Chapter 111 Let me be healthy!

The carriage stopped outside the East District, and Klein carried a cane and wore a top hat, and entered the slums from a relatively not so bad neighborhood.

This time, he didn't contact Maria, and even divination her in advance, confirming that Miss Maria would not appear in this block.

After all, the commission has been completed, and the Ernst Foundation is suspected of colluding with Aurora.As an idle detective, I have no reason to come to the East End frequently.

What's more, he has decided to stay away from secret organizations.

After walking forward for a while, he saw two familiar figures coming out of the fairly tidy apartment in front.

They are all girls, one is seventeen or eighteen years old, and the other is fifteen or sixteen years old. They are Freya and Daisy, the daughters of Liv, a laundry woman.Daisy also spotted Klein, and immediately showed a bright smile:

"Good afternoon, Detective Moriarty!"

Klein nodded with a smile, and asked in surprise, "Daisy, didn't you go to a public elementary school?"

After the call of Mike Joseph and other reporters, coupled with the promotion of the Evernight Goddess Church, the Backlund City Government used Capin's real estate to establish a charitable fund to help women and families who had been hurt by Capin.

Klein felt a little regretful that he did not choose to inject funds into the Ernst Foundation, but the other party was a hidden organization in disguise after all, and it was not incomprehensible for the Orthodox Church to make such a decision.

He asked the old Kohler about Miss Maria's attitude on the sidelines, and the old Kohler replied very naturally:

"Miss Maria is very happy."

"Won't she feel that this is a contempt for her?"

"how could be?"

Old Kohler showed a little surprise, then smiled naturally and said to Klein: "Miss Maria will only be happy that we get help, as long as the people who help us don't have bad intentions."

"Do the people in charge of the foundation think so?"

"I don't know about that." Old Kohler said, "I've only met Miss Maria."

Through this conversation, Klein learned more about the Ernst Foundation, and understood that it is basically a secret organization where good people live together. In addition, they did not promote their beliefs. No wonder the gods are willing to give them living space. They are willing to allow a secret organization to operate openly and aboveboard in the world of ordinary people... But this kind of real charity activities to help the poor is a bottomless pit. Even if they have jobs and industries, they can't afford it. How much will it cost?

Klein felt his teeth hurt when he thought about the expenses.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Daisy family moved from a dilapidated apartment with a poor public security environment to the edge of the East District, changing from one room to two rooms, separating the "laundry workshop" from the place to sleep and eat.

In addition, Daisy also received compensation for studying in a public elementary school. The tuition fee of 3 pence per week and the corresponding meal allowance were covered by the newly established charity fund, which made her very happy.

The reason why Klein was strange was that public elementary schools were only closed on Sundays, and Daisy shouldn't appear here.

"The school is very close. I took a break at noon and came back to help Freya deliver the washed and dried clothes to the guest's house. She and her mother are too busy." Daisy replied frankly.

The most direct impact of her going to school is that the amount of laundry Liv and Freya can wash every day has decreased, and the family income has dropped significantly. If reporter Mike hadn't helped apply for a charity fund subsidy, they would not be able to maintain their current life at all.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Freya has no possibility of entering a public elementary school. When Daisy and Klein talked about the school, her eyes showed envy and pain that could not be concealed.

Before she arrived, she could only watch her sister go to school quietly.

Klein noticed this detail, and deliberately reminded Daisy: "You really should know that your mother and Freya are working hard, so treat them well."

Daisy nodded seriously and said:
"I've thought about it. When I'm stable, I'll teach Freya what I've learned during the day at night and on Sunday. I'll be her tutor!"

Freya's eyes blinked suddenly, and she couldn't help lowering her head.

"Very good, this is very good." Klein praised, bid farewell to the two sisters in a good mood, and turned to another street.

After walking a certain distance, a blond-haired girl carrying a suitcase trotted past Klein.She was dressed plain and tidy, her hair was combed meticulously, and she tied a red bow hair accessory behind her head. She didn't look like someone who lived in the East End.

