Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 892, God of Death Karl

Chapter 892, God of Death Karl

After some discussion with Kaisha and Hexi, Binghua confirmed the time to leave Melo's Heavenly Court, and set the itinerary for the following period of time.

The first stop is naturally the Styx galaxy where Karl is. Binghua feels that he and the other party should have a lot to talk about.

Under Kaisha's signal, Yan will follow Binghua's side. Kaisha intends to let Yan see the biggest threat to the known universe angels, and let her know what kind of existence the opponent she will face in the future.

After all, no matter how much you talk about, it’s better to face the opponent yourself. This can be regarded as Kaisha’s experience with Yan, and this time there is Binghua escorting her, so there is no danger at all.

"Yan, my teacher went to the Styx galaxy, why did you follow?"

Leng whispered to Yan, his tone was a little disgusted, Yan just glanced at her and said:

"I am the holy left wing of the angelic civilization. The meeting between Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword King and Karl is of great importance. Naturally, I need to accompany you."

Angel Leng heard that he was a little upset, but he could only keep it in his heart.

Binghua, who was flying in front, could naturally hear Leng Heyan's conversation behind, and she knew very well about the awkward relationship between the two.

When teaching Leng Heyan, it's not that Binghua didn't think about making the two get along in harmony, but Leng wanted to compete with Yan in everything, and the two girls couldn't urinate in the same pot.

But you can't say that the relationship between the two women is bad, because both Leng and Yan actually care about each other.

As Binghua and his group of angels rushed out of the worm gate established in the Styx galaxy, they were immediately discovered by some beast warriors wearing silver metal armor.

"Angel, what are you doing in the Styx galaxy?
This is a place protected by my god Karl, and it is not within the scope of your justice and order! "

Although the chief of the beast fighters spoke very toughly, their slightly trembling bodies showed that they were very scared.

Binghua didn't mean to delve into this. She didn't come here to infiltrate this time. She didn't intend to sneak into the Styx galaxy, otherwise she wouldn't have walked through the angel's star gate.

"Go back and tell your gods, just say that the Heavenly Sword King is visiting."

Leng directly reprimanded, Leng can still be patient with friends of justice and order, and she has no intention of slowly communicating with these foreseeable future enemies.

Inside the Dead Song Academy, Karl was tinkering with his own void engine prototype, and when he was thinking about who would be more suitable to carry it on, Snow suddenly knocked on the door.

"come in."

Karl put away the void engine projection in front of him, said a word, and at the same time turned around to look at Snow who pushed the door in.

"Snow, what's important, you need to run over to inform me personally."

"My god, just now, the former holy left wing of the angelic civilization arrived in the Styx star field, and the other party wanted to see you by name."

While raising his hands and stroking his chest to salute Karl, Snow also hastily explained the reason why he disturbed Karl's research.

"Heavenly Sword King Binghua, why did she want to see me? Is it because I forced Kesha back last time?"

Karl couldn't figure out why Binghua wanted to see him for a while, and Snow saw his god hesitated, so he said:

"My God, the relationship between us and Angel Civilization is not good now. The other party may choose to come here at this time with malicious intentions. Do you need to open the space and fold the force field to hide the Death Song Academy?"

Although Karl didn't know Binghua's reason for coming, the confidence given to him by the phantom made him have no scruples. Although he had heard his reputation from Liang Bing more than once, it was the first time that he really met as an enemy.

"No need, Keisha was able to find us last time, and the Heavenly Sword King is no exception.

Since the other party wants to see me, let's meet, Snow, you go and take our guests to the reception hall, and I will be there later. "

Karl couldn't think of the reason why Binghua saw him at this time, so he simply didn't want to.

On the outskirts of the Styx galaxy, before Binghua and his group of angels waited too long, a purple worm door opened in the void, and a figure wearing a skull mask and a blue cloak walked out of it.

"Your Excellency, Heavenly Sword King, God pleases."

"I thought Karl was afraid to see me, but it seems that he is more confident than I thought."

Binghua shook her head slightly, and said something unclear in front of Snow.

Snow's eyes froze behind the skull mask when he heard the words, resisted the urge to argue for his main god, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of please.

Seeing this, Binghua didn't provoke Snow with words, but he confirmed in his heart that Karl should have thought about it before he was willing to see him, otherwise it wouldn't have dragged on for so long.

And judging from the fact that Snow forcibly resisted his own provocation, it seems that Karl is not as sure about the angel as Kesha said.

Of course, these are just Binghua's speculations based on his own experience, and everything will become clear when he meets Carl.

Led by Snow, Binghua and his group of angels came to a Worm Bridge Station not far from the Angel Star Gate.

The reason why it is so troublesome is because Snow's wormhole technology level is not yet able to bring Binghua and his group of angels into the Death Song Academy, because he cannot solve the angel's divine body, so it is so troublesome to enter the Death Song Academy through the Worm Bridge Station Academy.

When Binghua and his group of angels passed through a layer of wormhole energy film, they directly entered a slightly darkened hall.

On the surrounding stone walls, there are wall lamps emitting slightly dim light at intervals, as well as blue curtains hanging down. Only the part in the middle of the hall is brighter.

Binghua sat on the seat obviously prepared for herself, with Angel Yan and Angel Leng behind her standing on both sides, one left and one right, looking around constantly.

Without letting Binghua wait for too long, Carl, who was wearing a blue robe, walked out of nothingness, greeted Binghua, and sat on the chair opposite Binghua.

"This is our first meeting since Angel and Super Seminary broke up. I don't know why Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword King is looking for me today."

Carl is really puzzled now, he doesn't know as much about Binghua as Binghua knows about him.

"This is the so-called void technology. My perception cannot detect your existence, but my intuition tells me that you are right in front of me now."

Binghua did not answer Karl's question, but pointed to his own head and said such unclear words.

"I didn't expect His Excellency the Heavenly Sword King to be so keen that he discovered it right away. It's true that my current state is a special phenomenon caused by void technology.

Just like you feel, Heavenly Sword King, I am here but not here. "

Seeing that Binghua brought the topic to the void, Karl immediately put aside his guard against Binghua, and began to explain his views on the void.

(End of this chapter)

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