Chapter 118 This chapter is Leonard

Leonard pulled up the collar that covered his chin, and turned his face to the full-length mirror, trying his best to create an official atmosphere.

His waist was straighter than ever before, his hands were clinging to the seams of his trousers, the metallic emblem of the Dark Night on his chest was shining brightly, his tie was meticulously tied, even the top button was buttoned.

This attire combined with a serious expression gave him a whole new look, exuding a capable and reliable atmosphere, making people willing to ignore his young face and believe that he was a senior police officer.

Although it looked like that, but after just six seconds, he failed. Unaccustomed to pulling out his collar, he wanted to roll up his sleeves and pull out the tightly stuffed corners of his clothes, all over his body. Not comfortable.

He squirmed in front of the mirror for a while, eventually doing nothing but keeping the costume that turned his image around 180 degrees.

"Old man." Leonard whispered, "Do I really want to be like this in the future? I'm so used to it, it feels so awkward to walk."

After saying that, he felt a pain in his head, and Pallez slapped the head of this short-term memory with Leonard's hand, without any worry of making it less intelligent.

The old parasite said angrily: "You should thank yourself, you were still inside the armor! Didn't you notice that there was a crow on his shoulder? It was a mythical creature. He was face blind, and crows don't have this problem!"

"If you didn't have that armor blocking your face and breath, you should be wearing a monocle when you look in the mirror today!"

Leonard rubbed the painful place with his hands, and still muttered a few words unwillingly: "It may not happen again..."

Pallez snorted, and Leonard also shrank his neck, whistling as if nothing had happened.He also knew that what he said was very baseless, after all, it was only three months later, and he encountered that terrifying demon again!
——Obviously, he didn't know that he also ran into a "passer-by" that night when he was chasing down the devil dog, so he actually met again not long after Tingen descended.


Two days ago, after he woke up from the hospital bed, the old parasite reminded him: "He has already remembered your voice, so don't talk in the future."

At that time Leonard was taken aback and almost asked out loud.Seeing Soest who had just brought hot tea, he swallowed back half a sentence that came to his lips, and then heard the old man continue to babble in his mind:

"I've taken the relevant memory away, it's for your own good."


Leonard was anxious, but couldn't help but speak out, and saw Soest looking at him in surprise. After the two of them stared at him for a few seconds, Soster asked patiently: "What do you think?" Is there any dissatisfaction with the church's compensation measures? You are a wounded person, and you can raise your opinions."

It turned out that Captain Soest was talking about this just now, thank God, I was almost exposed... Leonard heaved a sigh of relief, pretending not to hear the old man's cold snort, and helped the bandage on his head and face, He said to Soest with a smile on his face: "No, I didn't hear clearly. I was injured and my ears are not very sensitive. Can you say it again?"

"Hearing impairment? Do you want to go for an examination?"

"No, no, no, I'm feeling better now!"

"...That's good." Soster looked at Leonard suspiciously for a while, feeling that his surprised attitude was very suspicious.Leonard simply tried his best to widen his eyes to make himself look innocent and innocent. In addition, he was more or less off-line at ordinary times. Soest didn't take it seriously.

He cleared his throat and continued to repeat the notice above: "Archbishop Anthony heard about your heroic demeanor without fear of danger (Leonard's toes began to fasten the bed sheet), and expressed his appreciation to you. According to the regulations, you should be given some rewards and Substantial subsidy, but considering that you fought bravely after I made the decision to retreat and temporarily avoid the edge, and you are suspected of violating the order, so the merits and demerits are offset, and the reward given to you is revoked."

Soest's voice raised a few degrees.

Leonard nodded vigorously to show that his hearing had recovered.

"In this mission of chasing demons, you faced the enemy twice, and successfully killed Jason Beria once. But you acted recklessly and was not wise enough. At that time, you were wearing the sealed item '1-42', so It’s impossible to be affected by the ability of the ‘Apostle of Desire’ to interfere with emotions before death, but because of your personal reasons, is it convenient to say?”

After Soster finished speaking, he looked at Leonard seriously. Leonard wiped his nose that was itchy from the bandage with his fingers, and talked nonsense calmly:
"Because I was a little confused at the time, I mistook that stranger as the combat target Jason Beria."

Pales couldn't help making a choked sound.

Lying is better than going to jail.Leonard didn't change his face, he didn't move, his skin was as thick as a city wall.Pales was about to sneer, but Soest nodded thoughtfully: "I understand."

