Chapter 16

When the "True Creator" descends, whether it is in the clear sunshine outside or under the lightning and thundering sky of the Land Abandoned by the Gods, all the "Secret Practitioners" feel unprecedented peace and joy at this moment, just like a ship returning home. When they arrived at the harbor, the wanderers found their hometown, the true god they passed by came to the earth, the ravings that tormented them and gave them guidance quietly disappeared, and their world was never quieter than before.

In the few seconds before the arrival of the gods, the moment of the most intense short struggle for the angel level, the real Creator's ravings and roars almost deafened their ears, and they lost control and madness one after another, but once this short moment passed, They will be able to achieve true peace of mind and body.They got up strong, put themselves together, prayed, knelt down on the ground, prayed in the flesh and blood, and dared not stop for a moment.

In a certain house in the City of Silver, Lovia's mouth was covered in blood.At the most painful time, she even bit her ten fingers and even one tooth, and held the skull tightly in her arms.She thought she was going to die, before she could see the light, but she didn't.

The flesh and blood repaired itself, and she braced her upper body.In the silence, looking at the sky of lightning and thunder through the narrow window, I was terrified by the change of the master, and faintly looked forward to it.


The door way sealed item and spirit world teleportation were used alternately. After walking a distance enough to go around Tingen several times within 5 minutes, Edward finally shook off the gaze of Eternal Blazing Sun.In a certain grove on the outskirts of Backlund, the Angel of the Abyss appeared using spirit world teleportation, and he smiled happily when he finally felt down-to-earth.He gathered up the clothes that were covered with scorched marks, feeling as if he had just escaped from the scene of the fire.

"Eternal Lieyang is really narrow-minded. He was the one who appointed the angel to kill me. He was the one who found fault after the angel's skill was inferior to that of a human. After I killed him, he was the one who found fault. Obviously, I still left a hand and characteristics for him."

Edward dusted off his clothes, and took off the burnt coat and hung it on his arm. Fortunately, the white shirt was still neat.Now that they are in Backlund, there is no need to go from the spirit world, and they can directly enter the general range of the Aurora Society's stronghold through the door and through the sealed item.

The tortoiseshell glasses got lost at some point, and Edward squinted subconsciously.Of course, those are a pair of expensive flat glasses. Mythical creatures naturally cannot have vision problems. The decaying king just needs such a thing to stabilize his human appearance.

"Where should the Aurora Society go? This seems to be the west side of Backlund... Or go home from the spirit world first, it will be difficult if you accidentally walk into the back garden of a certain nobleman... "

"...Take your clothes away first." The thing held in his hand suddenly spoke, "It's all the spirituality of the sun path, nauseating."

Edward's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The decaying king’s management of human expressions failed for a moment when these words reached his ears. His face twisted ferociously. He was astonished at the fact that things had deviated from his own thoughts, and delighted at the struggle of the fate of the “true Creator”. His His eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably until it almost split open... He reached out and wiped his face, smoothed the corners of his mouth down, and kneaded the stiff muscles on his face into a peaceful expression.

Edward's eyes looked down point by point, and met the red eyes of the baby in his hand, wrapped in a coat.

"Oh, ally?" I greeted him nonchalantly, "I didn't even notice, you look very good now."

It seems that Tingen let Him have a small meal. The "True Creator" who had just been born as a baby about one month old had no expression on his face, but there was still a hint of confusion.

"I don't know." The true Creator said, "I was originally wrapped in extreme madness, but the moment I descended into this body, I suddenly became fully awake. I thought it was the positive effect of God's descending, but—a month has passed It's been hours, but I'm still awake."

"So you've been normal."

I asked Him, "You just look at the Eternal Sun and stare at me?"

The real Creator didn’t change his face. He was not driven away by my little behavior of changing the subject, but continued to think about "why I woke up".At any rate, there are a few angels, and it is not that they have descended from the gods for hundreds of years, and it is not without success, but this time they can stay awake after the descending of the gods, which makes him feel that something is wrong.He was thinking, and he was still thinking, his red eyes filled with doubts.

I'm also wondering, this shouldn't be happening. The authority of the "decay" path is as simple as the literal meaning, using various curses to naturally lead life to the fate of death.And in the end, out of personal preference, I will take away even the fate of death, and let the creatures I favor (favorite) live forever and ever.Why can he have a normal conversation?The most notable features after being polluted by me are confusion, self-shake, loss of proper emotion, inability to think rationally in a short period of time, and entering a long and silent madness without knowing it.

