Chapter 171 Klein is stealing the house

Under normal circumstances, the precursor to a tsunami is low tide, and then the sea water "overflows" from the original container.

But the current situation is like throwing a stone into the container, and the sea water rushes out all around.

In later records, the huge tsunami caused by the eruption of the submarine volcano below the coast of Bayam was the most powerful in 50 years.The tsunami could be heard as far away as the northern continent.The tsunami waves caused by the volcanic eruption were as high as 130 Ruen standard feet (40 meters).According to reports from the Bayam church and military personnel, waves washed away 154 villages in Rorsted Islands and Bayam alone.The waves from the tsunami even overturned several fishing boats on the coast of the South China Mainland thousands of meters away.

And at the moment when the disaster started——

"You are not participating in it now, nor have you taken any potions..."

The devil took off his hat, put it on his chest, and made a playful bow to Bernadette.

The black airflow formed a door-like arc around the hull, and the sea surface turned into a stop-motion animation picture, with white waves hanging on the bright blue water.It was just a sealed item that contained the characteristics of Sequence 3, and the "Death", which had never displayed the ability of "spirit world shuttle", turned its bow and slowly approached the door.

Agaritu stood up straight and said with a smile:
"So, the sage's ritual requirement is to 'prevent a disaster'."

"Then do you want to participate in it? Does your human nature have the requirement to see death and not save people? If so, if you don't save people, you will lose control."

Bernadette erected a spiritual wall in time to prevent this "curse" from falling.But at the same time, she had to start thinking about whether to go to disaster relief when there were less than half of the crew left and she was injured.

After a moment of hesitation, she gritted her teeth and asked her subordinates to turn the bow of the ship and go to the nearest island to stop for disaster relief.

Just when the boat changed direction, she caught a glimpse of a very inconspicuous thing floating on the water. Looking carefully, it was a small wooden figure in a boat.

It seems to be a body model for painting, but this doll has no face!

no face!
Bernadette suddenly remembered something, and her eyes were fixed on the small boat. The boat swayed in the wind and rain, and finally floated near the "Death" that had already half entered the spirit world.The little wooden man stretched out his arms, grabbed the ropes and grids on the boat and climbed up, and the little wooden boat sank to the bottom of the sea.

It climbed aboard, and the sailors around ignored it.A hand came out, along which it climbed up and into someone's pocket.

Agarito smiled at Bernadette, making a gesture of farewell.

The "Death" completely entered the gate of the spirit world and disappeared from Bernadette's eyes.

A puppet without a face... The saint of the Seer path also has no face...

Bernadette was sweating coldly. Is this the saint who has replaced Agaritu, or is it the scheme of the "Undead King" from the beginning? !
In the spirit world, Agaritu, who felt that he had finished his work, returned to his new room along the steps - the captain's bedroom covered by the "Death" - and ignored the frightened eyes of the sailors along the way.

The newly bought single sofa is moderately soft and hard, but the table and chairs are very familiar. They should have just been purchased from the poor freighter before, and they are exactly the same as the furniture when he lived in the first class.

Sinking into the single sofa, his hand stroked the thread that belonged to Bernadette.

If you use the keyword "Rosell" to search, there will be two possibilities, one is "she will meet with Roselle" and the other is "she will not meet with Roselle", they have a certain commonality.The latter contains two meanings, that is, one of Bernadette or Russell will die/both will die before the opportunity to meet each other, or the opportunity itself does not exist.

If you want to enter the possibility of "not meeting each other", killing one of them is the best way.

Why don't we meet each other before we die?Or die when they meet... Bernadette still has some time to know where Roselle's tomb is... I already know the island where Roselle's tomb is located, but it is the place where the fallen mother goddess gazes, It's not easy for me to go in and catch up with him.

Perhaps, you can wait for Bernadette to go and follow her.

Agarito strengthened the possibility that "they will meet" and continued to pay attention to Bernadette's movements.

