Chapter 152 is not over yet, it ends here

On the outskirts of Queens, on a trackless public carriage.

Triss was sitting quietly in a corner wearing a veiled hat.

She didn't make a beeline for the Tussock River, escape down the river, or head to the nearest railroad and climb the train, as was supposed to be the case.

She chose to return to Backlund.

Only this metropolis with a population of more than 500 million, various hidden forces, and many Extraordinary people can help her escape the follow-up pursuit of the Witch Sect!

At this moment, she was very nervous, always on guard against the terrible old housekeeper Finkel.

Suddenly, she felt dizzy.When her eyesight returned to normal, she realized that she had miraculously left the public carriage and was standing beside the muddy road in the suburbs.

Triss's pupils shrank rapidly, and she looked around warily.

Then, she saw a figure in a classical robe and a black hood, and noticed the black eyes hidden in the shadows.

For some reason, Triss seemed to be back in her infancy, so weak that she had no resistance at all.

Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, her legs trembled violently, but she couldn't move.

This is the most terrifying enemy I have ever faced... Even the high-ranking witch I met before did not give me a similar feeling... Am I going to die here... Escape actions that are unwilling to give up in the face of failure again and again Is it going to be over completely... A deep sense of despair and uncontrollable sadness occupied Triss's heart, making her seem to have fallen into the deepest and deepest nightmare.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed in front of her eyes, lifting the "curse" of being unable to move.

Triss looked ahead again, and there was no such a terrifying figure, and everything just now seemed like the most real illusion.

But when Triss lowered her head, she was shocked to find that the sapphire ring on her left little finger had been torn apart at some point, losing all its brilliance.

Crack, crack, crack, the wreckage of rings and gems fell.


In the barren field in the outskirts, the old butler Finkel was running away quickly.

He had lost his hat, his meticulously combed gray hair hung in a mess, and his clothes were covered in mud.

Huh, huh... He paused for a while, gasped and looked back, and found that there was no one there, and he was a little relieved.

But when he turned his head and was about to change direction, he found that there was a figure in front of him at some point.

The figure was wearing a classic robe with a hood, his black eyes were hidden in the shadows, and his face was dull and expressionless.

Finkel's pupils shrank, and he opened his mouth immediately, trying to pronounce a word in ancient Hermes, but he was surprised to find that his nose was disappearing, and his voice had disappeared.

His expression suddenly became a little more desperate, and then his whole body was like a smudge in the void, wiped clean by a rag, and there was no trace left.


Klein even ran away and fought, and the flames jumped and burned two boxes of matches. The "Master Key" switched to Sparks, passed the first two levels by playing the role of Ince Zangwill, and then changed into a guard, all the way Spread the news that "Ince Zangwill is a fake", and successfully ran to the upper floor of the underground building.

The reason why it was confirmed that it was the upper floor was because Klein looked up, and he could already see a skylight appearing on the ten-meter-high zenith, and white sunlight was falling, illuminating the fine dust in the air.

There seemed to be chaos in the rear, so Klein was able to calm down a little and search for the upper door and stairs.

Therefore, he found that the underground building seemed to be funnel-shaped, and the spiral staircase at the bottom was only 30 meters in diameter. However, after entering the upper floor close to the ground, he could not see the other side of the wall clearly.

Right now, it is best to use the "Master Key" to open a door directly on the roof, but without the flame jumping, it is difficult for me to jump to a height of more than ten meters, and it is difficult for me to seize the opportunity to open the door and leave immediately...

He quickly looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to his side, so he carefully took out the copper whistle from his pocket, put it near his mouth and blew it hard.

Invisible fluctuations spread, and a half-snake, half-human spirit body with white feathers like a feather coat appeared in front of his eyes, with two legs and a tail behind him. He was also wearing a torn robe with gold decorations. .

It worked!Klein was overjoyed.

After this demigod appeared, he immediately grabbed Klein and entered the spirit world.

Seeing this, Klein finally let go of his long-hanging heart.

But on the way through the spiritual world, Klein's thinking suddenly stopped for a moment. He saw himself appearing in a dark and deep world. The demigod wearing feathers disappeared. There was only a red moon in this world, and The sky is full of stars like eyes.

——Yes, "stars" like eyes!
The mystery contained in this kind of foreshadowing made Klein's skin crawl unconsciously. However, after a short time, Klein found himself back in the spirit world, and the flying demigod who was holding him seemed unaware.

