Chapter 208 Descends from the sky
Meanwhile, in the darkness, Colonel Alfred Hall galloped down the road with a small party to the nearest port.

There were only more than 20 people in this team, and they were guarding around a carriage. On the carriage was the governor who was rescued by them desperately.

They ran out from the hidden door of the Governor's Palace, put the terrified Governor into the car, and fled without stopping.

Colonel Hall, who led the team, was sweating from his forehead and was blown through by the icy evening wind.This morning, General Amyrius Leavitt had just arrived here, and in the early hours of the morning, he and others had to rely on this private military port to escape for their lives.

His good friend, Major Pagani, was also beside him, holding the rein with one hand and pressing the hat on his head with the other.

"Is Admiral Leavitt all right?" Pagani asked anxiously on his horse.

Alfred didn't look sideways: "This is not what we should consider."

"The admiral gave us an order to escort the governor safely away."

"Damn, how can you always be so calm? Doesn't this make me look like a waste?" Pagani made a joke with a pale face, barely enlivening the atmosphere.After all, in the battle of demigods, the two mid-sequence Extraordinary beings are useless at all.

The gas lamp on this road was still on, and the light dispelled the fear in Alfred's heart.

No one spoke for a while, and the chaotic sound of horseshoes echoed on the road in the early morning.

He took the time to look back, and saw that everyone was performing their duties, quiet and steady, and it was a team of quite good quality.

Alfred was a little surprised. He vaguely remembered that the soldiers he came with had various shortcomings when they set off from the Northern Continent, because many of them were the sons of low-level nobles or merchants who wanted to be gilded or mixed with seniority. Take the time to find street girls and drink while in port, and the occasional altercation on board.He thought that this group of low-quality soldiers would run amok in the colony, but after arriving in the colony, the disturbances were significantly reduced.

During this period of time, he didn't pay much attention, and he had already exercised so well.

When Alfred looked back at the others, Pagani beside him was also looking at him.Pagani's body was facing forward, but his head was strangely turned to the side, staring at Alfred without blinking, eerie and terrifying.

Alfred turned back, and he turned back with him.

"How long have we been going?" he asked after a while.

The blond colonel squinted his eyes: "About ten minutes."

"That's almost there." Pagani pretended to be relaxed, "That means there are still 10 minutes..."


The gas street lights began to flicker.

A strange aura coiled around, and it seemed to be catching up from behind the team. This clean night seemed to be foggy suddenly, gloomy and cold, revealing an indescribable gloom.

"Damn, something's wrong." Pagani's expression changed.

"Don't stop, keep going." Alfred also looked solemn.

The two mid-sequence Extraordinary looked left and right, but saw nothing.

Their vision was obstructed, and they couldn't see clearly what was five meters away, but the surrounding darkness seemed to press over here, and the gas lamp became dimmer and almost extinguished.

This may be because the order of pursuers is higher than them, or it may be because they are not good at dealing with the enemy's extraordinary ability.

"It's the Spiritual Cult that is catching up." Pagani's face changed slightly, "This kind of sneaky thing must be them, bastard, the Spiritual Cult took the opportunity to capture the city and even catch up? The native leader must be a traitor! Already colluded!"

The middle and low ranks of the "Judger" pathway have no obvious restraint relationship with extraordinary abilities such as spirit bodies, and if they are not restrained, they also have no more effective means of repelling the enemy.This situation is normal, but this kind of vision obstruction is to remind them of the danger.

"People haven't caught up yet."

Although there were some extraordinary forces, there were no dead people, no monsters or corpses, which proved that the pursuers were not weak and were far away. Alfred relaxed a little and continued to march forward.

The road is not too long, but it will take some time.

Move on for a moment.

The surrounding environment is getting darker, the light is getting worse, and the gas street lamp can no longer illuminate the surrounding environment.Only the lanterns carried by the team still had some light, and the rest of the place was completely dark. Even the trees by the roadside could not be seen clearly, only a black outline could be seen.