Soest has long guessed that the negative effect of 1-42 will not only slowly shred the user's body with the light of the knife, but also affect the user's spirit.Leonard only had more than 30 seconds left at the time, and the time of wearing 1-42 was almost at the limit. Under the double negative influence of spirit and body, it is not impossible to make a misjudgment, but it is very reasonable.

After all, Leonard's behavior has always been very calm and casual, and even Soest was taken aback by the explosive emotion at that time.

If it is affected by negative effects, it is normal.

"So, Captain Soest, is there nothing else?"

Leonard wanted to chat more with the old man, and by the way complained a few words about why he had stolen his memory after begging like that, so he began to see off the guests.

Soest only thought that the wounded hadn't recovered and needed rest, and didn't care, and directly talked about the part of the work-related injury subsidy.He took out the document stamped with the emblem of the Goddess from the handbag he was carrying. Seeing that Leonard's arm was weak, he thoughtfully selected the most important sentences:
"Work injury subsidy is 200 pounds, and medical expenses are reimbursed by the church. It's a pity that the credit for 'killing Jason Beria once' was offset because of your recklessness, and it is not counted as meritorious service. But you don't need to be too sad, Archbishop Anthony has always cared You, I still praised you in the file submitted to the Holy Church. If you perform well in the future, you will soon be able to accumulate credit for promotion."

Leonard's eyes lit up when he heard 200 pounds, and the final promotion was the icing on the cake.However, as a single man whose board and lodging are settled in the church, there is a high probability that the 200 pounds will be deposited directly into the bank.The church also affords potions, so you don't have to find formulas to buy materials.Usually, he doesn't spend much except for food, and a few pounds are enough for at least a week, so Leonard doesn't have any specific concept of large amounts of money.

It's almost the level of "I can go to my favorite restaurant every day for the next half a year to get three meals a day".

After reading the document for Leonard, Soest took it back, saying that he would put it at Leonard's residence later.

Then he pushed the door and left. Leonard stretched his muscles and bones a little, and felt that his internal injuries had almost healed, leaving only some flesh wounds caused by 1-42.

Seeing that he was almost fine, Leonard was finally relieved.He thought that the hospital was not a good place to talk to the old man, so he put on his hospital gown, limped out of the ward, and went to go through the discharge procedures.The discharge procedures went smoothly, and the church's subsidy arrived in a timely manner, which solved the plight of not having the wallet with me when I was injured and hospitalized.

Now in winter, food can be placed for a long time.Leonard bought two or three days' worth at a time, and rested in the dormitory with peace of mind.

Back to the present, Leonard turned around in front of the mirror a few times, tightened his shoelaces, and said uncertainly:
"Wouldn't it be weird if I suddenly changed my style?"

"You also know that it's sloppy if you can't button it properly?"

Pallez complained for no reason: "Be a little self-aware, kid, I'm doing this to let you live a few more days."

"When you were fighting demons that day, what did you rush to do? Don't say that you almost died, and forced me to save your life. If it wasn't for him rushing to do other things, you and I, and your fellow children , none of them survived, and you didn’t even have time to pray.”

"I know, I know, you have been reading these words for two days."

Leonard put on a pose and quickly accepted his new image: "Do I look like Your Excellency the Goddess Sword?"

"Your Excellency Sesima's signature style is to pull the collar and look straight ahead, which is very oppressive. I found that I am quite suitable."

"Old man, look quickly, am I handsome?"

Pallez: "Hehe."

Pallez: "I understand now, you kid doesn't understand the seriousness of the matter, so let's just play the dress-up game for yourself."

Leonard looked sideways at the effect in the mirror, brushed his hair back roughly, and said in a normal tone: "After all, there is nothing I can do except not talking in public, old man."

"As you said, I'm too weak, so weak that I can't even control my emotions. When I meet Him, I almost lose control. Only when I don't know Him can I save my life without knowing anything. .”

Leonard recalled the day when he chased and killed Jason Beria, and saw that the target he chopped off with his sword was a blurry gray shadow, and he couldn't accurately judge the gender, height and shape.

And recalling that when He spoke to Captain Soest, the voice was also processed by Pallez. Every word was picked out from the words of other people in Leonard's memory and spelled together, sometimes male and sometimes female , sometimes big and sometimes small, weird and hoarse, which makes people get goosebumps when they hear it, and it is extremely effective in making Leonard unable to judge what he heard.