Feeling uneasy for a while, Klein bit the bullet and continued to plan his next move... There is nothing to be nervous about, it's just that the angel came to him and Ince Zangwill discovered his true colors!But it doesn't matter!Because the Faceless Man's control over his body was very precise, Klein was sure that he didn't leave any hair, skin flakes, or nails in the underground building, so he naturally wouldn't worry about being cursed by Talim.

The only problem is... A drop of cold sweat ran across Klein's forehead.

He thought of Melissa and Benson who were still in Tingen.

Ince Zangwill's (beep——) bastard (beep——) can definitely go back to Tingen and kidnap or even kill Klein's brothers and sisters in order to avenge his actions!

Damn, in order not to involve Benson and Melissa, I haven't corresponded with them for several months, and I haven't found anyone to investigate their current situation. Now that this happened, I must rush to Ince Zang Will figure out a way before he does it... Pray to the Goddess?No, I have a special status. After I came back from the dead, I declared to believe in the god of steam and machinery. There is also a mysterious gray mist. The goddess did not know what she did on the gray mist, but she got something from me. Permission", I can't figure out what the goddess' attitude is...

For the Evernight Goddess, Klein still has an attitude of "staying at arm's length".

After all, if it is a relatively common contact, such as a principal, a government employee, etc., it is worth showing off to be able to build a good relationship with each other.But if the head of state came to meet with you suddenly, it is estimated that few people can show off, but more surprised and disturbed or even panicked.

Therefore, if it is not forced, Klein is still unwilling to have anything to do with the Church of Evernight and Goddess of Evernight.

Looking for help?My connections in Backlund are limited to middle and low ranks, and Miss Sharron's relationship with me is a bit tense because of the previous evil spirit incident, so it's not appropriate to entrust Benson and the others to Miss Sharron's protection...

And if I go back in person, it will cause more problems. Do I have to trouble Mr. Ards again?
Klein sighed heavily, and felt more and more that Mr. Ards was so kind to him, that he not only saved himself, but might also save his family.

Regardless of whether Mr. Ards agrees or not, he will repay this kindness no matter what.

Where is the original destination of wandering in the spirit world?Klein was stunned suddenly, and quickly said to the spirit body demigod:

"Please take me to Mr. Ards."

There is no distinction between up, down, left, and right in the spirit world. The spirit demigod still grasps Klein's wrist and flies forward, and it is not known whether it has changed direction.

But soon, the spirit demigod gave Klein the instruction to "arrive at the station", and the rich colors around him gradually returned to normal, twisting into trees, the ground, street lamps, tables and chairs, and an Azik.

It was pouring rain outside Backlund, so heavy that it seemed like the entire sky was about to collapse. Azik was standing under the eaves outside a cafe.

Beside him was an unlit gas street lamp, behind him was the glass of the cafe, and behind the half-closed blinds were the tables, chairs and warm yellow lights that Klein saw.In front of his toes, the rainwater fell from the edge of the eaves, merged into a gurgling stream, and flowed into the sewer along the roadside gutter.

It seems to have been raining for a long time, and there are almost no pedestrians on the road.

Judging from the dark sky, it was hard to believe that it was not yet four o'clock in the afternoon.

The shadow of the demigod Yuyi appeared on the glass of the cafe, bowed ninety degrees to Azik and disappeared on the reflective surface of the glass.

In the real world, only Klein Moretti suddenly appeared beside Azik.

"Mr. Ards! As long as you are safe and sound."

As soon as he landed, Klein immediately took the initiative to say hello: "However, the demigod I summoned at the beginning hasn't returned yet, and he may have been trapped by Ince Zangwill and the others in that ruin. What do you have?" Is there any way to see his current state?"

Azik, who had been looking at the window across the road in thought, seemed to realize Klein's arrival only now, and remained silent for a while before saying:
"Don't worry about him. As long as he is not killed by an angel-level powerhouse, or uses a special method, as long as the underworld still exists, he can be slowly reborn there."

After all, he finally made up his mind, turned his head, looked at Klein with complicated and sad eyes, and said slowly:


"you lied to me."

Klein was shocked, and immediately thought of the reason, he hurriedly said, "Did Edward Vaughan say something to you?"

After saying this, he seemed to see a reminder that Azik's favorability had dropped.

Seeing that he didn't deny it immediately, but asked this question, Azik's expression became more sad, but he was relieved after a short while.He laughed at himself twice, slowed down his tone, and replied softly:

"Yes. He told me many things."

"Klein, maybe I shouldn't use such a general question. Everyone has their own secrets... Well, let me change the question. Klein, can you tell me why you lied to me?"

This question is actually more acute than the content of the lie... Klein felt that it was very difficult, and he was a little distracted for a while.

