Chapter 201 Black Monastery

After entering the safe road on the right, Agaritu walked a few hundred meters forward and saw a gate that had been opened.

This gate is entirely made of bronze, without spiritual brilliance, and is an ordinary item.It's thick, ancient, engraved with abstract running wolves (but drawn like spiders because of too many legs), giants wielding huge stone clubs and weapons, humans only the size of a giant's palm, a sun bigger than a giant , Thunder and clouds floating in the sky.

The sun is at the top, occupying a large space, with radial straight lines to express the light, and there are many patterns with the characteristics of the past era in the gaps, which are filled to the brim.

The door opened from the middle, and the sun was divided into two symmetrical halves. The part engraved with humans happened to be separated from the side of giants and demon wolves. The exquisite conception contained hints of the history at that time.

This bronze gate has been preserved quite well, and it is an important cultural relic that can shake the archaeological world. Its status may be compared with the "Simuwuding" in the old civilization. Research from scratch.And judging from the performance of the sculpture, the sun occupies the supreme position, and the eternal blazing sun may become the biggest winner.

Of course, it is more likely that this item was blocked by the major churches as soon as it was released on the market, or it was destroyed on the spot because it did not have the characteristics of a sealed item.

Inheriting the ontology's preference for "lost things" and the instinct of discovery, the split spirit also had a strong interest in this sculpture, raised the lamp in his hand a little higher, carefully studied the sculpture with a sense of ritual, and brought them together. are recorded in their memory.

There is an inconspicuous mechanism on the ground behind the door, as long as you step on it, the door will slowly close.

After carefully reading all the carvings on the door, Agaritu was about to enter the door when he suddenly noticed a hidden mural illuminated by the light in his hand.He wasn't sure if the mural had just appeared, because all his attention had been on the gate itself.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he chose to turn around, raised the lamp in his hand, and approached the mural.

This mural is connected to the mural outside, but it should not be made by the same person. The one in front of me is obviously more refined and freehand, while the one outside is more similar to symbolic signs, or even the expression of words.

He saw the mural clearly.

Above the mural is a sea of ​​burning flames, which splits in the middle and splits a path.

On the road, there is a long line of members who either bow their heads piously or kneel on the ground, aiming at the depths of the sea.

Their leader was a tall, thin man with long silver hair, soft features, closed eyes, and layers of wings on his back.

Agaritu's expression remained unchanged. A name came to his lips, but it was not spoken.

Then he said, "Do you understand?"

There was silence in the dark and narrow passage, and after a few seconds, a foot appeared silently on the edge of the light, then two legs, and finally a person walked into the area covered by the light, bowing slightly.

"Understood, honorable captain."

Anderson spat out the blood in his mouth, and said with a bright smile: "This is the pilgrimage road of a certain god in the legend of the ancient era. The right side is for people, and the left side is for sacrifices. The sacrificial flock Go ahead, so you are the pilgrim who is the last to disembark."

He was wearing a blood-stained white shirt and a torn black vest. There was a lot of blood on his face and body, and he had a wound on his abdomen, but it was not serious.

This answer is barely enough, at least not illiterate... Agaritu turned to him: "Are they all dead?"

Anderson moved into the light, then plopped down on the ground, tore a long strip of cloth from his own clothes, and bandaged the opening on his arm, which he had been covering with his hand.With a cloth strip in his mouth, he said vaguely:
"Yes, honorable captain."

"We were attacked by an Extraordinary item and an Extraordinary creature, our Dawn Knight failed to block the sealed item stronger than him, and our wizard also failed to correctly identify the Extraordinary creature that would turn into someone else. And captain, your subordinates have no idea of ​​uniting and fighting. With all due respect, he is stupid and arrogant. He just sits and watches us being killed and retreats, but doesn't want to think about who will cooperate with them after we die. So in the end they all died."

Agaritu was a little surprised, but not surprised.

