Chapter 133 The plot is steadily advancing

During the "archaeological" activity of the "archaeological" event of the "Arrods" brand home theater of the magic mirror, I saw that after a round of strong artillery fire washed the ground, the "Mechanical Heart" blasted open the gate of the mausoleum , led by the archbishop of the Steam Church, the demigod Horamick Haydn, entered the mausoleum of the Quaternary nobles who had not yet collapsed.

During this process, a team member was attacked by a human-skinned phantom, but quickly escaped smoothly.Klein finally saw the main material of the Sequence 6 potion that he had been thinking about, and was secretly happy for a while.

After cleaning up the periphery of the tomb, they gathered again and walked towards the corridor leading to the main tomb with nothing else to gain.

The indiscriminate bombing along the way eliminated most threats, and its expensive cost and bold style also made Klein's eyes straighten.

The "Mechanical Heart" passed through the corridor without much effort, and the only dangerous sealed item, the "ghost frame" recorded in the records that can seal the spirit body, was also easily taken off by Archbishop Horamick Haydn, before he could express it any danger.

At the end of the corridor, in the main tomb, there is a black stone door full of patterns like knives and axes, with a gray-white disc inlaid in the middle.The surface of the disk is divided into twelve grids, and there is a black pointer, just like an external clock.

Those grids didn't evenly distribute the surface of the board, they were big and small, extremely uncoordinated, and half of each grid was smeared with shadows.

"The coat of arms of the Amon family." Archbishop Horamick briefly introduced.

He did not specifically explain the symbolic meaning of the coat of arms, because only the deacon-level Ikanser Bernard is qualified to know.

Klein relied on his accumulation of mysticism to try to interpret it:

"The combination of discs, twelve grids, and pointers obviously represents time, which is consistent with the fact that Amon's avatar left behind the 'worm of time' after the demise of the avatar. Does it mean that the Amon family is the dark side of time? Where is their title of 'blasphemer' reflected?"

While Klein was thinking, Archbishop Horamick pushed open the stone door without any protection.

The heavy stone door was opened at the back, revealing an extremely spacious tomb.

In the center of the tomb is a high platform, on which a dark black coffin is placed.There are iron-colored lamp stands on the surrounding walls, holding white candles that are still burning quietly.

All the candles were not flickering, as if they were just frozen pictures.

On the straight line from the stone gate to the coffin, corpses fell one after another. They were either wearing black woolen overcoats and half-height silk top hats, or they were dressed as ordinary workers with peaked caps. People who get in here.

Those Extraordinary people who recruited helpers before?How did they get through the front area?The human-skinned phantom and other monsters are obviously still alive... Klein stared at the corpses with his mind full of doubts.

Seeing this, he was suddenly a little frightened.

Those corpses all had thinning white hair, dry and wrinkled skin, and obvious markings, like eight or ninety-year-olds.

There were no obvious wounds on their bodies, and they seemed to be alive and dead, and they had just died not long before they had time to rot.

Obviously, there will not be so many aged Extraordinary people who come to explore the tomb. Even if the people here are found to be old, they will try their best to choose young and strong people when recruiting helpers... There is something weird here!Klein frowned slightly and looked around again.

He quickly thought of the "Insect of Time" left by Amon's clone, and the Amon family crest with the time meaning on the stone gate.

Is it one of the extraordinary abilities of the Amon family to make people age quickly?The dark side of time... the loophole of time... Could it be that while making others age quickly, members of the Amon family will regain their youth and gain a longer life?Wait, these Extraordinary people came here with ease, maybe the owner of the tomb deliberately indulged, he wanted to plunder other people's time to maintain his own existence... Klein looked speculatively at the black coffin on the high platform.

At this time, Horamick Haydn, a strong demigod, raised his left hand and pressed down: "You stop here."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Archbishop." Ikanser and the others replied without hesitation.

Horamick looked forward, and his eyes stopped on an upside-down picture frame at the bottom of the high platform.

He took a step forward without changing his expression, walking forward at a leisurely pace.

One step, two steps, three steps, the originally normal Horamick suddenly trembled, and there was a sharp grinding sound coming out of his body.

His gait began to slow, his movements stiffened, and his skin visibly dried out.

This is a bit's not the age of a normal human being...what's the matter with the rubbing sound just now?Klein murmured in his heart.

Four steps, five steps, six steps, there was a tearing sound from Horamick's body, and something fell to the ground with a bang.

Klein looked subconsciously and saw a gear.

Rusty gears!
Horamick continued to move forward, and things fell from his body from time to time, including rusty screws, melted wax blocks, yellowed bones, and loose springs... His figure became thinner and thinner, wobbly, and at any time may disintegrate.

This is just like a robot... To use the terminology of this era, it is like a living doll... Klein suddenly realized something.

He remembered that when he was still in the Tingen professional team, Old Neil once said that the Sequence 4 of the Church of the Mother Earth is good at "Life Formation", and the sequence corresponding to the "Generalist" path can barely do it.

