Chapter 180
Trainor, who was playing his watch, suddenly looked up at the distant clouds.

Medici noticed his change and frowned.

"Elaine used my amulet." Trainor replied simply, "It has my spiritual imprint in it, and now it's so close, so I can feel some connection."

"Is she in danger?" Medici pushed up his sunglasses, with a playful light in his eyes, "Is she a little witch?"

Trainor shook his head: "I didn't recite my name, not a word, and the spiritual imprint in the amulet has not been triggered again, it should be a crisis that she can solve by herself."

"Won't it be solved in an instant?"

"If a strong man with a sequence that is too different from the wearer approaches with malice, the amulet will respond, similar to the devil's 'premonition of crisis'." As the original owner of the amulet, he is very familiar with these functions, "In that case, she will Time to call for help."

Medici snorted inexplicably, as if laughing.

"I hope this bait will come in handy," he said leisurely.

"If she dies, then hide the news and find someone to replace her." Trainor replied, "I think that if Elaine dies, then Vice Admiral Illness might lose his composure first and expose his movements. More needs to be done.”

"As long as it can take effect, it is an effective plan. Besides that, you can do whatever you want."

Medici took off his sunglasses and twirled them on his fingertips.Still rattling away on his portable typewriter, Trainor wrote back letters to the Aurora and the Iron Cross reporting the Red Angel's paid cruise.

After a while, they suddenly looked up at the street at the same time, a man wearing a white shirt and jacket, but with the appearance of the North Continent came over, stood two meters in front of their gazebo, and walked very quickly bowed, and reported:
"grown ups."

"Someone claimed a bounty for 'Find Elaine the Red'."


Trainor was baffled, and Medici had already let out a gleeful laugh to laugh at the slap.

"In short, I have to face a choice now..." Traynor had to face the reality, "First, there is an angel behind the little witch, which exceeds the detection limit of the amulet. Second, this Elaine is fake. "

"The angels of the Witch Sect are not so free. If there really are angels, then I suspect..." Trainor looked at Medici, and said in an even-handed manner, "It is your Extraordinary characteristics that have made it more difficult for me."

Medici said with a smile: "If the gathering really happens, you are also responsible!"

"So I lean toward the second."

Then, he stood up, put the typewriter aside, and said calmly: "However, whether it is true or not, as long as the bait works."

The documents were pressed under the typewriter. Traynor put the things away, then turned to the Jagged Cross informant:

"Have you tracked each other down?"

"We've been tracked." The man hurriedly said, "It's the news from Bayam! It seems that the local rebel army captured the red-haired Elaine who left the embassy, ​​and immediately turned it over to the person who offered the reward. "

"They arrived at the private port in a carriage, and then went to sea... We can only follow there, and dare not follow by boat."

"How long ago was this news?"

"One, an hour ago. The first wave of stalkers was discovered, so..."

Cold sweat dripped down the informant's head, but Trainor didn't criticize the subordinate who reported good news but not bad news.He asked about the location of the private port, then turned half a circle, facing the direction of Bayam.

"Go quickly." Medici waved his hand, "Just live."

Treynor sighed resignedly, he took two steps towards the run, a flame ignited on his body to burn off the camouflage, stepped onto the roof across the street in one step, turned into a flaming spear and galloped across the night sky, like a shooting star rising from the ground.

People around showed horrified expressions, and even a few timid people were so frightened that they sat down on the ground. Instead, some children clapped their hands excitedly and yelled at the night sky.

The Jagged Cross is never afraid to show its extraordinary abilities in front of outsiders, and tries to build its prestige by using this power to integrate and influence the world.This behavior is equivalent to showing his identity.

Medici also stood up from the chair and walked leisurely, preparing to go to Bayam.

His speed was extremely fast, and coupled with the fact that the straight-line distance between the Rorsted Islands was not too far, he arrived at the sea area around Bayam in less than a minute.

Such a high-profile passing by is very in line with the hunter's personality, but Treynor does not intend to attract the attention of "Sea King". , a huge sailing ship was moored, and a huge flag painted with white bones floated high above it.

Black Death!
All the characteristics of the sailing ship are consistent with the information, this is the flagship of "Vice Admiral Disease"!