A Sealed Artifact used to slaughter livestock does not need a high sequence, if it is higher than "Warrior"'s sequence 6, then it has a high probability of being a sequence 5.The "human-skinned shadow" that I saw on the road that has been harassing the team is just a piece of material corresponding to the Sequence 6 of "Seer".In the team of adventurers and sailors, there are two Sequence 5s and more than two Sequence 6s in Anderson and Gilshees, and they are all experienced Beyonders. Their overall strength is much higher than that of the opponent. Punches can beat Sealed Artifacts and Extraordinary creatures to such a degree that they cannot be prototyped.

However, just because they fell into the darkness and couldn't grasp the situation immediately, they were all killed by the enemy with an overwhelming advantage in a short period of time, almost defenseless.

It's just a pity that their Extraordinary characteristics will probably be taken as part of the sacrifices and taken away by the pilgrims of the Aurora Order.

He already knew who the person who had been here before was.

The mural signs along the way, the carvings of the ancient sun god era, the cross emblem, and modern products, the high probability of coming here is the pilgrimage team of the Aurora Society who went to the Eastern Continent for a routine pilgrimage in October last year, but suddenly lost contact for some reason!

"Be happy, Gilcias is dead, no one wants to kill you now," Agaritu said, "How did he die?"

Anderson laughed very honestly and kindly.

"When I heard the Dawn Knight finally calling us to run, I knew it was over, and turned around and ran immediately."

"He ran away too."

"He ran with a few other people, and the sealed item chased after him. If he got closer to five meters, he would trip a person."

"In the end he also wanted to trip me, but I was faster than him!" Anderson smiled and made a punching motion, "He fell, and I ran out as hard as I could, and then ran out of the sacrifice passage , saw the murals and came here.”

After speaking this long paragraph, Anderson let out a long breath, and his expression became weak and sluggish.

He said very sincerely: "My lord captain, maybe there will be a place for me, a pathfinder, in the future, but I am almost starving to death."

Agaritu smiled: "You can live for more than five hours, and the corpse may also be useful."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at the "Angel of Destiny" on the mural behind him, and said meaningfully:

"You walked into the road of sacrifice but escaped safely. Perhaps this is also the choice of fate. You may pray in your heart, praying that fate will choose you again."

Behind him, Anderson, who already knew that it was impossible to get any charity, looked even more ugly. He knew very clearly that his physical and mental state had slipped into an extremely dangerous situation.His eyes were dizzy, but he still forced a smile and said: "Fate? I'm sorry, Captain, I don't really believe in this. If I believe in fate, I should be serving the plate in the restaurant in my hometown now."

"Someone predicted that you'd be serving plates in a restaurant?"

The devil chatted with him casually, and walked towards the open door. Anderson didn't dare to hesitate, stood up forcefully, and followed behind staggeringly.

"My homeroom teacher, old man." This time, Anderson's bright smile, which seemed to be pretending to be fake, was a little real because of the memory. I went to study art, but I didn't like to draw according to the requirements of those old bone examiners, so I ended up skipping school."

"Apostasy." Agaritu said, "It sounds like you belong to the Church of the God of Knowledge."

——The word class teacher is a special term that can be called Lunburg.

Because it has the meaning of "professor who manages the class" and "priest" at the same time, a more accurate translation should be "responsible bishop for small class system". Only the clergy of the Church of Knowledge have the two responsibilities of priest and teacher at the same time.

Therefore, as soon as this title appeared, it was applied for by the bishops of Lemburg, who believed that the term was specially designed for them by Emperor Russell the Great.But for some reason, Emperor Roselle, who coined the term, insisted on using this informal "head teacher" as the official translation.

Anderson stepped on the mechanism winkingly, and the thick bronze door slowly closed behind them.

"I have a flexible approach to prayer."

