Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 883, the angel alone

Chapter 883, the angel alone
Of course, most of the time this kind of problem is deliberately caused by people with ulterior motives. There should be someone within the Kurt government to promote it, otherwise it will not be so troublesome that it will be reported to the official news.

"The consul of this civilization is really an inkblot. In the world of justice, this kind of problem has been solved long ago."

The male angel sitting across from Binghua spoke out, following Binghua for a period of time, they all knew the character of their goddess, so they gradually let go.

"Okay, okay, you are not the angel of judgment stationed here, why are you concerned about these issues?"

Another female guardian angel reassured that she didn't care what happened to this civilization.

"Of course I know that I am not the Angel of Judgment here, otherwise I would start investigating who is deliberately causing this chaos to happen.

If I find out who did it, I will definitely bring him to the Judgment Square for a public trial. "

The male angel's tone of voice was extremely indignant, and it was obvious that the experience of judging angels made him hate such things.

Binghua listened with gusto, and the guardian angel didn't avoid her when talking about it, because Binghua said that this is not a formal trip, so don't pay too much attention to her identity.

In addition, Binghua used the attitude of getting along with her own sisters to get along with these angels from the Angel Legion of the Justice World, so their relationship soon became extremely harmonious.

Even the male angels of different genders have become more respectful of the goddess under Binghua's undiscriminatory attitude, so they don't have too many scruples when speaking.

Binghua also likes this way of getting along very much, but mortals in the world of justice have always respected her too much, which is why Binghua doesn't like to bring mortals with her when she travels.

Recently, through getting along with the accompanying new generation of angels, Binghua feels that she has been extremely successful in shaping the angels of the world of justice.

Not to mention educating and influencing the male angelic characters represented by lust and violence in the past to become moral models who believe in justice, but they have also successfully made their character reach the level of ordinary civilized men.

This is an extremely important achievement. Binghua still has a sense of accomplishment in his heart. The next step is to see if he can influence those male angels in the known universe.

Binghua, a group of angels in the Kurt civilization, did not stay for too long, and did not intend to solve the internal problems of its civilization.

Both Binghua and the angels of the world of justice understand one truth, that is, I will not interfere if it is my territory, but once it becomes my territory, then no one will interfere, otherwise the claws will be chopped off by you.

After leaving the Kurt civilization Binghua, a group of angels continued on their journey to the Heavenly Court of Melo, passing through several civilizations, but most of them were in pre-nuclear or post-nuclear civilizations.

Binghua leads these new-generation angels to wander around some civilizations in the known universe. On the one hand, he intends to relax his mind before arriving at Melo Heaven. On the other hand, he also observes carefully during this period. The concept of doing things.

In the justice world, Binghua has not paid attention to the recent situation of the angel group in Xintiancheng for a long time because of successive battles and various researches.

Therefore, when returning to the known universe this time, Binghua will deploy angels from the Judgment Angel Legion and the First Angel Legion as his accompanying guards.

When Binghua's observation period of these new-generation angels has passed, he doesn't plan to continue wandering, and finds a direction that is closest to the sphere of influence of justice and order, and rushes over.

But as they entered the fringe star field of justice and order, Binghua and his group of angels unexpectedly met a single angel warrior of Angel Melo.

"I didn't expect to meet angel warriors in such a remote corner."

The Binghua group of angels stopped outside the atmosphere of a planet, and keenly captured the energy signal that an angel was bombarding with flames on the planet.

Out of curiosity, Binghua scanned it casually with his eyes of insight, and then his face turned cold.

"Go and help her, you dare to run here alone, and you are not afraid of falling into the trap of the devil."

The accompanying ten guardian angels glanced at each other, and directly incited the angel wings behind them to dive into the atmosphere, leaving only Binghua and Jingnan in the universe.

None of the guardian angels worried about the safety of their own goddess. They were all conscious, knowing that their task was not to protect the goddess, but to solve some trivial matters for the other party, just like the current situation.

At this moment, in the planet that Binghua is concerned about, there is an Angel Warrior sent by an Angel Melo to this star field to record and update civilization data.

At this moment, she was being hunted down by a team of demon hunting angels, and she was being chased around in the air, with demon snipers shooting at her from time to time behind her.

If she hadn't learned how to evade the lock-on technique of demon snipers, she might have been shot down by the god-killing armor-piercing bullets long ago.

But it is only a matter of time before the escape route is blocked by the other party if this continues. If I had known that she would not have jumped out so recklessly, I should have contacted Melo Heaven for support first.

But when the hunted angel was still thinking about how to get out, ten meteors with long tail flames suddenly fell from the sky, and the falling direction was her side.

Before the demons and angels present figured out why these strange meteorites changed their direction midway, these meteorites suddenly exploded, revealing the battle angel of the justice world with slightly different internal armor and Melo Tiantian.

"You guys are ugly bastards, how can you bully more than you can. Let me play with you guys!"

The male captain of the guarding angels directly challenged the demon, and then directly raised his Fan Shenjian and rushed towards the nearest demon. Of course, the other angels would not be there to watch.

Originally, the demons took advantage of the numbers to chase down the single angels, but now they turned into a group of angels fighting around the demons. In less than 2 minutes, the five demons who were chasing and killing the angel warriors were all wiped out, and their deaths were miserable. None of them left behind. corpse.

The rescued angel was very surprised by this group of strange compatriots. She was not surprised by the female angels among the guardian angels, but by the male angels who looked at her with their eyes.

Because in her memory, she has never seen a male angel, but the description of the male angel in the database is extremely evil, the embodiment of all evils, and once wanted to enslave all civilizations with the evil heavenly order.

But now she finds that the so-called male angel doesn't seem to be as evil as in the records, but looks very in line with her aesthetics.

Of course, the above thoughts are just the thoughts in the heart of this female angel warrior. In fact, she is still very grateful to the guardian angels who saved her.

: You don't need to thank us, the goddess asked us to save you. "


The angel warrior was very puzzled, is there an angel named Goddess in Merlot Heaven?Why has she never heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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