After arriving at the battlefield in a while, be careful not to be fooled by the opponent's tricks. "

Binghua reminded Ailan and He Zhui who were on the side, that Binghua was referring to his own clone.

Since Sameiello has created a mechanical warrior based on himself, it means that there is definitely more than one, and it is very likely that the cost has been reduced and the so-called mass-produced model has been produced.

This was the case with the special type of Destroyer I encountered in the Purification Star Field. In a short period of time, Sameiello produced various specialized Destroyers based on the Destroyers he destroyed. Finally, in the world of justice and eternity When the sublimators fought, so-called destroyers also appeared.

After the dismantling and research of Binghua, the Destroyer found that it is the castrated version of the Destroyer. Some special functions have been discarded, leaving only the purified energy field defense system and the already strong alloy skeleton.

There are no weapons such as small-scale structural weapons that can be combined at will. It is only equipped with an energy war blade and a high-power purification ray emission module in the hand.

For this attack on Sameiello, Binghua had expected to face a large number of Eternal Ascendant mechanical warriors, so he removed the defense force from the battle sequence.

Because in the face of those powerful mechanical warriors, ordinary defenders can only be slaughtered by them in despair. Only the elite legion can destroy the mechanical warriors of the purifier sequence.

He Zhui naturally didn't know what Binghua was thinking, and when he heard her reminder, he said confidently:
"Don't worry, I'm not a recruit, so I won't rush around on the battlefield."

'Attention all units, attention all units, the gate of time and space is about to start hyperspace projection, please leave the energy capture range for irrelevant personnel'

The sound of the console of the Gate of Time and Space echoed in all the nearby communication channels. Some angel warriors who were still talking at first stopped talking with each other immediately and waited for the battle. Maybe just after they passed, they would be greeted by fierce battles.

"Get ready, maybe we will be sent to the opponent's interior, or near the base."

Binghua no longer held Wang Jian's hilt, but instead held it with one hand. The Titan Handshake Armor on her left hand had been equipped by her in advance when she arrived.

He Zhui and Ai Lan also restrained their emotions, and their faces became serious.

The giant ring of time and space began to rotate slowly, and the blue energy lightning flashed between several rings of time and space that were rotating clockwise and counterclockwise.

The incomparably huge amount of energy was extracted from the ring of stars by the gate of time and space, and the ring of time and space turned faster and faster, and soon Bing Hua and the others were covered by a layer of surging blue energy wall.

After the energy of the Time-Space Gate is fully stored, the space-time rings arranged up and down are slightly tilted, emitting a dazzling blue beam of light and bombarding the void space.

What is surprising is that the blue beam of light didn't keep moving forward, as if it had hit an invisible wall, and the next moment the space was shattered, and a big hole was blasted out.

The blue beam of light rushed into the shattered hole in this space unabated, preparing to make a hole in the real physical universe at the other end and send the next day's legion of angels there.

In a planetary system tens of millions of light-years away from the world of justice, the originally peaceful void suddenly had faint waves, and then dense cracks appeared like a shattered mirror, and suddenly shattered to form a huge void.

A beam of blue light shot out from it immediately, and one after another of the figures gradually became clear. They were the Legion of the Second Day's Envoy who carried out ultra-long-distance space projection through the gate of time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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