Klein glanced back in doubt, and saw the girl running towards the sisters Daisy and Freya who were greeting her, so he guessed that it was Daisy's friend or classmate, and was no longer curious.


Seeing Alia coming, Freya immediately showed a nervous and expectant expression, and Daisy also became a little nervous, but she politely resisted the urge to ask, and waited until Alia stood still. After the three of them greeted each other, Daisy mustered up the courage to speak:
"Miss Alia..."

"Just call me Alia!"

Daisy nodded, but her nervousness did not ease: "Little Alia... may I ask why the gentleman with the red hood who is good at speech and the gentleman with dark green eyes next to Miss Maria haven't come here recently? gone?"

"They said the day before yesterday that they would bring some bread and jerky to the unemployed workers when they come next time..."

"Many people are waiting, want to hear their speeches, and want food... Are they really not coming? Will they not come in the future?"

This... Alia, who is not yet a member of the Pilgrim Sect, doesn't know the truth, but Miss Maria seems a little helpless.The answer to her was that the two gentlemen and their subordinates would not come in the short term, because they had encountered trouble there and might need to hide for a while.So Alia shook her head with a wry smile, and said cautiously:
"Those two gentlemen have been very busy recently."

"Should be back in a while."

Freya's face was gloomy, and she asked again: "Aliya, is the next recruiting time for Miss Maria's factory confirmed?"

"That's not planned yet."

Alia replied immediately. Seeing that the two sisters on the opposite side looked disappointed, she smiled again and added: "But the foundation seems to have plans to recruit new clerks soon. If Freya can master two thousand If you have only a few words and reading and writing, you can come to work first, and Miss Maria still hopes to help you live a better life!"

"Two thousand words? Read and write?"

Freya was happy at first, and then looked at Daisy hesitantly: "I... still have three months, can I learn so much? Aliya, please continue to help me pay attention to the recruitment..."

Unexpectedly, Aliya smiled immediately: "Don't worry, I can teach you too!"

"The school will be on winter vacation soon, and the bus tickets are too expensive. I will stay in Backlund this year, and my fellow countrymen will go back to visit the dean instead of me."

"Ah! So..."

"Yes, I'm going to the foundation's charity school. My sewing class is not very good, so I teach arithmetic and reading and writing." Alia smiled and encouraged Freya, "Miss Maria said Bao Food and shelter, I can continue to do odd jobs to save money, your new home is very close to the school, you can find a time, I will go to your home to teach you alone! Freya, believe in yourself, with me and Daisy to help , you must be able to read and write. If you successfully enter the Foundation as a clerk, then we will be colleagues in the future!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Daisy with piercing eyes again: "Daisy, your learning ability is very strong. You are still young and you are still more than four years away from adulthood. Do you want to consider studying hard wholeheartedly and then applying for university?"


Daisy wavered. She looked at Freya, then at Aaliyah.She suddenly felt that the dream that she didn't even dare to think about and could only think about quietly in the middle of the night was suddenly closer to her.

As if the clouds cleared, she dared to imagine that she was sitting in a university classroom studying, Freya was dealing with paperwork in a clean office, and the mother who had become haggard and hunchbacked for them didn't have to work so hard, and could be in a warm room, Doze comfortably by the fireplace.

"I will...I will try my best, Miss Alia."

Daisy wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and rejected the clean handkerchief offered by Alia: "Freya, we must work together!"

On the way back, Klein went to the "Brave Man" bar, and was surprised to learn that Kaspers, a weapon dealer who had sold him pistol bullets and explosives, died at home. According to the description, it was an Extraordinary from the Rose School of Thought. Yes, the new "old man" who took over turned out to be Ian who had once met on a steam train and entrusted him to find someone.

This made Klein feel a little sorry, but the other party shouldn't have come back after he escaped. Losing his life because of greed for money is somewhat worthless.