Only the flagship came alone...

His eyes lifted slightly, and fell on the cliffs protruding above the sailboat.A shadow appeared in his palm, and a gap in the spirit world opened. When Trainor came to the top of the cliff, he fell suddenly, and at the same time pulled out a broadsword more than one meter long from the shadow in his hand.

The silver-white blade is as wide as an adult's palm, and the rough style and patterns are reminiscent of Fusac's style.


He slammed into the protruding and elongated tip of the cliff like a meteorite, and the burst flames swept around, drying the roots of the plants growing in the cracks in an instant.

The giant sword in Trainor's hand pierced deeply into the rock, leaving only the hilt exposed.The huge crack was horizontal, and the shuddering "click" sounded continuously.As he drew out his long sword, the cliff tip of more than ten meters gradually sloped downward, and finally collapsed with a crash.In the thunderous bang, the stones with an average radius of more than one meter smashed straight down to the deck of the "Black Death" below with terrible kinetic energy!
Traynor followed and fell. He adjusted his movements by stepping on a falling rock in the air, and rushed down with his strength.

The pirates below were still ignorant of the impending doom. Under the darkness of night, they could only hear loud rumbling noises, guessing that a heavy rain was coming.But in just two seconds, rocks and flames rained down, smashing the pirates and sailors to pieces, piercing the deck, and shaking the entire flagship!

"To save time..." Trainor muttered.

"The cliff above has collapsed—"

The dexterous sailors ran all over the deck to avoid falling rocks, climbed on the sails and shouted at the top of their voices.

As soon as the words came out, a long silver sword split his body from top to bottom. The neck, shoulders and left arm fell to one side, and the rest parted and scattered on the ground. In the oblique section were the vertebrae and ribs .The sailor was still alive, and after a few seconds of wailing, the small half of his body was blown out by the flames blowing towards his face.

Trainor hit the deck in the same way, cutting the whole ship in thirds!

Then he jumped lightly, jumped onto the two-thirds where the leak was not too serious, raised his leg and kicked, and kicked the remaining part sideways. Slowly sank into the water.

Many pirates escaped by jumping off the ship with water, but they could not avoid the crisis from above in the dark environment.

The landslide continued, and they were soon hit by falling rocks and sank into the sea together with the stones.

When the heat wave hits the face of a living person, the fragile eyeball is the first to burst, and then the heat of the fire will penetrate the mouth, shrink the trachea, and rush into the lungs, causing the alveoli to burst like the eyeball, drying everything of blood and water.

The only thing is, the water content inside the human body is also very high, and it takes a long time to burn the internal organs dry.

But the hunter's flame makes up for this deficiency. The spiritual flame devours everyone, and according to the user's wishes, they can be quickly turned into black lumps or even ashes in a very short period of time, which can be burned clean and convenient. Feed the ashes directly to the fish after the shipwreck.

Being burned at the stake was torture, but he didn't care.

Because if he was more cruel, he would consider adding water.

Holding the long sword, Trainor walked past the charred corpses, and the entire upper deck of the Black Death had become a sea of ​​flames.

The cabin door was also turned into ashes, and a blond maid with a weapon rushed out in front of her. Step over her and keep walking.

She opened her mouth wide, trying to yell and remind Tracy, but she couldn't make a sound.

She struggled hard to turn around, but saw a headless corpse sitting on the ground against the wall, wearing the same skirt as her.

The blond maid stared at her eyes, and her vision gradually went dark.

There was a drop of blood on the blade, and Trainor didn't even bother to look back at the corpse.

"Vice Admiral Disease" is now a woman, and he also likes women. The appearance of the captain's maid means that he has approached the captain's room.At this time, the hull of the ship has already tilted severely, and water has already overflowed from the vase fixed on the table, and this part will sink soon.

Trainor found a room that sounded noisy, and kicked open the door.

The door frame was a bit short, so he bent slightly to look inside, and saw two girls coming and going, fighting vigorously.

