Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 897, Combat Data Dismantling

Chapter 897, Combat Data Dismantling

As a master at analyzing the enemy's battle data and finding flaws, Binghua naturally participated in Hexi's dismantling of the battle data.

Keisha watched them busy and occasionally put forward a few suggestions of her own.

This scene is like the four kings discussing how to deal with Hua Ye tens of thousands of years ago, but now what they need to deal with is not Hua Ye, the former king of angels, but the new threat Karl.

The female angel is no longer the legion that could only hide in XZ, but the defender of order that coerces the entire known universe.

But there is only one thing, that is, the former four kings have become the current three kings.

"After Binghua's probing, we now know that Karl can't ignore all attacks. Although the opponent's divine body cannot be destroyed, it can be damaged."

While Hexi was talking, he brought up the scene of Karl being pierced by the flaming sword projected by Binghua. The opponent's body was obviously scorched by the energy flames, but it was automatically repaired soon.

As well as the subsequent scenes of Karl being pulled by Binghua's weapon, the neutron warblade, and being crushed into an atomic flow by gravity, all of these show that Karl has not yet broken free from the shackles of the laws of physics.

Compared with Hexi who always believed that Karl's divine body was a product of void technology, and was always trying to find a way to destroy Karl in terms of sub-biological technology, Binghua, who had seen all kinds of enemies, had a different opinion.

"Sister Hexi, is it possible that we have always entered into a misunderstanding of thinking, Karl's so-called immortal void body is not physically immortal at all."

Hexi and Kaisha pondered for a while when they heard the words, and Hexi asked directly:
"How to say?"

"When I used the Neutron Glaive, I did destroy his physical body, I am absolutely sure of that.

Because when Karl reappeared later, he didn't escape from the gravitational wave of my neutron blade, just like a new Karl appeared.

This reminds me of an enemy I once defeated, the God of the Devourer. "

Hearing Binghua mention this name, Kaisha Hexi remembered that this was the first existence who was so arrogant to attack the Melo Heaven after the establishment of the Melo Heaven.

Although he was easily defeated by the angel later, and the deity was imprisoned in the angel prison, the angel civilization did not dare to kill the opponent easily, because the God of the Devourer has his own data backup in many places in the known universe.

As long as the consciousness of the body he is using now is destroyed, other data backups of the Devourer God will be automatically activated, and the angel will spend a lot of energy to deal with this trouble. For this reason, the angel civilization can only seal it up. Angel Prison.

"Binghua, you mean that Karl uploaded his consciousness into the big clock, and the body he is using now is just a cover?"

"Almost, even if not, it should be a similar method. If he really masters the technology to easily tamper with the laws of physics and rewrite concepts, he won't be so weak."

Binghua took it for granted, but Hexi and Kaisha twitched the corners of their mouths slightly, saying that Karl is weak, and you don't look at what super-class attack methods you use when fighting with each other.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss until now. If you want to kill Karl, no matter what kind of technology the other party uses, it will take time to study the angel civilization if you want to crack it.

"I think Binghua's conjecture is very likely to be true, and the big clock in Karl's hands is a huge threat to justice and order after all.

However, it is an extremely huge project to cut off the branches of the big clock in the known universe, and it will take a long time to realize it. "

As soon as Kaisha finished speaking, Hexi interjected:
"Queen Kaisa, if she wants to cut off the tentacles of the big clock in the known universe, it can only be done in a short period of time, otherwise Karl can easily manipulate the big clock to reconnect with other stars in the main universe to provide energy for it."

"Then first look for the positions of all the stars connected to the big clock in the known universe, and cut them off with thunder when the time is right."

Binghua expressed her thoughts, and Hexi felt that this was much more reliable than Kaisha's slow pruning.

"Binghua, even if we know the positions of all the stars connected to the big clock, we can't cut them off with the force of thunder as you said, because the total number of active angels of Merlot Angels is only a few hundred thousand. "

When Keisha said this, her tone was very helpless. Of course, the true strength of the angelic civilization is more than that on the surface, but it is not in the state of wartime, and Keisha is embarrassed to issue orders to recruit those angels who have retired.

Binghua also realized after hearing the words, Melo Heaven is different from the world of justice that he built, it is taking the high-end elite route, there are not many legion angels in active service, and it is impossible to pull out a million-dollar army casually like the world of justice. level of elite troops.

At the same time, when the angel destroys the big clock, Karl will definitely not watch it from the sidelines. The opponent also has a large-scale animal civilization army under his command. The implementation of this plan is indeed more difficult.

"Forget it, Queen Keisha, you should first detect the position of the stars connected to the big clock. If the situation is really critical, I will lead the army of the justice world to support Merlot Heavenly Court."

Binghua rubbed her eyebrows, and after a long time, she could only say this:

It is not that the angelic civilization does not have affiliated civilizations that can be recruited, but the number is not large. Most of them were developed during the reign of Binghua. The subsequent sacred left wing did not care about the development of angelic affiliated civilizations except for burning.

Even the fourth holy left-wing Ruoning, because of the attitude problem, has worsened the relationship between some angel-affiliated civilizations and angels.

The reason for this is not all to blame for Kesha’s lack of attention to this aspect. It is really that there has been no large-scale war in the known universe for more than 1 years since the disintegration of the Pan-Kamiga Civilization Alliance. Join the justice order, and don't want to become an angel's subsidiary.

Keisha did not reject Binghua's kindness. Although accepting the help of other civilizations in this way is detrimental to the dignity of the angelic civilization, who made the world of justice established by the former holy left wing of the angelic civilization?

As for whether the world of justice is willing to cross the endless deep space and come to the known universe to help the angelic civilization, this Binghua is not worried, because Binghua has no intention of letting the world of justice do free work for the angelic civilization.

The Merlot Heavenly Court lacks everything and the only thing that is not lacking is resources. After all, the angels control such a vast territory of justice and order, and their own size is too small to digest those resources that are extremely precious in the eyes of ordinary civilizations.

For example, the main material of the flame sword is red gold, which is a rare item in the world of justice, but in Merlot Heaven, even angel recruits can be equipped with the flame sword made of red gold as the main material.

This is certainly due to the difference in size between the two, but on the other hand, it also shows the uninhabited nature of Melo's heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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