Mystery: Those years when I was a foreign aid for the Aurora Club

Chapter 146 The Curtain Opens and the Characters Enter

Chapter 146 The Curtain Opens and the Characters Enter

After another failure, the seventh exploration began soon. Derrick, who had tried it, no longer behaved abnormally, but took the initiative to try to check the "Rose of Redemption" mural.

All the way as usual, the exploration team entered the underground hall with altars and statues again, and found the obviously weird little boy Jack.

After a similar conversation, Derrick saw the face made of other people's facial features again.

Having gained experience, he did not make any irritating actions, lowered his voice, and said to "Demon Hunter" Colin:

"Your Excellency, the face on his chest is very similar to the angel in the mural above, that is, the angel with silver hair and the river at his feet connecting end to end, um, the mural with 'Rose of Redemption' written in the corner."

"Demon Hunter" Colin was startled for a moment, then frowned.

While watching and comforting the little boy Jack, he looked at Derrick out of the corner of his eye.

After a few seconds of silence, he whispered:
"Because you mentioned this matter, I had some associations."

Without waiting for Derrick to ask, he continued on his own: "We have studied that mural for a long time, and we simply think that it depicts an angel leading the way and a group of ascetic monks on a pilgrimage. The name of their group may be called 'Rose of Redemption'."

"The end-to-end river suggests a cycle, and our interpretation is that the pilgrimage is repeated."

"But now it seems that it may mark the identity of that angel."

"This is what you made me think, because Amon was once hidden in your body."

"Why?" Derrick was at a loss.

"Demon Hunter" Colin stared at the little boy Jack and said, "The worm left by Amon has a symbol of time, and the revolving river is often related to fate. Putting the two together reminds me of a few ancient books. As mentioned above, I do not know the true or false content.

"When 'the Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God' looked at this world, he was surrounded by many angels. Among them, the leader of all the angels, the king of angels who is closest to the throne of God, there are eight in total. Their names are as follows: Some have disappeared in the long history, and some still have certain records, either briefly or in detail.

"It is rumored that among the eight kings of angels there are even descendants of gods.

"Among them, there are two angel kings whose titles are 'Angel of Time' and 'Angel of Destiny'."

Derrick suddenly realized, and asked in confirmation:
"You think Amon is the 'Angel of Time', and the one on the mural is the 'Angel of Destiny'?"

"I can't be sure for the time being. Only one title of 'Angel of Time' has been handed down, and the records of 'Angel of Destiny' are relatively detailed..." "Demon Hunter" Colin suddenly took a breath.

Immediately afterwards, he said in a deep voice:

"Angel of Destiny, Ouroreus the Tail Swallower."

Having said that, Colin Iliad looked in the direction of Wesson Scalder from the corner of his eyes imperceptibly, but the latter did not pay attention to this, but was fully on guard against the little boy. Boy Jack.

This time, the communication with the little boy Jack was relatively smooth. Seeing that Derrick handled it very well and obtained a lot of information about the outside world from Jack, Colin also slightly shifted his attention away from Jack.He moved a few steps inadvertently, pretending to count the members, and asked Wesson Scalder "on a whim":
"I heard that you also volunteered to join this time?"

The Dawn Knight, who had silver-gray hair, which is relatively rare in the City of Silver, froze for a moment, and then replied, "Yes, Your Excellency."

Colin nodded, skipped the topic, and casually made a homely statement:
"How is your child, have you seen it with a therapist?"

Continuing the offspring is the first priority of the City of Silver other than survival. As the chief, it is normal to care about the newborns and young children in the city, not to mention that the children of the Scold family are known to be special in the City of Silver.

Speaking of the child, the young soldier suddenly smiled and said without hesitation: "Look, my wife specially went to see the child's situation with me before I left in order to let me participate in the exploration with peace of mind."

He hurriedly said: "The therapist said that my child is growing very fast and is also very healthy. After another sixty or seventy cycles of major changes, he will be born smoothly!"

A smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of Colin's mouth: "Have you named him yet?"

"My wife hopes to be a boy, so that I can fight side by side with me in the future." Wesson Scalder said with a smile on his face, "She always believed that it was a boy, and I think it would be nice if it was a We ended up giving him two names, Uno for a boy and Una for a girl."

