Chapter 154

December 12th, nine o'clock in the morning, overcast.

On this good day of sleep, Trainor was woken up by a big ear scraper from nowhere.

However, this ear scraper does not hurt, nor is it heavy, and the touch is not human hands, like bird feathers.With his eyes closed, Trainor imagined a parrot that he bought last week to chase after a certain noble woman who loves raising birds.

This parrot has excellent appearance, gorgeous coat color, and high IQ. The only shortcoming is that it can learn all the hunter's words.

When the parrot said to him for the fifth time, "How old are you?", Trainor couldn't bear to open the pot and prepared to feed it to the cat, but was moved by the other party's screams (annoying to), casually thrown into the garden and left to fend for itself.

While thinking about why the beast didn't freeze to death, Trainor would rather die than open his eyes, turning over and covering his head with a pillow in one go, but the big-eared bird relentlessly followed, pecking at his bedside table.

Your Excellency the Viscount was determined to ignore the bird. After a few minutes, the knocking sound stopped, and Trainor finally felt relieved. However, before he had stabilized for a few seconds, he suddenly felt a strange inexplicable sound. With an unknown induction, he lifted half of the pillow that covered his head in doubt, and happened to meet an owl standing on the bedside.

His shadow was reflected in the owl's orange eyes, and Treynor felt that he saw a very mysterious emotion on the bird's face. He plucked the owl's fluffy fur and was about to call Turing to ask this question. Where did it come from.

The owl was pinched a few times unmoved, and said calmly:
"I took your little toy."

Trainor jumped up from the bed suddenly, and then the tiger threw himself on the owl, and did not dare to say a word when it came to his mouth.He suddenly thought of putting a pair of glasses on the owl, which would make it more temperamental.

The owl looked at him, and asked again, "You gave it to Richard to support his participation in that matter?"

"...It's me, my lord father." Treynor thought that maybe that guy Richard was tired of fighting against my father again, and he hurriedly begged for mercy, "I hope you can see me now He...uh...has always believed in you..."

Owl: "He said the day before yesterday that he would kill me when he became a god."

Traynor was shocked.

"Becoming a god? The prisoner path doesn't mean that there is a bound god..."

"That's not important." The owl shook the feathers on its wings, "I don't care about Richard's behavior this time, and I can treat your participation as if I didn't see it."

"However, the puppet will be left to me for safekeeping."

My life-saving tool... Without this, how can I leave quietly... I can't borrow a door from the Secret Order to pass through the sealed item, so my thoughts will be clear at a glance... Do I have to sneak out first incognito, or use The item in the shepherd's way can forge a layer of flesh and blood outside his can also achieve the effect of a faceless man...

Or go directly to the private port tonight and leave on a smuggling boat.

Let Riel take me to the spiritual world to teleport.

and also……

Trainor's mind turned, there are many ways to save his life, losing the "faceless doll" is just losing the simplest and safest one (angina pectoris).This account is on Richard's head, and I have to ask him to do something for me later.

I just heard that there is a small resistance group in the Southern Continent that has become popular recently, so I asked Richard to send someone over to negotiate and see if there is a need for funding.

"Are you ready to escape from Intis?"

The owl spoke naturally: "Choose three o'clock in the afternoon today. The Church of the Eternal Sun will come to interrogate you at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. If you don't leave Trier before then, you will have a fierce battle."

The Church of the Eternal Sun is going to attack me so soon?It doesn't make sense, although my property should be moved and sold, but the appearance is still very good, and the money is being paid, they shouldn't find out that I have a problem...Treiner frowned: "Father, has something happened abroad?"

"The royal family of Loen colluded with the witch and launched a plague massacre against the people. The overall casualties will exceed [-]. It is announced that the relevant people have committed suicide in fear of crime."

Trainor nodded.

"I added [-] to it."

Trainor stood up immediately and began to pack his things.

My father's promotion sequence and his participation in terrorist incidents in the capital of a neighboring country will definitely affect his own security assessment as a close related person.In addition to the old grievances in the past, the Church of the Eternal Sun might call him over to drink tea amiably, and the sealed room would like to offer a Hunter Path Sequence 3 Sealed Artifact—oh, maybe it would be sold to the family as a favor— Has some old immortal great-grandson just been demigod?

