Chapter 109 Two Dreams

In the darkest night before dawn, Klein had a dream in a daze.He dreamed that he was back in the ancestral house of Baron Ponder, and his eyes went along the underground corridor, through the collapsed soil layer, and saw the huge room with the blasphemous statue of the six gods.

Klein subconsciously looked at the deepest door. He knew that an unidentified bloodthirsty evil spirit was sealed behind it. All three heirs died accidentally, and the current successor family had to be brought in from the collateral line.And since the baron became more and more unable to support the wall after various deliberate inducements and changes, he has now reduced to the point where he even sold his mansion and rented a house outside, completely abandoning his dignity.

Normally, it should stop here. From the perspective of mysticism, it may be that some hidden thoughts in life reminded Klein of the underground ruins, and then left some traces in his subconscious that he did not notice. Expressed in the form of dreams.

However, to his surprise, after reaching the door, his sight didn't stop, and he got closer. Before Klein decided to wake up, the vision in his dream had already stuck to the crack of the door.

He saw that it was empty!
Under the warm and soft quilt, Klein slowly opened his eyes.

This should be a sign, but he couldn't think rationally in the state of interrupted sleep. He recalled the content of the dream just now in a daze, then slowly closed his eyes, turned over and continued to sleep.


At this moment, in a private hospital affiliated to the Church of Evernight in Backlund North District, in a well-equipped single room, a patient lying on the bed with weak breathing coughed, coughed again, and let out a long, broken cry. Continued, painful breathing.


Painkillers were applied to his head, face, and corners of his eyes, and Leonard, who was tightly wrapped in bandages, tried his best to make some sounds weaker than breathing, but at this time the red gloves that were supposed to be in charge of taking care of the wounded Just reported the situation to Soest in the corridor outside the ward.Leonard's voice lingered hoarsely around his lips, but there was no response.


Consciously, he called out again, and the burning pain in his throat and chapped lips was not much better than the pain in his body.

The half glass of cold boiled water on the head of the bed was quietly reduced by half. Pallez sighed and responded to Leonard's whisper for help.He stole the moisture that was very important to the wounded, part of it smeared on the other's lips, and part of it slowly slid down the esophagus. These cooling sensations finally made Leonard feel a little comforted.

But he was still not calm, with a high fever, cold sweat all over his head, his weak limbs twitched and struggled slightly under the bedding, and his fingertips scratched the sheets repeatedly, as if he had fallen into a nightmare.

Words such as "Tingen", "Captain", "I'm sorry", "Klein" and "Devil" appeared repeatedly in Leonard's babble, even though Pallez would steal some of the wounds from the opponent's body every once in a while. Pain and great mental damage cannot be avoided.

After being seriously injured by the abyss angel to the point of dying, Leonard lost the consciousness of suppressing Sealed Artifact 1-42, and was almost torn to pieces by the bloodthirsty armor on the spot.Fortunately, Soest made a timely judgment and let him leave the armor in the last few seconds, soaking in the hot water pool just dug out, barely dispelling the negative effects and saving his life.

Otherwise, even if Pales was present, he would have to change to another host.

He saved his life, but Leonard's condition didn't improve at all. He dared to lose control of his emotions when facing the devil, so he was almost torn to pieces by his own hatred and anger before touching the opponent.

What's more, at this time, he was still controlling a Level 1 Sealed Artifact.

Being able to save his life has already made Soest extremely excited, and shouted for the blessing of the goddess.

The single ward was empty, and the armchair beside Leonard's bed was cast a dark shadow on the wall by the moonlight. On top of it, a human-shaped shadow gradually appeared, as if an invisible person was sitting Sitting on the chair, his figure was illuminated by the moonlight, and he looked at Leonard quietly.


A sigh no one heard.

"As a nightmare, to be caught by your own dream, you kid's potion digestion progress is really unqualified..."

While talking, "theft" occurred in this small ward. Leonard, who was wandering in the world of black and flames, saw the fire in Tingen for countless times, and the terrifying black shadow covering the sky was torn apart. Dunn Smith, Megoose and Klein.These are the portrayals of his heart, the intense emotions in his subconscious that are hardest to forget and least willing to let go.

"Stealing" takes effect, and the negative things are stolen, revealing the background of the dream.The blood-colored sky and the distorted moon that looked like eyes were covered by a peaceful shimmer, and all the intense emotions in Leonard's dream disappeared slowly, and were painted with a comfortable and soothing color.

In the dream world, Leonard, who was running around and looking for the murderer, gradually stopped, and he blinked in confusion.

