latent syndrome.

Chapter 100 99. Website Secrets

Chapter 100 99. Website Secrets
The second night.

An independent building on an abandoned street in the Shusk District, it is one of the few places in the entire city that is powered on and the windows are shining with light.

The news about yesterday's attack and the death of the mayor spread not only in Southern California, but even in the whole world. Since the 50s, such things have been extremely rare.

Not only were the passengers killed on the plane, but a large number of burning plane wreckages also caused some casualties. This deliberate attack even the president of the Freedom Alliance has come forward to explain that it will attach great importance to this matter and will punish all crimes involved. punished severely.

It is a dilapidated space without any furnishings, and the only lighting tool is a desk lamp. Di Kuo is surfing the Internet and browsing the news on a desktop computer.

He found many video sites, and some of the comments below were blaming the incompetence of functional agencies. Since the security problems in Southern California had not been resolved in the first place, emotional problems had been backlogged, and now they were finally completely detonated.

The scolding should be as ugly as it sounds.

But Di Kuo completely opposed it, and expressed his condolences to the dead mayor, as well as his understanding of the functional department that dealt with the incident. , After entering a large string, it is released.

[These politicians did not fall from the sky. 】

[It's not from some parallel world. 】

[They come from your family, community, school, and the most stupid ones. 】

[They are elected by the people. 】

[For me, it is the people who are stupid. 】

[Join the Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid Association and become a Smart guy. 】

After Di Kuo spent a full 2 ​​minutes typing this passage, he sent it out, but it was blocked within ten seconds.

His expression is so gloomy, it’s really fucking amazing, why is he not blocked for insulting politicians, but himself is blocked? It must be that the website administrator understands that the public should vent their emotions to a certain extent, and only let the idiots and brain-dead without dialectical remarks come out. It seems extremely stupid and unconvincing to get likes from mentally handicapped cerebral palsy, but to ban and delete the sharp and sound comments, in order to achieve a wonderful manipulation of transcendence and holiness.

boom! boom! boom!
"Fuck people, fuck free speech, fuck everybody."

Di Yu picked up the keyboard and slammed it on the table frantically. He finally typed such a long paragraph of words, but the result was completely wasted.

After a while, he stopped.

Since the keyboard has been completely scrapped, he had to use the system's built-in soft keyboard to enter the URL, and he skillfully entered a membership-only pornographic website.

Then use the soft keyboard to enter the account password. From the upper right corner of the page, you can find that he is an annual fee member, and you can browse all the videos on the website smoothly. After choosing the key option of married, you choose a cover that is slightly harsh and read it. .

Just 10 minutes after he watched it with great interest.

Suddenly someone pushed the door and entered, and Di Yu immediately closed the webpage the moment he heard the door lock tab close, and was refreshing the desktop.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Di Yu said impatiently, he knew for sure.

The first rule is that it cannot be mentioned by name.

The second rule is that there can be no doubts.

At this point, only members of the Los Angeles Branch Council came. These were either people who had made major contributions, or those who were more powerful infected.

"I'm just saying something."

Heath was smoking a cigarette, his expression as cold as ever, as if nothing had happened. Even at this moment, the countermeasures bureau was still monitoring his location in real time, and the special material bomb in his brain could kill him at any time.


Since there was a problem on Heath Road yesterday, it seemed that he was in a death-match with a very strong infected person without camp, and the camera equipment he was asked to bring with him couldn't be found, so Di Kuo had to find another time to send someone to go.

"Terry is dead."

Heath said calmly, the actual situation is that he does not know whether Terry is dead or not, but Gray claims that it is so, and it is very likely that he has been sent to their experimental base for a long time torment, but there is no doubt that he will definitely not return. Come, his mind has no strategic value.

And the countermeasure bureau's requirement is that he must report an effective piece of intelligence every five days, otherwise the bomb will explode directly.

Heath dared not refuse, that woman would definitely do it.

"Is there a whole body?"

Di Kuo asked casually, intending to send some funeral expenses for Heath to leave. He remembered that Terry had no family, so he saved a pension.

Heath denied it.

Di Yu was speechless, but it was okay, even the burial fee was saved, and he gave Heath a few hundred dollars casually. The members who died because of the hijacking of the airliner had brothers and sisters, and there was a disabled sister among them, so A large pension was given, and various expenses also caused financial strain.

"It's time to drink and drink, it's time to recruit prostitutes, okay, hurry up and get out."

He didn't want his rare good time to be disturbed.

"There was a big move yesterday, what is the next step."

Heath asked straightforwardly, without any fear of being exposed at all. It doesn't mean that the city is not deep, at least in Heath's feeling, he is a highly confident person. Some brain damage, but it's not bad, anyway, just a perverted idiot with a good brain.

"do nothing."

"Everyone is quite tired, it's time to take a vacation, let's take two days off first."

"Those people will find something to do on their own."

Di Kuo responded perfunctorily, SCT does not have a salary system, the management system is dominated by SCT to arrange all affairs, other organizations either join as sub-organizations, or be destroyed, only the share of managers of other organizations, the funds are freely controlled by them .

Although the headquarters personnel have various benefits and stable salaries, they are the headquarters and branch SCT members after all, and they are billed on a piece-by-case basis, but those with a establishment have pensions, and others are paid according to tasks, and soap is extracted , Give money, produce a bomb, give money, kill the people in the countermeasure bureau, give money, rob the bank OK, have to pay 50% of the tax.

In short, SCT can even play a certain role in maintaining public security, because if it wasn't for their people who robbed the bank, they would directly issue a reward order to chase them down and monopolize the industry.

If there is no job to do, these people will find something to do on their own. Di Yu thinks that there is no need to act for a while. As long as these people go out and commit crimes under the protection of SCT and continue to damage the credibility, when it reaches the right level, only You can enter the third stage after you have finished your work.

"Then do you want to go out for a drink? You're bored if you're alone."

Heath was a little uneasy, if he didn't have information, he would really die, maybe he would drink a little wine, and he would say it when he became excited.

"Hehe, get out within three seconds. When the time comes to run for mayor, I'll take you to Chisa."

Di Yu was speechless.

"Running for mayor?"

Heath didn't expect Di Krow to say it casually.

"I don't know either, let's talk about it later, 3."

Di Yu began to count.

Heath had no choice but to leave in despair.

After confirming that Hiss was gone, Di Yu locked the door, logged in to the website again, and took out a box of paper from the drawer.

(End of this chapter)

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