Mystery: Those years when I was a foreign aid for the Aurora Club

Chapter 175 Spirit World Roaming and Frank's New Product

Chapter 175 Spirit World Roaming and Frank's New Product
After Buddy was buried, Klein raised his head and saw many people around him mourning silently at the grave.They have one notable thing in common, that is, the characteristic faces of the Southern Continent, plus the styles of clothing of various countries in the Northern Continent.

If you want to bury your relatives, you must have a certain family background.If you want to be free to mourn your family, you must have some savings, so that you don't go hungry because you don't go to work or lack labor after paying the funeral expenses.

As time goes by.The silent mourners gradually left, and Klein followed them. After walking a few steps, he suddenly felt a chill around him. Then, in his spiritual vision, a pale flame door opened beside him, and a snake-tailed demigod appeared in his body. side.

Klein looked around, and chose to come under a tree in the corner, holding on to the railing with both arms, pretending to be looking at the scenery in the distance.

The snake-tailed demigod handed him a letter. Klein thanked him in a low voice, and opened the letter to read.

"... There are two ways to obtain a messenger. One is to think of an accurate description, hold a ceremony, summon the corresponding spirit world creature, and sign a necromancer contract with it. The second is to directly enter the spirit world and find the desired messenger. After obtaining its consent, sign a contract with it and record the precise description language for later use.”

"The first method is relatively simple, but quite dangerous, because it may be a powerful spirit creature or a strange evil spirit that fits the description. You cannot be completely sure what will be attracted every time you call, and this is difficult to predict in advance. avoided risk."

"The danger of the second method is that it is not easy for you to find a suitable messenger, and there is a risk of getting lost in the spirit world."

"Unless you are a traveler, I don't recommend the second method. I can provide some tested 'descriptions' for the first method. As long as the process is accurate, the degree of danger is quite low, but you may not be satisfied. In addition, the contract You need to use the power of the undead realm, and you can use my copper whistle to provide it."

"The format consists of the following paragraphs...

"Of course, if you don't mind, I can transfer that person to you and let it sign a contract with you..."

who?Klein was slightly taken aback, but then he understood.

"I asked Mr. Azik how to have a messenger. What Mr. Azik meant..."

After reading the letter, Klein looked hesitantly at the snake-tailed demigod beside him, and asked tentatively:
"Mr. Azik thinks you can be my messenger?"

The snake-tailed demigod nodded. Klein didn't feel rejection from him, but he didn't feel willing either.

"No, no, I don't think it will bother you anymore, you have helped me many times."

So Klein quickly shook his head: "Besides, I remember Mr. Ards said that if you are damaged, you have to go to a place related to the copper whistle to repair it. If you transfer it to me, it may cause additional danger."

The snake tail demigod was noncommittal, as if he didn't care.

Klein breathed a sigh of relief, and tentatively said, "So, I hope to get your help to go to the spirit world to find out if there are any benevolent creatures willing to sign a contract with me, and then try to summon them myself."

The demigod nodded and disappeared into the cemetery.

For some reason, when he was talking to the demigod, Klein felt an extremely slight vibration on the ground. After the demigod left, the vibration disappeared immediately.

He touched the copper whistle, and suddenly realized that this is a cemetery, and the corpses buried here are all locals, just like the buddies he brought, there should be many who have not passed through the church before death!If this demigod of the "Reaper" pathway stays for a little longer, I guess I will meet many people who have not been cremated here!
Klein was about to turn around and leave in embarrassment, and just happened to meet a group of people who came to express their condolences.

There seemed to be a family on the opposite side. There were two local men with reddish-brown hair. The older one was fatter and had kind facial features. Behind them were several children with irrelevant hair color, skin color and appearance.Seeing that Klein was not someone he knew and didn't intend to say hello, the tallest indigenous young man stepped aside so that Klein could walk through the narrow path.

Klein lowered the brim of his hat and thanked him in a low voice.

He glanced at the tombstone and saw a name engraved on it in Loen language:
Durda Solera
After walking two meters away, Klein could still hear the young man whispering to the fat middle-aged man:

"Sorry, Dad, I failed to win Ruen's nationality for Mom... Mom can only be buried here..."

A hoarse middle-aged man's voice drifted over from a distance, and he comforted his son: "It's okay, as long as you have it, you have to take good care of your brother in the future. Then I don't need to apply for mine, I will use the household registration of a local Rosid , I will be buried here with your mother in the future."

The young man was silent.

While they were talking, the children whispered a few words, and then the sound of crying filled the air.

