226 Sea Battle
Agarito saw Klein Moretti.

I also saw a pair of transparent eyes on the "Future".


He looked again at the "Admiral of the Stars" who was waiting in full battle. She was staring at himself, and at the "Death".Judging from the expressions and movements, the other party didn't seem to know that the "Queen of Mysteries" was on her boat.

Even he himself couldn't see clearly, no, or Agarito didn't see Bernadette at all, but he knew that Bernadette was on this ship, because at the moment when the ship was stopped, there was an obvious The hostility flashed in the malicious perception.

The fairy tale magic of "mysterious reappearance"?A hidden story with the power of "Hidden Body"?

Now that Bernadette is on this ship, the policy needs to be changed.Bernadette's purpose is unknown, but part of the reason should be to protect the "Admiral of the Stars".So if Klein is hurt, will Bernadette stop it?If the "Admiral of the Stars" is hurt, to what extent will Bernadette show up?
Klein Moretti wants to find the mermaid in the sea of ​​ruins?He intends to advance to Sequence 5?This conjecture made Agaritu feel once again Klein's terrible promotion speed, and a certain sequence of the "Seer" path needs to be promoted with a mermaid. This is what Edward learned through Zaratul, because there are mermaids in the secret order, And the mermaid does not belong to any sequence of "Seer".

He did see mermaids a few times when he was running around in the ruins of the God War to complete the map, but those creatures saw the "Death" from a distance, so they dived into the water and escaped in a panic.

"Fire," he said.

"Admiral of the Stars" stood too close, standing not far from Klein.

In this case, there is no need to consider whether to avoid it or not.

At this moment, the symbols and magic signs on the bulkheads, decks, and masts of the "Future" lit up in distinct layers, like the densely packed sea of ​​stars on a moonless night.

Agaritu looked at the barrier indifferently, touched the saber on his waist with his fingers, and then slid down.

"Boom." He said succinctly.

Boom boom boom!
To deal with a ship that was not yet a sealed item, the "Death" only opened [-] gun ports on one side, and the spiritual brilliance exploded wantonly.

The faint blue, huge fireball exploded on the barrier composed of starlight, and almost one explosion dimmed the light of the entire "Future" by two points. As a special by-product of the Sequence 3 sealed item "Death", these Although the spiritual cannonball can't match the demigod's attack, it is far beyond what Sequence Five can resist.

Even if the "Dawn" came, the current "Death" would not immediately choose to turn around and run away as before, let alone just a weakened low-level version of the "Dawn"?
But soon, strange things happened.

From the perspective of the struggling crew members on the "Future", their mysterious magic protection is already in jeopardy. Even though it looked like the next shot would be broken every time, it used those faint starlight to hold up the next attack every time.

Bernadette was secretly protecting the ship.

She is waiting for me to retreat by myself?
This is true. Generally speaking, the four kings and seven at sea will be in a relatively stable state, and will not fight to the death if there is no reason to be hostile. "Undead King" and "Admiral of the Stars" obviously don't have any direct conflict of interest, but if it's "Queen of Mysteries", then there is.

After all, when I was in Bayam before, I lied to her and caused her to lose a lot of crew members.

If this continues, the "Queen of Mysteries" will definitely come to the stage to settle the old accounts.

But so what?
"Stop wasting shells."

"Raise the sidesail, turn the rudder to the right, and use the wind to retreat ten meters." He said, "Then aim at the direction of the future captain's cabin and hit it."

The cessation of the artillery fire gave the people on the "Future" a temporary respite, and the dilapidated starlight finally dimmed, as if it had reached its limit.

"The captain is really amazing." Frank Lee praised, "It's actually able to last so long."

Klein couldn't help but nodded. According to his estimation, he could probably block three to four shells with all his means just now. If he couldn't leave immediately during the interval between these shells, he would definitely be caught in the subsequent bombing. Danger.

And Cattleya the "Hermit" actually used the barrier formed by these arranged symbols to resist more than twenty shells. Such a strong strength made it hard for Klein to look sideways.

If it is really unstoppable, I will go to Origin Castle and use the "Sea God Scepter" to force him back... Klein is ready.

But he thought of the pair of eyes watching them from somewhere in the "Future", and he hesitated whether to do this or not.

