Rebuild 2005

Chapter 844 [843] I used to think that I could protect you

Chapter 844 [843] I used to think that I could protect you
Seeing Jiang Qifeng so excited, Liu Yubing stared at him, but laughed instead.

Jiang Qifeng said angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

"Okay, you go back and eat your boiled noodles."

Liu Yubing said with a smile, "Anyway, I can't finish eating so many dishes, so just try it casually. I don't care whether the rest of the dishes are dumped or sold in the store. Anyway, I am now Can't do the thing of packing leftovers and going home... Let's go, it's not that you wasted it, it's just that you spent money, so don't feel sorry."

Jiang Qifeng hesitated for a moment. A few days ago, the hard school life of the children in the mountainous areas that his daughter said flashed through his mind, and he was a little hesitant.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Liu Yubing asked with a stern face, "What's the matter? Isn't it embarrassing to eat with someone like me and lose your appetite? Get out!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Qifeng went back to the table and sat down again, and said coldly: "I'll pay, of course I want to eat, and I want to eat more."

Liu Yubing didn't taunt anymore, but just sneered.

The two who were once closest fell into silence afterward, and after a while, Liu Yubing asked, "Did Qingqing tell you?"

Jiang Qifeng sneered: "She didn't want to save face for you, she didn't want to mention you."

Liu Yubing didn't care about his attitude, and asked, "Then how did you guess that?"

"Liao Daqing has no tolerance for others."

Jiang Qifeng spoke with sarcasm and sneered slightly, "However, he is all-round in the business field, able to bend and stretch, so naturally, if he has any grievances in the business field, he will make up for it in life.

"When you are with him, you say you are husband and wife, but you are actually just a vassal. You eat his clothes, wear his clothes, use his clothes, don't work, and want to live a decent life. Naturally, everything depends on his wishes.

"At the beginning, maybe it was just a certain degree of flattery and a certain principle, but after a long time, the principle will retreat step by step. For example, at the beginning, I occasionally miss my daughter, and may even want to visit her. She, but tell Liao Daqing, or if Liao Daqing finds out that he is unhappy, he will not dare to show it..."

Liu Yubing originally listened with a smile on her face, but when she heard this, her face changed slightly, and she quickly recovered, she still listened quietly, but she lost her calmness just now.

"As time goes on, and the other party coaxes him more, if Liao Daqing's son is not such a jerk, he will gradually place his feelings for his daughter on this child..."

Jiang Qifeng looked at her and continued, "Once you get used to this kind of life, the more you get used to it, the more you can't live without it, the more you hate everyone who might affect your current life, because the initiative is in Liao Daqing's hands, so anything that will cause Liao Daqing What Daqing is unhappy about is what you hate...

"At this time, if your daughter is not a daughter, you can't care about it. Who will let her make Liao Daqing unhappy...he is the guarantee of your life now!"

Jiang Qifeng sneered, "In ancient times, there were so many treacherous ministers who were notorious for thousands of years. When they were young, they had the ambition and aura to help the world. A certain traitor even wrote a poem of 'If you draw a knife, you will live up to the youth's head'. How heroic! How excited! The result?
"You said that my personality is too upright and too fierce, so bear with it and retreat, isn't it good? This is the end! If you retreat from the first step, there will be a second step, a third step... and then one step after another. , from one extreme to another, becoming the person I hated and despised the most!
"Those colleagues of mine in the past, do you think that when they first started working, they wanted to become corrupt officials, mediocre officials, or vegetarians?
"In this era, there are scholars everywhere. Who didn't have a little bit of ambition and ideals when they were young? That's how you take a step back today, and take a step back tomorrow, and then they all become what they are now..."

Jiang Qifeng was emotional, but his tone appeared to be quite restrained. He stared at Liu Yubing like two torches, and said coldly: "When you divorced, you consulted with me and Liao Daqing several times. Qingqing went together, but he didn't agree, and I didn't agree either... Do you understand why I didn't agree now?

"Qingqing suffers if she follows me, but suffers if she follows you!

"If Qingqing really left with you, at the beginning, you would love her very much, love her very much, and treat that child from the Liao family equally... But as time goes by, Qingqing will no longer be happy to provoke Liao Daqing, Her existence will make Liao Daqing unhappy, and if Liao Daqing is unhappy, he will panic, feel uneasy, wear away his feelings for his daughter little by little, and then push all the sins on her...

"When you get divorced, you want to give your daughter the best life! But if she really leaves with you, I dare say that you will be the one who hurt Qingqing the most, not Liao Daqing..."

Liu Yubing's face turned pale, and she didn't know if she was frightened by the scene he described. After a moment of silence, she sneered and said, "This is all your delusion. That is my daughter. I was born in October. She was raised by a single mouthful of food... I feel very sorry for not taking care of her for so many years, how could I hurt her?"

"Did you think so when you got divorced?"