A lady in a golden-red dress with flying skirts has a firm face, her fair skin is stained with blood, and she is embracing the sky with her arms open—isn't this the prayer action of the people from the Church of the Sun? ——The facial features of the other lady are much sharper, with the charm of a witch. She has a pair of long and straight eyebrows, and her blue eyes are quite attractive.

Very ornamental and very good.Trainer used his own way to evaluate the battle between the two little girls in his heart. It was a coincidence that he came, and the two girls turned their eyes to his uninvited guest at the same time. What made him a little concerned was that the faces of the two There was "shock".

It really is a fake, Elaine will not use the trick of "Priest of Light", and it is impossible for the Church of the Burning Sun to give such extraordinary items to a former royal family collateral.

But a useful bait is a good bait, it really doesn't matter if—

He immediately looked at Tracy who was hiding in the huge ice block. Tracy immediately understood everything when she saw the red hair and green eyes that matched Elaine. eyes), and then shouted in a loud voice:

"She's not Elaine!"

"She's pretending!"

"She is a coward who dare not show her true colors!"

Trainor glanced at the fake Elaine behind him, and after seeing the other party sweating coldly with his eyes, he felt that it was interesting to tease young people.

Within two seconds of his turning his head, Tracy suddenly broke away from the cocoon made of her long hair and ice cubes, and flew towards the diamond bracelet that fell to the side.She just picked it up with her right hand, and before she could put it on, her entire right arm fell to the ground.

The hand was still holding the bracelet tightly.

The massive blood loss and fear made Tracy's face completely pale.

"It doesn't matter." She heard a strange strong man from the Sauron family say to her, as if he didn't care about the fact that "Eileen is a fake". , Immediately, he quickly remembered the escape strategy.

After hearing this sentence, he was very convinced that the other party was also running after Tracy!
In this case, he shouldn't care about this little guy like himself!
The floor was almost vertical, and all the furnishings in the room rolled forward. Klein grabbed the table fixed on the ground so as not to roll down with him, but the little half of his body was hanging in the air, precariously.

Trainor casually glanced out from the porthole of the captain's cabin. He felt a faint aura hidden there, watching what happened here, but he didn't appear immediately.

"Pain..." he said to himself, "The witch family is still so abnormal."

"Vice Admiral Illness" is a Witch of Pain, who can help her understand the meaning of pain on a deeper level, whether it is her own pain or the pain of others.

It is painful to collapse the power and prestige that has been in business for many years in an instant. It is painful to be betrayed by someone who is trusted (trust? Traynor put a question mark here.), and it is painful to be more directly hurt... Traynor glimpsed From the confetti dust floating in the air, and from the impeccable acting skills of the fake "Eileen", it can be judged that this person should be a faceless person, and he is of the experienced type.

In just a few seconds of confrontation, "Vice Admiral Illness" was completely defeated. She knelt down on the ground in a daze, looking at the severed arm in front of her, the blood flowed out from the wound like water.

She didn't seem to have any reaction to the outside world, and Klein felt a little terrified when he saw it.But then the strong man who was suspected to be a relative of Elaine took a few steps in the sloping room with strides, and the long sword in his hand directly pierced the center of an inconspicuous small round hand mirror. Reese disappeared.There was a scream, and Tracy appeared where the mirror was. Her abdomen was pierced by a long sword and nailed to the ground. No matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

"Kill me!" she yelled.

"My life itself is a kind of torment, and I don't want to use this twisted method to continue living!"

"Please kill me and give me a good time!"

The indistinct charm in her body is even stronger than usual, and the tear-filled eyes make people feel pity, as if they can feel the heart-piercing pain she has suffered in an instant, and her pain has reached its peak.

Trainor lifted the sword, grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the ground: "If you want to die, bite your tongue and kill yourself."

"Don't just yell at me from around the corner."

backing?Seeing that Tracy was aroused by this word, she no longer tried to let the other party kill him, but calmed down slightly and began to sob in a low voice. Klein suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, feeling as if he was inadvertently colliding with a huge monster. Danger dances.

With a backer and the protection of the strong, why did the "Vice General of the Disease" fight me until now?Why did the "Vice Admiral of Disease" still suffer such serious injuries, and even all the subordinates on this ship were destroyed?
He suddenly remembered the information given to him by "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina Edwards:
"'Vice Admiral Disease' Tracy is a witch, the 'Witch of Pain' of Sequence 5."

