Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 878, Victory in Sameailuo Annihilation Battle

Chapter 878, Victory in Sameailuo Annihilation Battle
After a basic understanding, Binghua confirmed that the purification host was really not a trap set by Sameeiro, and then announced to the entire army of the Justice World that Sameelo had been destroyed and the Eternal Ascendant army was shut down.

This sudden victory made the fleets and legions of the justice world who were fighting on the front line feel incredible, because the victory came too fantastically.

But the mechanical warriors that stopped operating on the battlefield, and the Sameailo defense system that stopped firing all showed that what the goddess said was true.

After the communication channel was silent for a moment, enthusiastic cheers erupted.

At this moment, whether it was the super legion fighters inside Sameailo or the bridge commander of the fleet outside, they all cheered emotionally.

Even the calmer chief officers of each unit couldn't help showing a relaxed smile on their faces.

It is true that Sameailuo's mainframe annihilation war has used too much military power in the world of justice, and it has been fought for such a long time.

Even if no one calls it out, many people are worried about the consequences of losing this battle.

He Zhui and other angels who were surrounded by a large number of defense machines naturally heard what Binghua said in the communication.

He Zhui kicked away the machine that stopped running in front of him, and said a little depressingly:

"I thought that this time we could find Sameaiello and get to know him before Binghua entered here, but I didn't expect it to be ruined by these scraps of iron."

Seeing He Zhui venting his depression on the stationary defense machine like a child, Ran comforted him a little dumbfounded:
"I think this is pretty good. I have dealt with these machines every day during the years in the world of justice. Now I feel annoyed when I see them.

After destroying Sameiello this time, there is no need to fight these guys anymore. "

"Ran is right, if it wasn't for Sameiello pressing the world of justice every step of the way, we wouldn't have been at war all year round.

After this battle is over, there should be peace for a long time. "

Alan didn't like large-scale wars very much. As a firm believer in Melo's concept of justice in heaven, her attitude towards mortals has always been loving, and she didn't like to see these fragile mortals die in front of her.

As for Ming and Xiluo, who were militant or were born as guardian angels, they were simply happy that the queen had won, and didn't care much about the impact this war would have on the world of justice.

Almost at the moment when Sameiello stopped operating, the army of eternal sublimators who came to support Sameiello stopped attacking and simply retreated.

They neither stopped running like the mechanical warriors around Sameiello, nor continued to attack the army of the justice world, which made the justice world very confused.

Even Binghua has not found the reason for the time being, but this does not prevent the world of justice from reaping the fruits of its own victory.

The first is to establish a complete defense system on the purification host to prevent the counterattack of the Destroyer's high-sequence eternal sublimator, and let the victory of the world of justice be taken away.

The galaxy-level defense system left by Sameiello is very suitable as the new line of defense for the world of justice here. It happens that those modified planets and large defense platforms only need to be modified to become good orbital defense fortresses.

Those mechanical warriors that stopped running were collected and sealed up by the world of justice, and they were kept for research after the situation stabilized.

Binghua also took a moment to recover his star piercing gun and other projected weapons.

While the world of justice was busy rebuilding its defenses, Binghua had been exploring the function of purifying the mainframe, in order to grasp this big guy as soon as possible.

After some browsing and groping, Binghua found the purification program Sameailuo that had stopped running. According to Binghua's investigation, Sameailuo did not leave a backup outside.

In other words, as long as Binghua deletes Sameailuo in the purification host, the other party will disappear completely, but Binghua did not do so.

Because Sameailo's purification program is only running according to the goal written by his creator, and has never been slack, and even has a certain thinking and calculation ability.

Deleting such an intelligent program directly would be wasteful. Binghua intends to wait until he finds out the programming algorithm to purify the host, and then modify Sameeello to make it his own.

Among them, the biggest harvest of Binghua is the huge data in the database of the eternal sublimator, which not only contains what the eternal sublimator has seen and heard when purifying the chaotic virus.

As well as the technological information that was purified by the purification fleet due to the infection of the chaotic virus, Sameiello gathered all the technologies he could obtain like a collector.

For example, the micro-space structure generator technology carried on the prototype 101 of Sameailo's most powerful Creation Destroyer mechanical warrior was obtained from a civilization that was about to be wiped out by the chaotic virus.

Even the energy force field technology is the same. Sameailuo's own research and development capabilities are actually extremely limited.

Only when he sees some powerful civilizations like the Angel civilization that can defeat their purification fleet, Sameailo will imitate the armed templates of these civilizations, combine the technology in his own database, and develop new combat units.

The reason why the high-sequence Destroyer didn't shut down just because Sameiello stopped running was because Sameiello left behind the system in order to prevent himself from being destroyed by the chaos virus.

That is to say, when the purification host is destroyed by chaotic creatures, the destroyer sequences derived from his subprograms will give birth to the next Sameailo purification program.

That's why they didn't shut down because of Sameailo's outage.

The current situation is that Sameiello was not destroyed by chaos, but because of the emergence of a civilization that met the creator's conditions, Sameiello, which purified the host, stopped operating.

This means that the backhand of the system left by Sameiello has not been activated.

The Destroyer sequence that blocked the Chaos Star Field is still continuing to perform its duties in accordance with the purification agreement. The Destroyer and Purifier who came to support, after losing the task of rescuing Sameailo, also chose to continue to perform their original duties. The duty is to purify the small chaotic virus that is floating in the universe.

Even if Binghua obtained the highest authority of the purification host except for the creator, he still couldn't command the large number of eternal sublimator troops wandering in the chaotic star field through Sameailuo.

So as soon as possible to reprogram Sameailuo's purification program, Binghua put it into his next more urgent research topic sequence.

Binghua's current idea is to temporarily stay in touch with these eternal sublimators who have lost their command centers.

You can purify the so-called Chaos virus, but we will digest the legacy left by Sameeello first.

Binghua has a premonition that if the world of justice understands the large amount of technical data in Sameailo's database, the technology of the world of justice will leap to a huge level.

(End of this chapter)

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