Chapter 115

Sauron thought for a while, then wondered, "Why does it feel like the real Creator isn't that crazy?"

Einhorn was convinced: "It certainly looks like that."

"It appears that the True Creator has found a way to stay sane, and the gods seem to be ignorant."

Sauron smacked his lips: "But it doesn't seem very strong."

Einhorn replied, "Exactly."

"It seems to only have the strength of the middle sequence, and the personality is also unstable, vacillating between true gods and ordinary people."

"There is at least one saint here, we probably won't be able to escape."

"This should be the stronghold of the Aurora Society, but it's actually a nobleman's holiday estate? This architectural style is really... such a bold location choice, it seems that the most dangerous place is the safest."

"Then shall we still run?"

Just as Einhorn was about to speak, Medici slapped himself on the left side of the face, tightly covered Sauron's mouth, and cursed angrily, "You two bastards really don't give a damn! "

The high-ceilinged hall in the depths of the mansion has temporarily become the chapel of the Aurora Order. The three-to-four-meter-high black idol and the inverted cross are placed against the wall. cross.It's not as good as the original crystal gem setting, but it's just as pious.

Now is the time for the solitary prayer given by the Lord, the chapel is empty now, only Medici himself, and the two annoying cohabitants are noisy and break the sacred atmosphere, making it impossible for him to communicate with the great existence quietly and quietly In the induction of mysticism!
"How dare you chatter in front of the Lord! It really is two girls!"

Medici's right hand flicked up, grabbed the wrist of his left hand, and pulled his left hand away bit by bit. As soon as Sauron gained a little space, he immediately cursed: "You have nothing else to say except this!"

"I brag about how powerful I am all day long, but I was slaughtered by those bastards and locked up with us for almost 2000 years!"

"Your master hooked his fingers, and you ran over, wagging your tail and barking!"

Medici picked his ear indifferently: "So what? So you are jealous that there is no Trensost summon?"

"What with what?"

Einhorn spoke at this time: "We joined Trunsost's camp only because of the protection promised by the six gods. In fact, they were not useful at all. I have decided not to pray to the gods again."

"What?...You really decided that."

Sauron had expected it a long time ago, but after a moment of astonishment, he regained his composure, and muttered: "Intis, the kingdom of the sun... the descendants of the family should still remember me, and I want to go back. Eternal Lieyang promised that even if the six gods did not protect live us, but there is always the power to protect our family, right?"

Running around these days, there is not enough rest time for them to slowly digest the history that happened nearly 2000 years after their death. The red evil spirit is full of chronicles piled up in the room as thick as a pile of bricks, and the historical documents collected in the Aurora Society. , a simple world map, and a half-yearly Backlund newspaper.

Sauron naturally didn't know that his family had been overthrown by a man named Roselle Gustav. The strong man was killed and injured, and now only the intelligence department was left in the former royal family, which still cooperated with the Secret Order.

There are not many Extraordinary items and characteristics left, even money is pitifully small, and the highest of the entire Sauron family is the poor title of Earl.

After Medici learned of his death, Arista Tudor was promoted to Red Priest, and soon died on the spot in the Battle of the Four Emperors. , Arista has been crazy for a long time, and Solomon's fate will be fine if he can't afford it, but he didn't expect that Liushen couldn't even keep his own puppet. .

——Trensost, the "Night Emperor" who was backed by the Six Gods, did not survive!I really don't know what Liushen is doing!In other words, because Solomon, who is the most threatening, is dead, and Arista, who needs to check and balance, is also dead, so there is no need for Trunsost to exist... Hehehe, it seems that the lunatic Tudor must have seen it a long time ago. The six gods can only fight among themselves and hold each other back, so they don't fight for the opportunity to be pet dogs at all.

Take refuge in the six gods, you can't resist, you can only pray for them to fulfill their promises, even if you give a blank check, you must accept it gratefully!
Now it seems that it is reasonable to be sneaked into the capital by the enemy, kill two conquerors under the nose of the Night Emperor, and be promoted to the Red Priest.

But that guy Salinger is really too useless. He obviously got the uniqueness and extraordinary characteristics of the red priest, but he didn't do anything special at all. God pulled one or two down.The "pale disaster" that wipes out life is simply not aesthetically pleasing, and only a witch would take the opportunity to digest the potion.

Medici then sneered: "False gods cannot be trusted."

"Those illusory blessings, gazes, shelters... that's all. I have never believed in the mercy of the gods. They are probably better than the children who have just been able to distinguish between good and evil, but are still eager to tear off the wings of butterflies. .”

"No, maybe children have a heart of compassion, but they don't have it at all! Ha, isn't this what is lacking to emphasize something? I have never heard the Lord write nonsense such as mercy and redemption into the holy scriptures , but the Lord has always used words and deeds to prove what salvation and light are!"

