Rebuild 2005

Chapter 173 [172] Want to wear a crown

Chapter 173 [172] Want to wear a crown

Wei Qingfan was full of anticipation, turned his head and asked, "What song did senior sister order?"

Wei Qinghuan had a weird expression on his face, and he leaned over and replied, ""Serving the country with allegiance"..."

Wei Qingfan glanced at senior sister's bright and charming side face, and his expression was a little weird.

It's weird for a girl to sing this style of song, and it's even weirder for a beautiful girl with all kinds of charms to sing this song.

Li Miaoyu was also a little curious, and couldn't help but take another look at Li Wanyi who changed her seat and sat in front of the karaoke stage.

There is no doubt that Li Wanyi is the most beautiful girl among the girls she has known since she was a child—except herself.

However, because of her family environment, Li Wanyi obviously doesn't know how to dress. She has big breasts, so she instinctively wears loose clothes to cover it up. As a result, she looked "fat" despite being very thin in the past.

This is a very common misunderstanding in dressing, but Li Miaoyu has no need for this, has not done research, sees the problem, but does not know how to solve it.

But this time, Li Miaoyu found that Li Wanyi seemed to have found a solution.

Today's senior sister is wearing white flat shoes and light blue jeans as usual, but she has changed her upper body to a slightly slim white T-shirt, and her waist has been tightened. Before, she looked thinner, taller, and graceful.

What's more, even though she changed into more slim-fitting clothes, her breasts didn't look as big as before. It seemed that she only had a B or a C just now...

Of course, the "only" here is compared to her past, not to mention in high school, even in college, such a cup is still enough to make most girls envious.

She quietly lowered her head, glanced at herself, and couldn't help puffing out her cheeks again.

She has been learning how to dress up since she was a child, and she doesn't pursue heavy makeup, what she wants to do is "complement each other".

At least among the classmates, Li Miaoyu has always been very confident in her clothing, and feels that it should be "complementing each other".

In the past, Li Wanyi had "negative points" in dressing, relying solely on her natural beauty, and now she is on the right track.

In the past, although Li Miaoyu didn't pay much attention to the so-called "school beauty" discussion in the school, she agreed with the saying "Li Wanyi is famous" in her heart, because she was more beautiful than her when it came to people.

But now...

"Half a catty eight taels."

In the majestic prelude to the song, the little girl quietly made her own judgment in her heart.

If Wei Qingfan knew what was going on in her heart, he would definitely say "heroes see the same thing" and "it's not that a family doesn't enter a family"... Although it is Li Wanyi who has entered a family now.

After putting on suitable underwear, she can finally take advantage of the small bottom circumference and hide her big breasts. The senior sister seems to be enlightened all of a sudden, and she no longer only wears loose clothes like before.

During this period of time, nutrition has kept up, and Li Wanyi is obviously plumper than before, not because she is fat now, but because she was too thin before.

Some time ago, he accidentally overheard the senior sister telling the elder sister that she finally weighed over a hundred... In other words, she is 172 tall and has an E cup. She used to weigh less than a hundred. It is conceivable how thin she is.

However, in this day and age, material resources are not abundant, especially for boarding students, not to mention nine out of ten people who are malnourished, but five or six out of ten is not an exaggeration.

However, thanks to the correct dressing, Li Wanyi, who has gained weight, looks thinner now.

Especially after wearing a waist-tight top today, the waist is thinner and slimmer, showing more curvaceous curves, making her look thinner and more sexy and proud.

This may be one of the reasons why she refused to wear such tight clothes in the past...

Then why wear it today?
Wei Qingfan turned to look at Li Miaoyu who was sitting next to him.

Li Miaoyu just recovered from her little thoughts, and when he saw him looking at her, and looked at him innocently, she rolled her eyes angrily.

Wei Qingfan gave a questioning look, but hadn't received a reply yet. He heard a familiar, but completely different from the mellow and sweet voice in the impression:
"Smoke from the wolf, the country looks north~"

What the hell!

Wei Qingfan was shocked all of a sudden. Other people in the box, from Li Miaoyu to Xie Yao, from Cao Ze to Ma Chao, all the people who heard Li Wanyi sing for the first time looked at Li Wanyi in astonishment and amazement.

Such a vigorous voice is too different from Li Wanyi's appearance, a bit like Li Lifen, of course it is definitely far inferior in terms of thickness, but it is more than enough for the amateur crowd to shock the audience.

Li Wanyi was naturally aware of these commotions, turned her head and looked over, her eyes stayed on the faces of Wei Qingfan and Li Miaoyu for a while, and she smiled slightly, beautiful and confident, with high spirits, against the slightly parted "Dragon Flag Scroll, Ma Chang" with ruddy lips. Hiss, the sword energy is like frost~" Sister Yu's aura exploded with the singing.

"She is born with a wide vocal range, and can sing any kind of song..."

Wei Qingchan obviously knew Li Wanyi very well, and she explained it next to her, with a hint of "this is my father, and I'm proud of her" in her words, then squeezed to Li Wanyi's side, and said with a smile: "I'll give it to you again." You click a song and let them see what is called Variety.”

