Chapter 189 About Ulorius
After telling Mister "World" the method of "removing the pollution in Extraordinary characteristics", Derrick "Sun" hesitated for a long time, but he still couldn't find the opportunity to speak to Mister "Fool" and inform the City of Silver that there is a suspected angel The matter of the king "Ouroreus".

He watched Mr. "World" constantly communicate with other members around him, disclosed the information from the book "Grossel's Travels" from the dragon family to Miss "Justice", and exchanged information about Bansy Port with Mr. "The Hanged Man" ——Mr. "Fool" even disclosed the secrets of Bansy Port because of this, there is a hidden king of angels there, and his name is "Red Angel", "War Angel", Medici!
This shocking news shocked everyone. The "Hermit" lady who had just entered the Tarot Club didn't even understand the special meaning of the King of Angels. She was at a loss for several seconds before lowering her head with everyone. There was silence for several seconds.

"The Sun" was still in shock, and he suddenly remembered that in the creation myth of the City of Silver, the Lord was surrounded by eight kings of angels, and the "Angel of War" Medici might be one of them!

In shock.A doubt floated in "The Hanged Man" Alger's heart:
Since Mr. "Fool" had foreseen it long ago, why did he still point out that the matter of Bansi Port was related to "Rose of Redemption" and a certain "King of Angels"?
He told us on purpose?
Hope to spread this matter through us?

Aiming at the "Angel of War" Medici?No, the greater possibility is the "True Creator"!
Mr. "Fool" has repeatedly sabotaged the plans of the evil gods before, such as the divine descent of the "Primary Witch" during the great smog, and the hidden conspiracy of the "True Creator", this time should be no exception... The term "Rose of Redemption" Appeared in the abandoned temple of the "True Creator", founded by the "King of Angels" Medici and Ouroreus, obviously has a deep connection with the "True Creator"...

Audrey suppressed the idea of ​​surprise, and asked curiously:
"Dear Mister Fool, what does the title of 'Angel of War' represent, or rather, which path does 'King of Angels' Medici belong to?"

Klein leaned against the back of the chair and said with a low smile:
"The red priest."

Red Priest?Which way is this?It sounds very close to "Dark Emperor". Could it be another title of Sequence 0? "Justice" Audrey thought excitedly and happily.

The red priest... Derrick "The Sun" recited this term silently, and found that there was no corresponding record in the history of the City of Silver.

It may also be that I haven't read enough materials and only received general education... he thought with a little regret.

There are also the identities of the Kings of the Eight Great Angels and more information. Unfortunately, these things will not be written in the textbooks, and the chief said that the relevant records in the City of Silver have also been lost. At present, only the "Angel of Time" Amon is known. And "Angel of Destiny" Ouroreus...

Seeing that everyone was still in shock and did not speak, Derrick quickly came to his senses and immediately wanted to seize the opportunity to speak.

Seeing that Mr. "Moon" was about to speak, "Sun" hurriedly took the first step:
"Dear Mister Fool, there have been major events happening in the City of Silver recently."

Ok?The attention of all the members was immediately attracted by Derrick, even the powerful Mr. "The Hanged Man", who was immersed in his own thoughts and had no idea that his brain power was far superior to the Fool's, was caught by what happened in the City of Silver. interested.

Only "Moon" Emlyn, who was interrupted to show off that he had been promoted to Sequence 6, clenched his fists calmly.

Seeing everyone's gazes, "Sun" was a little nervous.Derrick stood up first, saluted The Fool, then sat back in his seat, and said in thought:
"Dear Mister Fool, there is a child who is about to be born in the City of Silver and has a supernatural behavior. It... Before he was born, his mother firmly believed that he was a boy. transport."

A special child? Audrey "Justice" didn't think in other directions, and concentrated on waiting for the next step.

A Extraordinary born with high inspiration?Parents' genetic characteristics are too high to cause some mutations in children?Things like genetic traits should be very common in the City of Silver... "The Hanged Man" Alger is waiting for more information.

Klein thought of Tingen, the True Creator, and Megose almost instantly!
The heir of the evil god can also give hints to the mother, and make a series of unreasonable actions such as "singing" and "chatting"!
Could it be that the true Creator held another divine descent ceremony in the Land Abandoned by God?Impossible, then who is the one I saw?Moreover, the City of Silver is heavily guarded, and the performance of the real Creator is too personal. It is impossible for the chief of the City of Silver not to stop it...

