Chapter 194 The Sea of ​​Gods
Hearing Leonard Mitchell's invitation, Emlyn was not afraid. Holding a silk top hat, with a faint smile, he entered the house calmly.

He didn't take off his coat, because the "Professor of Potions" always carried a lot of auxiliary items on his body, and it was not so beautiful after losing the cover.

Emlyn just sat down wearing a straight tuxedo, leaning his back against the back support, and said leisurely:

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. If you have one, just quote the price; if you don't, just tell the truth."

"Of course, I'm pretty sure you have."

He chuckled lightly, his bright red eyes reflected Leonard Mitchell's indifferent figure.

This kind of scene where I know what secrets you have, but you don't know anything about me makes Emlyn feel comfortable physically and mentally, and feels extremely superior.

Leonard combed his black hair with his fingers, sat down on the opposite chair casually, smiled without any panic or doubt and said:

"At least I have to know who wants it."

"Maybe it's me, maybe it's my friend." Emlyn lifted his chin slightly and smiled gracefully.

Leonard narrowed his eyes and turned his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, he laughed:
"Well, since you have come with this badge, I will answer you frankly."

"I do have a magical item that can steal other people's extraordinary abilities, but there is only one."

"If you want to buy it, it's 7000 pounds, and no counter-offer is accepted."

7000 pounds?Similar magical items are so expensive?Although he didn't have to pay for it himself, Emlyn was still taken aback, almost unable to maintain the demeanor of the blood clan.

He has automatically converted the money into how many dolls and how many sets of doll dresses in his mind.

After two seconds of silence, Emlyn smiled and said, "Let me think about it and give you an answer in the next two days."

"Okay." Leonard Mitchell hooked the corner of his mouth.

After leaving the house at No. 7 Pinster Street, Emlyn hired a rented carriage to the steam subway station in the North District as if nothing had happened, and returned all the way to the South District of the bridge.

Taking off his hat and looking back at the carriage passing through the pedestrian-traveled streets, Emlyn let out a low laugh, and walked into the Harvest Church.

In the middle of a street tree and the iron-black gas lamppost, an inconspicuous shadow suddenly floated, and Leonard Mitchell with black hair and green eyes appeared.

He appeared so silently that he did not attract the attention of any passers-by.

"A member of the Earth Mother Church?" Leonard frowned slightly, as if talking to himself.

He paused for two seconds before leaving the Rose Flower Street where the Harvest Church was located.

After a moment.

"7000 pounds? Why didn't he grab it?" Above the gray fog, Klein almost blurted out when he heard "Moon" Emlyn's return.

According to the amount of reward offered by "Flower Bow Tie" Jodson, the third officer of the "Golden Dream", Klein speculates that the price of similar magical items is around 5000 pounds, and even if the premium is at most 6000 pounds, who knows, Leonard M. Chell directly offered 7000 pounds!
500 pounds for Extraordinary items, and [-] pounds for "Moon" Emlyn!
Could it be an item left over from a higher sequence, and stealing other people's extraordinary abilities is just one of the effects?No, if that's the case, the price would have to start at 1 pounds... Poet student, why didn't I know you were a profiteer before? You clearly behaved very freely and didn't care much about money... Klein couldn't help but sigh A few words.

Now that there are already clues, the dawn has been seen, and the solution can be solved with money, Klein does not want to seek other channels to avoid accidents.

He quickly calculated his net worth and found that it was an affordable price:

"Darkwell actually found me and asked me to escort him to another island, then count his prepaid commission fee of 300 pounds, his savings all the time, deduct the 200 pounds paid to Miss 'Magician', I am now There are a total of 8467 pounds of banknotes plus 5 gold coins, not counting the change of 3 soli and 8 pence."

"I'm much richer than I imagined. Even in Backlund, I can be called a rich man."

"In addition, Miss 'Justice' will pay off the previous 2000 pounds arrears this week, and my funds can be fully turned over. It's a pity that I didn't find a replacement for herding this time, otherwise I can add the one that Miss 'Justice' needs 'Psychiatrist' trait."

Klein took a breath, holding back the heartache from bleeding profusely.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and let the banknote fly over from the top of the pile of debris and land on the table.

Weather: Thunderstorm turning cloudy.

Location: Not on the map.

Distance to nearest island: unknown.

Status: Lost.

This is the third time that Agaritu picked up the map to confirm the direction today. After entering the ruins of God War, the compass has lost its function.He seemed to see a bunch of words like "I can't navigate you ahead" and "The level is not enough, the map ahead has not been opened yet" floating in the distant sky.

Perhaps due to the spiritual influence of the Evernight Goddess, the astrology in this part of the sky is chaotic and cannot correspond to the astrology required for navigation at all.

The spiritual power is surprisingly active, and unstable gaps in the spiritual world have been created in many places, and there are even shallow overlaps between the phantoms of the astral world and the real sky outside.He exploded twice last night because he was not cautious enough to watch the stars, but fortunately he was not too polluted.

