Chapter 230 Black Saint

Klein had already seen clearly the face of the ascetic monk holding a candlestick with extraordinary eyesight. It was a weather-beaten man with fine wrinkles on his forehead, the corners of his eyes and mouth. He was indeed an ascetic monk. Some look.

But what is strange is that there is still a hideous old scar on his cheek. This ascetic monk doesn't even have a single white hair. Just like his eyes, his hair is shiny and extremely rare pure black. Shining brightly in the light.

He is vicissitudes, but not old.

Such a contradictory and harmonious temperament, strong strength and rich experience are at least the same, and most of the time they have both.

I'm not looking for trouble, trouble yourself to find me?This was Klein's first reaction. If the ascetic monk who was suspected to be a strong man in front of him belonged to any church, he would definitely report his faith.After all, this is the huge dream world of the ruins of the war of gods, where countless dangers and powerful people are hidden. Even believers of Storm and Lieyang, who are like mortal enemies, will not start fighting directly after exchanging identities.

In other words, the ascetic monk in front of him, who seemed generous and gentle, did not belong to the Orthodox Church, but belonged to some secret organizations.

Therefore, it is difficult to judge the position and identity of the ascetic monk, and his one-sided words are also hard to believe.

Klein, who was no longer a fledgling rookie, did not answer immediately. He kept a certain distance from the old or young ascetic monk, and said cautiously:
"It's not rational to work with people of unknown background."

Facing Klein's temptation, the ascetic friar was slightly taken aback, and then he took up the conversation naturally.

"It's true that I'm not polite enough." The ascetic monk raised the candlestick a little higher and said calmly, "I'm Leo Master, an ascetic monk from a religious organization."

Sure enough, it was from a secret organization.

"Gehrman Sparrow." Klein simply responded, "An adventurer."

The identity of an adventurer belongs to a gray area like a secret organization, and Klein has expressed his attitude.Hearing this, Leo Master laughed at himself and said:

"I worship the original Creator. He is the omniscient and omnipotent existence, the source of all greatness. He is the beginning and the end. He is the god of gods!"

This... Hearing that the other party worshiped the original Creator, Klein's first reaction was "Twilight Hermit Society".

However, there are also some small sects of primitive worship in the Southern Continent. It is not confirmed whether the creator mentioned by the other party has the same origin as the "Twilight Hermit Society", or the one surrounded by eight kings of angels in the myth of "Land Abandoned by God" … Klein thought about it and asked:

"What is the name of your religious organization?"

"How did you get here?"

Leo Master said directly without much hesitation:
"The easternmost part of the Sunya Sea is the place where my Lord sleeps, and His holy mountain is hidden somewhere here. I led a pilgrimage team here, trying to witness miracles and redeem myself."

"Then, we undergo the necessary baptism at the end of the pilgrimage. Evil beings appear one after another. We help each other to tide over the difficulties. Sometimes our companions who are not firm enough in faith die..."

"After going through the initial difficult period, we have gradually repelled those evil existences. Now, only the most powerful 'Black Saint' is still alive and hiding everywhere."

Klein immediately looked around vigilantly, guarding against possible companions.

Leomaster said: "My companions are not here, they are all in a safe place."

safe place?Klein didn't speak.

The so-called "Saint of Black" should be the black knight that Klein saw just now, huddled in a corner and didn't dare to breathe. Judging from the reaction of the black knight, he is at an absolute disadvantage, and the ascetic monk Leo Master did not hide it. what.In a dream, one cannot lie, nor can one hide one's true thoughts. Klein did not doubt the other party's motives, and temporarily believed these words.

He pressed Leo Master: "What's the name of your religious organization?"

Although he didn't intend to help, he had to confirm the organization's position, and then judge whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

Leo Master still intends to skip this question: "May I ask if you have seen the 'Black Saint'..."

If the ascetic didn't answer directly, Klein didn't want to help either. He directly bypassed Leomaster and observed other places in these strange black cells.

Leo Master didn't stop him either. He seemed to be very active in the dream, walking back and forth in the corridor with a candlestick in his hand, checking the cells and corners one by one, trying to find the escaped "Saint of Black" .

Klein bypassed the messy items and looked for possible doors or paths.After a few seconds, he noticed an inconspicuous black wooden door in the corner, so he approached it cautiously and reached for the handle.

The scene inside naturally came to his mind. It was a storage room with a full-length mirror on the right.

a mirror?
In mysticism, a mirror is a channel connecting the hidden and unknown world, which can easily bring about terrible accidents. Therefore, Klein, who was in a dangerous dream, walked over cautiously, intending to use the ability of "Priest of Light" to directly destroy the mirror. this item.

At this moment, Leo Master just finished checking a room and walked over with a surprised expression:

"Is there a room here?"

Klein raised his brows slightly: "This is not considered concealment."