The chief nodded: "Do these two names have any special meaning?"

"I drew lots."

Dawn Knight smiled: "It means 'one who is blessed by God'. There are also many names with good meanings, such as courage, beauty, wisdom and sacredness... My wife and I are very satisfied with this one. .”

Colin was silent for a second, and took a breath with a smile: "'s really a good name."

After that, he stopped talking and continued to pay attention to Derrick who was talking with Jack.

East District, in a coffee shop with greasy tabletops.

Klein, who arrived at the scheduled time, was enjoying the oatmeal bread dipped in the stewed lamb broth with tender peas, while listening to the old Kohler talk about the news he had collected in the past week.

It is a pity that there is no information of great value in it.

After the other party finished speaking, Klein thought about it, took out another two-pound note, and pushed it over.

"You gave it to me just now!" Old Kohler was taken aback and waved his hand in astonishment.

Klein chuckled and said, "I'll be going to the south for vacation within this week. After a year of hard work, it's time for me to take a break."

"I may not be back until two or three weeks, so pay you the corresponding reward in advance, hehe, don't forget to help me collect information."

"Okay, okay!" Old Kohler took the banknotes happily and gratefully.

At this moment, he has already thought about how to spend the New Year.

He planned to buy the cured ham that he was reluctant to buy before, and use it to match his bread.

Can't wait to have a warm year with Tyler... Thanks Detective Moriarty!He swallowed unconsciously.

Klein picked up his hat, thought it over and said, "You should be aware that the Eastern District has been a bit chaotic recently."

"Don't let yourself take risks just to inquire about the news. If you find something wrong, hide immediately and don't get involved."

The things surrounding Prince Edsac made him quite worried, so he wanted to remind the old Kohler.

"I understand." Old Kohler patted his chest and said, "I'm very timid, I won't take risks."

"Very good." Klein praised.

He immediately thought of Liv, the laundry woman, and her two daughters who love to read and hope to change their destiny, Freya and Daisy, said in a deep thought: "Pay attention to Liv's family, don't let them be bullied, if there is a riot in the East District Take them to hide in a safe place."

" mean the workers' struggle?" Old Kohler asked a little puzzled.

"Almost." Klein responded vaguely.

This is the limit of what he can disclose, otherwise it is easy to be suspected by people or sealed items.

After doing all this, he bid farewell to the old Kohler and returned to the Hillston area alone.

Emlyn White actually received a request from the strong blood last night to pray to the "fool" to relieve his psychological suggestion.Klein trapped Emlyn with his already proficient magic stick skills, and firmly believed that he was the savior of the blood race, so he actively joined the Tarot Society.

Immediately afterward, Klein came to Origin Castle to divination whether it would be suitable to go to Red Rose Manor tomorrow afternoon, and failed again.

I have always said that divination is not a panacea, and now this sentence is confirmed... I have to make my own decision... This step must be taken, otherwise there is no way to leave the stage without being noticed and go behind the scenes... The sooner the better, There can be no delay, or the matter may not be cleared up... Amidst the ups and downs of his thoughts, Klein made a decision.

He immediately returned to the real world, put on a double-breasted frock coat and a half-height silk top hat, and walked out of No. 9 Second Avenue. The destination was the Red Rose Manor of Prince Edsack.


The Faceless Man landed and turned into another Edward Vaughan in an instant.

Edward has always been very satisfied with the almost seamless transformation of the Faceless Man. He casually threw over the home clothes provided by the suite, and asked: "Before I come back, do your best to act well."

The faceless man caught the thrown clothes with both hands, he didn't dare to lower his head with his current face, and didn't dare to respond, so he quietly looked at the home clothes in his hand.

After all, Edward entered the spirit world and found a hidden place to hide. He looked through his collection cabinet and found that there was only this faceless man at hand.After thinking for a moment, he released a mid-sequence demon, devoured the opponent's soul, directly occupied the body with his own spirit body, absorbed this characteristic, put on this body, and stuffed his own body into it. In the collection cabinet.

Puff.This weak body immediately showed signs of collapse, and the spiritual power and blood turned into thin threads, stitching up the cracked wound and making it heal, like a ferocious blood-colored centipede crawling all over the body.