"The result of this tsunami is that... Bayam was not completely destroyed, and a large area of ​​the surrounding islands was damaged."

Consistent with the result of my second prediction, this is the result of vaguely estimating the "variable (suspected will of the true god or 0-level sealed item)". It seems that the "variable" is still in action.

In essence, the observation of "possibility" and direct divination do not have the same meaning. The former calculates the future direction based on the interlacing of the fate lines of the related parties, so multiple branches and multiple answers will be obtained, while divination will point to the final "future".

"From this point of view, if Richard's boy really has hope of surviving from a desperate situation, it means that human beings can overcome this hurdle and reach a higher place, and they will naturally fall from a higher place... ..."

"He is dead, and I can also upgrade from 'curse the northern continent and certain gods' to a higher level of destruction, cursing the seven gods and the entire earth at once."

Agaritu connected remotely to Edward who is in prison. The situation there is stable. He has been at home peacefully for nearly a month since the smog. The new fun he has found so far is to chat with Fabuti on the edge of the abyss. .

Of course, if he finds an opportunity, he will go directly to the southern continent to talk about life with Sierra.

He nailed a world map on the wall and began to plan a route close to the Land Abandoned by God.

Going all the way east is the best option, look for the southernmost point of the Eastern Continent, then slowly follow the coastline north.This voyage will take several months, but it will pass some interesting places on the way, such as the Sea of ​​​​Gods of War, and the "Sunken Laurel" full of treasures from the Balam Empire.

"The devil's spirituality is not enough to support a long-distance shuttle to the spirit world. Let's leave the spirit world first and go east."

The "Death" received the order and slowly appeared on the stable sea area a few kilometers away, frightening the small fishing boats passing by.

Fortunately, the pirate group didn't like the mosquito legs of the ragged fisherman, and drove away from them.The spray from the side of the boat nearly capsized the boat.

Agaritu took the little wooden figure out of his pocket, and the little wooden figure couldn't wait to make a sound:

"I was on the island and I saw someone who attracted me!"

"He's strong, he's stronger than me, I can't eat him."

"My imitation is very good, he didn't notice it! I am very human, and I will soon become a human!"

"Not bad," Agarito said. "Keep trying."

The little puppet jumped to the ground happily and ran out to play by itself.Agaritu calmed down, and planned to see where the Extraordinary characteristics left by Kavitua fell, and let the Extraordinary item run over by itself. After all, the ship was full of demons, and the attack method was too single.

— to his dismay, his connection to that spiritual (polluted) part of himself had disappeared!
The tide gradually receded, and Bayam gradually began to cry.

People who lost their homes or loved ones walked the flooded streets, weeping softly.

The first thing to be attacked was the bustling wharf. Many people were suddenly swept away by the waves when they were living and doing business normally.

It was as if a pebble fell into the sea and disappeared in an instant.

The rain gradually stopped, which seemed to indicate that the crisis was finally over, and the Church of the Storm's disaster relief soon began.

Although many middle and high-sequence powerhouses have participated in the search and recovery of the "Sea God" heritage, there are still many low-sequence and ordinary people who can be recruited.

The sailors rowed in the city, searching for many people who were waiting for rescue in high places, and stabbed the drowned bodies from the trees by the way, most of them were not swollen with water.The corpses were all dragged to a fixed open space, waiting to be claimed.

The wrathful people who are proficient in water spells are busy drawing sea water away from Bayam, from underground rivers or city canals.

This tsunami destroyed 15% of the houses in Bayam, mainly the dock area and some low-lying factories.

The casualties in Bayam are not too big, and it is still within the acceptable range, but it is hard to say on other islands. According to reports from the personnel of the Church of the Storm stationed on other islands, many small islands were directly buried underwater , the roof is not exposed, only some tree crowns floating on the water.If the ground cannot be exposed after the tide completely ebbs, then these islands will be crossed out from the new version of the map.

