Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 864, Celestial Collision

Chapter 864, Celestial Collision

Accompanied by the force field of the glacier, the giant rocky planet is rapidly approaching the modified planetary defense node at the outermost edge of the Sameailo galaxy-level defense system.

Faced with such a situation, Sameiello naturally would not just watch as the super-giant ray cannon was launched.

The other modified planets in the nearby universe also used all their attack methods at this time, frantically bombarding the planets driven by the force field of Binghua.

Blue beams of purification beams crossed the starry sky and bombarded the stars pushed by the glacier, causing huge vibrations, and the hard rock layers on the ground were constantly chipped away by the incoming attacks.

The larger the object is, the easier it is for the enemy to target on the battlefield, but sometimes the large size means that the total amount of attacks it can withstand is countless times that of small units.

Therefore, although the surface of the planet driven by the glacier is constantly being cut by the attacks from the Sameairo galaxy-level defense system, even a beam of light directly penetrates the star.

But the planet still slammed into the reformed planet that Ice Blossom was targeting, and as the space rippled like water, the two stars finally collided together.

The purified energy field that transformed the surface of the planet was constantly being squeezed, and it sank toward the inside like a fluid, but the remote wireless energy transmission from Sameailo continued to provide energy for it.

The star structure of the planet driven by the glacier has been slightly deformed due to such a violent impact. With the increase of the force field of the glacier, the star will completely deform and disintegrate, and it will not take too long.

And by that time, the kinetic energy blow caused by the impact of the stars will have almost dissipated. Of course, Binghua will not sit still, let go of the drive on the stars, and pass the stars driven by himself to a position where he can directly look at the transformed planet.

Binghua ignored the attack of the purification rays passing by, opened his palms to face the front, opened the arsenal, and the most powerful destructive sword among disposable weapons protruded from the wormhole opened in the void.

The gorgeous golden sword body and the miniature mimic stars embedded in the sword frame are exuding scorching light. This is a cutting-edge weapon that is suitable for most battles, but Binghua's purpose of making it is purely for destruction.

At this moment, in the space around Binghua, more than fifty destruction swords aimed at the reformed planet whose surface shield was constantly fluctuating by the impact of the driving planet.

In the next second, as Binghua opened his five-fingered palm and waved, the sword body was nearly coated with a layer of glowing destruction sword, and it shot out like golden crossbow bolts, and quickly shot towards the surface of the transformed planet. clean energy field.

Immediately, incomparably dazzling orange light spheres bloomed on the purified energy field of the transformed planet, dazzling like small stars.

At the same time, encountering such a large-scale energy blow, the purified energy field of the transformed planet could no longer support it, as if a domino effect had occurred, starting from the position hit by the planet, the energy field began to collapse rapidly.

As a circle of shock waves engulfed in star fragments spread, the two stars, which had been stalemate for a while, finally collided in essence.

For a while, whether it is a modified planet or a planet dropped by the ice bloom, the huge kinetic energy generated after the collision washed away the surface of its own planet.

But the difference between the two endings is that the planet thrown by the glacier is almost on the verge of disintegration, and the surface of the star is covered with dark and deep canyon cracks.

It is not the case with the transformation of the planet, except that the impact part is sunken, and some facilities on the surface of the star are severely damaged by the impact of the impact of the celestial body, and the star itself has not suffered much damage.

But these damages are insignificant compared to being invaded by the King of Angels. The ice bloom has already invaded the interior of the modified planet when the purified energy field of the modified planet collapsed.

The components of the Destruction Star Blade surround Binghua, like a cutter, breaking through all the alloy walls and rock layers that were blocked along the way.

What Binghua wants to do is very simple, that is to find a purifying energy field generator that transforms the planet. For this thing, Binghua, who has reversed the technology of the eternal sublimator, is no stranger to it.

The eyes of insight are constantly scanning the interior of the transformed planet, searching for similar structures. Behind Binghua are a large number of mechanical soldiers, among which the destroyers are chasing the front of Binghua crazily.

"Don't get in the way!"

For these destroyer mechanical warriors blocking the way, Binghua waved his hand, and the hundreds of blade-like destruction star blade components surrounded the surroundings, like a swarm of self-aware bees, rushed towards these destroyers.

In the narrow passage, these destroyer mechanical warriors had no choice but to resist the incoming Destruction Star Blade components, but as the Destruction Star Blade continued to cut, the purified energy field on their bodies was constantly being consumed.

In the end, none of these saboteurs could escape the ending of being cut into fragments by the dense Starblade components.

It didn't take too long for the glacier to destroy all the way to the position of the purification energy field generator that transformed the planet.

Watching this huge facility, which constantly transforms the received energy into purified energy and transmits it into the energy field generator to protect the entire planet from harm, a big stone in Binghua's heart was released.

In the next second, the Destruction Star Blade components surrounding Binghua suddenly converged into a giant blade with a length of nearly [-] meters, which was directly inserted into the energy transmission channel of the generator.

Immediately a huge burst of purification energy erupted, and Binghua subconsciously deflected her lower face slightly to avoid the oncoming energy impact, while her long, jet-black hair was continuously fluttering.

Although the energy transmission pipeline is destroyed, this does not mean that Binghua's attack is over. The Destroyer Star Blade has once again turned into scattered components and is flying around to destroy the facilities here, in order to prevent the Eternal Ascendant from repairing everything here in a short time. .

After the glacier destroyed the purifying energy field generator, the energy field that had just enveloped the entire planet began to dissipate rapidly. This time, the dissipated energy field showed no signs of recovery.

After Binghua finished all this, he rushed out of the interior of the transformed planet, and the force field control of the Titan's Handshake was fully output, forcefully pushing the transformed planet without the protection of the shield to leave the original orbit.

Seeing Binghua, the king of angels, robbing his own galaxy-level defense system nodes without paying attention to martial arts, Sameiello was a little bit overwhelmed.

However, the nodes of various defense systems and the troops in the defense platform were dispatched to stop Binghua's behavior.

For these eternal sublimator minions who want to stop their actions, Binghua no longer cares about his arsenal reserves.

The destructive power and killing range are considered to be a powerful destruction sword in Binghua's collection. It began to fly out from the opened micro-wormhole, and bloomed noble flame red lotuses in full bloom among the eternal sublimators. .

(End of this chapter)

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