Jiang Qifeng sneered twice, "During the divorce, you still wanted to live a good life there, so you secretly got some money to support your daughter, what happened in the end?

"In the past ten years, how many times have you transferred money to Yu Xiurong? Twice? Or three times? In the following years, what do you want to secretly take care of your daughter?"

Liu Yubing's expression was ugly, she stared at him and asked, "Did Yu Xiurong tell you?"

"Does she need to tell me this?"

Jiang Qifeng sneered, "After we were together, she never came to our house. After you left, she suddenly cared about Qingqing...I can figure out the reason with my toes."

A waiter knocked on the door and brought the food over. Neither of them spoke, and let the waiter set the food and go out.

"Senior sister is very nice, and these years, it's not easy to be alone."

Liu Yubing sighed, and said: "Although I lost contact with her afterwards, I know that with her temperament, she will definitely take care of Qingqing... I am looking for you this time because Qingqing asked me for help, to match up You and Senior Sister Yu."

She picked up the chopsticks, put the vegetables in her mouth, tasted them carefully, and checked Jiang Qifeng's reaction at the same time.

Jiang Qifeng also immersed himself in his meal, not wanting to talk to him.

"To be honest, if it wasn't for me back then, maybe you and Senior Sister Yu would have been together."

Seeing that he was silent, Liu Yubing continued, "We are all at this age. It is not easy to have someone who knows everything and can be trusted. If you really find someone else, I am worried whether it will be good for Qingqing."

Jiang Qifeng sneered and said, "Anyone will treat her better than you."

Liu Yubing put down the chopsticks, as if she wanted to get angry, but then sighed, picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat, and said: "Forget it, I don't know as much as you, after so many years, I still have this bad temper... Yingying and Qing Qingdu agrees, and Senior Sister Yu will definitely not reject it, so you can give it a try."

Jiang Qifeng said: "You don't need to worry about my affairs, just take care of yourself."

Liu Yubing finally couldn't help it, and said angrily: "If Qingqing didn't let me come, do you think I would like to take care of your shit?"

Jiang Qifeng also said angrily: "If it weren't for the fact that she and Wei Qingfan were classmates, and now they are the secretary, you would care about her life and death?"

Liu Yubing took a breath and let it out slowly, as if she was trying to calm down, and then she went back to eat, and after a while, she asked, "Are you familiar with that Mr. Wei?"

Jiang Qifeng buried his head in his meal, and after a while, he said coldly, "I'm not familiar."

Liu Yubing asked again: "Then do you know what happened between Qingqing and him?"

"What can happen?"

Jiang Qifeng was furious, "Liu Yubing, I warn you, don't impose your set of values ​​on Qingqing, otherwise I won't make you feel better if I risk my life!"

"What do you mean I impose my values ​​on Qingqing?"

Liu Yubing also became annoyed, "What did I say? I just want to understand the situation, aren't I still afraid that Qingqing will suffer?"

"You stay away from her, that is the greatest help to her!"

"I'm too lazy to care about you!"

Both of them felt that their words were not speculative, they stopped talking, lowered their heads to eat, and both seemed to be angry, and no one paid attention to the other.

The amount of dishes was not large, although they ordered a lot, but under the anger of the two, it seemed that their appetites improved a lot. Of course, the more reasonable explanation is that the anger and resentment that had been suppressed for many years were all vented, and they naturally appetized. The food on the table was eaten up by the two of them.

Seeing that it was impossible to pack any more, Jiang Qifeng felt it was a pity to keep some leftovers, so he continued to eat without stopping.

Liu Yubing put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth with a tissue, drank a cup of tea, and then sat across from her and watched Jiang Qifeng eat.

Looking at it, she didn't know what to think of. She took out a wet tissue from her bag and began to wipe her face. When Jiang Qifeng looked up, she found that the delicate makeup on her face had been wiped off. There was no makeup on her face.

In this way, her skin is no longer so delicate, her complexion is no longer so good, she is no longer in her thirties, she looks about forty, and she is still a beautiful woman with good maintenance.

Moreover, compared to her delicate makeup, she seems to have an indescribable spirit and a vigor that is closer to life.

Jiang Qifeng seemed to be taken aback, then wiped the corners of his mouth casually, and got up expressionlessly.

Liu Yubing also picked up the bag, and the two walked out of the box one after the other.

When going out, Liu Yubing asked: "Since you already knew who I am, why did you still love me? Would you marry me?"

Jiang Qifeng didn't answer, and went downstairs by himself.

When he came downstairs, he went to pay the bill, but the waiter told him with a smile: "This lady has already paid."

Jiang Qifeng was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Liu Yubing, and asked the waiter, "She has never been out, how did she pay?"

"Payment in advance, sir."

The waitress with a professional smile replied politely. It seemed that because Liu Yubing had gone off her make-up, she took another quick look at her, and then said to her, "I will give you 37 yuan in change."

