Chapter 186 Dispute and Intelligence

"What about the little girl?"

"Eileen left first by boat in the morning, and went to the port of Ferlun to meet with the local members."

"I thought you'd take her."

"I don't have the taste for educating children, and she has no need to be trained as a hunter."

"Oh." Medici, who was watching Trainor's action report with folded arms, narrowed his eyes and found an interesting topic, and asked without hesitation after watching the excitement:
"Then how did your elders evaluate you when you were young?"

There was a slight pause in Treynor's binding of the report, and then the clicking sound of the stapler continued. He said in a reminiscing tone:

"I was born with a Sequence 9. After all, my mother was only a 6 at that time. This is the most stable sequence she can give me."

Medici whistled: "The starting point is not high."

"It's very low." Trainer corrected, "There is no child in the three generations of the branch of the family who is lower than 7, and I have been born since I was born."

"As a result, you child is now one of the only two war bishops in the Sauron family. The talent and bloodlines that the Sauron family thinks are not reflected in you." Medici took out a cigarette, stood it up, and After knocking on the table a few times, he lit the cigarette, took a puff after burning for a few seconds, and exhaled a puff of smoke, "Why doesn't Sauron come out to speak? Ha, a devil's son recognized by the ancestors."

Trainor gave him a strange look: "Why do you suddenly have nothing to do to provoke me? You can make a plan when you have time."

"At least wait for the winner to get back the power of the angel before I can reshape a body that can withstand the power of the king of angels."

Medici said leisurely: "My current container can only carry one Sequence Three and one Two. What's the use of holding a Sequence One?"

"Please become a god as soon as possible." Treynor said, "This way you don't have to squeeze my little saint."

"You seem to be well received by your family."

"At least I don't mind."

"It seems that you have also been proud of your talents."

"...Maybe." Trainor mused, "My mother was married to love, and my father gave me shelter and taught me by example how a weakling like me from an awkward background can be feared. "

"I have no dissatisfaction with my current life other than being alive."

Medici joked with a cigarette between two fingers: "It doesn't sound like your dad is a 'cold-blooded'."

Traynor only had Sequence Three, and he hadn't reached the minimum standard for knowing the pollution of the starry sky, so it was naturally impossible to know the doomsday and the truth.

Medici casually mentioned it and saw him nodding his head disapprovingly.

"My mother said that when I was a child, my father called me 'Family'." Treynor shrugged, packed up all the things, and burned all the items that were used and touched in the past few days, skillfully Without leaving a trace of mysticism, "It wasn't until I was able to speak that He gradually called me 'child'. Maybe I am no different from the things He created with blood..."

His words came to an abrupt end.

"It's windy," he said.

The red angel nodded, with a very calm expression: "It's about to thunder."

"Ian Cottman?"

A cluster of flames rose from Medici's fingertips, burning the half-smoked cigarette to ashes: "Angel of the Storm."

"That's Gad II," Trainor said, "just the way back from Bansi."

The document in his hand quickly caught fire, and the contents of it had already been recorded in his mind.

The long windbreaker on the hanger automatically floated up and flew towards him.As soon as the clothes fell on him, Trainor's face changed rapidly: the profound facial features became soft and mediocre, the hairband turned into flames and drifted away, the shoulder-length red hair turned black and shortened, and his height quickly became shorter Big cut.Shorter and wider at the same time, he became a male with the northern continental look that can be seen everywhere.

Medici fumbled a few times on his own head, and dialed a mechanism behind the ear. His face was opened along the facial cross line, turned inside out, and a completely different face was revealed.

After both of them completed a relatively simple disguise, Traynor folded one hand, creating a shadow in the palm of his hand. Two seconds later, a spell appeared in his palm, and a faint blue flame suddenly began to burn.

"Malicious perception"!
"That's right...the malice came from Gad II. He has an absolute advantage in the sea, so there is no one else, only a sealed item, but I don't know what it is..." Traynor narrowed his eyes slightly, from spirituality Read more information, "He is going to force us out of Bayam and launch an attack when the clouds gather. Who discovered our whereabouts?"

Medici touched his chin, and the young faceless man flashed through his mind.

It shouldn't be... That is the Lord's favored person... If this kid is really so ignorant of current affairs, I must have a good talk with the Lord after I go back, and arrest him first to listen to the oracle for a few days before letting him go!
Katerina?To get revenge on us?It is also possible, but this behavior may also expose herself, which is not wise enough...

Medici pondered for a moment, then came to a conclusion: "Leave the sea first, or you will be delivering food."

As he said that, he was going to the spirit world to see the situation. If there was a chance, it would be most convenient to go to the spirit world.

At this moment, Trainor suddenly said:

"and many more!"

"You can't go to the spirit world!"

"The spirit world has—"

He was dazed for two seconds, and a bottomless black suddenly slowly appeared in his green eyes.

"……what is that……"

"Wake up!" Medici also suddenly felt a shock in his heart, a vague feeling of falling from above, the surrounding sky quickly became dark, and there were faint stars flickering in the distance.He immediately understood, shouted, and stopped Trainor's sudden trembling and loss of consciousness. The flame of the spell in his hand burned more violently, but Medici no longer needed its reminder.

