Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 895, the pioneer of the times

Chapter 895, the pioneer of the times
Binghua has no desire to do anything. Judging from the fact that he failed to stop Karl's space transfer by using space disturbance before, his existing powerful attack methods should not be able to hit the opponent.

Ordinary attacks should be ignored by Karl's previous appearance, so Binghua didn't sneak attack when Karl was distracted just now, because it was useless.

"Your Excellency, Heavenly Sword King, you directly destroyed my Death Song Academy, so you have nothing to say?"

Karl looked at Binghua and said in a deep voice, at the same time a book with a metal cover appeared in his hand, and blue energy fluctuations emerged around him.

"I just want to say one thing. It's a pity that I didn't stab you to death with a sword today. In addition, congratulations. You don't need to be sneaky to provoke civil strife in other civilizations in the future."

Binghua said jokingly that she didn't feel regretful or angry because the stars she released failed to achieve results, because before coming to the Styx galaxy, Binghua had the expectation of returning without success.

Karl on the other side is different. He has practiced Qi Cultivation Kungfu for countless years and can no longer keep his heart at peace.

When Karl raised his hand, a giant blue energy barrier stood up out of thin air, and covered it in the direction of the glacier.

Binghua had expected this for a long time, but she had some of Karl's battle data.

Although I don't know what kind of energy the incoming energy barrier is composed of, but as long as it is energy, it can be dispelled and wiped out by greater energy.

Almost at the same time as Karl made his move, a row of destructive swords protruded from the void behind Binghua, hitting the energy barrier like a spurted crossbow bolt.

The next moment, the sword body of the destruction sword was eroded by the energy barrier energy released by Karl, and the sword body began to collapse rapidly.

But before Karl's face showed a hint of joy, the mimetic miniature stars embedded in the hollow sword grid of the destruction sword began to burst out with dazzling brilliance.

As several groups of huge energy flames engulfed several kilometers around them rose, neither Karl nor Binghua could avoid the attack released by the Destruction Sword using itself as a sacrifice.

As the energy flames dissipated, Karl, who was missing a part of his body and was recovering, and Binghua, whose body was protected by the invisible force field, reappeared in the cosmic space.

"The technology of simulating stellar fusion, Heavenly Sword King, I'm starting to wonder if you are the god of Lieyang civilization in disguise."

Karl is still fearless, not worried about whether the missing part of himself can be recovered.

"It seems that you have even blocked your own pain. Is such a body really interesting, Karl?"

When Binghua spoke, both his left and right hands were covered with the Titan's Gauntlet, and the back of both the left and right gauntlets were inlaid with miniature stellar energy sources.

"Personally, I feel that my immortal body is exactly what most Kamigawa creatures dream of."

While talking trash with Binghua, Karl didn't stop what he was doing.

One after another ominous blue energy clusters emerged in the cosmic space around the glacier, and began to rapidly shrink and collapse towards the inside.

But before these shrinking energy clusters exploded, the invisible force field captured them all, and before they exploded, they were all thrown to Karl's position by Binghua.

After the two sides faced each other for several more rounds, they both found that the other side was a tough nut to crack.

Binghua hated Karl's body that was not afraid of injury and death. No matter how he tried or attacked, he couldn't cause even scratching damage to Karl.

Karl has nothing to do with Binghua's super-powerful force field control. No matter how he attacks, he will be captured and thrown back by the force field control.

In addition, because the Death Song Academy was suddenly destroyed by Binghua, Carl was extremely inadequately prepared and could not use many methods. Gradually, Carl was suppressed by Binghua who had no supercomputer support.

"Isn't that going to work? What's the point of this? Could it be that your Void God Body will make you weak."

While Binghua was speaking, he opened his right hand and grabbed the star beside him. The ultra-high temperature plasma on the surface of the star was stripped off by the force field like a mass of viscous liquid matter.

"Let sister let me take a hot bath for you."

Such a frenzied scene made the corners of Karl's eyes twitch slightly. If the void he studied was the rewriting and destruction of the physical rules of the universe, then what Binghua is doing at this moment is the extreme use of physical rules and energy.

Before the material on the surface of the star overturned, Karl's figure disappeared directly in place, and escaped by using space transfer.

This actually made the corners of Binghua's mouth twitch slightly, because it meant that Karl could not ignore the continuous burning of ultra-high temperature plasma, and said that Karl's Void God Body was not as perfect as he said.

Just when Binghua was thinking about how to push Karl out of his limit, a compressed unknown energy sphere appeared again around Karl who was avoiding the attack by space shifting.

But this time the energy sphere released by Karl did not leave his vicinity, but began to collapse inward directly beside him.

Just when Binghua was puzzled by this, the energy ball around Karl, which had collapsed to the limit, appeared beside Binghua at some point.

In an instant, the energy impact of blue mixed with traces of purple engulfed Binghua's body.

A few seconds later, Binghua put down the Titan's handshake armor that was protecting her face, and glanced at the angel king's breastplate and side shoulder armor that were covered with blue cracks due to energy erosion.

"It's really dangerous energy, erosive and destructive, much higher than the same dark energy."

Regarding Binghua's evaluation, Karl said confidently:
"This is why I am obsessed with void technology. In the future, it will definitely replace dark energy. By then, I will be the pioneer in exploring void technology in the new era!"

Binghua was dismissive of Carl's speech. Binghua believed that the void might replace dark energy in the future, but just because you, Carl, wanted to be a pioneer of the new era, you would think too highly of yourself.

"You want to be the pioneer of the new era, have you ever asked if the angel civilization agrees?"

Before Binghua finished speaking, her attack was already approaching Karl's body one step ahead, and the beating thunder and lightning passed directly through Karl's body, as if standing there was a phantom.

Karl repeated the same trick, summoning the energy ball that collapsed inward again, preparing to repeat the previous attack.

But this time Binghua's reaction was beyond his expectation. The collapsed energy ball reached the position Karl expected, but the Binghua that should have been there disappeared.

At the same time, Binghua's voice sounded beside Karl's ear.

"Being so close to me, didn't Liang Bing tell you that my best skill is surprise beheading?"

The next moment, Karl's head and hood flew away from his neck, and there was still a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Binghua, who was surrounded by thunder and lightning, did not stop attacking, but threw the king sword in his hand, stretched out his hand and pulled out the neutron war blade from the opened space crack.

 Recently, because I need to work during the day, the update time is relatively late, I hope everyone will understand,
(End of this chapter)

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