Body decay, heart decay, emotion decay, soul decay, confusion, loss of self... Roselle did rely on my curse to snatch half of his sobriety from the hands of the fallen goddess in his later years, but this also caused him to be deeply imprisoned. Crucified to death in the mausoleum, not even daring to step out.

What is the current state of the true Creator?The secret prayers of the Aurora Society said that they had ushered in peace, but only for a few minutes, and then the ravings sounded again.This means that the "he" in my hand is not the complete him, and he still stands in his sanctuary.

...I see, I see.

I suppressed my hatred for living life, looked at Him who was just a baby, and suddenly asked: "Are you very weak now?"

The True Creator slowly turned his eyes to me. He didn't seem very happy to be mentioned. After all, no one (or god) is happy when he falls into the hands of a demon in an imperfect state.But He still replied: "That's right, I originally expected the power to split in half to come, but something seems to have gone wrong, and I only have Sequence Eight now."

"However, my connection with the main body is still close. I can transition my strength and gradually become one." He seemed to be warning me.

I nodded and immediately understood the reason for the accident.

"Weakened strength, increased consciousness"... This is the curse I have experienced, the curse of Sequence 8 of the "decline" pathway, "powerless".

And Sequence 9 is "increased strength, weakened consciousness". At this stage, the creature's physical body and extraordinary ability are significantly improved, but the inner self-definition will be slightly shaken, and the memory will appear to a certain degree of confusion, which is the decline of consciousness .I used it to pollute Russell, as a catalyst to make his record more brilliant.Of course, this is only Sequence 9 after all, and the degree of danger when becoming an Extraordinary is not high, at least far less than that of Sequence 4, "The Lost Man", whose out-of-control death rate exceeds half.

That is the scariest and most traceable "death of the heart", because self-cognition will be blurred again, and under the influence of the potion, it will slowly possess certain characteristics that are completely different from the real self.Those thoughts are very natural, very logical, and need to examine yourself at any time.

Once he mistook the thought changed by the potion for his original intention, he would surely die.It's like a demigod who died because he became reckless. His friend learned his lesson, was always vigilant, thought and deduced three times before acting, and then he lost control.Because it is not the cautious type, this caution is its "heart failure".

"It's a good thing, ally," I said, "maybe it's because of the misfortune of the night, but you've made it, thanks to Ouroreus."

——Ouroreus, of course it is Ouroreus, it can only be because of him, the king of angels of "fate".I underestimated him.He protected his Lord without reservation, and he gave the true Creator good luck with all his strength, so that the latter could draw the one that is most beneficial to him in my curse!With the help of my curse, his self-awareness has increased, and he has actually gained sobriety... Otherwise, who else on this planet can fight against me in terms of shaking fate?

"Ouroreus..." the real creator said to himself, not knowing what he was thinking, "I have come, and I can't say anything about it now, but it is still necessary to inform the high-level church of this matter."

He and I looked at each other, and we knew each other well.The living space of the Aurora Society and the true Creator has been suppressed by the Seven Gods. Once the Aurora Society is overjoyed by the success of the gods, it will be realized by the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Lord of Storms, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. The state of the true Creator has changed. , then the tacit understanding between the seven gods will be broken, and the three gods will unite to chase and block the believers of the real creator.

"Thanks to you, the impact of this divine descent is much smaller than I imagined. I was already prepared to fight the divine battle as soon as it descends." He said solemnly, "It's still calm now, it seems They haven't figured out whether my divine descent was successful or not."

"You don't have a church. Also, according to our relationship and your identity, I think you should be put down and let you go back by yourself." I adjusted my mood—Roselle's copy is good, what comes An Zhi——casually teased, "You are right, so what do you want to do?"

This little baby with very distinctive black and gold highlights looked around, and finally landed on my ear - the "pure cross" pendant hanging on it.Then the True Creator spoke:

"Help me shine a light."

....I suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The Lord is raving, but the Lord does not answer our prayers..."

"Mr. Z in Jianhai felt the spiritual shaking! The god descending ceremony has begun? Who did it? Isn't this thing over?!"

"...Lord, please take my soul with you..."

"Don't panic! Go back to your position, Your Excellency the Dark Saint is already holding a ceremony, and you will get the Lord's response soon!"

In one of the largest strongholds of the Backlandry Aurora Society, the underground church was bustling like never before.Today is not a Sunday, originally only a few scattered believers came to pray.The Dark Sage presided over a small Mass, and it was business as usual.But at noon, there was a sudden gust of wind in the church, and the flying curtains covered the skylight at the top of the church, and the only natural light source shining on the statue suddenly disappeared.The candlesticks went out one after another, and the church suddenly fell into darkness!