After Derrick the Sun finished speaking, he paused for a few seconds. Seeing that no one commented, not even Mister Fool, he continued:
"He was able to give his father direct good luck, allowing his father to escape danger many times, and even always get more prey than before;"

Immediate good luck... Klein immediately thought of Dr. Allen, whose business was booming and his salary was raised.

After the initial period of bad luck with Will Auceptin, the Chris family has been on the upswing since his wife became pregnant!

"He can communicate with his mother, tell her what lullaby he wants to hear, what bedtime story he wants to hear, and even... he said he likes me very much and likes to be close to me."

There has been some commotion in the Tarot Society, and everyone with senior qualifications knows that the path of the "sun" is the nemesis of evil creatures!
"What the hell is this kid?" "Moon" couldn't help but speak after being angry and then fascinated, and helped everyone ask the questions in their hearts.

"Mercury Snake", no, he should be... Klein sat upright in a subtle way, and already had the answer in his heart.

He awaits "The Sun"'s conclusion with equal nervousness.

"After the appraisal of our chief and the six-member council..."

Derrick "The Sun" made a swallowing movement, and was also affected by the breathless atmosphere of everyone:

"According to the Lord's myth, he should be Him. He is most likely one of the eight kings of angels beside the Lord, 'Angel of Destiny', 'Tail Swallower' Ourorius!"

If it was in the real world, the Tarot Club should already be full of gasping voices.

Except for Ms. "Hermit" who still has some conditions, everyone thought of another thing.

"Ah." Forsi said suddenly. As a writer, she often has the deepest impression on attractive plots, "The mural that you encountered when you explored before—isn't it——"

"Yes." Derrick responded with a nod, "Judging from the information of Mr. Hanged Man at that time, the little boy Jack from your world and the mother of Ourolius were pregnant at about the same time. Therefore, The chief speculates that the 'Angel of Destiny' may have made two-handed preparations, descending on the City of Silver while leaving behind Jack and the murals to hint his identity to future explorers."

"But your exploration just ended not long ago! Doesn't that mean..."

"Justice" said in amazement: "Angel of Destiny can really predict the future and control fate?"

Another big piece of news, the Tarot Club fell silent again, because Miss "Justice"'s guess is very likely to be true!

"The Hanged Man" glanced vaguely at the calm "Fool" sitting at the top, then lowered his head, secretly startled——

——Before Bansi Port, before and after the Great Smog, "The Fool" reminded us that we will meet "Kings of Angels" in the future.

And now, the two kings of angels belonging to the ancient Creator, "Angel of War" and "Angel of Destiny" have appeared one after another, which happened to fulfill His words at that time!

Mister Fool has the authority to predict the future?
"Angel of Destiny" can affect fate, hinting at the City of Silver, but Mister Fool's words preceded the exploration of the City of Silver, and Mister Fool's control over fate may still be greater than him...

After doing a lot of mental supplements to frighten himself, "The Hanged Man" was so excited that he didn't dare to make a sound.

And Klein already somewhat guessed what "The Sun" wanted to ask.

He strung together the previous bits and pieces of knowledge, a little stunned, and a little confused.

Sure enough, "The Sun" hesitated for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to speak:
"I think that the soon-to-be-born 'Angel of Destiny' is close to me, perhaps because of my path. After all, there is no second Extraordinary person with the path of the 'Sun' in the City of Silver, and the name of the Lord in the records once had 'Sun' god'."

"Mr. Fool, the state of the gods should be closely related to the angels, right? Ouroreus doesn't seem to be an evil and crazy existence..."

He didn't dare to continue, and if he continued, he would question Mister Fool's help and words all the time.

If the Lord is not mad, why does He turn a blind eye to the prayers and sufferings of believers?If He is crazy, then why is the "Angel of Destiny" rational, communicable, and even willing to get close to himself?

"The Hanged Man" and "Justice" were silent, "Magician" finally figured out the key point of "Sun"'s faltering after hissing, "Moon" didn't quite understand, but in order to pretend that he understood, he also made a sudden realization Look, only the "hermit" is really inexplicable.