At this time, did you think of using the ability of "Nightmare" to explore the unfamiliar environment?Pallez groaned again in his heart, and then stole this idea away, leading Leonard to walk forward slowly, along the stone brick path with flowers blooming along the way, step by step into the place where he was in his dream. In the single dormitory built by the church and distributed to him by the church,
Entering the familiar environment, Leonard's mood obviously relaxed a lot. He subconsciously walked to his favorite single sofa, and reached for a copy of "Selected Lines from Opera" on the table, but the contents inside were all Fuzzy, the outlines of the furniture are constantly fluctuating, often distorted, and at the same time it is weird and completely expresses the distortion of the dream.

Leonard's mood became more and more peaceful and peaceful, and the black-red sky and moon outside the window gradually turned into lazy afternoon sunlight, casting an idle atmosphere in the room that made people want to be lazy.He flipped through the book for a while, and soon fell asleep.Then he yawned, lay down on the single sofa, found a comfortable position and fell asleep with his clothes on.

After a while, there was an even and calm breathing sound.

In the real world, Leonard's frowning brows were gradually smoothed out by the peaceful dream, his forehead was no longer dripping with cold sweat, his fingers were no longer tightening the sheets, and his expression gradually returned to normal.

The black shadow on the wall kept looking at the hospital bed, and after a few minutes, it disappeared without a sound, just like when it appeared without warning.

Afterwards, the door of the ward was carefully pushed open a crack, and the red-gloved nurse in charge crept in and sat on the armchair.He looked at the seriously injured Leonard, pointed out the red moon, and silently prayed to the moonlight, hoping that the goddess would bless his companion for a speedy recovery.

The real Creator wrapped in an ancient Greek-style robe sat solemnly on the high chair in the study, with the soles of his feet half a meter off the ground.

Edward looked him up and down, and found that the strength of the other party had recovered to about Sequence 5, which was quite fast.

It seems that in order to resist his own pollution, the true Creator has chosen the method of accelerating the transitional power and improving the personality.

"You're growing up a little bit," He said.

"In terms of sequence, this is for..."

"I'm talking about height." The devil made a gesture, "It stands to reason that you should only be three or four years old now."

The real creator who was exposed to quietly heighten his figure in order to look more mature and stable felt a little annoyed: "This is not something we need to pay attention to at the moment."

He cleared his throat: "In this series of matters, you and I are normal cooperation with clearly marked prices. I have already promised that if I can find Medici's clues, I will help you once within my ability."

"I have seen what you did in the Southern Continent, and I heard your prayers, so I immediately asked the body of the Land Abandoned by God to provide assistance to you. Judging from the results, you succeeded, congratulations."

The speech of the real creator made Edward, who was distracted, cheer up a little. He inadvertently mentioned the "hanged man" in the land forsaken by God, and the implication seemed to be that he had already been able to do something about the behavior of the "hanged man". Manipulation and influence... Ah, it should be reminding myself who has just been promoted to Sequence 1 not to mess around and continue to maintain a cooperative relationship.

He nodded to show that he was listening.

"Since the Second Epoch, you are the first newly born filthy king."

The gods who witnessed the four eras were very emotional: "This is also an unparalleled feat. But the devil path is not suitable for the birth of a true god. You have now shown your strong competitiveness. The Seven Gods probably will not compete with the hundreds of people in the past. I will let you go all year long."

Aurora was probably raided partly because of you, the True Creator thought, otherwise I really can't understand what they are warning, or the Three Churches just became angry because of the undercurrents in Backlund that caused frequent problems, At the end of the year, work hard to make a performance and restore your image in the eyes of the public?

Then they did succeed, and Aurora will suffer heavy losses. Maybe they have already guessed that their condition has improved a little. If Hei Ye wants to do something, he is completely unable to resist now, even if the other party supports him His obnoxious divine side came to eat him.

"You will receive attention, digestion of potions and promotion will be blocked."

"Compared to staying on the demon path, it may be a better choice to switch to the true god who competes for the prisoner path."

Edward nodded slightly, and unceremoniously accepted the praise from the ancient sun god: "I tried to change the path at the very beginning, but the prisoner path was eroded so deeply by the pollution that it was almost beyond recognition, and the demons had a better chance. Unless there is nothing else Choose, or I won't jump the path."

"However, I have already reached this level. If I say that I have no determination to compete to become a god, it is completely impossible."

"However, Fabuti has been hiding in the abyss for thousands of years, and various changes have occurred in the abyss. My promotion will not be stable, or there may be no chance of promotion at all, because I cannot obtain the uniqueness of Fabuti in the abyss. And the last Sequence 1."