But this is valuable news!He thought while packing his things at the speed of light, this is a good excuse to start a war, a real good excuse to start a war!

If this news is revealed to the members of the House of Lords and the family, it will definitely cause an uproar, and as long as there is a little evidence-assuming that this is a war against Loen, then the Witch Sect will be happy to spread its horror, and eating at both ends is a cult organization They will be willing to cooperate, and even exaggerate intelligence—this is the commanding heights of morality, a just war against dissidents!

It can even pull Fusac and other countries into the water...

The war bishop was thinking about it, and suddenly felt that it was a loss to leave Intis. Now he really, really wanted to throw this information on the faces of some old families and see their surprised and funny expressions.

They thought that the Sauron family had the ability to control the situation of the war!They also hope that there will be a war to allow the family members to digest the potion and improve the overall combat effectiveness!

It's a pity that everyone knows that the Sauron family is the way of war, so Intis doesn't even have a single surnamed Sauron among the governors of the southern continent...

At that time, some members of the family wanted to do their best to send themselves to the position of governor of a city, and the council also acquiesced. After all, a Sequence 3 saint still felt oppressive in Intis, which was waiting for a while. .

But another group of people resolutely disagreed. They moved out their identities and bloodlines to prove that they were unclean bastards married to demons, that they could not be trusted, nor could they take on such a big responsibility.In addition, the Southern Continent was originally the domain of demons and prisoners. They were afraid that they would betray the family if they passed by and would not come back. In the end, they just used his ability and status to snatch the intelligence department and a relatively remote army.

It's so short-sighted that it makes me want to laugh.

However, going to the Southern Continent is not a good job. The evil gods are everywhere, and the cultists are running everywhere. Recently, the pale queen of the Spiritual Cult has shown her face frequently, and the last queen of the Eggers royal family has many fans. Perhaps it is this It is a harbinger of another open revolt by the organization.

In this environment, the residents of the Northern Continent who settled there were unavoidably panic-stricken. Many of them had already rushed back with their families, and the black market began to secretly sell slaves from the Southern Continent.

"I want to go to the Southern Continent to stay for a while, and then wait for the opportunity to return to the Northern Continent."


After a while, Trainor packed up all the more important and valuable things, and entrusted Riel to put the large and valuable items in its small territory in the spirit world.

Since his immediate boss was right in front of him, Riel only dared to show a white cat's paw.

After a few minutes, Trainor felt his strange sensation disappear. He turned around and found that the owl was still standing there, turned its head [-] degrees to look at him, and made a strange cooing sound.

My dad left?

He touched the brown Cuckoo chicken curiously, and felt some sharp teeth-like things under the feathers. He took his hand back profusely with sweat, and held the two paws of the Cuckoo chicken up for it. .

Could it be that my father still has something to contact me, so he put a family member with me?

Do I feed it human flesh or rats... feels a bit outrageous... maybe it doesn't need to eat at all?
He carefully lifted the owl out, and was about to go to Turing to discuss the escape.When passing by the open-air garden, there was a sharp and hoarse scolding sound from afar, that damn parrot hadn't frozen to death yet!

The owl turned its neck a hundred degrees to the right, watching the colorful parrot rushing towards it, its claws standing motionless on Trainor's hand, but its upper body suddenly separated from the middle, and a huge The round mouth full of teeth, swallowed the parrot whole!
Trainor: ...

The owl is back to normal.

After a while, the owl scratched the belly feathers on its belly with its claws, pulled out a complete red and blue parrot wing feather from there (between the teeth), and handed it to Trainor.

Traynor took the feather with an even more distorted expression.

After a while, he found Turing in the gazebo at the corner of the garden, pretending to be drawing up invitations for tomorrow night's banquet.He put the owl on one side of the guardrail and went up and knocked on Turing's desk.


"Help me pass a message to the archbishop." Traynor squinted his eyes, told the information again, and said calmly, "The colleagues at Feysac's side have been restless these few years, and they have always thought about When a war breaks out, Intis also follows, and I don’t want to lose my hand, otherwise I won’t gain any benefits.”