"The Spiritual Sect is preventing us from escaping." Alfred said slowly after observing the surrounding situation.

Pagani nodded with an ugly face: "Tsk, what are they trying to do? Catch us all?"

Alfred didn't answer, he stretched out his hand, facing the front, a majestic and undeniable aura suddenly exuded from his body:

"Extraordinary interference is prohibited here!"

As soon as the words fell, the darkness in front and side receded like a tide, and the gas street lamps that had been extinguished seemed to get rid of some shackles, and turned on again one after another.The surrounding environment became clear again, and the trees on the side of the road appeared in everyone's eyes.

But the good times didn't last long. After only ten seconds, the darkness came again, and the environment became dangerous again.

"It works, but this is not the way."

Pagani suddenly gritted his teeth, and said to Alfred: "If we don't stop the person behind us, we will be delayed forever, or even deviate from the route, and we will die in vain if we are chased by the pursuers."

As he said that, he pulled the rein, and the horse began to drift sideways, approaching the edge of darkness.

"Come back, Pagani!" Alfred was moved, "The two of us are spiritual enough to survive the remaining 10 minutes."

Pagani asked back: "Can you guarantee it, Alfred?"

As if to confirm his words, at the end of the line, a cavalryman was overtaken by the darkness, and the lantern in his hand quickly went out.After a while, there were several sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground in the darkness.

Alfred looked ugly and remained silent.

Pagani smiled bitterly: "Look."

"It's useless to run away. The pursuers will definitely eat us. But he didn't dare to approach, he only dared to slowly nibble at the back, which proves that he is not very strong."

Alfred Hall didn't speak anymore. He was a person who knew when to advance and when to retreat. He would not take chances, nor would he use chances to comfort others.At this moment, facing his friend's words, he couldn't find any words to respond to.

"Live." In the end, that was all Alfred said.

Pagani smiled easily, but did not answer.With a jerk of the reins he broke away from the ranks, and a third of the cavalry followed suit.They stopped silently on the side of the road and were quickly overtaken by Alfred.

One second before being swallowed by darkness, Pagani waved his arms high as a farewell.

Then, he jumped off the horse easily, jumped vigorously on the ground, and imitated Alfred's appearance and shouted "No interference with extraordinary abilities is allowed here!" A small area was illuminated, and then a knight Falling off the horse, the body wrapped in light armor fell to the ground, making a muffled sound.

A member of the spiritual sect with a face as pale as a corpse came in the darkness. He had already got the news first, and knew that the officer in front of him was the internal response, so he naturally played with him face to face, and fought back and forth.

After repeating it several times, the voice of Alfred's team had completely disappeared.

"It's best to leave here. If I follow them back to Loen, my disguised identity will definitely be discovered."

Pagani—the "faceless doll"—turned around in a circle and kicked a small stone away. He straightened his collar, and the Extraordinary characteristics that originally belonged to "Pagani" were hidden in his body. Body, so you can use some "judgment" abilities.

Members of the Spiritual Sect looked at the corpse of this manipulated Extraordinary with great curiosity. He was curious as to why the body of this dead Extraordinary was still alive. He wanted to know the way of manipulating the corpse and his ability to drive the corpse. What is the difference... In short, he wanted to take the "faceless doll" back and study it carefully.

Pagani felt the vague danger, turned his head vigilantly, and stared at the other party:

"I brought them."

"I should go now."

After finishing speaking, the helmet of one of the knights automatically fell from his head, revealing the governor's face.

His face was disturbed, and he seemed to have fallen into a coma, but he undoubtedly saved his life.

After the members of the Spiritual Order confirmed their identities with photos, they politely moved out of the way. Pagani bypassed him and ran away quickly without riding a horse.

After walking a few meters, he looked back vigilantly, and then suddenly fell to the ground, out of breath, and turned into a corpse.

The "faceless doll" lifted the head of the corpse, crawled out from the collar, and ran away with a rattling sound.