In the tense or expectant silence of the crowd, Mister Fool suddenly let out a low chuckle.

In the eternal gray mist, Mister Fool calmly nodded:
"Your guess is correct."

"The 'Fallen Creator' is gradually emerging from the abyss of madness."

It turned out to be like turned out to be like this! "Sun" seemed to have been pardoned, and the uneasiness and self-blame that had been squeezed in his heart for many days were swept away.Thinking about it now, he was actually worried that Mister Fool was deceiving him, he was really rebellious to the extreme!

Then he noticed another thing, if the omniscient and omnipotent Lord returns, how should he deal with himself?
If there is that day... I will convert to Mister Fool!After a short thought, Derrick quickly made a decision. Mister Fool had given him so much help, and he absolutely couldn't remain silent.

But Mister Fool seemed to hear his heart, and said in a relaxed and unpredictable tone:

"I recently had a meeting with the Creator."

"He has regained part of his rationality."

The understated words of the gods dropped a bomb in the hearts of everyone in the Tarot Society. Derrick was the first to be stunned. He was a little confused for a while, and he was almost unable to understand the meaning behind these words.

But he quickly grasped the point - Mister Fool and the Lord are not enemies!

Great..."Sun" almost shed tears on the spot.

Maybe... you will be able to contact him after a while... Klein thought with the thought of running away.

When "The Fool" was conducting the Tarot Club, the real Creator in the topic once again sat at the negotiating table of the Outer Gods.

"Welcome, welcome." In the dark world full of squirming flesh and blood, Edward sat on the chair he brought with a smile.He was clearly in the opponent's kingdom of God, but he acted like a master.

He looked at the real Creator on the opposite side: "What do you want to exchange from my hand this time?"

The real creator is as concise as possible without interrogative sentences: "A desperate witch who moves in the great smog."

"Information or?"

"She really is in your hands?"

"Ah, indeed."

Edward took out a small puppet in a white dress from his collection cabinet. The black-haired witch puppet lowered its head in fear, with its hands and feet hanging down, not daring to move.

"Let me guess first, why did you come to me to ask for this witch?" Edward put her on the corner of the table with a smile, and said very leisurely, "Under what circumstances would you need her? Let me think about it... Is it because the Witch Sect is unwilling to cooperate with you in announcing the inside story of the smog? You want to take her away as a witness and then make it public from foreign sources?"

"Stop your acting."

The true Creator said: "It's not a devil who makes a deal with me, stop using these rhetorical questions."

Edward stared at him for a while, and the raised corners of his mouth gradually calmed down.

"I respect the opinions of my allies." Said the declining king who still wears this skin, "To be honest, I had a premonition that she would become an important prop, so I took her away."

"I thought that it would be the Southern Continent or other countries who found me by following the vines and then took her away from me, but I didn't expect it to be you, so Medici's plan has failed... Ah, I know He Right now at sea, my boy told me."

"I still like him very much, a dependent who has his own self, not connected to my thinking."

The King of Decay said: "If the earth explodes, I will take him to the stars."

"He's just a saint, he won't live long."

"Death is an integral part of human life." Outer God nodded, "I will take good care of his soul."

The real creator brought back the topic of deviation: "What do you want?"

Outer God knocked on the table with his fingers, and looked at the face of the real Creator with his eyes:
"Why don't you want to start a war yourself?"

"Maybe you won't believe that Medici wouldn't have been released by me, he would—"

The Declining King thought for a while, and then said a certain possibility he had observed: "He will leave there possessed by a descendant of Tudor, and then possessed a demigod, so as to avoid the gods Sight."

"If a possessable human being and a demigod who happens to appear can make the red angel leave the cage, why hasn't he left in the past nearly 2000 years? Your half body has tried every means to bring war to this land, But you chose to be passive and sabotage your work, the red angel will probably complain when you see it."

"He worked so hard to promote the war and complete the ritual of becoming a god. I haven't recovered yet, so naturally I can't let him succeed."

Not quite.The real Creator speculates that Adam's ascension ceremony "to make the trend of the times conform to his expectations" is likely to be accurate to the date and even the relevant countries. After all, this is the ascension ceremony. The details can also be matched in order to show the ability of the true god "visionary" to write fate and creation.