"Aren't you going to pay a visit to His Excellency the Chief Councilor?"

"That guy is just a Sequence 4, it's not up to him whether to prepare for battle or not."

The War Bishop rubbed his chin: "How about this, after I visit the Archbishop in the morning, you give him a post that I will visit him at five in the afternoon, and then adjust the time of the dinner to tonight. Hehe, after all, it is still in name The national decision-making body, the archbishop will definitely suggest that I go to talk to him... After visiting the archbishop, we will leave, leave Intis directly, and smuggle the port."

In the morning, the rare good weather.

On the streets of Backlund, a person who was resting on a bench by the road and closed his eyes gradually opened his eyes.

He has an appearance that is too ordinary to be remembered, making it difficult to grasp the exact age, and there seem to be doll-like movable joints on his wrists and neck.

He didn't seem to feel the cold, wearing simple shirts and trousers, not even a coat.

He stood up slowly, stretched his limbs in the cold morning wind, moved his body like a real human being, and made a crackling joint reset sound. Afterwards, he walked briskly and walked towards Backlund in a good mood. outside the city.

He was walking on the street where more and more people were gradually increasing, and suddenly disappeared in the same place, and suddenly reappeared in a piece of wasteland on the outskirts of the city.Then he disappeared again, and then appeared outside a noble manor.

He ignored the laws and requirements of the sealed item "Lock of Forbidden" and flashed directly into the manor.Medici, who was training, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the gate, but found that there was no one there.

"Is the induction wrong?" The red angel murmured, "It seems that something has come in."

"Hey, do you two feel it... Hehehe, forget it, I didn't notice it, and you two useless guys will definitely not react."

Halfway through the question, it turned into a provocation. Medici stood up from his seat and asked everyone to do [-] more push-ups. Listening to all directions - walking towards the direction of the main house of the manor.

Suddenly, he felt something again, and saw that the door of the main house seemed to move, but when he looked over, the illusory sense of crisis had disappeared without a trace.

It's interesting... The red angel raised his vigilance, walked slowly towards the main door, carefully held the handle, and twisted it open.

The room was warm and lively. The members of the Aurora Society performed their duties and played the part of the servants of the manor with all their heart. They were cleaning up to welcome the New Year in a festive atmosphere. It is expected that there will be a grand mass on New Year's Eve.

The red angel grabbed a servant casually and asked, but no outsider really came in.

And just when the red angel was about to investigate suspicious elements floor by floor, he had already walked to the secret door in the mezzanine of the stairs with ease, slipped in, and entered the small indoor temple built after the stairwell on the first and second floors was opened up.He looked at the magnificent cross and the rudimentary ceiling painting that might be named "Ancient Sun God Saves the World", then walked to the wall on the left, floated into the air, and got into the sky like a ghost. A dark room in a wall about three meters away.

Behind the half-meter-thick wall, there is a top-secret small room known only to the Dark Saint and the Red Angel——

— the abode of the true Creator!

Layers of black drapes drape to create a dimly lit space.The marble floor has slender protrusions like blood vessels, beating like a pulse.

On the black iron seat in the center of the shrine, the god who already looked like a ten-year-old child was sleeping deeply.He looks a lot older than before, and the golden highlights of his hair have become a thing of the past. It seems that he has gained a lot of strength to resist the pollution of the outer gods, but he still can only use deep sleep to resist.

The real Creator is dressed in mainly black clergy robes, with bare feet, frowning, blood vessels spreading from his feet, and flesh and blood eroding the floor and ceiling. He is the heart of this gradually alienated room.

His face began to melt—he bypassed the blood vessels, walked over solemnly, put his palms in front of the true Creator's forehead, and read:
"You will not be hurt by the failure of the heart."

The True Creator suddenly opened his eyes.

All kinds of chaotic thoughts that have been restraining him all the time and thoughts that were not produced by himself suddenly disappeared without a trace, just like the day when the god descended, he suddenly fell from the extreme madness to sobriety, and for a moment he didn't know if it was himself Completely insane.

Then, He saw a person—a person—a person?

