Chapter 888, Upgrade

"That is to say, after I upgrade, besides being unable to be easily destroyed, there are still many ways to trap and interfere with my fusion?"

As a master of weapons and combat, Binghua immediately captured the key information in Hexi's words.

"Yes, the body formed by the aggregation of sacred atoms, I call it the sacred body.

Its defense ability is stronger than any current god body. Even if ordinary god-killing weapons break through the defense of the divine body, they cannot cause effective damage to it.

If a powerful weapon destroys the holy atoms, the holy body will automatically expel the damaged holy atoms from the body and generate new holy atoms, so as to stop the damage in time and curb the spread of the injury.

Now the only thing that can destroy the sacred body is the cosmic natural disaster-level catastrophe, breaking through the energy field defense of the sacred body in an instant, thus blasting the sacred body into the most basic sacred atoms.

For ordinary civilizations, they have no means to affect the aggregation of sacred atoms, but civilizations at the same level as ours can prevent us from aggregation in a short period of time if they are prepared. "

Hexi brought out a cup of hot tea, and while explaining the characteristics of the sacred body to Binghua, he took a sip of the tea.

"It seems that the state of being transformed into a sacred atom is the most vulnerable time of the sacred body.

If a strong gravitational force is applied to capture it at this time, or time-space transmission is carried out, the sacred atom will not have any resistance. "

Binghua summed up the information Hexi said and came to this conclusion, which made Binghua a little disappointed, because it showed that the sacred body would not have much advantage in the battle with the same level.

If the characteristics and weaknesses of the sacred body are established in her heart, she has more than a dozen ways to make the so-called sacred atom aggregation ability a display.

But even so, it cannot be denied that the divine body is powerful, and the technological gap between it and the general god-making civilization has reached the point of being crushed.

Even beings with sacred bodies can unscrupulously fight against ordinary civilizations, because they will not die and will not fall.

When ordinary civilization finally destroyed the existence with a sacred body at a huge price, and fell into joy, the owner of the sacred body gathered little by little in front of them.

That feeling of incomparable despair will plunge any existence into the abyss of despair.

"You are right, so do you still want to upgrade the sacred body?"

Hexi was a little unhappy that Binghua belittled his achievements, so his tone was not very good.

"Sister Hexi, I just analyzed the characteristics of the sacred body. I didn't mean that the things you studied are not good. As for being angry about this!"

Seeing this, Binghua stopped analyzing the characteristics of the sacred body. She came to Hexi's seat and embraced her neck flatteringly. The tip of her nose lightly brushed Hexi's silver hair hanging by her ear, and smelled a scent of Light floral fragrance.

Hexi twisted her neck a little uncomfortable at first, but then she let Binghua lie on her shoulders, and at the same time she reached out and fiddled with Binghua's black hair hanging on her chest a few times.

"I shouldn't have recognized this sister when I was at Merlot College. I don't know how many brain cells have died from overwork all these years because of you, but you are still picking and choosing here."

Binghua was a little embarrassed when she heard this, because Hexi had indeed helped her a lot these years, and it was fine in recent years. In the past, Binghua would consult Hexi whenever she had a problem.

He would even entrust Hexi to help study some subjects that he was not good at, and Hexi never cared about these.

"Sister Hexi, you are so kind to me, I don't even know how to repay you. If I were a male angel, I would definitely promise you with my body."

He Xi rolled his eyes at Binghua, relaxed his body, and quietly enjoyed the time spent with Binghua.

In Hexi's heart, she likes Binghua, the sister who is willing to get close to her, more than Hechai, the sister who always contradicts herself.

This is also the reason why Hexi has never complained about helping Binghua, and even took up his own time to help Binghua create sacred atoms and help her upgrade the fourth-generation divine body.

This is a treatment that even Hexi's own sister doesn't have, which is enough to show that Hexi attaches great importance to this younger sister, Binghua.

Binghua also knows this well, so she never hides her thoughts in front of Hexi, and treats her as her sister.

After smudging around Hexi for a while, Binghua and Hexi finally got down to business, preparing to upgrade the fourth-generation divine body. The resources and sacred atoms had been prepared in advance, and the upgrade could begin immediately.

The process is not complicated. The blank sacred atoms that have not been written into the dark information are integrated into one's body, allowing it to slowly erode the third-generation god body, and at the same time replace the super gene.

This time is not long or short, but it is the safest and safest way.

Another method of fusion is to put it to death and rebirth, and quickly fuse with the sacred atoms by destroying one's existing divine body, but there is a lot of risk. If there is an accidental fusion failure, the person will directly fall.

Of course, Binghua would not choose the second fusion method. She is not in a battle now, and she plans to use this method to make a comeback.

Not long after Binghua fused with the sacred atom, the angel Leng who was on a mission outside also came back, and was very happy to see his teacher Leng.

But soon Leng was poured with cold water, because Binghua wanted to test whether she had made any progress during this time.

After a friendly discussion between master and apprentice, the joy of Leng's reunion with his teacher has almost been dissipated.

"I haven't seen you for so long, and you still haven't changed at all. I really doubt that time can't leave traces on you."

Seeing the cold lying on the ground with shortness of breath, Binghua slightly shook his head and sighed.

"Teacher, I"

Leng thought for a long time and didn't know how to explain it, but then Binghua's words finally made Leng feel less uncomfortable.

"I can't blame you, the known universe is too comfortable, and you have no experience in fighting opponents of the same level.

If you knew this earlier, you shouldn't have directly upgraded your divine body to the level of the third generation. "

Binghua is actually not dissatisfied with Leng, but dissatisfied with the entire new generation of angels in Melo Heaven.

Leng is like this among the most outstanding existences, and the actual combat level of her unremarkable angel fighters can be imagined.

Of course, Binghua's requirements for coldness are relatively high, which is for sure, but it's not so high.

Leng and his former guardian angel Ran are also angels at the level of holy wings.

But if the two are fighting to the death, Ran can defeat Leng without much effort. This is the gap between fighting instinct and fighting wisdom, and it needs a lot of fighting to train.

But now it seems that the known universe cannot provide enough exercise for Leng, Binghua is considering whether to bring Leng back to the world of justice, where there are many idle angels, just find something for them to do.

(End of this chapter)

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