Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 854, opposite chapter

Chapter 854, Dialogue

Looking at the thing that the goddess gave her, the angel responsible for constructing the energy deflection barrier trembled slightly, because this thing was too precious, because she knew that what she was holding in her hand was not some simple energy source, but a star in the universe.

This miniature star that can be used as an energy source is currently the only one in Binghua's hands that has been successfully sealed and can output energy stably. It can only serve as an energy source for a certain device, and cannot be controlled by the weapon engine.

Unless it is used as a disposable product, and the outer shell that seals it is released, then the star whose interior is compressed by space and limited by the force field will expand to its original size in a very short time.

A planet will be swallowed by it in an instant, and the entire planetary system will have an extra star, causing the gravitational confrontation of the two stars to have an unknown reaction that even the ice blooms do not know, but the planetary system is disturbed, and the orbit of the planet Chaos is for sure.

After the miniature star and the energy deflection barrier were successfully connected, Binghua finally looked at Sameiello.

But just when Binghua turned around, the space in the universe behind her shattered again. This time, the space projection far surpassed that of Angel Ran. Barrier a large gap in space.

"Queen, your loyal commander of the First Angel Legion, has led your warriors to the battlefield!"

Kaza is the only Angel in the Justice World to be promoted to Commander, because his First Angel Legion is larger than the Judgment Angel Legion and the Second Angel Legion combined.

The reason for this is mainly because it is easier for Kaza's first angel legion to recruit new recruits, and because of the mixed formation of male and female angel regiments, it is easier to be accepted by the angels of the justice world.

For example, Alan's Legion of Angels on the Second Day only recruited female angels, while the Legion of Judgment Angels was drawn from the active Judgment Angels, and the number was the smallest.

However, a battle group was selected from each of the several legions for comparison. The battle groups of the first angel legion were almost all second-generation angels, and only the leader and the battle leader were high-level angels or god-level angels.

The Second Angel Legion achieved that each combat team will have a high-level angel, and only a god-level angel can be the leader of the battle group.

The Judgment Angel Legion is the most special. As the law enforcement and supervisory organization of the world of justice, most of the legion are high-level angels, and there are even more than ten god-level angels.

But the scale of the Judgment Angel Legion is really not big. Although it is called a legion, it is only the size of three battle groups.

"It's just right here, although I really want to say this, but immediately take your soldiers and replace the soldiers of the Legion the next day."

Binghua gave orders, and at the same time, the angel wings behind her spread out and led her body towards Sameiello.

What Binghua wants to do is very simple, that is to let Sameiello know that he is not a coward who only knows about being beaten.

As soon as Binghua rushed out, he bumped into the densely packed Eternal Ascensioner mechanical warriors head-on. Seeing this, Binghua's expression turned cold, and he opened his left hand and grabbed it in front of him.

The invisible force field began to continuously extend toward the vast space ahead, covering a large area of ​​space in the blink of an eye.

With Binghua's firm grip, the diffused force field energy quickly condensed, and the Purifier sequence mechanical warriors in it felt as if they had suddenly come from the ground to the deep sea of ​​tens of thousands of meters.

Terrifying pressure was exerted on all parts of the body, the solid armor began to peel off and twist, the skeleton made of alloy began to deform, and the energy transmission circuits everywhere burst into sparks uninterruptedly.

As Binghua passed over the positions of these mechanical soldiers, the force field exerted on them also began to dissipate, but their bodies remained forever at the moment of being crushed and twisted.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the originally dense mechanical warriors on the battlefield were wiped out by the ice, which made the suppressed angels feel that they finally let out a bad breath.

Sameiello naturally noticed the conspicuous force field manipulation, and discovered that Binghua was marked as an extremely dangerous existence in his database. The super giant ray cannon that was originally aimed at the Angel Legion immediately aimed at Binghua. position.

In the next second, the torrent of blue purified energy covered the figure of Binghua across the distance of more than half the galaxy. Seeing this, Alan couldn't help but feel a little worried, because the current Binghua didn't support the space-time shield.

A few minutes passed, and after the torrent of purified energy gradually disappeared, Binghua's figure suddenly appeared, and the space around her was hazy as if it was twisted air scorched by high temperature.

"Sameello, I can even grab stars, and this level of energy impact alone can't kill me!"

Binghua's voice circulated in the public communication channel, and she knew that Sameiello could definitely hear her words.

"King of Angels, why do you want to obstruct my purification, the chaotic virus is about to break through my blockade and spread out, your actions are causing this universe to step into destruction. '

The emotionless words echoed in Binghua's communication channel, using the angelic language that Binghua was most familiar with.

"When did I obstruct your purification? It was you who repeatedly set off wars against the world of justice."

Binghua was a little amused when he heard Sameiello's remarks, and retorted on the spot:
'The world of justice will be a breeding ground for chaos to incubate. Flesh life has no ability to resist the invasion of chaos. Only by purifying all flesh and blood life around chaos can the spread of chaos be curbed. '

While mobilizing more mechanical soldiers to encircle and suppress the Angel Legion, Sameiello activated the galaxy-level defense system. For a time, rays that could penetrate the stars shot out from the mechanically modified planets, forming a criss-crossing firepower network. .

But Binghua's body is too small. The galaxy-level defense system is designed to deal with large groups of chaotic behemoths and biological battleship groups, even Sameailo's super-large purification ray cannon.

Its characteristic is the wide-area strike range and the long-term irradiation ability, which can continuously shoot and kill the enemy.

But when encountering a single soldier with super destructive power like Binghua, it really feels like hitting a mosquito with a cannon, and this mosquito can smash the shells into pieces.

Sameiello's core frantically performed simulation calculations, trying to find a way to eliminate the difficult existence of Binghua, and on the other side began to mobilize the defense platforms in the galaxy, intending to hold her back.

In addition to these, a closed warehouse in the star factory where the host of Sameailuo was located began to open, and an existence with a very similar appearance to Binghua was activated inside.

(End of this chapter)

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