Medici has been in high spirits these two days, and one of the five sentences must be related to the real creator or the ancient sun god.Although I heard enough when I was in prison and went crazy, Sauron and Einhorn still looked sideways at the five-sentences of the Lord now, as if they were doing business. a feeling of.

"Medici, I don't know whether to say you are big-hearted or blind. The power of a born mythical creature gives you the confidence to not know death, but it also makes you lack respect for death."

Einhorn said lightly: "I'm very glad to see that you are still as bold and unscrupulous as when you were alive."

The war angel picked out his ears and replied disdainfully: "Why do you suddenly start spitting out ivory? You don't want to join the Lord's command, do you?"

"Unfortunately, you are far behind me, my lord will not accept waste!"


The real creator didn't know that his loyal subordinate was fighting with two other cohabitants. He was also stunned by Medici's new shape that challenged the limits of imagination, and realized that he hadn't separated them so far. No one in the Aurora Society has the means.

Just imagine three metal sheets that have been squeezed together by external forces for more than 1000 years. The molecules have penetrated into each other and formed a new whole. How can it be possible to divide them into three pieces again?

Moreover, the red evil spirit is a spiritual imprint formed by the mixing of three conquerors, which means that the sum of all the remnants of the three people is only about the level of this demigod.This is very dangerous. Once separated, not only the reduction in strength is unavoidable, but it may even collapse immediately.

Such a precise operation must at least be at the level of a king of angels or even a true god. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to do it in a short time.

Therefore, the real creator appeased Medici, but fortunately Medici also showed understanding, not disappointed, but also full of expectations.

Thinking back to the present, the real creator put one arm on the armrest of the chair, crossed his legs, and asked seriously but not completely serious:

"The church in Backlund is under martial law, you actually came out just now?"

Edward, who was sitting by the window, lowered his head slightly, admiring the scenery in the garden below. He could also hear scolding and laughter coming from the small temple tens of meters away. dissatisfaction.The Red Ghost will soon find out that there are now seven gods in the world, and will certainly be dismissive of the young Steam.

"I came here quietly. After all, this is my property. If you are damaged by the facilities, wouldn't it be my fault for not notifying you well?"

The real Creator curled his lips, and He asked again: "Then—what happened to Amon? Was he caught by you? This is the first time I have seen Medici and Amon get along so normally. Medici also said that he was very Pleasing to the eye."

Edward smiled nonchalantly: "I educated him a little bit. Let him know what to do and what not to do, and cultivate his hobbies by the way. With goals, you won't mess around."

"Speaking of which, I must criticize your educational approach."

"No, you don't have any education at all, do you?"

"Amon is a born mythical creature with his own behavior style and logic. He is also the incarnation of this path. How can education make him change his mind?" There is no aversion to people, and before the Fourth Epoch, Amon also had normal believers and teachings, but not too many."

"So you don't know how to write the words "teach students in accordance with their aptitude?"

Edward's eyes changed, he crossed his arms, and looked at the real creator with hatred: "If you want mythical creatures to have humanity, it's as outrageous as letting humans abandon humanity. You can't empathize with death and life with a limited lifespan." Pain, how can it be possible to understand the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of human nature? Your plan was wrong from the beginning, and of course it cannot succeed."

"You shouldn't directly think about how to make him interested in humans, but how to make him interested in human creations."

"Let Amon become interested in man-made objects, and then people...?"

The True Creator frowned, and then said stiffly: "The level of productivity in the Third Epoch was too low, even worse than in the Middle Ages. Amon would not be interested in those rough and rotten things."

... But aren't you omniscient?Can't even make a toy that will interest a baby mythical creature?Edward slandered, didn't say this sentence, and pandered to "ah yes yes yes" a few times perfunctorily.

"lets change a topic."

Seeing his early education failure cases shine again in the hands of others, the real creator was inexplicably upset, and even those memories that were so long ago that they were fragmented were aroused.

Since I found myself in an unstable state, using a diary to maintain humanity and memory has become a necessary behavior at present. The real creator will recall the past from time to time, and temporarily return to his homeland in the snowstorm, and cannot remember his name. Friends and neighbors beckoned him back, parents who had forgotten their faces but were supposed to be smiling advised him to stay.

He felt that his humanity seemed to be a little too abundant, and there was room for sentimentality.But of course He can’t stay, His home is not here—even according to some old theories and his own judgment, He, who is only a part of hysterically crazy humanity, is not the ancient sun god—nor is it the one that only exists in memory Among them, it belongs to the magnificent heaven where the sun god is no longer invaded by cold and darkness.

Children playing in the garden, accompanied by thunder, fire, and instilling knowledge, they keep the kingdom of God alive and well, which is a good thing.

Amon, who prefers the title of God of Mischief to angels, gathered together to play the old games brought by the sun god. Adam, as always, watched and recorded all this as a bystander, and his instinct was enough Play the role of the most perfect spectator—of course, He will not always be the spectator, and even the best spectator will one day pick up the script and participate in the drama of fate, although the Sun God does not expect that day to come.