Klein sighed, and walked up and down the way he came. He saw a busy gravekeeper complaining that the tsunami had brought him too much work, and there were still many coffins waiting to be cremated.

He stopped and watched for a while, and then quickly left the public cemetery.


Back in his hotel, Klein turned a blind eye to Danis who suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and went back to his room to lock the door.He summoned the snake-tailed demigod, indicating that he was ready to start roaming the spirit world.

"I remember the rules of roaming the spirit world, don't listen, don't look, don't look at any creature for more than three seconds." He said, "I'm ready, please start."

The snake tail nodded half-godly, stretched out a hand to grab his arm, then soared into the air, leading Klein into the real yet illusory, weird and mysterious world.

Creatures living in the spirit world have their own habits, sometimes there are a bunch of them when you come across them, and sometimes you won't come across any of them after wandering for a long time.

And it is even more difficult to choose a spirit world creature who has a better compatibility with oneself and is willing to act as one's messenger.

Klein, who was wandering, suddenly saw a huge bird-shaped creature. It obviously had a bird-specific beak, head, and wings, but it had no eyes, no legs, and only six tentacles.The bird-shaped spirit world creature was filled with a quiet aura similar to that of the snake-tailed demigod. It should be attracted by the latter. Klein shook his head. He felt strong hostility and fear from the bird-shaped spirit world creature. Look at yourself It's like watching a ham being held by a demigod by its tail.

Klein expressed his dissatisfaction, so the snake-tailed demigod turned a blind eye to it and wandered away from the side.

The bird-shaped creature watched from a distance for a while, and then moved away with its tentacles.

Didn't it fly?Then why do you have wings... Klein couldn't help complaining that creatures from the spirit world grow too casually.

But it's very strong, at least stronger than me, and it should have a Sequence 5 in the outside world... I'm sure I can't beat this strange bird...

In essence, the spirit world is a very dangerous place. If you don't pay attention, you may encounter a demigod-level terrifying existence... Klein was led to continue to shuttle, and found that the place was really quite chaotic. The seven paths could have marked the location. Although the bright and pure brilliance has always been located at a high place, covering the "sky", but you can often see them at your feet, left and right, and front and back.

If it weren't for the guidance of the "Death God" path demigod who is good at roaming the spirit world, Klein wouldn't be able to tell the direction at all.

If you use the "divination staff method" to find directions in the spiritual world, or place an object somewhere, and then reach the destination through divination on this object, then it should be possible... Klein thought to himself, planning to wait for himself Here's a chance to try it out for myself.

Then, he saw pairs of flames flickering below and to the side of him, shadows chasing after the demigod, as if a group of invisible creatures were running with the snake-tailed demigod.

Passing through the dark blue irregular figure symbolizing the sea, and drifting past the green light ball symbolizing the forest, these light shadows and fire still followed Klein and the others.

These creatures are not hostile to me... Klein clearly felt the kindness expressed by these flaming creatures. They have been following around without attacking, but like an invisible fellow traveler, traveling with them without direction or purpose. wandering of the spirit world.

But Klein didn't choose to make a contract with these friendly creatures, because he found that he couldn't see their appearance clearly.

This is either because the sequence gap is too large, and I cannot accurately recognize the image of the other party, or because I have a different path from them, and there is some mystical resistance.

Moreover, the snake-tailed demigod seemed a little nervous. Surrounded by so many spirit world creatures, it was understandable that the demigod was nervous.

So Klein regretfully gave up the idea of ​​communicating with these friendly creatures, and signaled the snake-tailed demigod to speed up and prepare to try to find them when he becomes stronger.

As the demigod accelerated its roaming speed, those fire lights and shadows seemed to realize that they would not be chosen by Klein, so they stopped following them and gathered together to form a smoky shadow. Then the shadow disappeared, and the fire light went out at the same time up.

Klein turned his head reluctantly. Seven or eight seconds later, a looming collapsed building appeared "in front of him".

He recognized at a glance that this building was the dead "Sea God", the ruins of the ancient elves occupied by Kavitua!

And in that building, there was a giant jellyfish-like spirit world creature floating. It stretched out transparent tentacles covered in mucus, and brought the surrounding area into its own "territory".

At the top of each tentacle is a white skull with dark eyes, which is constantly shaking with light and slow swings.

From the appearance point of view, this looks like a hybrid product of the "sailor" and "death" pathways... However, creatures in the spirit world cannot be distinguished simply by sequence.