"I didn't catch up anymore..."

Alfred kept looking back, and after walking through that section, the phenomenon of surging darkness actually improved significantly, the lights slowly turned on, the road became clearly visible, and the danger was gradually moving away.

The pursuer was stopped.

Similarly, Pagani did not catch up.

Alfred's face was heavy, with no expression on his face, as if he had become an escort robot without emotion.

After about 5 minutes, his eyes lit up, and the lights in charge of the port appeared.

"My lord governor, we have arrived at the port." He said immediately.

There was no sound from the carriage.

Alfred's heart skipped a beat, and a terrifying guess suddenly appeared in his mind. He immediately ordered the team to stop, got off his horse, strode to the carriage, and pulled the door out forcefully!
Sitting in the carriage was not the governor at all, but a strange corpse that had been dead for a long time!

Alfred's pupils shrank suddenly, and he almost couldn't stand up.

Its daybreak.

After a night of chaos, Aldera has become a dead city, mutilated corpses roam the roads, and there are no living figures.

Edward looked into the distance, made a gesture of a pistol, pointed it in a direction in the distance, and said: "Bang."

The thunder and lightning and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly disappeared,
He moved his arm slightly again, and pointed the gun in another direction that was very close.

Just as he was about to make a sound, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, right in front of the gun:

"Don't kill him."

Edward's gaze shifted to the stranger standing in front of him, and he asked unsurprisingly, "Is it okay?"

"The arrival of Amyrius Leavitt was an accident, and I don't intend to let him die here." The pale body with ashen eyes said calmly, "Negan died in a sneak attack, and Javier was killed by Amy." Si kills, that's enough."

"..." Edward lowered his arm slowly, but his eyes were still looking in that direction, "I'm not in the habit of letting people who are not planned live, he will die, but not now."


The corpse didn't have any objection to this sentence, he just needed Amyrius to pass on Aldera's information.

"You can now tell me where Siea might be."

The corpse replied: "West Balam, Kukva of Uttar Pradesh."

Not too far, about a hundred kilometers in a straight line.Edward asked, "What kind of sacrifice is it?"

"I don't have detailed information." The corpse said, "but the Rose School of Thought invited the Spiritual Church to participate."

"Oh, it seems that the local religious order is very confident that they can entertain the members of the Spiritual Order." Edward said, "Since you said that is the most likely place for Sierra to appear, I believe you."

"Happy cooperation." The corpse said flatly, "If there is still a deal, Mirela will come to you."

Edward smiled: "Don't tell me his name, a demigod without any characteristics, no matter how many times you tell me, I will forget him, unless he becomes an angel... that's right."

"Who of yours mentioned the man-made Grim Reapers while chatting with me, I think it's very interesting, do you really think they wake up Grim Reapers through prayers and rituals?"

The corpse was silent for a long time this time, and finally shook his head: "No."

"Not only do I not believe it, on the contrary, I am very skeptical."

Seeing that He was willing to disclose more internal information, Edward continued to verify his guess: "Oh, why do you say that?"

"My ancestor, Azik Eggers is still alive. This involves a secret of our clan, but I can be sure that before Azik Eggers wakes up, the great god of death is still sleeping soundly in death sleep and will not respond anyone."

In the distant city, there was a slight fluctuation in the voice of the "Pale Queen" behind the veil, which was as stable as an iceberg.

"Therefore, I am skeptical, wondering who is responding to them..."

Edward's eyes narrowed slightly: "Perhaps it is indeed the remnant of 'Reaper' that has been activated."

"This is the best answer, but it's bad enough." The corpse didn't say any more, the control wire broke, his eyes closed slowly, and he fell at Edward's feet.

Edward kicked him to the side, and after standing there for a while, a brisk running sound came again, and the little wooden man appeared not far away, running all the way, grabbing Edward's trouser legs and climbing up, Finally got into the pocket of the windbreaker.

Edward patted his pockets, then turned around and left this completely dead city.


Olavi Naval Base.