Not surprisingly, the act of going to the "Brave" bar by myself attracted Miss Sharron's attention. Not long after getting in the carriage, a ghost in a complicated black dress came quietly.

He took advantage of the opportunity to ask the other party if he had any clues to his Sequence 6 potion main material "Human Skin Phantom", and he got information about the mausoleum of the "Amon" family.After hearing this name, a half-smiling figure wearing a crystal-polished monocle, a classical wizard robe, and a pointed soft hat immediately appeared in Klein's mind.

But this kind of place is obviously not something he can explore by himself, so Sharon gave him another clue:
Just recently, in a party she attended, there was a high-sequence Extraordinary who promised that as long as someone could complete the task she gave, she would satisfy any reasonable request of the other party, and she would be able to get any item below a high-sequence ' Extraordinary items.

"What task did she give?"

Sharon has been sitting dignified and upright:
"She said that in the shadow of the Capin case and the demon murder case, there is a mysterious ghost of the 'Dark Emperor' at work."

"Her mission is to investigate the true identity of this ghost."

...Klein believed that if he was drinking water at this moment, he would have sprayed it uncontrollably towards the other side.

Members of the Twilight Hermit Society? Because the "Dark Emperor" took away the spirit body of "Apostle of Desire" Beria?
But I didn't kill Beria and Devil Dog at all!Why not Mr. Edward Vaughan?Isn't He more obvious than me? !

Members of the three major churches and MI[-]? Just to find out the truth about the Capin and Beria incident?
All are possible, and none of them can be ruled out! Klein showed no abnormality, and asked after consideration: "What kind of person is she?"

Sharon was silent for two seconds, as if recalling.

Then, she described: "Female, above 1 meters, with good proportions, long chestnut hair, camouflaged, likes to wear black leather boots, only occasionally attends parties, first appeared more than two months ago."

He likes to wear black leather boots, women, high-sequence powerhouses... These three key words linked together immediately triggered a certain memory of Klein!
This, isn't this the "Russell's eldest daughter", Bernadette Gustav whom Mr. Edward casually introduced to him at the Russell exhibition? !It seemed to involve a grievance from 100 years ago. I was glared at by her at that time, and I almost left sequelae!
Even that night, when he stole the "Dark Emperor" card, he still encountered Bernadette there. After he escaped with the help of the power above the gray mist, he ran into the demon dog directly because of the side effect of the "Master Key", and had to When he yelled for help to attract attention, he saw the female demigod again as Sherlock Moriarty.

I took the card of blasphemy created by her father and showed up everywhere. It's normal for her to stare at me, but why did she only look for the "Dark Emperor" instead of others... Klein's thoughts turned, and he smiled slightly:
"I will help her pay attention, and hope to gain something."

There will be no harvest in this life! He added without hesitation in his heart.

Back home, there was still some time before the eight o'clock in the evening agreed with Emlyn, Klein decided to take a leisurely rest for a while, count the gold pounds that were about to leave him, and then go after dinner.

While reading a magazine in the easy chair in the living room, Klein suddenly remembered something:

I seemed to wake up suddenly last night?
Why did you wake up?

He frowned and thought for a while. Some research came from that showed that when a person wakes up unexpectedly in sleep, his intelligence is like that of a baby, and he has no other thoughts except to continue to sleep.With the help of a fortune-teller's memory and simple divination, Klein gradually recalled some details of the dream. It seemed that he had seen the basement of Miller Carter's house, and saw the buildings that had been blown down by him, and where the blasphemous statues were originally placed. Room.

Why am I dreaming of this all of a sudden?Could it be Pound from the Baron?
Well, when he was divining Pound, he did seem to have a long-term crawling movement... Could it be that he really crawled in?

Why didn't I think of this when I met Miss Sharon, but I didn't know the situation at the time, so I'd better wait for the divination.

While cursing, Klein skillfully walked four steps backwards and chanted in a low voice to go above the gray mist.After sitting on the seat belonging to "The Fool", he manifested a pen and paper, and wrote the divination statement:
"Changes in the basement of the Miller Carter mansion."