At this time, Cattleya didn't know that the respect of the crew and the "world"'s evaluation of her strength were rising rapidly at the same time. She had no time to take care of the outside world. The bright ocean of "Show" seems to correspond one-to-one.

The strong wind rose out of thin air, and the sails adjusted by themselves. When the "Future" lost control of the sailors, its speed increased instead of decreasing, and it quickly moved away from the "Death".

Klein looked at the room with mysterious eyes watching the deck during the day, and found that the windows there were rattling by the strong wind, and there was nothing unusual about it.

The sailor shouted happily: "'Death' retreated!"

This exclamation made Cattleya turn her head suddenly, and she saw the "Death" retreated very naturally and quickly, turned the bow, looked at the direction, and rushed directly at an incredible speed!

The distance of a few hundred meters was fleeting, and the sharp impact angle of the "Death" was in front of Cattleya's eyes in a blink of an eye.Cattleya saw the lips of the "Undead King" move slightly, and the voice had already reached her ears.

Her reflection already appeared in those blood-red eyes full of malice.

"I haven't let you go yet!"

This sentence spread into the minds of all the crew members at the same time, and the words with eerie laughter kept echoing, sometimes like the language of the Northern Continent, sometimes like a spiritual word containing malice, sometimes hoarse, sometimes messy, Sometimes it was like raving, sometimes it was like singing. The sailors on the deck fell to the ground one by one and covered their ears forcibly, but they were still twisting and struggling in pain.

Some Extraordinary people began to grow fish scales on their bodies.

Klein was also affected, and felt his head was filled with all kinds of thoughts, some good, some bad, some bright, some dark.

They are extremely complex, and combined with the ever-changing voices, it creates a sense of swelling that feels like it will burst your head.

Klein's face twisted slightly, and the inconspicuous granulation buds were just about to move under the skin.

If he hadn't seen the ravings of the "True Creator" and Mr. "Gate" calling for help, if he hadn't been subjected to similar devastation every time he crossed the gray fog, and had already acquired a certain resistance, Klein would definitely be like the one beside him at this time. Like the famous "toxin expert" Frank Lee, he pressed his head, squatted down, and fought against the pain caused by that terrible laughter with a grim expression.

Klein noticed that short brown hairs grew on Frank's face, and his whole body seemed to be changing in the direction of a giant bear.

The swelling in Klein's head suddenly eased a lot, and he finally had the strength to look up.

The barrier has to be opened again... All the magic lines have gone silent... The emergency barrier on the side needs ten seconds to fill up the spirituality... It's too late!
Looking at the approaching giant ship, there was only one last voice in Cattleya's mind——

That's too late!

The blade of killing intent was about to touch her cheek, and Cattleya closed her eyes, desperately increasing her spiritual indoctrination.

At this moment, a torrent of information swept in, and the amount of knowledge that carried a low-sequence Extraordinary that would directly explode his head at a glance rushed to Agaritu, who was close at hand.

At the same moment, a mysterious light enveloped the entire ship, hidden under Cattleya's starlight, appearing inconspicuous and restrained.

The already crumbling "Future" suddenly burst into light, as if there were countless pieces of light falling like white feathers, and all the crew members felt much more relaxed in an instant, and the sharp or hoarse horror laughter did not weaken because of this, but it seemed Suddenly distanced himself from everyone, and came from a more distant place, appearing empty and illusory.

Mysterious reappearance, fairy tale magic: "The Ugly Duckling"!
The barrier made of starlight lit up again, and it reopened dangerously just before the collision angle touched the "Future"!
The two ships collided heavily, and the starlight barrier collapsed under the ramming angle of the "Death", and slammed into the side of the "Future", almost knocking it all over the sea!
The ramming two ships made contact.

The crew of the "Death" let out a collective cheer, and then realized that their behavior was OOC again.Once the number is too large, it is impossible to accurately control everyone's reaction. The "faceless doll" quickly controlled its clothes, hands and feet, and hurriedly jumped into the "Future" along the corner of the collision until Ben is still affected by the demon's raving.

These men rushed to Cattleya, to the sailors and navigators, and fought with them, but bypassed Cline Moretti.

Casualties immediately appeared on the "Future".