The power of many gods is extremely unstable in these ruins, the whispers that cannot be listened to carefully, the visions produced by countless Extraordinary characteristics and spiritual legacy.

The ritual will be affected here, and chanting the name of a god or even some honorable names may cause a reaction from the remaining power.

Therefore, the blood sacrifice seems so unnecessary, it is difficult to sacrifice to a specific great existence, and it is also difficult to stabilize the spiritual channel.

Of course.As a sprite of a great being, he has an internal line to contact Edward, but the signal of the internal line also has a certain delay and packet loss because the power of the gods is too mixed.Once, he almost aroused the remaining power of the "Bound God" who was here for some reason, and was bound into a demon mummy on the spot, and it took a lot of effort to transform back.

The connection with the main body made him immune to most of the ravings, but the pollution in the immediate place still had to be dealt with by himself.

The way to deal with it is also very simple, just let the body die once.

The power of the "Bound God" appeared here, proving that he also participated in that battle?It's been so long ago, I can't remember exactly.

After reshaping his brain twice, he was also a little uncertain whether what he saw now was real, and whether it was heading east, so he chose to ask the "Death". The "Death" confirmed that they were indeed still sailing all the way to the east, but the speed of sailing became slower after entering the Sea of ​​God's War, coupled with various negative effects, they would continue to have hallucinations and make misjudgments.

"I just lost control for one night, and you guys don't seem to move anymore."

"We are advancing, we are advancing, we have sailed two meters!"

Agaritu looked at the grape eyes and grape vine mouth growing on the deck of the "Death", and couldn't help but ask, do you really think you are sober now?The vines in a circle said one by one that I think my spirit is quite normal, but I am just a boat, so why don't you ask others?
Ok.Agarito said.And burnt the vines and grapes, but soon they grew again.

He went upstairs to the deck, and saw all kinds of crops going up around the mast, the side of the ship, and the sails. The deck looked like a plantation, and there were still a few sucked slaves hanging on the vines. And the crew, reminiscent of worms on a spider's web.

There is no sun or moon in the sky, except for the messy stars that seem to be thrown up at random, there are only clouds.The entire sky is like a dark oil painting, with thick brushstrokes and very freehand brushstrokes. The only highlights are the white translucent areas in the clouds.

The captain was not surprised by this scene, he bypassed the No. [-] crew member who had been converted to someone but was talking nonsense and praying loudly, stepped over the No. [-] crew member who fell to the ground with broken pots, A figure suddenly appeared behind him, and said loudly to him:


Agaritu turned his head, only to see his second pair of eyes were bloodshot, surrounded by dark spirits, who looked a little abnormally excited.

"what's up?"

A ferocious smile appeared on Kirchies' face: "Where are we going next?"

"Continue to go east." Agaritu said perfunctorily to the crew, "Land Abandoned by God."

"Captain, your sea chart must be wrong. The Eastern Continent and the Western Continent are just legends! How can a mysterious place that cannot be found by the major churches really exist? I guess you are looking for the lost abyss, but you are lost !" Gilcies looked delirious, and doubled his nonsense, "You gave up searching for the 'Sunken Laurel' halfway, and didn't pursue the legacy of the Balam Empire. Could it be that you were really afraid of the Spiritual Cult's attack? Those people? The 'Death Messenger' last time was just a demigod, not comparable to the great 'Death'! Captain, you are cowardly, you are no longer suitable to be the spokesperson of the 'Death', you should change me come on!"

"Great 'Death'! I am your most loyal..."

Agaritu sent him flying with a straight punch, right on the bridge of the nose of Kirchies who was talking non-stop.Kirchies' face was beaten into a funnel, and his body rolled all the way out and smashed into the cabin.A few seconds later, the "Death" self-repaired and repaired the broken boards, and the noisiest crew on the ship finally fell silent for a while.

He turned and started looking for other crew members who could communicate.I saw that the crew members who were praying crazily just now turned into morning glory stands, and took root on the deck in a posture of kneeling on the ground, wrapped around the body with ever-growing turquoise vines, with a huge morning glory on the head .

Agaritu kicked him, and the morning glory turned tremblingly, revealing a face with foaming eyes from its stamens.With a weird smile like neurotoxicity remaining on his face, he made a slow voice:


"I want to see who you were praying to just now, and now I know." Agaritu reached out and grabbed the morning glory, and the heads of the crew members were also picked off, and rolled out of the stamens onto the deck.After rolling a few times on the ground, new tender green tiny tentacles emerged from the seven orifices, which quickly turned the crew's head into a new ecological flower mud.

"This is the remaining spiritually active sea area of ​​the Mother Earth? I remember that I was still in the area of ​​the storm before I lost control."

"The residual spirituality of the Sea of ​​Gods War is in disarray, maybe it's just that they accidentally aroused the spirituality of the earth..."