"Still looking? We've searched three times."

A yellow-haired soldier yawned, and reluctantly walked forward behind his companion.

His companion is very active, walking up and down this grass:
"It can't be wrong, I saw a meteor last night, and the meteor fell in this place."

The yellow-haired soldier didn't take it seriously: "It's just a broken stone when it falls, what's the use of picking it up? Don't delay too long, morning exercises are going to be done soon, and the general may come to inspect today."

"It's too late, I'll take another look, and if I don't have it, I'll leave. Meteorites are very expensive, and many private collectors are willing to bid for them." The companion is still eager to try, "Some special meteorites will even be purchased by the church, and I heard that meteorites The quality is very good...”

"Acquisition by the church?" The yellow hair asked curiously, "What kind of special ability can be acquired by the church?"

"I don't know, I just heard." The companion looked around for a while, then suddenly looked in a certain direction, "There is a trace there!"

He ran to a wasteland, and the yellow hair had to follow him. When he entered the range of the wasteland, he suddenly shivered.

"Is this a wasteland...?"

The yellow hair muttered in his mouth, and looked around with some unease, and found that the wasteland he was in was not too big or small, a circle with a radius of more than 20 meters, and there were weeds growing around, but there was nothing in this place. Like manicured.

Will someone come and mow the grass here?The yellow hair became more and more uneasy, so he had to look for the back of his companion, just in time to hear his companion shout:
"it's here!"

He was not far away, squatting on the ground, leaving behind the yellow-haired soldier, blocking what the other party was observing.

"Here it comes, take it and go quickly."

The yellow hair walked over quickly and stood behind him. There was a depression the size of an iron basin in front of the two of them. In the middle of the depression was a stone the size of a fist.Before it hit the ground, the stone should be bigger, covered with mysterious light green lines, looking like a handicraft, the yellow hair's eyes were attracted, and suddenly he could understand those collectors who bought meteorites.

"I think it can be sold at a good price." The companion said happily, reaching for it.

"Okay, then I'll go first." The yellow-haired soldier yawned again, turned around and was about to leave. He opened his eyes, and suddenly found that the place he was standing now was a bit strange, as if... it was in the middle of this wasteland .

No, it should be said that the falling point of this meteorite is the center of the wasteland, and I just happened to be standing here!

A meteorite that can turn the surrounding grass into wasteland?The yellow-haired man hurriedly turned his head, trying to remind his companions to throw away the stone, but when he turned around, he found that there was nothing behind him.

The companion disappeared.

Meteorites leave that groove.

The yellow-haired pupil narrowed slightly, pretending to be relaxed and talking to himself: "Maybe I left first..."

In fact, the height of the surrounding wild grass is less than a person's waist, so it is impossible to hide it anyway.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he pretended to be nonchalant and walked away slowly, grasping the holy emblem of the Lord of Storms hanging on his neckline tightly in his hands.

At this moment, he felt something under his feet.The yellow-haired soldier lowered his head, only to see a rotten and blackened bone under his feet, as if it had been buried in the soil for decades.

The shadow behind him slowly stood up, outlining a blue edge, the shadow stood up silently, and stretched out its hand towards the soldier.

The yellow-haired soldier fiddled with the bone with his toes suspiciously, and the bone shattered when touched, revealing a metal plate underneath.

The metal sign had been severely corroded. He squatted down and saw a name engraved on it.


This is the name of his companion.

The companion who was still talking to him just now appeared in front of his eyes in the shape of a pair of bones that had been dead for decades.

The yellow-haired soldier screamed. He tried to stand up and run away in a panic, but was horrified to find his own shadow standing there, with his hands on his shoulders.

After a short scream, the wasteland returned to silence, and the area seemed to expand a bit.

An illusory shadow stood on the ground, but upon closer inspection, it seemed to have disappeared into the sunlight.

Only a few rotten bones and an iron plate were left on the ground.


The double watch is over, I succeeded!
(End of this chapter)

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