Alger was also included in the rescue team. This was a tiring job with little reward and little credit, but Alger was used to it.

The order of the church came in the wind, and the navigator who happened to be taking refuge in a high place took advantage of the situation and informed the crowd of the official information that "the crisis has been resolved".Then they cooperated with the church colleagues to send the people back to the city in batches to prevent riots such as looting while taking advantage of the situation.

For this reason, Alger put on the robe of the storm priest who was rarely worn once.

When his colleagues brought some people back to the city, he was responsible for watching over his own people.Most were silently weeping or praying to their gods, while others, devastated by the disaster, used him as an impromptu confession.

Alger didn't want to be responsible for this part, but he had to do it. The disaster relief work didn't deserve much credit, but it would be a big mistake if it failed.If some people went to the church to complain about their bad attitude afterwards, it would be even worse.Therefore, Alger had no choice but to put on a smiling face, imitating the patience and gentleness that the pastors in the confession room should have to deal with these unstable people.

There was a young man who couldn't cry, but kept holding his hand tightly, as if he could gain some strength or God's favor by doing so.Alger learned from the crying of the other party that when the tsunami started, his wife happened to be shopping near the pier.

And his wife has eyes as blue as the sea, and they agreed to eat grilled fish with honey sauce at noon today. They have just been married for less than a year... Alger doesn't want to hear so much, there will be more in the future The man was waiting for a reason, interrupting him, saying:
"Storm above, hope your wife is safe."

The young man left feeling disappointed, and an old woman knelt down in front of him, and she said, Lord of the Storm... This is my third child you have taken away.

This woman was much quieter, but as if her heart had died, she remained silent, and it was difficult for Alger to speak.After she knelt for long enough, Alger finally said:
"Storm above, may the souls of your children find peace in His kingdom."

The woman stood up numbly and walked slowly into the distance.

The next person came again, Alger sent away one after another, and there was a long line behind, and there was never an end to the people who wanted to tell their pain.He kept saying: The storm is above, may He bless him, but in his heart, only the desire for power and status has become more and more firm.

Human beings are so small and fragile. Ordinary people without strength will drown in such a tsunami no matter how good their water quality is, but sailors can rely on underwater breathing to survive.A sailor can only save himself, but a navigator has a chance to escape with a ship of people... And further up, further up, "Sea King" can directly control the lives and deaths of so many people.If he wanted to, he could blow the gust of wind that engulfed Bayam with just one exhalation, and with one wave of his hand, the sea water would set off a frenzy according to his wishes.

This is the person with power, and this is the power that can hold the fate of everyone in Bayam in their hands!
How far am I from such power?

If the "Storm Lord" can't give me such power, what about Mister Fool?

Alger's heart trembled dangerously.

At this time, the clouds in the sky dispersed quickly, and the warm afternoon sun shone on the incomplete Bayam, warming people's scarred hearts.


Klein walked around the underwater ruins, frowning more and more as he walked.

His leather boots had lost their bottoms, and the rest of them were in tatters, and his clothes and pants were also full of signs of tearing, wetness, and scorched black.

These are unavoidable things in the situation just now, not what the "paper doll stand-in" can bear-the tearing comes from the huge suction force of the sea vortex, the wet feeling comes from the torrential rain ejected by Kavitua, and the scorched black It is the sign of Klein being struck by a small amount of lightning while using the "paper doll stand-in".

There are also some places that are brittle and whitish, that is, they have lost their activity after being scorched by pale flames.

Even now that he has calmed down, his right forearm still has a little spasm caused by the electric shock.

"This suit cost me 8 pounds and 6 soli... I have to make a new set... I predicted the danger and prepared, but I didn't expect Kavetua to be stronger and crazier than I expected... I hope that in the future I can gain something." Klein shook his head silently, restrained his expression, and endured the pain.

The entire ruins were full of out-of-control twisted lumps of flesh, and Kavitua's two-section body, which had long lost his breath, filled more than half of the ruins.