The real creator decided to be more rigorous: first of all, this is not a human being, this is—— there is no doubt that this is an outer god, but it is not known whether it is the main body or the descending of the god.Secondly, this container is an extraordinary item, and then, he was convinced that what he saw the moment he opened his eyes was an indescribable mythical creature that could not be expressed in words, but the next moment, this mythical creature collapsed into the appearance of a person !
People, presumably people.

To be precise, this is a group of magical color blocks.

If the real creator had played "Minecraft" or tried to model, then he could have grasped this feeling more accurately, but he has not, so he can only describe it like this: "A picture that is painted with the background color but not yet detailed. The outline of the oil painting."

"First meeting, True Creator, I'm here to talk to you."

The voice came, but the color block remained motionless. The real creator suspected that the other party's vocal organ was not the mouth.

"I will not accept the conditions of any Outer God, you should tell me where you came from!"

"The barrier has not been broken, how did you come to the interior of the earth?!"

The real Creator immediately responded solemnly. His flesh and blood surged, and the room beat like a heart. He communicated with the main body immediately and prepared to use his power to fight!But with a slight movement of the color block's arm, the curse resurfaced, eroding his body and spirit more violently, and forcibly interrupting all of this.

"Listen to me, True Creator."

The color block made a sound:
"There is a daring human being who dares to bet against me with his own destiny, betting on the future of this planet."

"I'm very interested, so I decided to suspend some progress and be your good neighbor for the time being."

Ghosts believe you.The true Creator remained unmoved and suppressed the many illusions produced by the curse: "What does this have to do with me?"

"I thought, as a part of the ancient sun god, would you like to bet with me on his future and whether he will die?"

"For this reason, I want to renew the covenant with you."

As the god of human beings, the creator of the human era, the ancient sun god is sufficient as a criterion for judging human groups and even gods.Although the ancient sun god is gone, the real creator, as his human side, can still be used as the standard for judging humans and the seven gods.

Richard's life can move some humans and gods on the earth, but it cannot be fatal.

But if it is the order of the real creator, maybe it can.

him?The real creator thought that it would not be too difficult to keep an angel, but the problem was that the words of the outer gods were not trustworthy. Would he really just wait and see what happened just because the angel was alive?
Seeing the true Creator start to think, the decaying king naturally reached out to Him:

"Renew your covenant with me, god of mankind."

"You can choose not to believe me, don't make an agreement, immediately tell the gods who I am, and bet on whether they will go all out to kill me, bet on whether they can kill me, bet on whether they will Sell ​​me the Earth. But either way, I'll kill you right away."

The above questions are very practical, and the True Creator really dare not think carefully about whether the guys of the Seven Gods who can fight together without external power are willing to cooperate. ——It’s like a group of people who have mutual grievances encounter robbers in the wild. They have no choice but to unite and resist. The minds of this group of people are elusive.

The expression of the real creator changed: "Are you threatening me with human beings?"

"Humans still need me as a threat?" The Declining King asked back.

"Renewing the covenant—oh, you're Edward? It's really good to play a human being..."

"Thank you for the compliment."

The true creator said cautiously: "I don't believe that there are no additional conditions, and I don't believe that you will fulfill your promise. I once had the authority to judge, and you don't want to dig holes in the contract."

"If he is really going to die, you are not allowed to save him."

"... Who the hell is He?"

"My student." Outer God admitted directly, "Angel of Temperance, Richard Ernst."

"I can swear by my source quality that for the time being——before this bet is revealed, I will not take the initiative to be an enemy. The premise is that you are also willing."


The Declining King didn't take it seriously: "You don't have to look at me with that kind of eyes. I just think His destruction should be worth seeing before I'm willing to stop for a while. If He can really survive... I will be very happy to re-evaluate human civilization , I wish you more brilliant explosions in the future. The only additional condition is - you and I must not directly interfere with his fate."

"Make your choice, Creator."

"Choose to make an agreement with me, believe in human beings, believe in this world, and there is still room for normal and kind human beings to live."


"Of course." The Declining King said with a smile (not a smile, but a smile in his words), "If you lose the bet, I will start killing you first."

The hand that the True Creator was about to reach froze.

(End of this chapter)

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