At the same time, Elaine also said to him:

"She is usually friendly, but she is cruel to the enemy. She likes to destroy the beauty that the other party wants to protect, and makes them suffer in extreme mental pain..."

Could it be that the role of the witch... not only digests the potion through the pain of others, but also his own pain?That's why the strong man who protected her turned a blind eye to me, and didn't even show up now, just because she saw that Tracy's life would not be in danger, so she used this method to make her feel "painful" and suffered a lot. And then complete the performance?
Hiss... What a terrifying and distorted path... The "Assassin" of Sequence 9 is too deceptive...

The strange and strong man picked up Tracy, who was seriously injured, as if he was carrying a piece of cargo, and then his green eyes swept over Klein. Klein immediately understood what the other person meant, and quickly followed with a low eyebrow. .

——He came to rescue "Eileen", so of course he must bring "Eileen" back!

I can't tell you how hard it is... Mister... At least let me change clothes... Klein was also grabbed by the other party with a forced smile, thinking that the potion digestion this time was really worth it.Then I felt myself soaring into the air, and in the blink of an eye I was in mid-air.

Klein looked down, and he found that Tracy was also bowing his head at the same time. They looked in the direction of the "Black Death" at the same time. sank like a torch.

The sea was littered with scattered burning wreckage, but not a single survivor.

... Sigh... I don't know if there are any records of the Balam Empire and the God of Death in it... Just like that, it was burned... Tonight I didn't get anything except the digestive potion... Klein let go of his thoughts, Appreciate the night sky calmly.

Then he saw Tracy glared at him, then looked away sharply.

The "Red of War" sent an internal link of Bayam's hotel address, and Traynor removed the flames in mid-air, put away the long sword, and landed at the port next to the address without too much movement.

A few minutes later, he entered the room from the balcony, and threw the two girls he was holding into the room.

Klein looked up, and the cold sweat that had been dried by the wind broke out again.

evil spirits!

The one sitting on the chair in the room turned out to be the evil spirit he and Sharon had seen in the underground ruins of the Fourth Epoch!

Tracy collapsed on the rug, looking ashamed.The strange and strong man stepped over her and went straight to the red-haired evil spirit:
"I brought the person and also released the hint of negotiation. It is estimated that the other party will come soon."

"I also answered Elaine's prayers for her to come to this place."

"Hope you brought back my unfinished forms?"

Klein was confused for a few seconds while being frightened and thinking at a super speed, as if he saw a migrant worker in modern society.

"Bring it back." The red-haired evil spirit yawned, and glanced at the fake Elaine unabashedly, "There is no taste of Sauron's blood... The disguise is very good, and the plan is also very good, if it is more ruthless , has the potential to be a conspirator."

"It's a pity that he should be a little faceless man. It's very courageous to break into the pirate ship alone!"

Klein smiled awkwardly, he had nothing to say, he lowered his head, and pretended to be an interior decoration together with Tracy.

Treynor found his typewriter and form in the corner, and was not surprised to find that his unfinished reply letter reporting the Red Angel's itinerary and the amount of embezzled public funds was gone, and some ashes fell from the file.Trainor was in the same mood and planned to write another one: "The negotiation is your responsibility. If there is nothing else, I will start working first."

Medici waved his hand: "I think I can arrange a shift for you, otherwise it would be too troublesome for you to do all the work."

"If you don't ask me to leave Intis, now I have at least five assistants who can help."

Treiner shrugged, sat down at the table behind, put down the typewriter and began to write the letter again: "But thank you for drawing the pie."

Painting cakes... Klein almost lost his grip.A name began to circulate in his mind: Emperor Russell...Emperor Russell...Emperor Russell...

Medici asked with great interest: "Painting?"

Trainor stopped talking and concentrated on typing on the typewriter, and the room suddenly became quiet.


Fairy Tale Magic: Draw a pie to stop feeling hungry.

If it really exists, it may become a must-have fairy tale magic for marching. Although I didn't really eat, I was full mentally.

(End of this chapter)

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