The flesh is constantly being damaged, and it is constantly being stitched and reinforced, and the stitching speed is faster, so a balance is gradually formed.

Edward left from the spirit world and appeared directly on a passenger ship that had been away for a long time.

He specially bought a boat ticket yesterday and reserved a vacant room under a false name.Since there is no ticket check, the room is still locked from the outside, the curtains are closed, the cleaning staff have just left, and no staff will come until entering Pritz Harbor.

It was sunny outside, but quiet and dark inside.Edward walked to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room, and looked at the person in the mirror—the somewhat messy hair reaching the ears, the slightly downturned eye corners, the hair was soft, and he looked docile and peaceful.

Looking closely, the hair is not pure black or dark gray, but a lot of deep purple and near-black fragments are mixed in the black hair, and even the eyes have faint purple lines.

This is a unique physiological characteristic of the North family, because its residence is the closest to the abyss among the three major demon families, it has been spiritually polluted by the abyss after thousands of years of settlement, and it is a genetic characteristic formed by long-term research on evil magic. Like the tenacious blue-haired gene in the blood of the elves.

With this appearance, the king of decay began to think about how he should act as a human being.

It is obvious that this smuggling can be completed better only if there is a significant difference from the character "Edward", coupled with this strange face.

After a while, he smoothed the habitually raised corners of his mouth and wiped away the smile from his eyes. The gentle aura that seemed to exist on the container suddenly disappeared without a trace, and he changed into an ironic indifference and arrogance. .

He quietly looked at himself in the mirror for a while, then floated to the edge of the sofa like a shadow, and sat there quietly.

Almost an hour later, the whistle sounded, and the passenger ship was about to enter the port.This almost weightless shadow floated out again, and naturally mixed with the crowd waiting to disembark, drifted past the ticket inspector's blind spot, and stepped on the ground of Pritz Harbor.

The appearance and attire of this descendant of the North family are not eye-catching. Even with this indifferent temperament, it will at most make others look at him twice, far from being impressive.This is exactly what the Declining King wants. There are still dozens of kilometers to enter Backlund City from here. He stood there for a while and decided to hurry up a little bit. After all, it seems that there is only more than an hour before the start of the good show. It's time.

He separated from the disembarking troops, turned into a small road, and appeared in an empty alley in the next step.He took another step, and went directly through the blinking door to the East End.

After entering the East District, he immediately felt the most familiar and comfortable atmosphere for him, like a fish returning to the water, and the long-lost spiritual activity made the declining king's increasingly bad mood gradually rise.He slowly patrolled the urban area, looking for survivors with great interest amidst the fate of everything dying and severing.These survivors are like lights in the dark, the occasional bubbles in the deep sea, ordinary and lucky.

The Declining King allowed his spirituality to activate in a small area, and he didn't mind adding to this natural disaster-level man-made disaster.Seeing the time passing by every minute and every second, he was getting closer and closer to his goal. Suddenly, he felt a sudden change in the fate of a certain place.

The lifeless fate of the pedestrians around suddenly fluctuated. He saw with his own eyes that one after another people who were destined to die just now had the possibility of "survival". Has changed fate!
Who is trying to change this disaster?
"Who is it?" He whispered, "Why wait until now to make such a huge change."

The spiritual induction that is close to the level of the gods has tended to authority. At the moment of this question, his inspiration completed the divination for himself, pointing out the direction and hint.

He saw a blond girl suddenly change her face, muttering to herself, saying a name:
"Chick? Is this the original witch's real name?"

At the same time, he also felt that his spirituality was hindered. He was very familiar with this feeling of rejection. After all, on this earth, there was only one power that could hinder him in this unique way!
Source quality!

First of all, exclude Adam who regards human beings as renewable resources, then it will be clear at a glance who the hindering power comes from.

In order not to be disturbed by Origin Castle, he chose to use his authority to sense his best choice next.The Declining King waited in place for a second. This time, the spiritual guidance was not disturbed by Origin Castle and high-level power. He slightly turned his head to look at a certain place, and then suddenly disappeared in place.


The quill, which looks ordinary, no longer writes on its own, and its surface is a little duller.