Because at the root, the reason for lying is somewhat embarrassing to him—of course he knows that Mr. Ards is a very kind person, and he helped "Klein" a lot when he was teaching at Hoy University, and it was also for himself. Same.But when I was still in Tingen, when I found that the first Baron Ramud and Mr. Azik looked exactly the same hundreds of years ago, my first reaction was nervous and a little flustered. After I calmed down, I began to consider whether to report him Give it to the church, or hide it for Mr. Azik.

This uneasiness is naturally human, but what finally prompted him to make a decision was not his trust in Azik Eggers, but the result of his divination on the gray mist—if Azik concealed it, In the future, when encountering a mortal crisis, you will be able to get help from the other party.

It was also this time.

However, because he did not have an accurate grasp of the opponent's strength, Klein has always been reluctant to disclose any information such as "Grey Fog", "The Fool", and "Tarot Club". The reason is very simple.Just like not letting Sharon help him test the card of blasphemy, he was worried that the other party would covet the item of gray mist, at least the item would be lost, and at worst, his life would be in danger.

In a sense, Klein thinks that the relationship between them is limited to cooperation. Klein helps Azik search for some clues, and Azik occasionally helps Klein do some things, and he will be regarded as a married person, so that the Tarot Society He is more unwavering in his identity as a god.

From this level of meaning, I really should give Mr. Azik more help and appearance fees... But Mr. Azik's help to me is actually a little effort from his level... Klein feels a little guilty.

"I didn't want to believe in demons, but Ni's reaction represents so many things."

Seeing that he was silent, Azik became more and more disappointed: "However, Emperor Roselle once said that judging a person should be based on his behavior rather than his thoughts. Klein, you have helped me many times and made me faster." I have always been grateful to you for retrieving memory and rediscovering myself.”

"Maybe it's a bit forced on you, but if you are willing to tell me about the things you lied to me, I am willing to continue to maintain the current relationship with you."

... Klein smacked his lips.

Now that Azik still wants to hear his explanation, no matter how guilty Klein is, he must do something.

But considering that Mr. Azik only said that he lied to him, but not the part that he lied to, Azik should have obtained a lot of information from Edward Vaughn, and found that I said something that would make people feel suspicious lie...

Klein felt a stomachache, carefully picked the nearest one and said:
"Sorry, Mr. Ards, I didn't intend to hide from you, but... I actually don't even know what happened to me."

Azik was not surprised, and waited for the next article.

"Do you still remember that when I was still in Tingen, I obtained a notebook from the Fourth Epoch period, and this notebook also caused the deaths of Welch and Naya..." Klein simply said After talking about that incident, he knew that Azik must still remember it, because that diary involved the name of a great nobleman in the Fourth Epoch, "Antigonus".

"After that, I got some incantations by chance, and entered a mysterious space filled with gray mist through the incantations..."

"That's called Origin Castle."

"... Oh, Origin Castle." For the first time, Klein knew the name of his place.He obtained new information, and decided to search back to see if this place called "Origin Castle" appeared in occult books.

He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be lying, and Azik frowned unobtrusively, ready to continue listening.

"In the previous escape, I lied to you, saying that I got a magical item, but in fact I got ash...Origin Castle. But other than this point, everything else is the truth, I really rely on Origin Castle A party was formed, and rituals and occult knowledge were prepared for it."

"no yet?"

Klein thought for a while and said with certainty, "Not anymore."

Azik asked again: "Really?"

Klein thought about it strangely for a while - no more, besides that, he didn't tell any lies?He nodded earnestly.

Then he saw Azik looking at him with a hesitant expression, which made Klein feel a little hairy. He waited for Azik to speak, and Azik waited for him to add. He didn't speak for a while.

"You." Azik finally spoke.

"But, isn't your name Zhou Mingrui?"


There was a rumble in Klein's mind.He never expected that Edward Vaughan would actually tell the story!

One's own student was replaced by an unknown soul who returned from a dead body. This should be something that no teacher can accept!

"That, that's..." Klein's brains turned sharply, but he was really stunned for a few seconds, not knowing how to deal with this sentence.

"Edward Vaughn told me that the person named Klein died long ago, and you..." he said, "You, the latecomer, the soul that occupies this body and identity, is from the ancient past. "

Seeing Klein's astonished expression, his eyes showed deep sadness.However, Klein's situation has never been as if he acted like it. Azik himself is not willing to completely believe the devil's words. He can only guess that "Zhou Mingrui" is also an ancient existence, or even a god, who has lost his memory just like himself. And the self-God, who has not yet awakened, regards himself as a human being.