There wasn't much flesh and blood on the ground, and Klein, who was almost barefoot, wouldn't feel too disgusted.

He deliberately changed his overall image, his height dropped by more than ten centimeters, and he turned into a fat man with a face full of flesh and scars, and he looked extremely fierce at first glance. This was when his personal image was the ugliest.

Although the snake-tailed demigod left, if someone came, he would summon the other party to escape into the spirit world like lightning.

The method of spiritual teleportation is really convenient!Such a powerful demigod is regarded as a mobile tool by me, I feel a little sorry for him...

Dots of blue-blue mysterious light have been released from Kavitua's body, and they converge towards one of the teeth that is longer than a human arm very quickly, making the slightly curved and sharp bone straighten at a slow speed.

This is a saint-level sealed item, at least level 1. If no one from the Church of Storms or the military came before it took shape, then it should belong to "The Fool"!I will be rewarded by taking the risk to rush in... Klein is looking forward to it.

After arriving here, Klein immediately judged the distance by divination about the location of Danitz, and then he found that this ruin was almost on the edge of Rorsted Island, and it should be a day's flight from Bayam.Judging from his not-so-accurate geographic knowledge, it seemed that he was already approaching the Sunya Sea.It was inconvenient to run, which made Klein feel extremely dizzy.

In his vision, he should sacrifice his iron cigarette case to Kavitua first, and then divination the location of his cigarette case through Origin Castle, so as to determine the location of Kavitua.

Finally, if the situation permits, come to explore in the form of a spirit body, and take the "Black Emperor Card" to counter divination to cover yourself.Come in and touch Kavitua's heritage when the danger is not so great, and return immediately if you encounter "punishers" or the military.

For him, even if people from the Church of the Storms and the Kingdom's military had found this place in advance and took away the most valuable items, as long as there were some leftovers, he would be quite satisfied.

Even if there is nothing, it is enough to study the remains of the elves and see what information they left behind.

But he just missed the extent of Kavetuwa's madness. The enthusiastic response a few minutes ago made Klein unable to control his actions at all, and even his life was threatened, let alone stop the ceremony.He had no choice but to rush in. Although he solved the crisis by killing Kavitua, he also fell into a very dangerous situation.

"Fortunately, these devout believers in the ruins have all died with Kavitua..."

"Otherwise, I will receive a warmer welcome than when I came here..."

Klein, who had a swollen face and ragged clothes, sighed heavily, and then began to excavate with joy.

This ruin is so large that it can be used as a place for daily activities by a huge sea snake with a length of tens of meters.He bypassed the half-fallen pillar from a distance, and entered the back of the almost completely collapsed hall.

There should have been a lot of murals here, but with the destruction of the wall, they were broken and disappeared. Klein flew all the way to the end, only to see a delicate and gorgeous throne buried by stones and pillars, only about a third of it was exposed.

On the left side of the throne, there is a remaining half mural, which shows the confrontation of two figures:
Looking down at the enemy from a height is a man stepping on the waves, wearing dark clouds, and wearing a windstorm. He has a softer outline, which is more oriental in Klein's previous life. He is holding a spear purely made of electric light. The background It is the ocean that drowns everything.

Below this man is a person in a simple white robe. His face is blurred, and it is difficult to distinguish his age. He can barely tell that he is a man.

There is a round halo behind the head of the person in the white robe with a very classic atmosphere, quietly emitting a glow, like a round of the sun.

Under his feet, there is an imaginary circle divided into twelve grids, and each grid has symbols that symbolize different times.

There is a shadow like a curtain hidden behind him, and there seems to be an eye silently peering outside in the shadow.

Klein quickly made an interpretation based on his solid mystic knowledge and rich knowledge from various sources:

Ocean waves, storms, dark clouds, lightning... This should be the ancient god "Elf King" Sunya Solem... Sure enough, just like the legend, the elf's facial features are quite soft... This ancient "Storm Lord" has no violent temper I feel that the appearance is unexpectedly good, hehe, this is a mural in the ruins of the elves, it is normal to beautify your own gods...

