Chapter 192 Dolls
"Colonel, Colonel."



Hearing this gnashing of teeth, the blond-haired and blue-eyed Alfred Hall turned his head.He frowned and looked at his companion: "What's the matter, Pagani?"

The black-haired, brown-eyed companion with a typical Loenian appearance changed from his usual impatience, and looked around cautiously, with a dignified expression:
"Let's go into the house and talk."

Alfred looked thoughtfully at the young officer he had partnered with for a long time, hinting something in his eyes, and read some uneasiness from the expression and body language of the other party, so he walked ahead and led him to his own office.

After entering the office, the moment the door was opened, the sea breeze raised the curtains, and the moist and slightly salty ocean atmosphere filled the office.He was born in a noble family of Backlund, but he had already participated in several conflicts at a young age. Alfred, who had won the rank of colonel, did not have the harsh requirements that nobles should have. It was only after seeing the fragrance that he closed the window, took out the perfume he carried with him and sprayed it on.

"Thank you." Pagani breathed a sigh of relief, "I almost couldn't breathe."

"It's nothing, sit down."

Alfred pointed out his hand, and Pagani, who was just about to say something, had to sit down and wait.He watched Alfred slowly making a cup of tea, slowly taking off his coat, and finally sitting on a chair slowly, he couldn't help it immediately, and said urgently:

"Why are you still so indifferent!"

After all, he realized that his voice was a little too loud, so he had to lower it a bit, but the speed of his speech was still urgent and fast:
"Alfred, what should we do? It seems that some evil things have entered the ship!"

"Today, someone reported an incomprehensible abnormal situation. We have to be careful in what we say! I said that there might be unscrupulous spies dropping things in the indigenous port before. I suggested that you stop at Mid-Range Island for supplies. Do not listen!"

"Your Excellency the Lieutenant General cannot go with us because of official business, in case something goes wrong with the governor..."

He took a sharp breath, not daring to continue.

Pagani's military rank is a major, and he is Alfred's companion and friend. Alfred is very tolerant of this playmate since he was a child, and is also very familiar with his playmate's outspoken character. Take it for granted.

He was very calm: "When did you realize it?"

Pagani couldn't be as calm as him, but he was forced to slow down his speech:
"...the day after we left the port." The major paused, frowning his eyebrows with a thoughtful expression, "A servant cleaning the deck claimed to hear the sound of falling water in the middle of the night, and when he counted the heads during the day, he found that there was a real One less sailor."

"Our trip this time is for the purpose and face of the kingdom. It is impossible for there to be a waste alcoholic who got drunk and fell into the sea. Moreover, the sailor's personal background and experience are normal, and he has no suicidal tendencies or any bad habits. His death has Strange."

"So! Alfred, this is already the third missing person, but we have no clue, right? The storm is coming, do you want to contact the nearby bishop for help?"

Alfred didn't answer immediately, and then suddenly said: "There are more than three missing persons."

Pagani's eyes widened: "What did you say?"

"Pagani, my friend, forgive me for not telling you the detailed information about this matter at the first time." Looking at the astonished friend, Alfred showed a teasing smile on his unsmiling and handsome face, "Because Your character is too impatient, you always express your emotions on your face, and you need a calm layout to deal with such weird situations."

"That fair and serious Alfred actually lied!" Pagani was shocked, "You must be a fake!"

The smile on Alfred's face disappeared.

"Okay, okay, I shouldn't have made fun of you." The major had to admit his mistake to his friend with a higher rank, "But why didn't you tell me? We have worked together for so long."

After all, he showed a deliberate smile, leaned forward, and looked at his friend expectantly: "So you already have a way to deal with those strange things?"

Alfred nodded, responding to his friend's expectation: "This should be caused by an Extraordinary item, I don't know if you still remember the Intis intelligence department, it is said that some outstanding spies can perfectly disguise themselves as others. "

"Of course I remember." Pagani nodded, "Didn't I plan to snatch the manuscript of the Kingdom's Difference Engine before?"

"That's it."

The blond school officer said: "After the first person disappeared, we launched an investigation, and finally confirmed that it is a sealed item that can change the identity of others. Because after the first person, no one disappeared."

Pagani was horrified: "You mean..."

"Yes, they are still on our ship, but they have been quietly replaced! Those things will still detect the people who found them, and the servants who clean up the deck have become part of the seal. Even I, usually Deliberately pretending to be ignorant."

"All sealed items will have some rules when they move. You don't know. The handyman who heard the sound of falling water first encountered a horrible thing. He claimed that a pair of twin maids found him and asked him to see them. What is the difference in clothing and appearance?"

"Twin maids?!" Pagani was dazed by the successive information, "Impossible! There are no twins among the more than 100 servants on board! What the servant saw must be fake!"

Alfred nodded.

"The servant still has work to do, and he is indeed a bit old. It's hard to look at the difference between the two ladies in the dark corridor, and he just smiled and said that he couldn't tell the difference." I took things to heart, but I still chose to report with the sound of falling into the water."