This giant jellyfish doesn't seem to be aggressive, it's very quiet, and it doesn't make violent moves when outsiders come. From this point of view, it may be worth communicating, but it's too big... Kavitua can't fill it up The whole relic, but it can.I'm at sea now, so I can't let the future deliveries turn into sea monsters coming out of the water, right? Not only is the picture too beautiful, but the courier is also vulnerable to attack and injury... He confronted the black eye sockets of the giant jellyfish for two seconds and then looked away. The snake-tailed demigod continued on.

Klein can often see a yellow sun like a child's stick figure, and sometimes pass by a river that flows quietly but has no substance.

There is also a flat woman with bare upper body, a moon with a smiling face, a canoe upturned, a ball of thread in a mess, and a serpentine staircase leading to seven clean lights...

In this extremely chaotic world, except for the creatures in the spirit world, all kinds of information exist in the form of abstract symbols. Therefore, what you get during divination can only be enlightenment, and you need to interpret it yourself.

And those symbols may come alive and become non-physical monsters.

This is the spiritual world that cannot be understood and viewed with human common sense.

Suddenly, through the thin and empty mist, he saw a floating castle in the lower left of the normal person's concept. It was black all over, with tall spires and vines, very Gothic style.

On the top of the castle, stood a translucent woman. She was almost as tall as the castle, wearing a complicated, gorgeous, dark and gloomy long black dress. She had no head, and there was a neat cut on her neck. There are four bright-looking heads with blond hair and red eyes. If you look closely, you will find that these heads are exactly the same.

When the snake-tailed demigod led Klein past, the four heads carried by the woman blinked together.

Klein turned a blind eye, but suddenly heard the snake-tailed demigod say something he didn't understand, but he faintly felt the vague fear in the demigod.

The real Creator returned to his office. As soon as he entered the door with his front feet, his back feet flashed one meter away. He stared at the person sitting on his sofa in surprise, frowning and questioning:

"Where did you run back from?"

"According to my information, you should be voluntarily imprisoned somewhere in the Southern Continent now."

Already sunk in the sofa, leaning his neck back to the ceiling, closing his eyes and meditating, Edward turned his head when he heard this, straightened his glasses, and greeted familiarly:

"Long time no see, ally, I'm so glad to see you have grown another ten centimeters."

The voice and tone are all "Edward Vaughn", which is very different from the foreign god who always speaks with sarcasm and impatience. Even the real creator has to "tsk" for the other party's performance.Then He smiled and answered the question of the real Creator:

"Relax, it's projection, I'm still there, it's just — I'm leaving soon."

"Are you still going to the abyss?"

The real creator's eyes were fixed, and he was about to draw power from his own body again: "If you choose to become a dual-path true god, then I will stop it accordingly."

But I didn't want Edward to suddenly regain his energy, and the personality of the foreign god under the shell seemed to suddenly emerge again.

He suddenly sat up from the sofa, wondering: "Are you going to become a dual-path true god? Who are you going to kill first? Or start with Eternal Blazing Sun, the great ancient sun god is about to return like lightning?"

...the True Creator has nothing to say: "No."

Edward fell back again, continuing to sink into the sofa facing the ceiling.

"Why not, dear ally." The devil said boredly, "Medic has returned, you recalled him, you must have seen his appearance. I want the other two spiritual imprints to be completely fused by Medici , you need to strengthen Medici's pointing in the Red Evil Spirit... In other words, you need to give him an army, you need to give him battlefields and victories, and let these anchors point to 'Red Angel Medici' I, not Sauron and Einhorn."

"The god of war is under your command, but you dare not start a war. How will this help your war angel return to the position of god?"

It doesn't feel good to be seen through by the devil to see through the inner concerns and thoughts. The real creator frowned and remained unmoved:
"Before he died, Medici had completed the 'Red Priest' ritual of becoming a god countless times."

"I have many ways to make him restore the uniqueness and the strong direction of the red angel, instead of using this method."

The devil smiled: "But this is the easiest, isn't it? Medici will definitely be willing to choose this way. His bones have been in the dark tomb for 2000 years. If there is a chance to pick up the knife again, he Will you laugh with joy?"


Edward prolonged his tone on purpose, sat up, and said slowly in a deep and mellow voice:

"My friend, you should have found out..."

"A war is about to begin. It doesn't depend on your will. All the gods need war, and the new gods born in the war."

The True Creator subconsciously thought of the "Dark Emperor" who was about to be born by Loen, and the Einhorn family, the royal family of the Feysac Empire, who had long shown their intention to go to war.But he was not persuaded by the devil, and he folded his arms and replied:
"That's why Medici doesn't need to initiate the war himself. Someone and God will dedicate the stage of war to Him."