And Horamick is a high-sequence powerhouse of the "generalist" path!
The Horamick in front of me is not the real him, but a refined puppet. The reason why the "ghost frame" was invalid just now is because the puppet has no spirit body at all!The real Horamick should still be hanging far away... As expected of a demigod... When Klein was stunned, the archbishop walked to the high platform, bent his knees, bent his back, and turned the upside-down picture frame over come over.

As the picture frame was turned over, a wind suddenly blew in the closed mausoleum, blowing away the invisible confinement and silence.

The candles on the iron-colored lamp stand burned quickly and became extremely bright, but they soon came to the end of their life and melted away.The old corpses on the ground were rapidly decomposing, emitting a stench.

In just a few seconds, the main tomb room became dark, with only the lanterns carried by the members of "Mechanical Heart" barely illuminating the front.

Horamick picked up the picture frame on the ground, and wobbled up the stairs to the high platform.He came to the black coffin, stretched out his right palm, and pushed hard.

Creaking, amidst the sound of rubbing, a crack appeared in the heavy coffin lid, as if it hadn't been nailed on at all.

Horamick glanced down, and said with the same voice:
"There are no bodies."

The picture then zoomed in, and Klein saw that the inside of the coffin was empty, with only a layer of light golden cushion on the bottom, and a worm with twelve rings was embroidered on the cushion.

At this moment, Horamick turned around, and the picture frame in his hand was reflected in the eyes of Ikanser and the others.

After just a glance, Klein's eyes suddenly froze.

It was a portrait of a young man with a smile on his lips.

He has dark eyes and black curly hair.

He has a broad forehead and a thin face.

He wears a crystal monocle.

He wears a black bonnet.


Amon bought a freshly baked cake slice from a roadside store, rolled it with cold whipped cream, sprinkled with biscuit crumbs and chocolate crumbs, and firmly reproduced the "crepe" that he had been coveting for a long time.

He has now replaced all the fancy monocles with basic ones, and his clothes have also been changed into the basic shirt jacket and long trousers of a jobless traveler.Amon's heart aches when he thinks that he won't be able to wear his beloved glasses for a long time in the future.Not only put them all in his own small room, but also bought a special glass display cabinet with a lock.

He was sitting in the rest area of ​​the cake shop, slowly eating his dinner, with a glass of hot lemonade presented by the shop in his hand.

Through the glass, he watched the people coming and going on the street leisurely and happily, and saw several young thieves gang committing crimes, stealing pens, wallets and silk handkerchiefs from the pockets of passers-by, and occasionally Cooperation, one person came to the old gentleman pretending to ask for directions, and the other stole the brand new silk scarf from the old gentleman's pocket.

The old gentleman soon noticed that something was wrong with the absent-minded boy asking for directions, and then found that his silk scarf had disappeared.He turned around immediately, but another kid who rushed over took the silver pocket watch from his pocket.

The way of stealing is very rough.The Deception Instructor watched the theft of ordinary people with great interest, and by the way, he found Amon in his heart for comparison—thanks to the ability of parasitism, Amon obviously possesses superior wisdom and stealing skills, but he has never worked as a team Pass.

So is there any need for Amon to work as a team?
Maybe it depends on who the enemy is... If it's Medici, can I let a clone cooperate with him falsely, and then... No, Medici is the best conspirator in the world now, I'm still far away Can't compare with him, let alone he laughed at me before.

Where is Adam?No, that guy is hard to deceive even if he is the main body, right?
For others, it may be obvious at a glance that it is a scam... and the parasitic ability itself is equivalent to adding companions. The crowd tactics are rough but effective. The most important thing is that all interpretations belong to the ontology. It seems that there is really no need for a conscious team cooperate.

Amon was thinking in a daze, and took a sip of lemonade without knowing the taste.When he looked at the farce outside the window again, he was surprised to find that the old gentleman actually grabbed a child and shouted that the child was a thief, attracting a group of passers-by to watch and applaud.

The police officers from Sivelas Field also arrived quickly, intending to handcuff the child and take him away from the scene.

Is it this kid?There were 4 people in the theft gang just now, the one with black hair stole the silver pocket watch, the one with the blue scarf stole the silk scarf, the one without shoes stole a few pennies, only the boy with the yellow hair was asking for directions and nothing was stolen , not a qualified thief.

This theft caused quite a commotion, and even the clerks and customers in the bakery watched the excitement curiously.

The dirty environment and heavy labor in Backlund turned many children into orphans and thieves, and also made it impossible for adults to survive two generations.These people who cannot survive independently can only live by begging and stealing.

Although there are frequent thefts in the Eastern District, but this time, it was too daring for a few children to gang up on the street. The Sivelas Field intended to make an example of others, and no matter how hard the chained children struggled, they would not let go.

They cursed and kept beating the child's back with the batons in their hands. The unreasonable image formed a sharp contrast with the tear-stained child.

But this scene only made the crowd laugh happily.

Amon took a closer look and found that the other three accomplices were hiding in the denouncing crowd and peeping.

Hmm... They are accomplices, these three children should be handcuffed together, but they betrayed their companions, the thief shouted "stop the thief", and let the only child who did not steal take responsibility for them, so what should we do?