"Have you found the maid?" Pagani pricked up his ears, feeling that he was already listening to a ghost story.

The window didn't seem to be closed tightly, and a gust of sea breeze blew in, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

"found it."

"Although the servant identified her, the maid didn't know anything about this matter, and she clearly denied that she didn't have a twin sister, and she didn't come to our ship that day."

Pagani gasped: "She must be fake!"

"I know, the channel corresponding to that sealed item is Intis's intelligence department! This sealed item can change into someone else's appearance, maybe it can just take over the identity of someone else! That's why I think There are many pairs of eyes staring at me around me, Intis' gang of chaotic bastards actually want to prevent us from escorting the Governor to the Southern Continent to quell the chaos, our two neighbors are really getting more and more arrogant!"

"That's why you said 'more than three are missing'? Not many people are missing, but there are more people who have become part of the Sealed Artifact, right?"

There was a strange expression on Alfred's face: "It's absolutely correct. After hearing these few words, you can deduce the movement method of that sealed item. Pagani, your brain is still very flexible."

"However, it remains to be verified whether the Intis intelligence department intervened. I got reliable clues. Such a sealed item corresponds to the middle sequence of that path, and it belongs to the second-level sealed item. It is not easy to just throw it on our ship. unreasonable."

"Maybe Intis is helping the natives in the colonies!" Pagani said, "Tell the natives to just bring this thing up, since the natives won't use it anyway."

Alfred was thoughtful: "What you said is not impossible..."

"Then what method have you prepared to deal with the sealed item?" Pagani subconsciously lowered his voice again, "Your Excellency the Lieutenant General is not here..."

"How do you know he's not there?"

Seeing the sly smile on his friend's face, Pagani suddenly understood, and a smile appeared on his face:

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, has been guarding in the dark? I forgive you Alfred. If I had known about this earlier, I would have shown confidence instead of being anxious like I am now."

"I'm so glad you forgave me. Counting the time, Your Excellency the Lieutenant General should have found it."

With that said, Alfred walked to the window and opened the curtain, the action was like the opening in a theater.Pagani stood up and walked over without knowing why, only to see a frigate more than ten meters away outside the window,

Standing alone at the bow of the ship, condescending, a grand and serious voice came with the sea breeze:

"Camouflage is forbidden here!"

"No substitutions are allowed here!"

"The storm is above, it is really His Excellency the Lieutenant General." Pagani suddenly looked straight, "Which ship is the sealed artifact on?"

As if to confirm his words, the lieutenant general dropped his words, and three or four people on the deck suddenly fell down with a plop, with mops and rags in their hands when they fell, with frozen expressions and stiff movements, as if Only invisible hands pushed to these sculptures.

The other servants were frightened by this scene. The legal order covered the entire frigate, so there were constant screams even in the cabin, but they were quickly subdued with the help of the guards.

"There are so many?" Pagani's face changed drastically, "How many living people are there on that ship?"

Alfred also looked serious: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, it is estimated that at least 20 people died, including three low-level officers. This sealed item mainly targets ordinary people. We have already suffered casualties before we set foot on Balam's land." .”

Those "sculptures" that fell on the ground quickly decayed, bleeding from all seven orifices, and turned into a pool of blurred mud-like objects. It was difficult to distinguish that they were once human beings. The smell of these corpses was also carried by the sea breeze, as if they were already dead. for several days.

Pagani, who had a picky and sharp nose, was almost vomited by the smell. Alfred had to close the window and spray the perfume again to save his life.

But this little episode didn't dampen their curiosity. There were gunshots and flashes of fire in the frigate's cabin. It seemed that His Excellency the Lieutenant General had come into contact with the sealed item.After a while, corpses covered with white cloths were carried out one after another, and the figure of His Excellency the Lieutenant General appeared on the deck again, holding something faintly visible in his hand.

"That's it!" Pagani was surprised and delighted, "The storm is coming! Praise to the lieutenant general."

Immediately he was a little confused: "How did your Excellency confirm that it was on that ship?"

Alfred smiled slightly and said, "Because Your Excellency the Lieutenant General has searched all three ships, and finally confirmed that only the frigate has traces of its activities."

Pagani was even more surprised: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, has been here! My God, didn't it mean that I might have seen him?"

While they were talking, there was a knock on Alfred's window, and a man with serious features and a face carved out of marble was floating outside, holding a small wooden figure for sketching with one hand, and pressing the other hand against the window superior.

Alfred quickly opened the window, and the two greeted each other:
"Your Excellency Lieutenant General!"

The lieutenant general casually showed them what he had in his hand - a small wooden figure about the size of a palm, with movable joints and fuzzy facial features.Then he said: "The crisis has been resolved, and the vigilance has been restored. I will officially board the ship at the next port."

He turned to Alfred: "Your clue was timely."

After speaking, the lieutenant general flew to the distance again and landed on the deck of another frigate to supervise the cleaning and appeasement work.