The parasite erased all traces that might show any clues. Leonard only knew that he was almost killed by that "Him" again—no, if there was no old man, he would have died twice.

Pallez felt the changes in Leonard's thoughts and emotions, and did not speak uncharacteristically.

Leonard let out a sigh of relief: "Old man, I am very grateful to you. Even if you wanted to protect yourself, you did save me twice."

"Let me think about it carefully. Since you said that He is face-blind and recognizes people by voice, as long as I don't speak or change my voice, I can avoid it. Then I suspect that He didn't really remember who I am from the beginning to the end. I only remember you, and use you to confirm me."

The Nighthawks team uniform was tailor-made, and the size of the clothes fit well, but Leonard still felt that the buttons were a bit tight. He put his hands on the buttons, paused for a long time, and then slowly put them down, hanging down by his side.

"In other words... old man."

"He doesn't see 'Leonard' at all. He only knows you, and he thinks that I am the one with you."

Leonard's voice was a little trembling: "Old man, you can continue to parasitize me, it doesn't matter if you steal a few years of my life."

"Because if you go to someone else, whoever you go to is 'Leonard', who will die for me... It was my impulse that made the situation worse. In this case, you just wait Let it be on me, I will definitely remember your words this time, and I will not speak casually again."

"...Hey, it's rare to see you say so many useful words, and you finally know that thing on your neck is useful?"

The atmosphere was dignified, and Pallez reluctantly spoke a word, slightly neutralizing Leonard's heavy heart. He was going to steal the haze in his heart, but the outstretched hand finally turned into a pat on the shoulder, Leonard Feeling a little heavier on one shoulder, he turned sideways subconsciously.

"It's good that you know. You've already said that, so I'll try to believe you again, after all, it's good for me that you live."

Leonard nodded and smiled smartly.

"It just so happens that you were injured in the demon incident, and it's good to show that you are not strong enough and feel lost. In this way, you will be considered to be imitating the Goddess Sword if you change your dress and words and deeds..."

"Old man, you are so nagging, I know these things."

"Hmph, started talking back when you just grew your brain?"

Leonard chuckled twice: "Let's not talk about that, the sick leave granted to me by the church has one more day tomorrow, I'll go out in advance to report, and by the way, see if there is any situation with Captain Soest."

He opened the door while talking, went outside, took a deep breath of the fresh air near the Church of the Evernight, and felt very comfortable.

From the dormitory to the church, you have to cross a small road and then cross a short commercial street.It's noon, which is when the restaurant opens.There were people coming and going on the road, and Leonard strolled forward leisurely. Seeing people strolling or trotting forward, full of energy, he couldn't help laughing.

When passing by the bakery he frequented, Leonard habitually took a second look inside.The boss inside just happened to look up in the direction of the store door. The two looked at each other. The boss greeted with a smile:
"Mr. Mitchell!"

"Would you like a hot dog bun just out of the oven?"

Leonard subconsciously leaned forward, his mouth blocked by the turned up collar opened, almost speaking.His throat vibrated slightly, and the "Okay!" at the mouth of his throat was silent.

He instantly calmed down as if he had been splashed with a bucket of cold water, and his expression became unrecognizably lonely. Facing the boss's expectant gaze, Leonard nodded vigorously and waved a finger up.

The boss smiled: "Okay!"

Leonard's face was calm, and this calm lasted until he walked into the shop and picked up the bread wrapped by the boss.When paying, the boss looked suspiciously at the regular customers who were usually free and easy and didn’t say a word, and asked with concern if he had a cold and hoarse voice, Leonard just smiled and shook his head.

When he left the bakery, he bit his lip, slowly clenched his fists, and squeezed the corner of his clothes into his palm.


The double shift is over.

A digression, about the fact that Aurora will be poor... How should I put it, the lack of money is definitely not lacking, but if Zhenzao wants to gradually change his image and believers to Weiguangzheng, there must be many channels that must be discarded No need.

(Refer to the chapter Mr. Z is black and black, you can see how skilled he is)

And as a cult, these channels that must be abandoned may be the main income.Therefore, because of the Lord's request→reduction in channels→sharp reduction in scheduled funds, there will be a lot of financial constraints.

As for rent.Even if Aurora will operate several hundred million yuan a year, it may not be willing to pay tens of millions at a time to rent a house.Although the final decision is 7 pounds, it is easy to discuss the cooperation between the two parties for a discount.

(End of this chapter)

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