The time when the war was launched, the initiator, the victor, and some of the important battles in the eyes of later generations should belong to the "details."

Affecting these details can probably affect the effect of Adam's ascension ceremony.

But when is Adam going to detonate the war?What if I thought I had changed the time, but ended up falling into His psychological suggestion?The real Creator is unwilling to bet on such a critical situation, so he wants to delay the time as much as possible, or wait until he reaches the angel level.

——He himself was a dual path from the beginning, and he didn't hold this ceremony in a serious way, so now he can only rely on guesswork.

"A dreamer's god-making ceremony?" The decayed king thought of the "writer" that he had taken away and lost, and Zaratul who was still imprisoned in the secret town. He was in a very good mood, "It seems like a very Interesting ritual, and you won't tell me."

"You are thinking too much. I want to postpone the war just because there are not enough armaments now."

"When you have enough armaments, you will start a war?"

The alarm bells in the true Creator's heart: "Tell me what you want to exchange for the Witch of Despair."

Immediately the fallen king replied:



"The Bound."

"I reject."

"..." The decaying king was as immobile as a mountain, "I won't sell it anymore, anyway, war is your business and not mine."

"This is not an order of magnitude at all." The real creator retorted, "The war caused by the Desperate Witch is still within the controllable range. Suffering to death is just a true god-level disaster. If you want to take the opportunity to become a dual-path true god, there is no way."

"That means you want to change to a real god-level chip."

Seeing the frown of the real Creator, Outer God smiled slightly, feeling that the experience of haggling has finally come in handy.

The temptation of the declining king: "Sea."

The True Creator frowned: "Change to another one."

"Go and help me snatch the demon sequence from the Tranquility Church in Winter County."

The true Creator almost agreed to Sierra. The Tranquility Church is the headquarters of the Church of Evernight. It stands in the middle of the snow-capped mountains and is very close to the "Dark Heaven" corresponding to the astral world. It can be called the gate of the Goddess of Evernight.In a pairwise comparison, it is easy to see which one is easier to complete.

This trap is so obvious that the True Creator finds himself at a disadvantage in bargaining.

With his chin resting on his cheeks, the Outer God's expression and movements became lively again, and his demon side was not interrupted because he stopped acting as a human being.

He folded his hands on his lap, and leaned his upper body forward slightly, expressing that he wanted to persuade or fight a protracted battle, and slowly spoke:
"This doesn't work and that doesn't work, ally, you still can't trust me."

He stared at the distant mountains and the dark sky for a while, then suddenly thought: "But war is good for me anyway, and it doesn't matter to me if you want to help a red priest. If you can’t tolerate me, you might as well let me go to the Eastern Continent, I haven’t seen with my own eyes what the Tianzun seal that divided the Eurasian continent looks like.”

Land Abandoned by God?Why do you want to go to the Land Abandoned by God?
The true Creator's temples were throbbing, the free ones were the most expensive, and He immediately opened his mouth to refuse.

The Declining King took the lead and said, "What are you nervous about? That's your kingdom of God. As long as I haven't lost my mind, it's impossible for me to mess around in front of your kingdom of God and your body."

"If you don't want me to get uniqueness, if you don't want me to get Sequence One, if you don't even want me to take a walk in the Land Abandoned by God, then I will doubt whether you are sincerely here to do business."

"Your request is too different from the previous one." The True Creator knocked on the table vigilantly, "You must have additional conditions."

"Your defense makes me sad. What can I do in the kingdom of a true God?"

The Declining King shook his head and sighed, and played an emotional card according to the fate, manipulating his own skin to express his emotions vividly:

"I just want to go there to taste the atmosphere of despair. After all, the people of the Eastern Continent have been in despair for so long in darkness and fear. Even if the devil wants to help them, they will accept some of it, right?"

The real creator felt that he had grasped something: "Do you want to go to the Land Abandoned by God to exchange for the sealed item?"

The outer god was noncommittal, and then he smiled again, showing his white teeth: "If necessary, I can also help you bring Ulorius back."

The real creator flatly refused: "My sobriety and his restart are all thanks to your curse, and I will not let you contact him. Even if you go to the land abandoned by God, you must wait until he returns to my sight. "

The Declining King yawned boredly: "It seems that I have to wait for a while, so let me pray that the Angel of the Word can bring Ulorius back as soon as possible."