"The gods should also know, maybe they won't pay attention to me at all."

The True Creator nodded: "I hope so."

"Then let's move on to the next question."

Edward sat up straight, the face of the real creator changed slightly, and as expected, he heard the other party start whispering demons:
"The Aurora Society's stronghold in Backlund has been cleared. If you want to restore the scale, you need at least a large enough venue, and you need to relocate the magical items. You can't stay with me forever."

"If you have nowhere to go now, I have a place I can arrange for you."

coming!This standard devil-style speech that people can't refuse!The real creator controlled his desire to roll his eyes, and said bluntly: "Let's talk about it, let's make a price."

The demon smiled.

He waved his hand, and a thin picture book automatically fell from the bookshelf, unfolding in front of the real Creator: This is a detailed hand-drawn architectural design drawing, indicating the area occupied, the number of rooms, and the details of each facility. introduce.

"This is a property that I purchased near Backlund 87 years ago. It is strategically located near the noble natural hunting ground about 4547 kilometers northeast of Backlund. Adjacent to East Chester County and Ahova County, The manor covers a total area of ​​[-] square meters, with large attached land, plantations and hunting grounds, which can be self-sufficient to a certain extent..."

The real creator listened carefully, for fear of being accidentally struck with some kind of deal when he was coping with it.The other party is now the king of angels, and even a true god can be scratched by the unequal contract to some extent.

The manor was perfect, almost perfect, and it fit all the bills, but the real creator couldn't help but ask, "How much do you want?"

Edward wore a warm and friendly smile: "It's cheaper for you, the rental fee is 16 pounds a year, and you have to take care of the furniture maintenance, land management and related taxes."

The true Creator replied simply and neatly: "Change to another one."

He added: "Be simple, and my followers can endure hardship."

The business was not completed, but it was not completely unsuccessful. Edward had already prepared to turn the pages of the brochure, and stayed on the blueprint of a Gothic building.The manor just now took up three pages, but now this one only has one page, and the real creator feels a little acceptable.

"Then look at this."

He introduced calmly: "In fact, I bought this place when I was Earl of Intis, and I also participated in the design, as a summer resort for me and Adele. This manor has historically been It burned down and I moved the whole thing to a piece of land I bought in Roone because I still liked the fit out."

"How much is the rent?"

"About 7 is enough. This manor is from my hands. It is contaminated with my breath. It is considered a sealed item. Without my permission, I can't live in it for a night. So I put it there with confidence. The thieves and robbers who come in will brighten my garden."

This price is acceptable, and some cooperation can be used to reduce the amount at that time, and the devil's breath can be regarded as a curse... It also happens to be a natural insurance.He said, "Tell me."

"The total area is 1812 square meters. There are no plantations and hunting grounds, only an attached garden. More than 30 rooms, with extraordinary characteristics of doorways. The transformation can change the layout of the house to a certain extent, shift the position of the wall, and overall It is said to be about the same size as your three underground strongholds combined. In the southwest of Backlund, the geographical location is relatively remote, closer to the edge of East Tucker County, and there are only scattered ones around it that will only be used for a year. A vacation manor for a few months is just right for you who are hiding now."

"Okay." The True Creator thought for a while, "That's it."

Edward quickly decided: "Okay. Then the transaction is established, and I will lease it to you for one year first, and the deposit can be paid in various ways."

A title deed, a construction permit, and a bunch of keys flew out from the bookshelf. The real creator took a look and saw that the name of the manor was "Fayer Manor", and the name of the purchaser and builder on the title deed was "Henry Ray En", a relatively common Ruen name paired with a not-so-common surname, buying such a large piece of land and building such a large manor, it is easy to give people the feeling of an unknown ancient aristocrat.

"By the way." Edward said again, "The red angel has been waiting for you for a long time, why don't you go out and meet him?"

The True Creator shook his head in preparation: "Don't worry now, my image is too different from the past, and there are still some annoying troubles that I won't be able to explain for a while. I need to prepare a little bit and try my best as soon as possible. state to meet Him."

Edward nodded: "Let's go at dawn that day."

The True Creator has no objection to this: "That's right. We have to leave the downtown area of ​​Backlund as soon as possible, and leave the attention of the three gods."

"It's really the treatment of the evil god as always." The demon shrugged.


Two dreams, the dream of two people.Suffering sharpens the soul, Leonard in this article will not be a character who doesn't like to use his brain?
1 pound ≈ 840
The annual rent is 7w pounds ≈ 5880w.

(End of this chapter)

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