The child was roughly pulled by the policeman's arm and walked forward. Suddenly, the picture in front of his eyes flickered, and he suddenly found himself standing outside the crowd. The terrible handcuffs and the policeman's iron clamp-like hands disappeared.

And the three children who were watching the play and secretly laughed at the newcomer's clumsiness and got caught suddenly found themselves handcuffed and standing in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by the angry faces of adults.

They screamed and wanted to run away, but they were grabbed by several police officers with one hand, violently shaking and beating them.

In such a flash, the pocket watches, silk scarves, pens and coins hidden on their bodies all fell out jingling. Seeing this, the crowd was silent for two seconds, and then a louder noise broke out.

The old gentleman said at once: "Mine, Mr Inspector, they stole them from me!"

A tall police officer immediately bent down, picked up these bits and pieces, and handed them to the old gentleman like a treasure: "Yes, sir, these are all your things!"

"Thank you, Mr. Inspector!"

"Well done, Officer!"

"These little thieves should have been cleaned up long ago!"

"They stole my hat the day before yesterday!"


The evidence of the stolen goods is so strong that no matter how the three children struggle and defend, it will not help.They couldn't understand one thing the most: the one who was arrested just now was a clumsy rookie, how could it become the three of them in the blink of an eye?

In the cake shop, Amon thoughtfully took a bite of the simple crepe, chewed on the fluffy cake slice and cream, and watched the kid who didn't steal anything trot all the way in the direction of the East District, out of his sight.

According to human morality, I seemed to be an unsung hero just now, saving innocent children and punishing children who stole things?However, I didn't feel happy, I didn't feel the legitimacy of this behavior, or the value of this "helping others" behavior, and no one would praise me. I even thought that the three children who were very good at stealing It is a good seedling worth cultivating.

Amon frowned. He originally wanted to use this small incident as a mirror to test his own humanity. He thought that he would have a "sense of accomplishment" because he helped innocent children, but he didn't.

"What about you? Are you happy? Or happy? Or 'survivor'..."

The little boy who ran into the alley stopped suddenly. He lowered his head slowly and put on his monocle.

——then showed a puzzled expression.

"You don't feel happy in your heart? You just feel lucky, and you want to never steal again?" The little boy said to himself suspiciously, "Are you still praising the Lord of Storms? Obviously I helped you, and just now Those rough officers must be believers in the storm."

The little boy turned around several times in a daze, and the monocle on his right eye socket suddenly fell off and fell to the ground.It was like a piece of ice falling into the water, and it melted into the ground in an instant.

The little boy trembled, looked around quickly, and then ran faster and faster in fear.

Amon squeezed his eyes, and felt that his research topic had entered a bottleneck: he did not feel fulfilled like the human beings after helping others, and the children he helped did not express gratitude and joy. Amon felt like a fortune teller Home Sequence 8, I spent my energy doing something that no one knew, it was not profitable for me, and no one was even happy.

"I'd at least find out why he wasn't happy."

Amon frowned and muttered to himself: "Is it because he was saved too early? Human beings seem to be more pious the later they are saved. If he is tortured in prison after he is tortured, he will be hungry and hungry." Will he be grateful to me if I rescue him from suffering until his last breath is left? Then will I also be able to gain a sense of accomplishment and the joy of helping others from his gratitude?"

"No, in fact, the three real thieves are perfectly fine. I don't need to change him back."

"That's not right. I really don't need to change it back? He was wronged. If he is tortured, he will definitely suffer more. When he is saved by me in the future, he will thank me even more... No, even if this is the case, he Didn't you thank me later?"

"Perhaps it was wrong to choose to save him!"

"He let my thinking go into a dead end, and he didn't play cards according to human thinking. He is a failed social practice object. In order not to let him continue to disturb my thinking, I should erase him, terminate this experiment, and then choose The next person." Amon came to a conclusion.

Unsuccessful experiment results will be cut out and cannot be counted as his mistakes.Amon breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Just running out of the alley, the little boy standing in the shadows of the streets of the East District suddenly stopped again, took out a monocle from his pocket, and put it on his right eye with great care.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that a person standing on the side of the street who seemed to be waiting suddenly turned his head and looked straight at him.

The next moment, this passerby appeared in front of me, and easily took off the monocle from the boy's right eye with one hand. Just when Amon was in doubt, the passerby squatted down and lifted the monocle to the little boy's right eye. In front of the boy, he said gently to him:

"When you were arrested just now, a gentleman saved you."

"Otherwise it's you who's being taken away now."

"Would you say 'thank you'? To that gentleman."

The little boy was stunned, and he parroted, "Thank you, thank you..."

Now Amon froze in place.

He thought about it, and thought about it again, and felt that the little boy had completed his task: that was to thank himself.As for not feeling a sense of accomplishment, that is my own business.So he ended the parasitism, letting the monocle shatter and disappear in the hands of the passer-by.

In this way, he also successfully saw the face of this passerby:

— "The Angel of Temperance," Richard Ernst.

In the last week of this year, He suddenly appeared in Backlund.


After no one cares, Amon will still reveal his true colors directly.Education has a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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