"no need."

Liu Yubing smiled and said, "There's no need to look for it."

Seeing Jiang Qifeng looking over, she smiled and said, "If you want it, you can take it."

Jiang Qifeng looked at her, one suppressed his anger, the other smiled gracefully, and looked at each other for two seconds, Jiang Qifeng turned and left, Liu Yubing still kept smiling, nodded to the waiter, and then followed out.

She quickened her pace, followed Jiang Qifeng outside the door, and said, "You haven't answered me yet."

Jiang Qifeng seemed to be going to leave directly, but he stopped when he heard this, turned his head to look at her, and said: "Oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and oranges born in Huaibei are oranges."

Liu Yubing looked at him without speaking.

Jiang Qifeng didn't stay any longer, and walked forward to the bus platform, but after taking two steps, his pace slowed down, and then he turned around.

He looked at the woman not far away. He thought he would grow old together. His ex-lover who had a happy ending in TV dramas and novels seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated to speak, but finally spoke.

It was a sigh-like voice, drifting away in the evening wind of neon lights: "I used to think that I could protect you well."

Liu Yubing froze there, not moving for a long time, watching him turn around and leave, watching him clumsily walk through the crowd and traffic, towards the bus platform over there.

This is a time-honored restaurant. It is said that it has a history of a hundred years. It has witnessed the great era of great changes. As early as when she and him were students and were still in love, they had talked about coming here to eat.

But has been cash-strapped, the plan has been repeatedly postponed.

It wasn't until the second year after marriage that she became pregnant. At that time, Jiang Qifeng, who was still receiving a year-end bonus, said that he would bring her here for dinner.

She said: "It's rare to go there, and I think it will be rare to go in the future. When my daughter grows up, take her to eat together."

At that time, she who said these words was prepared to only come here for one meal in her life.

Later, my daughter was born and grew up slowly, but the family situation became more and more difficult, and this wish was never realized.

Until the divorce, neither he nor she could bring their daughter here for a meal.

However, she knows exactly how to get here, how to go home, where to take the bus, where to get on and get off.

It is clear that after so many years, she can still remember clearly.

She once passed by here with her daughter, secretly fantasizing about coming here for dinner in the future, they held her daughter's little hand together, got off the bus, walked through the crowd, walked into the restaurant, walked out of the restaurant after eating, and followed the crowd to have a look at Qinhuai River, walk along the river...

As time goes by, the daughter in this picture is getting older and older.

At some point, perhaps because she no longer had hope for her husband, she told her daughter to study hard and earn money.

At that time, she thought in her heart, Qingqing is so obedient and smart, she will definitely be admitted to a good school, and when she graduates from university, finds a good job, and gets her first month's salary, the family will arrive Eat here.

It's a pity that my daughter had graduated from college at that time, maybe she was already in a relationship, she must be very beautiful... I must be old, wearing a nice skirt, walking by the river after dinner, I am not as beautiful as I am now.

However, Qingqing will be beautiful.

At that time, she thought so.

"I used to think that I could protect you."

"I used to think that I could protect you."

"I used to think..."

"Protect you..."

The voice was echoing, shattering the images in memories and fantasies. Liu Yubing watched Jiang Qifeng walk away, suddenly covered her mouth, then took a deep breath, and shouted loudly towards his back: "Senior Sister Yu is fine, cherish it! ..."

The crowd looked over here.

She ignored it and continued to shout: "Better than me!"

Jiang Qifeng didn't look back.

She didn't shout anymore.

The eyes cast over quickly moved away, and she was the only one standing on the side of the street in a daze, standing alone.

"Auntie, are you alright?"

After an unknown amount of time, a little girl's voice asked next to her. Liu Yubing came back to her senses and saw an eleven or twelve-year-old girl standing in front of her, looking at her timidly with caring and worried eyes.

She almost blurted out "Qingqing", but soon realized that it was not, the age was not, and the looks were not similar.

She stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and said with a gentle smile, "It's okay, thank you, Auntie is fine... go find your mother."

The little girl handed over a tissue, and Liu Yubing took it with a smile, "Thank are so good."

The little girl smiled at her, then waved her hand, turned around and ran to the restaurant.

Liu Yubing followed her and saw a gentle woman in her 30s, next to her husband who seemed to be asking her daughter what she was talking about.

Liu Yubing smiled at the woman who was looking over, then turned around, subconsciously took a few steps forward, and then realized, looking in that direction, saw a bus parked in front of the platform, then closed the door and started to leave.

She seemed to subconsciously opened her mouth, but she didn't say a word. She stood there in a daze again, then turned around with a dull expression, and walked in another direction.

After walking for a while, she suddenly squatted down and buried her face in the crook of her knees.

On the crowded and bustling street, many nearby people stared in astonishment, seeing such an elegant and decent middle-aged woman squatting on the side of the road, covering her face and weeping bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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