Li Wanyi ignored her, got up with the microphone, and finished singing the song "Serving the Country with Loyalty" which was seriously inconsistent with her appearance.

The soul-stirring ending of the last sentence "Lai He" had just ended, and before she had time to catch her breath, Wei Qingfan and the others immediately applauded spontaneously.

"Damn, senior sister, you are too fierce!"

Wei Qingfan was really shocked, and he felt excited about discovering the treasure. When applauding, he couldn't help expressing his feelings by saying "Quintessence of China".

Almost at the same time, Li Wanyi, Li Miaoyu, Wei Qingchan, and Wei Qinghuan gave him a disgusted look.

"so amazing!"

Li Miaoyu also applauded, and after despising Wei Qingfan, she couldn't help admiring.

After singing, Li Wanyi's confident and flamboyant aura also disappeared. Hearing Li Miaoyu's words, she smiled embarrassedly, and was about to sit back.

Wei Qingchan said, "The next song is still yours."

The next song is "Eyelash Curved", which she just ordered, and it was pushed to the front, so that the continuous singing can better reflect the contrast.

Li Wanyi gave her a blank look, but she didn't refuse. She held the microphone and breathed calmly, and then sang along with the melody of the song again.

"My heart is pounding"

"The soul is about to leave the body, it feels so good~"

Wang Xinling is called the "sweet guru" by the media. Her song style can be imagined, and her style is sweet and lovely.

Li Wanyi's temperament can't pretend to be cute, but her voice is round and sweet. In order to cater to the style of this song, her voice is more sweet, crisp, light and playful.

Even though they were all prepared, with the contrast of "Patriotism" just now, her sweet voice made everyone feel "sweetened" and messy.

Is this really a person?
Senior sister sang another song, Wei Qingfan and the others spontaneously applauded again, Li Wanyi was a little embarrassed, glared at Wei Qingfan, and said funnyly: "You thought it was a concert, what are you talking about?"

Li Wanyi went back and sat down next to Wei Qingchan. The next song was "The Sea" by Ma Chao. Wei Qingfan lost interest. He turned to look at Li Miaoyu and asked, "Have you ordered any songs?"

Li Miaoyu pursed her lips, gave him a blank look, and ignored him.

Wei Qingfan didn't feel embarrassed, and said softly, "Whatever you want to sing, I'll get you some."

Xie Yao seemed to have noticed something, and also chimed in: "That's right, Miao Miao, you sing so well, why not?"

Li Miaoyu looked at her, then glanced at Wei Qingfan, stood up by herself, "I order it myself."

She took Xie Yao away, and sat down next to the karaoke table to order songs.

There were two more people over there, so they quickly "passed it on". Wei Qinghuan asked Wei Qingfan to move his butt to the side, because there were many people there.

Then Li Miaoyu never came back.

Wei Qingfan didn't go up to it again, lest the water would not be leveled and the bowl would be smashed, which would be so embarrassing.

In fact, Ma Chao's singing wasn't too bad, at least as an amateur, but his senior was too amazing, which made his singing look boring.

After he finished singing, Wei Qingfan teased him a bit, and Cao Ze howled "Fairy Tale" again with a "dedication" spirit, and then Xie Yao pushed Li Miaoyu's song ahead of her.

"Fleeing Years" by Faye Wong.

Li Miaoyu's voice is very clear and ethereal, not up to professional standards, but it is enough to amaze everyone in KTV.

She can't be as versatile as Li Wanyi, but she has learned to sing and is born with excellent conditions. After singing seriously, there is a feeling that makes people feel clear and lingering.

Wei Qingfan led the applause again, and after being dismissed again, he finally felt at ease.

The so-called "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight", since you are shameless, you must have the consciousness of being shameless.

Cao Ze, Ma Chao and the others shared the lunch fee equally, and Qian Weiqingfan, who sang, paid for it himself first, blocking Ma Chao and the others from wanting to pay with the excuse of old sister, old sister, and younger brother.

After singing the song, it was past five o'clock when we left the KTV, and the sun was still high.

Everyone went back to their homes, Xie Yao went to Li Miaoyu's house to play, Wei Qinghuan went home with his elder sister to play computer, Wei Qingfan had to send them to the bus with his senior sister, and then walked back to the store together.

On the way, Li Wanyi received a call from Xiamen University, reminding her to participate in the supplementary recording volunteer on 28.

Li Wanyi thanked her, and then told the teacher of the admissions office that the county had given a scholarship and she no longer needed poverty subsidies.

Wei Qingfan listened beside him, but did not dissuade him.

Li Wanyi chose to refuse the subsidy, not because of face saving or fear of being looked down upon, but because she really hoped that the money would be given to those in need.

Although the facts may not be as expected, this kind of thinking should not be discouraged.

Moreover, he really didn't want Li Wanyi to take the money, and it wasn't necessary.

Moreover, a girl who owns an Apple computer, has a house and a company outside of school, and uses a mobile phone worth several thousand yuan is indeed not suitable for poverty subsidies.

(End of this chapter)

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