The torrent of knowledge entangled the "Death" and Agaritu, and a lot of inexplicable knowledge suddenly appeared in his mind.

Agaritu looked at the chaotic data and torrent of knowledge, while resisting his own mutation, he took out from his pocket the treasure that attacked Bernadette Gustave again:

Russell's diary.

"Hey, what's going on?"

In the chaos, a golden head emerged from the cabin of the "Death", like a hamster poking its head. Anderson looked left and right, and suddenly saw the big ship shining with bright stars.

"Hey, that's the Admiral of the Stars and the Future! They're fighting with the Undead!" Anderson was startled, and immediately made up his mind. No intention of killing me or firing me, keep making me do odd jobs and watch my bad luck... of course my resume is to wash the deck... But this is not the way to go, I have a lot of people The number one adventurer under the gods, how can he continue to be famous all over the world if he has been doing odd jobs for the king of pirates?"

"But I have worked on the death ship, and this employment experience should be able to scare everyone else into screaming!"

Anderson immediately realized that this might be a good opportunity to escape. He threw away the plate with a cheer, whistled, happily jumped onto the ramming corner, and ran forward quickly: "I want to join the battle too!"

The blond hunter rushed up to the "Future" with joy and laughter, and kicked a man's leg, causing the crew member to lose his balance and kneel on the ground, dodging the sweep from above, and then rushed towards a tall man The furry crew member grabbed the apple at his feet and prepared to smash it directly on the knife opposite the crew member.

Apple struggled a bit: "Hey!"

It flew out and precisely hit the back of the demon sailor's knife, smashing the handle of the scimitar apart.

Anderson scratched his head: "Is there any movement just now?"

Thinking to no avail, the tall crew member knocked down the enemy with a punch, and then picked up the rolling apple all over the ground, yelling not to run away.

Anderson saved lives and healed the wounded all the way, and the demon sailor who was stopped by him several times in a row looked at him, and Anderson hurriedly put his hands together to apologize:

"Sorry sorry, I didn't see you!"

He quickly ran to a man with gold-rimmed glasses who looked capable and not to be trifled with, ran behind the man, and shouted:

"These people are dolls!"

"Only one person has a sealed item! The sealed item is a little wooden man!"

All the crew members on the "Future" were refreshed and began to carefully look for the "little wooden man" that Anderson called.Seeing the gold-rimmed glasses beside him, he suddenly frowned, and looked at the two unobtrusive "Death" sailors in the distance and other people, and pointed out:

Anderson was startled—even for himself, it took several minutes to find the puppet among the layers of dolls—he looked over there, just in time to see a small wooden figure slip into the sailor's pocket, Anderson Immediately shouted: "That's right! That's it!"

"That is the sealed item of the undead king, with the characteristics of being alive!"

The stern-faced Gehrman Sparrow moved his hands away from the "All-Black Eye" that had been decontaminated, and the layers of black lines in his eyes also disappeared. The spiritual threads of everyone on this ship They are all drifting towards that corner unconsciously, and that corner is also the center of the spiritual body thread of all the crew members of the "Death", like a spider in the center of a spider web!

"This is a sealed item of the Seer Path..."

Klein was vigilant.

Is it brought over by the aggregation feature?

A crew member of the "Future" suddenly turned to Anderson, screaming, and the waves and wind blades rushed towards the hunter.Anderson immediately summoned dozens of fire crows, and at the same time a burst of majestic spiritual power erupted from behind him, deterring the crew, their eyes lost their focus, and they forgot to run away.The fire crows collided with the suddenly controlled crew member, instantly turning the crew member into a charred corpse.

Anderson looked back at the serious gold-rimmed glasses in surprise, smiled heartily, and tried to give the other party a high-five: "Happy cooperation!"

The gold-rimmed glasses dodged.

Anderson twirled his outstretched arms in the air, and without embarrassment began to straighten his hair and apron.

"It's amazing, what do you call your friends?" He greeted.

Gold-rimmed glasses looked Anderson up and down with knife-like eyes, and a breath of bloodthirsty rage emanated from him.

"Gehrman Sparrow."


Anderson: I didn't get paid for my part-time job, so I slipped away.

(End of this chapter)

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