Something is rising, rising, rising from the back of the palms of the kneeling believers to a height that can almost submerge the whole person. It is a dark curtain, the deepest shadow, covering the entire church, and the idol has become this The only thing that can be seen clearly in a dark environment.

So the believers prayed even harder in fear and anxiety, praying almost screaming, and the sound of human body collapsing and tearing flesh could be heard between roars.Everything was chaotic, in a trance, spirituality spread out, and everyone felt as if they were in the depths of a huge, black swamp, isolated from the world.At this moment, the church became absolute darkness without light, and time and space seemed to disappear into nothingness.Being engulfed in it, theoretically there is no air, but you won't feel that your breathing is obstructed when you are in it, but it is unknown whether the body is "breathing".

The sticky and constantly overflowing "shadow" wraps the body like layers of glue, making it impossible to move. When you close your eyes, you can hear the distant shouts or whispers of many people, like a big tide.

After a while, the sun suddenly came in, and the believers who were struggling in the absolute spiritual tranquility and extreme anxiety suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

What was the sign of the vision just now?The believers looked at each other in blank dismay, only to realize that the ravings lingering in their ears had weakened at some point.

The dark sage Kesma present was about to speak out to appease everyone, when suddenly he stopped, turned his head and knelt down again facing the god statue, his forehead hit the steps straight and dripping with blood.

Because at this moment, all over the world, all the high-level spiritual worlds of the Aurora Society suddenly had a ray of pure sunlight piercing the darkness. They, they looked up at the same time, and endless radiance fell from the sky, pitch black The inverted cross stands between the sky and the earth, which is the symbol of God, and the announcement like a bell comes from an extremely far away place.

"I smear myself with blood and hang upside down at the end of the world. I bear the pain for all living beings and redeem my own sins for all living beings. You were created by me from the dust, and you have nowhere to rely on like leaves; you are like standing in a stream. There will never be a peaceful stay. Look for those who share our fate, join the never-ending suffering, you believe in me, and then you will be saved."

"Pray, and keep preaching as long as you have strength. Purify your souls with your prayers, and praise my grace with your faith."

The words ended here, but just before the end, the pitch-black cross was suddenly coated with a layer of dazzling gold, and it was as dazzling as the sun falling on the earth in an instant—it was a golden cross, it was The symbol of the true sun god buried in history!
This... this is... the eyes of the long-lived saints and angels widened in disbelief, and tears of joy flowed from the sockets of the few people who once lived in the heaven that shines on the earth and experienced the sunset of the sun.On the voyage to the Wild Sea, the "Saint of Black" Leo Master knelt on the boat in ecstasy, even though the boat was rolled up and thrown by the undulating waves of the mountains like a toy, it remained motionless.In the shadows of the Land Abandoned by God, the lantern of the "Angel of the Word" Stephen was lost in the panic of kneeling, and the dark monsters surrounded the surroundings, and then it was spread from the angel's body, which was deeper and more terrifying than the darkness. The terrible shadow devours.

"Praise you! Praise you! Creator of everything! Lord behind the curtain of shadows! You are the god of gods, ruler of the vast star world! Your words far from the dust come down from the sky, bringing us joy and salvation!"

"Can't stop, drive out the demons on the earth for the Lord! Your kingdom will come, and you will return to heaven! We will love you with all our hearts and strength, and we will be able to see the host of heaven guarding your throne again! "

"We should dedicate the faith of all beings to Him. This is our faith. Whoever has ears to hear should listen to the Lord's gospel..."

"...If you can see what you see, you will surely see the glory of the Lord. As long as you can still move, we will let His land descend."

The ecstasy of the crowd was beyond words. After the spiritual revelation was over, they still fell on their knees and prayed over and over again, without getting up for a long time.


"Well, precise broadcasting around the world is very spiritually exhausting and tiring. The little sun breath on your clothes is also used up, throw it away."

"...The broadcast was spent on my spirituality. Why are you crying tired? My clothes are all handmade, and you have to reimburse me later."

"The devil also cares about money?"

"Soon you'll care too."


*A long time later, Medici, who missed the Lord's broadcast because he was in prison in the basement, felt extremely regretful, and fought with himself for [-] rounds to vent his anger.

*The "Death" path from 9 to 4 is all kinds of curses, the order is consciousness, power, body, emotion, soul, and heart.Kind of like the Prisoner Path, but existing curses recur from time to time.After promotion 3, all curses disappear, and you can use these powers to curse others.

——"You have to experience the decline yourself, understand it, and accept it, and then you can let others feel the joy."

(End of this chapter)

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