Repeat seven times and close your eyes.Klein chose dream divination, so that he could obtain more detailed revelations with the help of the gray fog.

But, unprecedentedly, just before he fell into a light sleep, he suddenly felt a palpitation strangely.

One after another grotesque images flashed before his eyes, Klein didn't think too much, letting his thoughts be pulled forward by his subconscious.Gradually, some pictures began to become clear. He saw a strange carriage arrived at No. 8 Williams Street. It was pulled by two tall black horses with hideous horns, covered in scales, and spewing out traces of flame from their nostrils. The driver was a blurred, translucent figure in a black coat.

Klein was startled.

But he subconsciously didn't take it to heart. The evil god "True Creator", the righteous god "Eternal Blazing Sun", and the angel Mr. "Gate" have all visited here, and the self above the gray mist is still sitting here.

This picture flashed, and soon, another scene came to Klein:

A hand knocked on the bloody door, behind which was the evil spirit trying to seduce him and Sharon.There was no sound in the dream, and the mime-like picture should be two people talking, and then the picture shook violently, collapsing into fine and chaotic lights and shadows.When it stabilized again, the gate had disappeared, and the people inside were empty.

gone?The evil spirit was taken away?Who exactly?

Klein held his breath and continued to look down. He saw the black carriage advancing on the deserted street. He cast his gaze through the glass window, skipping over two inconspicuous figures, and then—the one that knocked The hand at the door appeared again, and his gaze followed the hand, arm, and shoulder. When it reached the neck, Klein actually felt a little familiar, but he couldn't stop the matter. He saw the other person's face and saw the temperament Quiet and elegant, the first time you see it, you will feel like the face of a senior you have known for a long time.

But at this moment, a cold and sharp expression was outlined by the shadow on this face, and the dark pupils were staring at a certain part of the carriage, revealing an aura that made people tremble, fear and want to surrender.

This is the angel of the abyss, Edward Vaughn!

Klein was mentally prepared when he saw the demon horse, but he was still taken aback.

Why would Mr. Edward know the location of the evil spirit?

Why did he want to release the evil spirit?
How to explain this to Miss Sharon?
Klein's thoughts were in a mess, and just as he was about to wake up from the dream divination, a sudden change occurred.

In the final picture, the angel of the abyss, who was fixed like an oil painting figure, was looking at the carriage and suddenly moved.He slowly turned his head, and his pupils burning with blue flames precisely met Klein's eyes with a suffocating and frightening sense of oppression!
The picture is still still, only He is alive, as if the next step is to leave the world of the picture!

"...a fool who does not belong to this era..."

"The mysterious ruler above the gray mist..."

"Who is in charge of good luck... the King of Yellow and Black...?"

The devil's whisper rang in his ears, Klein's scalp exploded, and he almost forgot to breathe. He was about to wake up immediately without thinking.The dream was suddenly shattered, and Klein opened his eyes suddenly. At this moment, he saw circles of prayer ripples swaying behind the seat of The Fool. Edward Vaughn's prayer sounded for the second time, but instead up the content:

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun."

His eyes widened suddenly, and his chest heaved violently. He had never been more eager to know where the other party learned the honorable name of "The Fool" and the name of Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun.

Klein's mood swung dangerously from side to side. The thoughts of fleeing and staying appeared at the same time, and he couldn't make a decision for a while.


Give me back the comments! !Give me back the comments!Give me back the comments! !

Ask me whether the ending is HE or BE, I will punish you all to go back and re-read the testimonials on the shelf, I am tired of talking about BE in the main text HE episode!

By the way, the plot of this article has been changed to this point, don't you think it's still necessary... My HE is the kind of decline to join the earth camp, or because I can't beat the second place under the Genie, so everyone should just have fun together A happy ending to protect the world, right?
Boldly open up your mind!This article is anti-routine!

(End of this chapter)

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