The sun-like halo, the twelve-square circle that symbolizes time, this...isn't this the father of Amon and Adam, who is said to be the ancient sun god in the outside world, and is honored as the "creator" of the omniscient and omnipotent god in the City of Silver? ?There is a shadow curtain behind Him, and there is an eye hidden behind the curtain... By the way, the "True Creator" has an image that is "the eye behind the shadow curtain"!
Sure enough, is this the "creator" who took back the authority of the ancient gods and was followed by eight "kings of angels"?

What does this mural describe is the "Elf King" Sunya Solem's confrontation with the "Creator"?

Klein looked away, looking for other valuable things.

Following his spiritual intuition, he came to the throne, reached into the bottom of the collapsed stones and pillars, and pulled out an object.

It was a squashed golden goblet.

Its surface is engraved with complicated and delicate patterns, the tall feet are already bent, and there is a line of elf script at the bottom:

"Apocalypse, Coshnam."

Just as he was observing the ancient elf symbols on the stone pillar at close range, all the Extraordinary characteristics on the ground suddenly surged, turning into a hurricane, rolling into the hall, and throwing into the white fang that was no longer bent.

The cloth strips on Klein's body were also rolled by the hurricane. He suddenly stood up and looked up, only to see that Kavitua's remnant body had completely collapsed, shaped like mud, and the snake tooth that had absorbed all the Extraordinary characteristics here turned into a short The stick was quietly inserted on the half-fallen pillar.

The top of the white scepter is inlaid with tiny blue "gemstones", some of which are dyed with blackness and morning light.

Klein rushed into the hall and cautiously approached the scepter.

Before he really touched it, layers of illusory prayers sounded in his ears, and hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes. He saw believers prostrating and praying one by one, and saw the rebels who were weeping for the idols to shatter by themselves.

Illusory layered prayers drilled into his ears, and pious, crying, fanatical, or numb prayers vaguely occupied his vision, and the two feelings of throbbing and dizziness became more and more intense.

Klein suddenly became dizzy and half-kneeled two meters in front of the short staff.

Not to describe, but his head really started to swell!
These things completely exceeded the limit that the Extraordinary of Sequence 6 could bear. A thin gray fog flashed in front of his eyes, isolating these sounds a little.Only in this way can Klein barely continue to think.

No, my body is not strong enough, and I can't even get within one meter of this level 1 sealed item... This is the power of a demigod level... Klein reluctantly took a step forward, and just as he stretched out his hand, he suddenly sketched A screen appears:
When his fingers were still some distance away from the short staff, his fingertips suddenly weathered and rotted, and soon his entire body turned into a puddle of mud, which was turned into ashes in the wind.

This is a very bad omen.Klein immediately took a few steps back and picked up a two-meter-long stick.

"If you can't touch it directly, it should be possible to directly sacrifice him to Origin Castle..."

He immediately walked four steps up to Origin Castle, quickly responded to himself, and stabbed the short staff into the sacrificial door with a long stick.

The wind pressure and the illusory ravings that made him extremely painful disappeared instantly. At this moment, Klein felt the same as Miss Magician.

He quickly blew the copper whistle, letting the snake-tailed demigod lead him away from the ruins and back to Bayam's hotel.


Decline (dropping the handle): I don't want to play anymore.

Is it so difficult to understand the matter of changing the covenant after the decline?One is that I am happy to be exposed but I have to face at least four gods at the same time, and the other is that I can curse the seven gods and all human beings to death after a while, the latter is obviously better!

Off topic, it looks like I'm going to work...

 We sincerely invite everyone to go to Wangshuyou (read it upside down), and enjoy the magic comments!
  I really can’t post the screenshots of those comments, and after reading it, you will suspect that you read a fake book hhhhh
(End of this chapter)

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