Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 851, 2nd wave delivery

Chapter 851, the second wave of delivery

Alan was on the front line and constantly issued orders to various combat teams to prevent the advance of the Purifier sequence of mechanical soldiers and maintain the integrity of the front line.

If the line is broken and the legion is dispersed the next day, the only thing that will greet them next is to be besieged to death by the Eternal Ascendant.

But such a conspicuous target as Alan has long been among the enemy's priority targets. Some mechanical soldiers broke through the interception of the angel fighters regardless of casualties, and rushed to its vicinity, trying to destroy the angel's commander first.

Faced with this scene, none of the angel warriors chose to leave their posts to support their legion commander, because they knew that Alan was stronger than most of the angels here.

For these mechanical warriors approaching her, Alan just raised the sword of judgment in his hand and waved it, and a flaming slash with a length of more than ten meters passed over the bodies of these enemies, cutting them apart.

The mechanical warrior who was not on the same level as his companions was cut off by Alan's sword and lost his mobility on the spot.

But soon, after the initial period of suppression, the angel warriors also began to suffer casualties, because the destroyer models were mixed with the mechanical warriors of the purifier sequence.

These mechanical weapons developed to fight against god-level angels, although they are still a little short of God of War, are enough to pose a deadly threat to high-level angels and ordinary angels.

It often takes several angels to fight against them, but the next day, there are also hunters in the angel legion who specialize in hunting them, that is, the commanders of the various chapters. Their main responsibilities are not only to command local operations, but also to wipe out the enemies on these battlefields. Powerful unit.

But this time, the Chapter Masters of the Second Angels were also struggling, for more saboteurs were present than in any previous campaign.

Some angel warriors are using their lives to buy time for their companions.

"He Zhui, you go and help Alan deal with those high-sequence mechanical warriors, I can handle it here."

Binghua said in a deep voice, she felt a little distressed about the casualties of the Angel Warriors, because the difference in numbers between the two sides was too great, reaching a terrifying dozens to one.

If it weren't for the strong mobility of the angels, and some high-level angels' hard-bombing and splitting of the enemy's array, the casualties of ordinary angels under the enemy's concentrated fire attack would probably reach an extremely terrifying level.

Now any ounce of strength is precious, and a combat power at the level of the Holy Wings should not be trapped by his side.

Crane looked at Binghua, then turned his head to look at the angels and mechanical warriors who were fighting fiercely around him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Then you pay attention to safety. If an enemy touches it, contact me immediately, and I will come to support immediately!"

After finishing speaking, He Zhui turned around and fanned the angel's wings, turning into a flash of silver light, rushing out of the shielding range of the time-space shield, and plunged headlong into the dense array of eternal sublimation.

To be honest, Crane Zhui is not good at large-scale AOE energy bombing. She specializes in the algorithm of destroying matter and energy at a single point. With her exclusive weapon Broken Blade, most of the known universe is not able to withstand her. Attack twice.

Facing these mechanical warriors whose bodies are made of metal, Crane Tsui can split them in half with every blow. Such an efficient act of slaughtering mechanical warriors naturally attracted the encirclement and suppression of high-order mechanical warriors.

The two saboteurs surrounded He Zhui one after the other, and when she was dealing with the Purifier beside her, they rushed towards He Zhui at the same time, trying to kill her on the spot and eliminate one of Angel's high-level combat powers.

"You want to kill me just because you scumbags want to kill me, let's increase the number ten times!"

With one kick, He Zhui dented the chest of the mechanical warrior in front of him, turned around and swept out with a sword, knocking the destroyer backwards, turned around and swung two swords in quick succession.

The energy war blade in the destroyer's hand, which could collide with the sword of normal flames without any damage, was directly cut off by He Zhui's swift attack, and then the previous re-enactment, and the purified energy field on his body was also broken.

He Zhui turned around and swept him away with a whip leg, his figure accelerated and caught up with a stab piercing through his torso.

A series of actions by He Zhui just made the other saboteur miss out, and by the time he caught up with He Zhui, his companion had already been torn apart.

At this time, He Zhui also turned around and rushed towards the high-sequence mechanical warrior who was eating ashes behind her without fear, destroying the weapon in his hand with two swords, breaking through the energy field defense, and easily destroying him.

The ease is only for He Zhui. If the leaders of the angel battle groups want to destroy a destroyer, they first need to wear out their purification energy field defenses in order to cause effective damage to them.

And the purified energy field can even withstand the flame bombardment of ordinary angels, which is enough to show that its defense is excellent.

After Crane chased the destroyer, surging red energy appeared on the broken blade in his hand, and towards the densest mechanical warrior area, he slashed five giant blazing slashes with a length of more than ten meters in succession, clearing the crowd of eternal sublimators. out of a small area.

"Cut, this is completely impossible to kill, and the number is increasing."

He Zhui took the time to look around, and said something to herself, and she also found that with the casualties of the angel soldiers, Alan was gradually unable to maintain the line of defense.

But hope will always come at the most critical time, the angel responsible for constructing the communication channel shouted in the communication:
"Contact the Sky Sword system! The Gate of Time and Space is about to carry out the second wave of ultra-long-distance space projection, and it is carrying a super-large energy deflection force field generator!"

Binghua's tense mind relaxed a little when she heard the words, and her eyes fell on Sameailuo in the distant universe through the space-time shield. She was ready to give him a little color.

And less than 5 minutes after the angel finished reporting the good news, the space above Binghua and the others shattered like a mirror, and a blue beam of light descended, covering a large area of ​​space, with the figure of a trial angel inside. Gradually solidify.

"Support our sisters! Repel these mechanical bastards!"

Angel Ran's voice reverberated in the communication channel, like a booster, which greatly boosted the morale of the Legion on the second day when they were entangled with the mechanical warrior.

Angel Ran is different from He Zhui. With the title of God of Thunder, her destructive power is not covered up. The first time she arrives on the battlefield, the sword of Thunder in her hand begins to burst out dazzling thunder and lightning.

The next moment, dazzling thunder and lightning erupted, and thunderbolts as thick as buckets kept jumping back and forth between the Purifier mechanical soldiers, and the dazzling lightning light illuminated the slightly dim universe brightly and uncertainly.

"Queen, the Judgment Angel Legion, has arrived on the battlefield."

(End of this chapter)

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