The meteorite was attracted but was accidentally resolved by the other party. The serious middle-aged man with only one eye held the quill and quickly wrote in a psychic state:
"Azik Eggers obviously has not yet recovered all his memory and strength. His attempt to travel through the spirit world and astral world happened to be a problem at this time due to hidden dangers in this area. Therefore, he and Sherlock Moriah Tee landed not far from Ince Zangwill and his friends..."

Ince Zangwill was about to put the pen to paper for this sentence, when suddenly a huge fear fell in his heart, the colors in front of him suddenly became thicker, and a person he was very familiar with, no, he did not dare to forget at all appeared in front of him.

The demon angel narrowed his eyes and looked at him, then looked at the 0-08 in his hand, snorted lightly, and returned to the colorful world.

The second after he disappeared, Ince Zangwill spurted out a big mouthful of blood, almost vomiting his heart out.These bloodstains just covered the words just written, the quill in his hand trembled violently, and even dipped in his blood, he quickly wrote a line of words:
"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Ince Zangwill's willful changes to fate have attracted a great existence that pursues negative emotions and life. "Abyss Angel" Edward Vaughan actually appeared in Backlund at this time !Why did he come? "

0-08 took Ince Zangwill's hand and was about to write, when he suddenly paused, and slowly wrote a line as if being held firmly by someone: "I didn't expect someone to throw an olive branch to This demon is really a crazy enough choice."

"He doesn't seem to want this good show to be disturbed, so he pursues an uncoordinated fate all the way."

It wasn't until this moment that Ince Zangwill finally stopped his piercing cough. He gripped the quill pen with all his strength, and wrote down a sentence that pierced the back of the paper with all his courage:

"He caught up with Azik Eggers!"

After writing this sentence, Ince Zangwill even stopped breathing, and Arrangement Angel's fear welled up belatedly.

Five seconds later, ten seconds later, half a minute later, realizing that he was still alive, he fell backwards exhausted, staring straight at the blood-stained notebook, not daring to imagine the next change.


Everything around is like a phantom, with rich colors, overlapping and adding, and quickly retreating.

As soon as Klein came back to his senses and observed and experienced this wonderful passage, he felt the hand of Mr. Azik holding his arm tremble slightly.

Before he had time to react, he felt a strong sense of vibration, as if an earthquake was coming and the world was spinning.

The retreat of the colors stopped suddenly, Azik's eyes were confused for a moment, and then he retreated at a faster speed.

Now even Klein noticed the imminent danger. He felt that the aura emanating from Azik's body suddenly became extremely cold, as if some terrifying power was recovering, and his spiritual premonition didn't respond—— Ryan immediately understood that without using the gray mist, his spiritual perception directly failed because the coming crisis was too extreme!

Then, under their gaze, the colorful world in front of them shook violently again. A huge, pitch-black claw tore through the passageway for roaming the spirit world from the outside, and the rusty red immediately covered all the surrounding colors. Quickly spread to their location!

Seeing this claw, Klein's pupils shrank suddenly.

Azik's eyes froze, and pale flames burned all over his body immediately, wrapping Klein and himself inside, resisting the erosion of rust.

Then, he frowned, and pressed his fingers to his temples, as if enduring great pain.

Stab it!

Although there was no sound, the sound appeared in the hearts of the two of them at the same time.

Two huge pitch-black claws tore through the passage of the spirit world with absolute power, and a hideous and terrifying alien face appeared in the gap behind the gap. The body dozens of times larger than a human brought an extremely strong visual impact.

Azik growled, "Don't look!"

At the same time, he quickly stretched out his hand to cover Klein's eyes, but this was also a step too slow. Klein's head seemed to have been hit hard, and he was so painful that he almost lost consciousness on the spot.

Ards felt his eyes blur, and he seemed to see some gray mist appearing on Klein's body.And the scene I imagined that Klein lost control and turned into a monster on the spot did not happen, and his students did not have any more negative reactions other than a little pain and temporary spiritual instability, which made Azik slightly relieved.

A creature that has no other words to describe it other than the devil took this scene into his eyes. His appearance was so terrifying, but his voice was as gentle as Klein remembered, with a magical temptation that made people feel good:
"Long time no see, how are you doing lately, Klein Moretti? And this death consul."

"—Where are you going?"


The title format is limited during the Great Smog Period.

(End of this chapter)

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