He didn't say much about his beliefs, because he didn't have any serious beliefs at all: "You are right, but my apostasy is just playing truant in the old man's eyes, and he is even glad that the class is finally gone." I found a man named Anderson Hood who pulled the average score to the bottom every week. On the night I skipped school, he opened the door for me and gave me a map. He said that going outside as a traveler to investigate the customs and customs is also a good employment direction , so he arranged a hundred travel essays for me, telling me the route to go abroad, for fear that I would be caught as a smuggler and embarrass him.”

Anderson suddenly couldn't continue. He felt that he was explaining his life, as if the next step was to find a place to lie down, and after finishing his last words, he died with a smile.

But the devil captain turned his head: "Hurry up, it's time to get on the road."

The dark corridor, the devil with the lamp, and the murals praising the ancient gods along the way... Anderson laughed dryly and quickened his pace, feeling that he was really going to die forever.

He suppressed his embarrassment and delicate mood, made a haha, and continued in a lively atmosphere:
"On the way out of the country, I met an old man who told fortunes on the bridge. He was talking nonsense and the fees were very expensive."

"I saw that he hadn't eaten for a few days, so I went to do the math and asked him which country I should go to. He said that I should go to the restaurant to serve the dishes."

"In the first few years when I came out, I didn't take this sentence seriously, but after staying at sea for a long time, I occasionally thought that it might be good to serve the plate. But I didn't really want to serve the plate. I escaped for novelty and excitement. life."

After walking a few steps in silence, he smiled briskly:
"This adventure in the Land Abandoned by God is also very exciting, honorable captain."

Agaritu didn't answer. In the aisle, there was only the sound of the soles of shoes on the ground, echoing in the empty environment.

Soon, a flickering light source appeared at the end, which should be the lightning from the outside world.

In the murals, the believers who are kneeling or advancing quietly freeze in different postures, walking in front in the direction of the exit, and the leader holding a wooden stick raises his hands to welcome the light after the darkness.

——If there is no lightning and darkness, the long and depressing walkway should be followed by the sun's rays, which is a baptism.

Walking out of the passage, the outside world came into view.

Two gloomy towers and black buildings are connected to each other by covered bridges, enclosing a wide gray stone square.

The square is full of potholes, huge arrows are inserted, and several fires are burning, as if they have been attacked before.

Looking from a distance, there are lights in several windows of the building, and there are actually people living in this kind of place!

The rain here is much lighter, and it is no longer the overwhelming momentum that seemed to drown everything.The square is very spacious, but the two people's footsteps are not slow, and they soon reached the black building in the middle.

The building has many steeples, followed by dwelling houses.The style is similar to the Gothic building of the old era, with a cross on the top, which looks like a church or a monastery.

Agaritu approached the monastery, reached out and knocked on the door.After a long silence, when he was about to knock on the door again, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind the black door, and then the door tilted slightly, revealing a palm-width gap.

Behind the gap is a hand holding a candlestick, a red candle burning slowly.

Behind the hand was a tall man, a weather-beaten man with deep wrinkles on his forehead, eyes, and mouth, but his hair was black and shiny, without a single silver strand.

His linen tunic is simple and simple, his expression is serene and calm, and his rare pure black eyes are full of curiosity about the guests and the kind smile unique to the clergy.

Agaritu quickly retrieved the corresponding face from his memory—it was absolutely correct, this was the "Saint of Black" that Aurora would lose contact with, Leo Master!
However, the face in memory is very different from the current Leo Master in terms of temperament. The "Black Saint" has a deep and gloomy look, and like other mystics, he likes to hide himself in the shadows. The actions also have the typical fanaticism and neuroticism of true creator believers.

He has reached the middle, late or even the end of the pilgrimage, but there has been no news at all.

There must be something wrong with him.

"Welcome, everyone who can come here is a lamb under the guidance of the Lord."

Leomaster said with a smile on his face: "But I'm sorry, I can't let you in. The Lord's test is in this monastery. You can join us, practice penance together, witness miracles, and redeem yourself."

"In the monastery?"

"Yes, this is an inevitable test." The ascetic monk replied, "When we come here, the corresponding demons will also appear. Those who are not devout will die, and believers with firm beliefs can be redeemed and gain new life."