And the True Creator feels that all this is also very vague, comparable to the memory of the old era.

There is only one place that belongs to him, and that is the land full of despair and depravity that he saw when he opened his eyes.

The paradise flowing with honey and milk—the place of the kingdom of heaven—the source of civilization where many countries and city-states stand side by side—the land abandoned by gods—the cage.

Those people are innocent. After regaining their senses, the true Creator firmly thought that he was the one who was guilty.The one who needs to redeem is himself, the disaster that caused 99% of the living beings to die instantly because of that feast of betrayal is caused by himself!What's even more sad is that it is also his birthplace, the place where he became a god, and the sanctuary of the great true god "The Hanged Man".

Therefore, they have nowhere to escape, and God is helpless, just like putting a few ants in the palm of an epileptic patient, whether they will be crushed to death is beyond the control of the epileptic patient.

And because of His existence, His believers have also become lunatics.In the Fourth Epoch, it was still the Orthodox Church, but in the Fifth Epoch it had been completely reduced to a cult organization.These lunatics who cannot be tolerated by the secular world hug each other to keep warm, act for the frenzied emotions that he can't control himself, regard those hatred and murderous intentions as oracles, and live devoutly for him.

Therefore, the True Creator felt that he had to do something.

I am not the same as the divine avatar, completely different. The self who inherits the name of the Creator is the human side, and the self who stands with human beings absolutely cannot tolerate it: use a high-level reason to accept the sacrifice of innocent people with peace of mind. blood and life!
Therefore, the real Creator, who had already had something on his mind, spoke nonchalantly:
"You are now Sequence 1, the King of Angels."

"Have you considered redesignating a distinguished name?"

This question brought Edward back to the thought of "should I use foul language or fists first when going to the abyss to fight with Fabuti?" He thought for a while and said with certainty: "Yes. I'm already reprogramming .”

"Considering my identity, perhaps the title should be related to 'fear', and the Demon Family has similar suggestions. "

The Angel of the Abyss sighed: "But whether it's "The Lord of Fear" or "The God of Fear", it doesn't sound right, and it feels a little bit off from the role of the devil path itself.I'd rather just change my name to Master of the Abyss, heh, Fabuti probably won't be able to sit still soon. "

"You are indeed seeking Sequence 0 of the Abyss Path, too. After preparing for so long, you can't stop at Sequence 1."

The True Creator is not surprised: "What about the honorable name?"

Edward's eyes narrowed, and his fingers tapped slowly on his thigh, and then again... He said:
"The king of hell, the master of the abyss, the creator of endless evil."

"Hell... Do you want to build your own kingdom of God and reshape the concept of "Abyss", because the Abyss has undergone a mutation? "

Edward nodded slightly, and finally shook his head and laughed at himself: "This name is not very directional. If the concept of 'perpetrators should go to hell' becomes widely known in the future, then the king of hell may point to me, but the ruler of the abyss still It is easy to point to Fabuti, but the range pointed out by the "creator of endless evil" is a little bit large. So this honorary name is just to be determined, and I may not change it for the time being, because I still need to continue to do something to make my image It is more consistent with this honorable name—for example, find a way to grab the uniqueness."

"I see, then I have a question to ask."

The true Creator secretly recited his honorable name in his heart. He didn't say so many words for the sake of chatting. He was prepared to establish a connection with the body far away in the land abandoned by God, and at the same time he spoke calmly:
"Then, in your Sequence 2 honorable name."

"What does the phrase 'the essence of withering' mean?"

Edward looked at him, the expression on his face remained the same, with a trace of doubt in his polite smile, waiting for the next step.

"Who is this sentence referring to?"

"What the hell are you—"

The real creator took a breath, and a sense of oppression at the level of a true god slowly emerged from his body. He asked word by word:
"——Which is the favored person of the visitor from the outer space?"


"What the hell are you—"

The King of Decay puts down the newspaper and pinches three curses.

"Which one is the favored one of the aliens?"

Decay sat back and continued reading the paper.

*In the eyes of Zhenzao, the kingdom of heaven is as far away as the old memories, implying that his thinking is not far away, but is similar to an independent individual.

*Other websites will really have some very strange book reviews hhhh I like to write food, I just like to write, I not only have to write, but also write in a colorful and delicious way, if you don’t like it, you will enter the hell of looking up at the stars!
 A "deal" about an old love.

  The devil path will derive different unique abilities according to its own characteristics, such as Jason Beria's "Shadow", the leader of Beria's "Second Life", the devil dog didn't have time to show it, but it is undoubtedly some.And Lao Ai's ability is "trading".

  Its essence is similar to the basic skill "bribery" of the Black Emperor approach, the difference is that Lao Ai's transaction must be affirmed by both parties, while bribery can be completed unilaterally.

(End of this chapter)

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