"I should have discovered that Klein is a gentle but reticent child, not as lively and active as you. He doesn't get along with me much, but his love for history and seriousness in learning make me willing to recommend him to be a university lecturer, and you……"

"You are more mature and experienced than him, and you are much more cheerful than him. Oh, it's also my fault that I didn't pay attention to Klein before. I should have discovered it earlier."

"However, you assumed Klein's identity, but you didn't do anything bad, didn't hurt his family, and even sacrificed yourself to protect Tingen. I believe you are also a kind and sincere person. With your help many times, I prefer to believe you..."

Azik talked for a while. He wanted to convince himself that Zhou Mingrui didn't have any malicious intentions, and he also wanted to try to comfort him, but he found that the other party didn't respond to these words, but just opened his mouth in a daze. look at him.


"Mr. Ards, what did you just say?"

The young man named Zhou Mingrui looked at him through Klein's eyes, and asked in a panicked tone:

"You say I come from an ancient past?"

Why is his focus on this... Azik was a little puzzled, but he answered truthfully: "That's what the devil said."

"He said that it was an era older than the first era, and it is impossible to verify how many years have passed since now."

This sentence was like a life-saving straw, and a smile appeared on Klein's face in an instant: "Great, then this must be fake, the devil must be trying to lie to me again, he is still trying to attack my heart, it seems that it is indeed true Want to kill me."

Azik tilted his head: "...What if it's true?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible to be true." Klein was certain.

How can it be true?How can it be true?I still want to go back, I still want to see my parents, I still want to see my friends, I haven't even eaten at my favorite BBQ downstairs from my house before I came here...  

How can this be true?
"This can't be true..."

Ards slightly opened his eyes wide, and he clearly saw tears flashing in Klein's eyes.

It is impossible for great beings or gods to grieve for something, and it is even more impossible to endure grief. They are more indifferent than stone statues, and they are longer than stone statues.Therefore, at this moment, Azik was unprecedentedly convinced that Zhou Mingrui must be a human being, a human being perhaps only slightly older than Klein, and not some unrecovered ancient god.

After all, he's just a child...

Azik hesitated and wanted to speak a few words of comfort, but suddenly the devil's words sounded in his ears:
"Mr. Ards, think carefully about your life and everything you have experienced. What do you think you are now? The plot of the Evernight Goddess shaped you who appeared here with warmth, and also installed a deadly weakness. If your every life is under the control of others, whoever you meet and fall in love with is just a story arranged by someone else... Klein is the patron of the Evernight Goddess, and you..."

"...Don't you have such a momentary anger that you want to slam the script on the face of a self-assertive god for the sake of your real warm life and the human beings you have loved?"

After throwing Richard back in his rightful place and wishing him an early death, the King of Decay is back in Edward Vaughn's skin.

He walked around in circles in the Kingdom of God. After walking around for a few hours, he suddenly counted with his fingers and counted a good time, and the Kingdom of God appeared in a flash.

He saw a dark and beautiful woman in a black robe, with dull eyes and long hair, standing in the air on the opposite side.

Edward's facial expression instantly turned from the eternal blazing sun to the Lord of Storms, and he flashed back to the kingdom of God. More than ten minutes later, he appeared on the edge of the southern continent. From a crack on the land closer to the abyss, he was dormant in this A tent was set up in the crater of the volcano, picnic stew pots and newspapers were brought in, and blankets and awnings were prepared, as if preparing to survive in the wilderness of the crater for more than ten years.

0-17 Seeing all this, he turned his head, and turned to the direction of Klein and Azik with a quiet smile on his face. He looked at them quietly for a while, and saw that they seemed to have a dispute, and a dispute arose. There was a gap, and then slowly calmed down, standing and chatting under the eaves.

The Evernight Goddess looked at it for a while, and her body disappeared as if being erased by an eraser.


In the Red Rose Manor, Prince Edsac sat by the French windows, his eyes were unusually empty.

"Your Highness, please hurry up." A voice sounded beside him.

Edsack's eyes came alive, he took a breath, picked up the revolver on the table, and pressed it against his temple, where there was a bullet that could annihilate spirit bodies.

He turned his head and looked wistfully at the golf course and the horses walking outside.

He pulled the trigger.


With a gunshot from an innocent person, this chapter of the great smog will end.

The prince glanced at the stadium and the horses before he died, which touched me deeply. I don't know if the squid did it on purpose.The prince invited Sherlock to play on the golf course after all this, and Triss' entertainment in the manor was horseback riding.

Writing a headache.After finishing the follow-up of the Great Smog (about two or three chapters) this week, please take a leave of absence to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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