His tone of voice suddenly became solemn and solemn, as if declaring some kind of truth:

"In the name of the Creator and the Sun God, He will let the wheels of war run over the earth and crush this unjust war!"

Edward immediately hit him: "You are not a dreamer now."

"I'm trying to compose words for my future new version of the Holy Book." The True Creator retorted, "If you have nothing else to do, then hurry back and continue the voluntary confinement, so as not to draw the attention of the night to me."

Hearing this, Edward reached out and groped in his arms, and found a palm-sized paper bag and an apple.

"That's something else."

"Let's go."

"Why are you so out of touch? It's just lunch time. Isn't it worthwhile for you to keep me for lunch and afternoon tea after such a long period of cooperation since the Fifth Epoch?"

"Don't use this kind of words, I won't listen to what you say in a demon state."

"Okay." Edward shrugged.

"The product I picked up as an auditor last time was well received in your Aurora Club. The red wine fish is easy to carry and tastes good, it can replenish spirituality and the mass production price is relatively affordable, so Frank has developed another product."

"I came this time mainly to bring him something."

Edward ripped open the wrapping paper, revealing a white dough cake with burnt yellow traces on both sides. It was soft to the touch and looked very delicious.

"What is this?" The True Creator asked vigilantly, he would no longer be fooled by the harmless appearance of Frank's product.

Edward handed him the bread: "It's actually quite delicious, it's just bread with honey in the middle."

The real creator took it suspiciously, broke off a piece and put it in his mouth to chew. It was indeed soft and delicious, and the honey was sweet but not greasy, which made people want to take another bite.At the same time, He also noticed that this kind of bread also has the function of restoring spirituality.

"This time the product is so normal?" The real creator couldn't believe it, and always felt that there would be some unexpected details hidden in this cake.

The techniques of the cultivators are really interesting... It's a pity that the Mother Earth Goddess is a giant, and she doesn't seem to understand human beings' thirst for food at all. Otherwise, the goddess who masters nature and food is enough to become the main god in the mythology of various countries in the old days, but He actually only occupies such a small place as Feneport, and his missionary power is not as good as the god of steam and machinery. Obviously, everyone has to eat... Strange?Giants also eat, right?Is the Mother Earth a bit too content with the status quo?

Edward lost his mind, holding the apple in his hand, and said to the real creator:

"You try to inject a little spirituality into it."

The true Creator immediately took the cake away, and carefully injected a little bit of spirituality, only to see that the cake suddenly split from the middle, and the honey inside was bubbling, and even returned a sentence following the spirituality:

"Praise the Lord! Praise the great Lord!"

The True Creator Tactical Backward: ………………

True Creator: "Who ordered this?"

Edward: "Your two envoys jointly requested a customized product, which was inspired by the 'five loaves and two fish' in your scripture."

Edward: "They felt that the flesh and blood fish made by Frank was a sacrament that met the requirements of the holy scriptures, so they should also be served with bread, so they applied. The dark saint thought it was good, so Frank's praise cake came gone."

The True Creator: "...... Can you speak well?"

"Relax, this cake has no intelligence, it will only give this kind of feedback to spirituality." Edward comforted the former God gloatingly, "The main thing is this special spiritual honey, if you scrape off the honey, naturally there will be no such feedback gone."

"Besides, the wheat used to make this cake is a variety he specially improved. Because the yield of spiritual honey is low and expensive, he tried to increase the yield of wheat by 40%, bringing the cost of the cake back to what ordinary people can afford. Affordable."

"how much is this?"

"For half a penny, Frank is willing to sell the improved wheat seeds." Edward said, "In addition, the cost of the communion cake with honey is only 3 pennies."

The true Creator held the cake in silence for a while, and finally ate it whole, reluctantly agreeing:
"It tastes good."

Then he noticed the apple in Edward's hand, and pointed out: "This is the roasted chicken-flavored apple that that kid researched? The finished product is very fast, and he was able to develop two new products in a row within half a month."

Edward smiled: "No, this is a failure. I thought it was interesting so I asked him to sacrifice it."

The true Creator looked at the apple twice more, and felt that it was healthy in color and round in shape, and could not be seen as a failed experiment, so He asked curiously:
"Where did it fail? Could it be that an ordinary apple came out?"

"Then the quality is not bad, it is worthy of the earth path."

Edward smiled and sighed, saying:


"It's chicken."

The apple jumped in his palm, making a loud "chi".


True Creator: I'm fucking crazy for a while.

Apple: Chick Chick! (jump) (roll)

Edward: Well, it's actually quite cute besides having to pass sc, would you like to pet it?
(End of this chapter)

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