Because the enemy's attack has begun!

"...What is that..." Traynor had a grim expression, with a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, "Who is that? A strange person? Human? Why am I talking to a tree-like monster?"

... Medici suddenly had some narrow thoughts, but he was not yet qualified to know the truth.He showed the reliable and stable side of the senior and angel, and said in a cold voice:

"It was calamity. It made you see some horrible things."

"What's in the spirit world?"

"Wolf, eight-legged human-faced wolf wandering around, mythical creature of the night, I don't know who it is."

Traynor calmed down a little: "The catastrophe of the Church of Evernight? Their parish is inland, and they came so quickly. It seems that your identity has been exposed. Can you take the responsibility to attract the main firepower and make me feel worthless?" Did you mention that the holy man hastened to leave the battlefield with angels?"

"Can you run away by yourself? With that cat? You really don't want to make a move at all, kid?"

"Just kidding. I don't intend to be a real deserter."

I don't know who the saint from the Church of Evernight is, but I know that it is already very troublesome to encounter an angel on the way of a storm at sea, and it will be even more troublesome if another guerrilla interference is added.The participation of the Church of Evernight made Medici feel that things became a little confusing. Logically speaking, it is normal for the storm that is his sworn enemy to come quickly, but it is very strange that the Church of Evernight is dispatched at the same time!

The hotel was on fire, but the surroundings were quiet, not even a single person calling for help.

"It's not's not right, there must be some reason in it."

"Big snake, it would be great if the big snake was here, just a little misfortune, the big snake's good luck can force him to death!"

It was probably a calamity, Medici only felt uncomfortable all over, and hated the thought of Ourorius who was still missing in the Land Forsaken by God.

Treynor looked through his spell inventory: "'Group Curse', 'Range Fear', 'Group Extreme Emotion Detonation', five different 'Blood Curse', 'Family Pollution', 'Death Proclamation '...There is also a Sequence One's 'Land of Sin'."

——The net worth is so rich that the red angel is speechless.

At the same time, Riel sent news that the human-faced wolves stuck in the spirit world had left, as if inviting them to the spirit world.At this moment, the sky in Bayam was completely dark, and the overcast clouds tightly blocked every ray of sunlight, like a night at eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

The two turned into flames and advanced in the shadow of the evacuated Bayam street. Medici thought quickly:
"Throw away the least valuable but difficult to deal with first, and explore what the sealed item in Storm Storm's hand is."

"It's inconvenient, there's no one here."

The ability of demons will only show the most terrifying power when there are people around. Now Bayam is surprisingly quiet, with no materials or humans to use, as if...

Suddenly Trainor said, "Could we be dreaming?"

Medici shook his head: "I didn't feel it. Unless Heiye did it himself, I couldn't be unaware."

"It's only been a few hours, and the speed of evacuation cannot be that fast."

"That's why I asked you to throw the charm." Medici said, "Maybe there is something..."

Halfway through speaking, he suddenly realized: "This is a miracle! Hundreds of thousands of people disappeared within a few hours. Compared with psychological hints and fraud, the probability of miracles is higher! If they came, there is no need to make such a detour. I know what the sealed item I brought is now."

He looked at Trainor with confidence:
"Next, listen to my arrangement."


Klein and Azik walked side by side. They left Bayam last night after Klein submitted the report letter, and now they have arrived at another nearby island.

It was too dark, Klein lit the gas lamp in the house, and before it was time to eat breakfast, he suddenly saw monstrous flames rising from under the dark clouds in Bayam, as if there was a sword separating the sea of ​​clouds from the middle!The flames evaporated the rain clouds, and the sun was revealed for a moment and then blocked.

Azik walked to his side, and the two looked up, but saw the fire pouring out in the dim sky, bright and dark, and there was a faint roar of thunder.

The Church of Storms really made a move... Klein was in a daze.

Azik sighed secretly: "Klein. In fact, this may not be effective. War is not based on personal will."

"I know, Mr. Ards, I know." Klein couldn't help feeling depressed, "But even if it's delayed..."

The two of them continued to watch, but they saw that the flames continued, the thunder was rolling, and there were some bursts of power that made Klein feel spiritually shaken.

He saw with his own eyes that many figures appeared in Bayam, where there should be no one. People came and went, disturbing each other, living freely under the influence of angels.The stars appeared, and there seemed to be singing along with the waves and the wind. Occasionally, the body of a huge monster smashed through the building, and you could touch the cloud with your arms raised.But just as it showed its scaled claws, it was hit by a thunderbolt and let out a terrifying scream.

Just as Klein was thinking about what path this monster would belong to, suddenly a huge alien head fell from the sky, turned into a burning fireball, and rolled into the city.

Then the entire Bayam began to bleed, and the rain clouds began to shake, as if a fierce battle was taking place inside.

There was a strange mist rising from the place where the fireball fell, which seemed to isolate all mystical explorations, and the silver-white sword light flickered.

There was a sudden heavy rain in Bayam, and something like an octopus tentacles fell from the clouds.