I didn't understand at all.The devil thought.

However, the meaning behind this sentence is probably the reason why the Pilgrim team lost contact. It seems that there has been a lot of loss.

He thought for a while, hesitating whether he should reveal that he knew the identity of the other party, and finally he chose to ask directly:
"who are you?"

Leo Master was not surprised by this question and answered it calmly.

"I am an ascetic named Leo Master, from a religious order."

Anderson had a strange expression on his face. He could tell that the ascetic was rather reserved, but the black inverted cross on the top of the monastery made the words "Aurora Order" written on the ascetic's face.

"The easternmost part of the Sunya Sea is the place where my Lord sleeps, and His holy mountain is hidden somewhere here. I led a pilgrimage team here and was tested by the Lord, so I stayed here to practice penance. .”

Agaritu didn't respond to these words. Although he was a little curious about what the "demon" the other party was talking about, Leomaster didn't seem to intend to tell this stranger the details of the test, so he asked straight to the point again:

"Passing through the monastery, you can enter the sanctuary?"

Leo Master shook his head slowly: "The Lord bore the sins of the world and hangs upside down at the end of the world. His sanctuary rejects everyone and will only open when the judgment of the end is approaching."

Does this mean you can't pass?Agaritu asked again: "Where is the edge of the island ahead?"

Leomaster said through the crack of the door:
"Bypass here, go all the way east, across the dark sea abyss, but the long bridge leading to the sanctuary has been cut off."

After getting the information he wanted, Agaritu immediately turned his head with the lamp, preparing to bypass the black monastery from the left.

Seeing this, Anderson approached cautiously, squeezed out a smile and looked at the gentle and kind ascetic behind the crack of the door:
"Excuse me, as you can see I am wounded, can you give me some food or water? Although it is the Lord's forgiveness to die at the end of the pilgrimage, I feel that I can still do something for the Lord while I am alive." More contributions."

Anderson's respectful title for the real creator made all the two demigods present turn their heads. Leo Master's eyes moved slightly, and his smile became more kind:

"His name we hallowed."

"His kingdom come."

Anderson naturally dotted four times on his body, drew a cross, and answered skillfully: "Praise the Lord who created everything, the fallen nature of all living beings, and may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

"When did you receive the guidance of the Lord?"

Anderson replied solemnly: "When I was hungry and penniless wandering on the streets of Intis."

He didn’t say what he said later, a pious believer like Leo Master would naturally beautify it as being helped by his compatriots and then generate faith, but the situation at the time was that Anderson sent himself to the Jagged Cross when he was working as a part-time food delivery in front of the members.

As a low-sequence hunter, he was caught in this way, and the employee benefits and salary of the Jagged Cross really moved his heart for a while. He ran away with a bucket.

I worked for less than a quarter in total, and left a large number of untouched documents and reports before leaving.

Leo Master was sympathetic, nodded and said: "Please wait a moment."

The door was closed, and opened again after a few minutes. Leo Master brought a water bag that was still warm, and two pieces of fluffy and delicious bread.Just seeing the bread, Anderson immediately felt his saliva secreting rapidly, and his hunger could no longer be suppressed.

"This is the sacrament given by the Lord, His blood and flesh, and when we share Him, we become fellow citizens."

After Leomaster finished speaking, Anderson couldn't wait to take a bite of the pancake.

The bread is also heated, and at this moment its deliciousness surpasses all the delicacies I have eaten.But before he had time to taste the texture of the bread, a voice suddenly came from his mind:
"Praise the Lord! Praise the great Lord!"

Anderson let out an earth-shattering cough.


I have been too busy these days, and I have been delirious from learning to learn a driver's license, so I don't pay attention to the pain caused by the subscription dive.

Regarding the real creation of the Origin Castle mentioned at the end of the last chapter... I don’t have it in my plan, and even if there is, it will be a long, long, long time.

(End of this chapter)

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