He took back the precious item on the table—the Witch of Despair, got up and left, and waved goodbye in a good mood:
"So our transaction date is that day. Hope the transaction goes well, see you next time."

After the Outer God left, the True Creator didn't speak for a while.He turned his head to look at the land abandoned by the gods in the phantom of the Kingdom of God, looked at the few fire lights on the pure black land, looked at the huge inverted cross on the mountain peak in the distance, and thought for a while before he was a half-god himself, He sighed depressingly.

Then, he found Medici's prayer, cleared his throat, and solemnly responded:

"The flames of war are approaching."

On the other side, Edward returned to the real world, first stretched thoroughly, then fell back and sank into the sofa.

"Hey, it's not bad to enter the Land Abandoned by God this way... After all, if you sacrifice him, you will encounter some resistance from his body when you break in. If he is willing to let me in, I don't have to worry about anything."

"The true Creator really knows how to choose the time. Taking the date of Ouroreus' return as the trading day, when 'fate' returns to Him, there is no doubt that it is the right time, place and people in the sense of mysticism. When it is time to fight or participate It's time, He wants me to be in the God-Forsaken Land during the war, so as to prevent me from fishing in troubled waters..."

The Outer God didn't care about these restrictions and schemes. He faced the ceiling, and a thread of fate emerged in his hand.

"Ourorius... Ourorius... Let me see."

The thread in his hand is actually the angel of the word: "I can meet Ulorius at the end of February, but I will take him back in the second half of the year? What's going on, Ulorius doesn't want to leave?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. It's all about the real creator, I don't need to care."

After a few seconds of silence, the Decayed King sighed out of boredom.


Backlund, near a cafe near King's Avenue.

Leonard sat in the gazebo, his high collar covered his chin, and he cast his gaze from above the newspaper, looking at Melissa Moretti sitting in the cafe.

Melissa was holding a ceramic teaspoon, gently stirring the black tea with lemon, and looking sideways at the window covered in white mist from time to time.

Her black gauze hat was on the seat next to her, and there was a plate of the cheapest toast in front of her, but she didn't take a bite.

Time passed by, and the mist on the glass windows became thicker and thicker.

Finally, when the exam was over, a bunch of people came out of the exam room and rushed over.The wooden door inlaid with glass windows of the cafe was pushed open, and seven or eight men and women entered first.

Among them was Benson Moretti. The brother and sister spoke quickly, and then they both left the cafe and headed for the far way home.

Pallez's voice rang in his ears: "Aren't you going to say hello to them?"

Leonard watched them go away and said in a low voice:
"I'm just a colleague of their family members, a new friend who is not very familiar."

"I would choose to celebrate with Mr. Benson Moretti after he passed the exam and obtained his position, instead of appearing in front of them time and time again. The Moretti family seems to be relatively restrained, which would be counterproductive. "

Pallez let out a hey, and changed the subject:
"Is there any result in the investigation of 'The Fool'?"

Leonard shook his head honestly, and turned to say: "Old man, you seem to attach great importance to this 'fool'? Do you know anything?"

"I don't know anything, I just miss this name." Pallez's tone was teasing, "However, judging by the ability of their path, it's very normal that you can't find any clues."

"Is 'The Fool' a sequence in a certain path?"

"This is not something you should know now." Pallez chuckled, "You didn't even investigate the smog clearly."

Leonard sighed: "I don't know what's going on, I always feel that there is always resistance in the investigation... In the past, when investigating cult activities, I always found some abnormalities, but this time the resistance is abnormally large, as if there are no clues. was erased."

While they were talking, the figures of the Moretti brothers and sisters had completely disappeared at the end of the street in the distance.

Leonard also stood up, rolled up the newspaper in his arms, and put his hands in his pockets.

"Okay old man, let's go home too."

"Are you still eating the egg rolls from that bakery?"

He heard the old man laugh from the parasite, and Leonard felt that this meant that the old man wanted to eat, so he walked towards the bakery.


Decay: If you don't want to do business with the devil, you don't have to do it. It's useless to bargain. No matter what, the devil won't let you suffer.

Decay (turning head): Why don't you speak avatar?

(End of this chapter)

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