Bayam seemed to have two battlefields in the sky and the earth at the same time. After a while, the fighting movement on both sides seemed to be much quieter, but more and more blood poured out from all parts of Bayam, covering the entire area. The water quickly turned red.There was a strong attraction in the sea of ​​blood, and Klein almost felt that the blood in his body would also take his body there.Just like standing on the edge of a cliff, there is always an urge to jump off.

A terrifying aura descended, a burst of tyrannical and chaotic ravings suddenly broke out, and then the entire Bayam disappeared out of thin air.

After a long time, everything returned to calm. The sea of ​​blood, monsters, fog and flames all disappeared, leaving only the empty Bayam reappearing, and the dark clouds in the sky remained the same as before.

The angel-level conflict came to an end. Azik, who had witnessed all this, had erratic eyes and slightly frowned, as if picking up something from his broken memory.He put one hand on Klein's shoulder, and the layered color blocks flew back, and the indescribable transparent figure went away. Klein's spirituality was suddenly touched, and he felt that he was traveling through the spiritual world again.

After a while, they were in a valley, spreading along the river, with fertile fields, manors and small towns with Loen characteristics.

Klein looked around and found that the place where he was standing was a dark cemetery that had been abandoned for a long time.

"Mr. Ards..." he called out in doubt.

Azik walked to a tomb where a broken stone tablet was covered with weeds, and said in a low voice, "I remembered something again."

"I once told you that in one of my dreams, in one of my lifetimes, there was a daughter with smooth black hair who liked to sit on a swing I built with my own hands and begged for candy from me."

"Now I can finally understand the wonderful feeling when walking through the spirit world. It is the call from the blood."

Klein was infected by the other party's emotions, and asked quietly:
"This is her..."

Azik nodded, squatted down, and stroked the half of the tombstone. The bronzed side face was gentle, sad, and confused:
"This is her grave."

"If I remember correctly, she has been dead for 920 six years..."

Year 926... Klein wanted to say something, but was cut off by that long time.

If the major churches hadn't forced the dead to be buried in the cemetery and had certain guards, and there had been no all-out war since the Fifth Epoch, there would have been nowhere to find this tomb and tombstone.

A person's life is only a few decades, but this is 920 six years.

The abandoned cemetery was quiet for a while, and Azik stood up again, grabbing Klein's shoulder:
"I'll send you back first."

After traveling through the spirit world for a few minutes, Klein saw the white sheets and the brown floor again.

Azik pressed his top hat, and said in a deep voice:
"I continue my journey, and you continue your adventure."

Klein nodded and was about to speak when he saw Mr. Ards twitching the corner of his mouth and said with a smile:
"Did you worry that I would turn into an evil person like a witch after I completely regained my memory?"

Before Klein could answer, Azik sighed and said:
"I'm worried too."

"However, I want to find myself more."


After personally blocking the powerful Church of Evernight who came after him, and successfully helping Medici escape from Bayam, in the stronghold of the Aurora Society, the True Creator scratched his hair in confusion.

"How was the Medici discovered?"


"Why did he do this... I obviously showed good intentions, could it be the order of the night?"

"But there is no reason for the night to do this. Isn't a war just what they all need?"

At this moment, His eyes suddenly narrowed, and the shadow curtains of mysticism fell layer by layer, hiding Him behind layers of curtains, and the aura of the real Creator suddenly became extremely dark and impossible to observe.

After a while, a sigh came from behind the curtain:
"The chain reaction of Medici's escape..."

"Oh, secret, true god level, I suppressed the divine reaction to the lowest level just now, and disguised myself as an ordinary saint. As long as Heiye doesn't see it with his own eyes, I shouldn't notice this small difference."

"It's better to drag it on later. The current situation is not chaotic enough. It is dangerous to expose yourself rashly."

After all, Heiye has been cooperating with his half body all along, and it seems that he has already laid a fairly large net. The real creator is not willing to use his life to test the "friendship" between Heiye and himself that is so illusory that it doesn't exist at all.Those who belong to the past era will not receive preferential treatment. On the contrary, the attachment to the past, the courage to protect important people, and the trust in fellow villagers are an absolutely powerful card in the hands of the ruthless gods.

The true Creator thought at first why Heiye didn't stop the three traitors a little bit during the banquet of betrayal, but after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized that Heiye had no reason to help him at all. Instead, Heyye could really bring the other gods back to him after he died. Come benefit!
If it weren't for his way of thinking that is slightly biased towards humans, he would never be able to doubt such things.

He has a big head:
"Anyway, it's good to find me... Don't follow the clues to drag Outer God out."

"He can't wait to be beaten. As long as he is actually threatened, it will be bad."

Thinking of the Outer God, the real Creator's head became bigger again.

"He doesn't mind me using various reasons to hinder his behavior, which is very strange..."

"No, 'restricted by a true god'? Could this also be regarded as the performance of 'Bound One'?!"


Storm saw the gem mural first, but Storm didn't say anything.

Heiye received a report from Klein, and Medici's escape made him doubt the real situation, so he made a probe.

The fact that Zhenzao has regained some of its rationality is about to be exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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