Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 859, Fleet Delivery,

Chapter 859, Fleet Delivery,
Binghua thought that his behavior of quietly spreading the force field was discovered, but Alan's words in the communication let Binghua know that it was not just that, the replica sent by Sameiello to attack the barrier generator also broke away from the barrier generator. The angels fought and retreated decisively.

After Binghua returned to the barrier, the Angel Legion had cleared out the mechanical soldiers who hadn't withdrawn, and was helping his companions who had been hacked by the clones on the battlefield. Many angels suffered extremely serious injuries. It is life-threatening, but will lose most of its combat ability.

Moreover, it is not a good thing to drag the damage of the body without repairing it for a long time. Some small problems will appear in the future, because the super soldier's super gene is essentially a technological creation, and there are also slight wear and tear, and the wounded battle will be great. increase the occurrence of this wear.

"How about the statistics? How many casualties were there this time?"

Seeing Alan approaching, Binghua asked softly:
"There are as many as 120 high-level angels who have fallen, three god-level angels, and as many as 320 or four ordinary angel fighters."

Alan's expression was a bit sentimental. Although this casualty was nothing to the more than [-] angel fighters behind the barrier at this time, it was still a serious injury to the angel army that had never been done before.

"What about the wounded?"

When Binghua came back, he saw many angel warriors with hideous wounds being carried back by his companions. He already had a premonition in his heart that the casualties in the battle just now would definitely not be less, but he still wanted to know the exact number.

"Two-thirds of the high-level angels have been injured, and more than 100 of them have lost their combat effectiveness. The number of ordinary angels has exceeded [-], and half of them are not recommended to continue to fight.

Several of the god-level angels were also injured, but with their divine body resilience, it shouldn't be a serious problem, and it won't affect the continuation of the battle. "

Hearing this, Binghua turned around and looked at Sameeiro standing in the center of the galaxy behind the barrier, as well as the transformed planets and the large galaxy defense platform gradually approaching the barrier universe, and murmured:
"After all, this Sameailuo annihilation battle is a bit risky."

"From the perspective of angelic civilization, I don't recommend that this war continue, because Sameiello has shown us that the other party is an enemy that is evenly matched to us. back."

Ailan naturally heard Binghua's soliloquy, stepped forward slightly to be side by side with Binghua, and looked at Sameailuo's position, expressing her own opinion.

"But if you stand on the standpoint of the just world, even if this war has a great possibility of returning in vain, you must continue to fight, because if this war fails to destroy Sameailo, the just world will only Can go to perish in the trap."

Regarding Alan's words, Binghua, as the goddess of the world of justice, doesn't know that Sameailuo's mechanical warrior level has been improving rapidly in the confrontation with the world of justice. The Legion poses a great threat.

When Sameiello creates a sufficient number of copies of himself, the only advantage of the world of justice in terms of individual combat power will be lost, and even Binghua will not be able to prevent the world of justice from being destroyed.

Even if she is strong enough to capture stars, so what, she still cannot stop the endless army of eternal sublimators, and nearly ten thousand years of painstaking efforts will be in vain.

Even thinking about it in a worse place, is the known universe still a safe place when the Eternal Sublimator is strong enough?
"When will the fleet of gods be delivered?"

Binghua asked suddenly, and Alan froze for a moment before reacting.

"It can be delivered at any time, but our current barrier coverage is not enough, even if the fleet comes over, it will not be able to fully deploy."

"Send a message to the seat of the gods, and ask her to send the fleet over immediately, as well as the large orbital combat platform."

Binghua said aloud, and didn't give Alan any room to refuse. Alan glanced at Binghua and turned to carry out the order.

Binghua apologized to the upcoming fleet of gods in his heart, because they were about to be involved in the battlefield between gods at close range.

While the angel was slowly repairing the damaged barrier, the gate of time and space opened the ultra-long-range delivery again. This time it was not a one-time delivery, but directly opened a super-giant wormhole.

In the next second, a series of large and small blue streamers flew out of the wormhole, turning into destroying-class, destroying-class, and destroying-class warships, among which there were many large transport ships.

At the same time, there are more than a dozen orbital defense platforms with an extremely wide metal platform, the length of which is more than ten kilometers.

Such a big movement made the angel fighters feel a little excited, because it made them feel that they were no longer fighting alone.

As soon as the God's Fleet arrived, it invested in the defense of the barrier nodes under Alan's suggestion. Super-large warships were deployed behind the barrier, and the densely packed dark energy orbital muzzles were all aimed at the front to guard against the eternal sublimation. possible sneak attack.

"The ostentation is really big, and sometimes it's good to have more people."

He Zhui leaned on the edge guardrail of the orbital defense platform, looked at the busy members of the elite legion on the platform, and said with emotion: Dark energy forts were assembled on the floor of the orbital platform and connected to nearby energy ports.

"This is the charm of the world of justice, mortals will no longer be the burden of angels, but our partners in fighting together.

The sacrifice of our angels is no longer for mortals who have nothing to do with us, but for our comrades who are fighting with us on the battlefield. "

Ran came to Hezhui's side and looked at the soldiers of the Justice World Legion who set up the wounded angel to go to the orbital defense platform for treatment, and said softly:

"Forget it, Ran, these words are useless to me, we have known each other for so long, you still don't know what kind of angel I am.

I don't care about what you said. It's useless to use Hexi to suppress me for things I don't like, but as long as I like things, I don't care about bleeding for them. "

After He Zhui finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the conspicuous Sameailo host at the end of his line of sight behind the barrier, and continued;
"I don't like that guy now, I really want to go there and stab it with a sword."

As He Zhui said, he stretched out his fingers to compare the size of Sameailo's host in his sight, and said;
"It doesn't look like he's that big!"

Looking at He Zhui's performance, Ran shook her head slightly speechless. She was afraid that the other party might not be used to such a cruel war because she had been in Melo Heaven for a long time, but now it seems that she was thinking too much.

After the arrival of the fleet of gods, the construction of the barrier nodes was accelerated several times, and the range of the barrier was expanding every moment.

(End of this chapter)

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