Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 868, the lone army goes deep

Chapter 868, the lone army goes deep

As one of the final products of stellar evolution, neutron stars are more dangerous than stars before they decay. The gravitational strength of their surface is far higher than that of stars, and can even reach more than half of the escape velocity of light.

This means that even light will be affected by its huge gravitational waves when passing by the neutron star, resulting in a huge bending effect. One of the capabilities is gravitational wave capture.

The neutron war blade made by Binghua does not transform the neutron star into a weapon in essence, but uses special means to limit the power of the neutron star itself, and the attack only applies part of its characteristics to the target space.

Under Binghua's unreasonable gravitational wave capture, the firepower of the galaxy-level defense system has completely become a joke.

It was also the first time for Sameiello to see Binghua use the neutron warblade. He kept making calculations, but he couldn't find any way to resist it for a while.

In fact, the intensity of the neutron star itself is too much higher than that of the superclass. The average civilization can’t even approach it, let alone use it as a weapon. The incomparably terrifying mass is like a space collapse generator, and even a planet near it will be crushed to pieces.

Sameailo's research on neutron stars is only on the basis of using the strong pulse waves emitted by neutron stars, and it is far from reaching the point where it can use its own characteristics.

Of course, Binghua didn't know what Sameailuo was thinking at the moment, she just felt delighted, the neutron blade in her hand kept catching the attacks from the Eternal Ascendant's side, and threw them aside.

It's a pity that neutron stars are not black holes, and they can capture even light, so that they can directly capture the enemy's energy ray attacks, and treat them in their own way.

Instead of being able to capture for a short period of time as it is now, it can be directed to an empty space where there are no fighters of one's own side.

The angels following Binghua originally thought that this raid would be a sharp knife on the battlefield, and they would face intensive artillery fire from the enemy, but when the queen stood in front, these angels realized that this raid would be so easy.

Relying on Binghua's weapon advantage, a group of god-level angels who are sharp knives easily rushed to the vicinity of the galaxy-level defense line.

Flame Judgment, representing the powerful destructive power of angels, flickered frequently in the starry sky, and the fiery flame sword lights kept falling on those defensive platforms like light blades dividing the starry sky.

Although there is no essential difference between the flame bombardment used by god-level angels and that released by ordinary angel fighters, there is a huge difference in scope and duration.

Those defense platform fortresses with a volume of more than ten kilometers, their own shields could not last long under the repeated bombing, and they were completely paralyzed by the explosions.

Binghua Charge had the most fruitful results in the front. She didn't need to release any energy attack methods at all, she just needed to get close to the metal fortresses that were firing at her, and slashed lightly with the neutron blade in her hand.

The seemingly unbreakable purification energy field will be easily torn apart under the huge gravitational pull of the neutron warblade, and then destroyed by the other angels who followed.

With Binghua, a group of sharp knives that cannot be eliminated immediately, inserted into the defense line, the bombing firepower of the Eternal Ascendants dropped several notches for a while.

The World of Justice operators inside the Goddess of Victory star took the opportunity to increase the power of the planetary propulsion engine to the maximum, making the speed of the star, which was originally not slow, to a higher level.

Binghua has the neutron warblade, an extremely powerful weapon, to open the way. Almost nothing can survive two rounds in front of her, but there is only one as strong as her in the entire raid angel army.

After dozens of Sameailo's defense platforms were destroyed by their group of god-level angels, there is still a large area, and its number does not seem to have been reduced much.

Moreover, a large number of mechanical warriors began to encircle the lone army headed by Binghua, but in the face of the angel knife troop, all of whom were god-level angels, the only thing these mechanical warriors could do was to waste the energy and energy of the angels.

Binghua has miniature stars as the energy source, so she doesn't have to worry about energy, but her god-level angels have always used cosmic rays from outside the planetary system because Sameailuo occupied the stars of this planetary system. And physical light energy maintenance consumption.

In the case of infrequent use of large-scale energy strikes, it can fully maintain the general battle needs, but the energy of a space domain is limited. Now so many god-level angels mobilize the energy of this space domain together, and soon Some angels are finding it difficult to mobilize their energies.

Faced with such a situation, the angels can only use the dark energy transformed by the gene engine to fight, but although the dark energy is powerful, it takes time to transform, so the angel warriors have to slow down the frequency of using flame bombing and sky blade trial .

Binghua naturally also discovered this situation, but there was no solution for a while. She didn't have artificial stars in her arsenal, otherwise she could use them as energy sources for the angels.

Because of concerns about energy consumption, Ran and Crane Zhui also had to give up long-range bombing, and began hand-to-hand combat with the rushing mechanical soldiers.

Seeing this situation, Binghua couldn't help but think of an idea, that is, in the future upgrades to the Flame Sword and Fan Shenjian, it is best to add a mimic star to the weapon engine as an energy source, so as to prevent such damage. The situation reappeared.

Binghua originally wanted to lead the god-level angels to attack the modified planets as nodes in Sameailuo's defense system to fundamentally solve the problem, but now she gave up this idea because they were held back.

It is not difficult for Binghua and Ran, including Crane Chase, these more powerful ones to break out of the siege, but those ordinary god-level angels are likely to be held back by the saboteurs, making them unable to keep up with the large army, and eventually being surrounded and killed.

The role played by Binghua at this moment cannot be replaced by other angels, because she almost blocked all the purification ray cannons that came.

"Queen, the situation is critical and we are trapped here, it will take some time for the large forces of the Justice World to arrive.

If this continues, we will not be able to open the situation as planned, so the queen can only destroy those nodes by you alone.

Let us hold on here! "

Ran was fighting several saboteurs who were pestering her, and at the same time persuaded Binghua in the communication to leave them alone and go about her own business.

Of course, Binghua could see the current situation. The reason why she didn't leave was because she needed to intercept those powerful purification ray cannons.

On the other hand, it is because until now, Binghua has not seen the shadow of her clone on the battlefield. To be honest, it is precisely because of this that she has not made a decision for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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