He moved a table, found a flat surface, and put the simple chart that he had drawn for several days on it. He listened carefully, and then there was a muffled sound in his head, and blood flowed from his ears and eyes. come out.

A huge heartbeat suddenly rushed into his mind, literally rushing in!
The heartbeat of the same frequency also sounded on the ship, from the crew members who fell asleep to escape from reality. Their original heartbeats at different speeds gradually approached that huge heartbeat, and finally completely merged into it!
dong dong!dong dong!
"The body part of a mythical creature is located 400 meters to the left."

"What does it say...?"

Agaritu released his spirituality and listened carefully for a while, then bean vines grew out of his eye sockets, and bloody wheat ears grew out of his ears, and his whole person instantly became a fertile sculpture.The sculpture raised an arm full of flowers and fruits, and grabbed the ears of wheat, but after thinking about it, he still didn't reach out to pull it out, because this pulling would probably pull out his brains in strips.

The pores and blood vessels are stuffed with vines, the roots are pierced into the flesh, and in the center of the open flowers is a mouth full of sharp teeth, and in the middle of the mouth grows an eyeball that looks around.

This brought great pain, but Agaritu temporarily separated the pain and continued to listen intently to the whispers that accompanied the heartbeat.

"Praise be to the great O... Mi... Harvest... Bella?"

A god who symbolizes a good harvest?The ruins of God War along the coast of the Eastern Continent are the result of the battle where the Creator got rid of the original consciousness. During the Creator's period, the God who symbolized the harvest... Ome Bella?I don't have any impression, the name of the current Goddess of the Earth?

He drew a circle and made a mark on the chart, and saw that the circles and squares were filled with various signs.

"So, when you come here, no one can sleep, and people who are awake can't listen..."

As soon as this sentence was written, Agaritu heard some movement behind him, and saw the crew No. [-] sleeping on the deck gradually collapsed into brown-green flower mud, and then merged together, turning into a huge monster.The monster's head, shoulders, and abdomen were still surging, and the painful faces of three of them emerged, and their mouths were still trembling!

"Praise you..."



Before these faces could finish a complete sentence of praise, a huge dark blue flame rose from the "Death", enveloping the entire flagship, and carefully burning everything on it .The flower mud monster was burned to dry all the water and became a stiff solid, turning into a strange and terrifying statue, which slowly precipitated a low-sequence characteristic.The plants and crops on Agaritu's body were burnt to bloody ashes, which fell down one after another, taking away the pain.

The flames blocked the inaudible babblings, and also took away the vitality of the plants, burning the corpses and the plants wrapped around the ship to ashes.

The "Death" was finally free, and according to the guidance of the spirituality, it continued to sail toward a possibly safe sea area in the east.

After getting away from the terrifying heartbeat and the excessively rich sea water, a certain degree of tranquility finally ushered in on board.There are dozens of other crew members accompanying them, and these fragile low-sequence powerhouses and ordinary people are canaries used to test for danger.This trip took no one except the crew on the flagship, and even the first officer stayed on the base island to watch the house.

Far away from the abundant spirituality, the flames gradually extinguished, and the flowing fog and seemingly calm sea in the Sea of ​​Gods War were revealed in Agaritu's eyes.He looked at the fog for a while, and felt that it seemed to be a product of the "Hunter" path.

"God War Sea Territory, it's dangerous not to be a demigod, but even more dangerous to be a demigod."

That gray fog is most likely the "fog of war" at the "weather warlock" level, which isolates exploration and divination.But now drifting aimlessly in the sea in the form of residual spirituality, once it enters, it may be captured and become part of the fog.

Fog, unnamed ships, classic components of sea horror tales.

Agaritu turned the bow of the boat, and passed by the flowing mist dangerously.

Floating, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, and saw another ship appeared far ahead.

A large sailing ship carrying about 100 people, there is no flag, no identification mark on the bow, and the crew are dressed like adventurers rather than sailors.But there were people coming and going on the boat, and it looked lively.

The demigod's eyesight was clearly better, and he was sure no one on that ship had seen him yet.

A muzzle on the ship's side of the "Death" was raised, the shells rolled into the barrel automatically, the fuse was ignited, and the cannon fire was fired after a loud noise.

Agaritu stared at the ship that suddenly appeared. After more than ten seconds, the ship was hit by a shell and shook violently, bursting into flames.

"Not an illusion."

"There is no high sequence, nor is it an organization, treasure hunter?"

Although what was fired just now was an ordinary shell without any spirituality, the people on board were still caught off guard by the sudden attack.There was running around mending the shell of the damaged deck, and someone immediately set up binoculars to see where the attack was coming from.

"My God!"

On the treasure hunter's boat, the blond hunter who stared wide-eyed for a long time suddenly dropped the binoculars and shouted, "It's the death ship!"

"Everyone can get together a discount coupon for the coffin!"


An ordinary handsome hunter.

(End of this chapter)

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