Pagani couldn't hide the excitement on his face: "Oh my god! Alfred, you have been praised by the lieutenant general!"

"I almost forgot that you are such a brave and decisive person. If you contribute to the suppression of the chaos this time, you might get the rank of brigadier general soon, and after a few more years of qualifications, you will..."

Alfred was also in a good mood, but he still stopped his companion from thinking about the future: "Fight well first."

"Okay, okay. Your Excellency the future general, please support me a lot in the future." Pagani was obviously very happy that the long-standing crisis was resolved, "Let's go to a restaurant for dinner together?"

"You go first, I'm going to change clothes."

"Then I'll go back too."

Pagani said goodbye, turned and opened the door to leave.He walked in the corridor, still a little unbelievable.

"This is the end?"

A decree to determine that there is no fish that slipped through the net, and a few laps on the other two ships will be considered as an inspection?This is too rash...

"But it's okay, anyway, it's finally over."

Pagani's expression became relaxed. He returned to his cabin, took off his coat, took out another piece of daily clothing from the closet, made gestures on his body, and began to change.

It is of course best not to be discovered. It turns out that my "spot the difference" game has already been known to them. It was so dangerous. Fortunately, I only played "hide-and-seek" with Pagani once...the corpses of three low-level officers are there, The traits are all there too, doing nothing but killing people, giving them the illusion that I'm irrational.Only the characteristics of this person are still with me, so that I can successfully disguise the Extraordinary of the "judge" path of Sequence 7.

Pagani was taken away by him, so now I have no other choice but to continue to follow up... If I can successfully sneak into Balam with the fleet, will my lord reward me with the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 7... The puppet is so happy thinking.

The land abandoned by gods, the City of Silver.

Chief Colin Iliad had been debriefed by the patrol before lunch, but hadn't finished his preparations until now.

He was thinking about whether to tell the elder Lovia and the mother of the child who was about to be born about this matter.

The visitors wanted to see him by name, but as the highest combat power in the City of Silver and the chief of the council of six, Colin Iliad could not bet on whether the man was a monster or, as he said, "Your compatriots, Shepherd of the Lord".

But what he can be sure of is that Elder Lovia and Mrs. Scold will be very happy and even eager to meet the visitor.

"An old man?"

"Yes, he looks very old, older than you, Chief."

"Clothing like none of you have ever seen, but with the sign of the Lord around your neck?"

"Yes, Chief. But we cannot discern his approach."

"Tell me about his characteristics."

"He—the lantern in his hand seems to be a sealed item. There is pure darkness around him, but there are no monsters, and there are faintly visible dark feathers..."

Colin Iliad recalled the content of the patrol team's report, and looked at the people coming and going in the City of Silver from top to bottom, feeling extremely heavy on his shoulders, as if he had come to an important junction of fate.

He chose to summon Derrick first.

The tall boy who was called over had a blank expression on his face: "Chief, are you looking for me?"

Colin said veiledly: "Helena Scalder said her children liked you very much."

He saw that Derrick was obviously relieved, his mood became lighter, and a smile appeared on his face: "I'm very happy."

"Do you think there's a reason for that?"

There was a trace of astonishment in Derrick's eyes. He seemed to hesitate for a while, and then said after deliberation: "Maybe it's because of my way? The Lord is the Creator and was once the Sun God, but my way comes from my parents' way." relic..."

You kid,... Colin shook his head in his heart, he didn't expose Derrick's imminent lie, but slowed down his tone and talked to him for a while.Colin recorded Derrick's answer in his heart. The sealed item in the old man's hand described by the patrol team had a "warm, constant light", which also reminded him of Derrick's approach and purification power.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and someone came to report: "Chief, Elder Lovia is in a hurry to find you."

Colin glanced at Derrick, saw that there was nothing unusual on his face, and said calmly:
"Let her in."

The guard ran away in a hurry, and half a minute later, the silver-white curly-haired elder Lovia came holding her skull that never left her body.

Seeing that Derrick was there, she understood something while being a little puzzled.Then, Lovia stretched out her hand and rolled up one of her sleeves, and said in an erratic tone:


"Something seems to be calling me outside the city."

Colin's expression became serious—is the visitor the "Secret Prayer" channel?Is it a strong person above Lovia?The "Secret Prayer" pathway in the City of Silver does not have formulas after Sequence 4. Perhaps this is indeed an opportunity, but it is too hard to believe.

"He says……"

Lovia rolled the sleeves up to the joints, and saw that the flesh and blood on the pale and smooth forearm suddenly began to squirm, and then a few pieces of flesh and blood fell off on their own, and fell on the round table between them.Colin's gaze was immediately attracted, Lovia lowered her head slightly, ignoring the blood gurgling from her arm, Derrick also slowly opened her mouth wide -

The few pieces of flesh and blood squirmed on their own, spelling out a few Giant language words:

"I have no malice."


With this style of painting, who would believe that your Aurora Society is not a cult!The Hanged Man, reflect on yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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