There were indeed a lot of sundries piled up around him, and Leo Master was indeed much taller than ordinary people, but it wasn't to such an extent that he couldn't find the small door in the corner.

"Excuse me, what's in it?" Leomaster became more polite.

Klein pondered for a moment, gripped the doorknob, and turned it vigorously: "There is a mirror."

The black wooden door was slowly pushed open, and Klein stood on the side of the door to prevent the mirror from being reflected in the front.

This is a full-length mirror with simple patterns, one of the three metal ones is broken.This caused the full-length mirror, which was supposed to be facing the wall, to tilt sideways to the direction of the wooden door.

"If you open the door, will you be seen by this mirror?" Leo Masterche said, "It's really sinister."

He added: "I have a strange feeling that this mirror seems to be connected with my life and must not be destroyed. Strange, why have I never noticed this door before?"

ah?Klein looked at the glasses again suspiciously.

Although the environment here is extremely dark, there are two figures clearly reflected in the mirror, one is Leo Master with a lot of wrinkles and black hair, and the other is Gehrman with a thin face, black hair and brown pupils, wearing a peaked cap. Sparrow.

At this moment, when Klein was not moving, Gehrman Sparrow in the mirror slowly turned his head and showed him a gloomy smile!
Ripples suddenly appeared on the mirror, and a hand stretched out.

Klein just blinked his eyes, and Gehrman Sparrow, who was exactly like him, crawled out of the mirror, his face was obviously tinged with eerie feeling due to the darkness!
It's scary... Unfortunately, I don't look like Gehrman Sparrow, so you didn't scare me... If it was Zhou Mingrui who emerged from the mirror, I'm afraid I would wake up straight away... Klein looked at the other party calmly, raised his left hand, and a layer of sunlight was already flowing on it.

The gloomy Gehrman Sparrow on the opposite side smiled, and also raised his left hand, making the glove reveal a noble but sinister deep black.

This corresponds to the ability of "Corrupted Baron"!

my clone?Klein thought for a while, then raised his right hand expressionlessly.

In his palm, he was holding a short milky white scepter that came out of nowhere, with a circle of blue "gemstones" inlaid on the head of the scepter.

"Sea God Scepter"!
He believed that the mirror could not replicate the part related to Origin Castle.

The gloomy Gehrman Sparrow stared blankly at the opposite side, and instinctively raised his hand, but the right palm was empty.

Then, he saw countless streaks of silvery-white lightning shoot out, wrapping himself layer by layer, allowing him to consume the "paper doll stand-ins" one by one, but he couldn't jump out of this area.

Zizizi, a huge thunderball illuminated the narrow room that could not be avoided, and then disappeared together with Gehrman Sparrow in the mirror.

For some reason, Klein felt that he was inexplicably quieter at this moment, as if he had entered the time of a sage.


Leomaster in this dream didn't seem to have the cognition that "he might be a Extraordinary". He looked eagerly at Gehrman Sparrow holding the white scepter, and his breathing was a little short, "The Lord's Surrounded by many angels..."

"One of them is in charge of thunder and lightning, and storm and thunder are the power of the Lord!"

Leomaster looked at Klein with an increasingly excited expression. He stretched out his free hand, as if he wanted to grab Klein's hand, and then clenched a fist on his chest cautiously.

"Stranger, you discovered this mysterious room as soon as you came, showing one of the Lord's powers. Are you my compatriot, the messenger sent by the Lord to save His believers?"

Klein didn't even think about it: "No."

Leo Master was not disappointed: "I will remember the help you provided, and may your soul be protected by the Lord."

so direct?Praying for the protection of an unknown god of unknown position?If I were a church member with a strong belief, such as Red Gloves, or Punisher, I would have already started thinking about how to send you to the basement of the church after hearing such words...

Klein slandered a few words, he turned his head, looked at Leo Master again and said:
"What is the name of that religious organization you joined?"

Leomaster only hesitated for two seconds this time:

"Aurora Society."

Aurora Society?Klein was stunned for a while, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Leomaster observed his expression, seeing that there was no expression other than surprise on Klein's face, he was also slightly relieved.

Then, he also boldly looked at the strange and magical mirror. Leomaster leaned forward, but was surprised to find that there was no reflection of himself in the mirror.

"Am I already dead?" Leo Master's face turned pale, "Merciful Lord, I have practiced penance for decades and never stopped praying. If I am already dead, why didn't I go to your side, my Has the sin not been atoned for?"

Klein frowned, and he also took a step forward, only to find that he was no longer reflected in the mirror.

"Looking in the mirror just now, an evil copy of me ran out of the mirror, I defeated it, and then I felt peaceful..."

Of course, Klein didn't think he was dead. He tried to speculate the truth: "It can be understood that this mirror sealed object will visualize the evil parts of people? After eliminating those evil parts, the mirror can no longer reflect , or there will be no more images in a short time?"

He looked at Leomaster, waiting for his answer.

"I didn't...I didn't kill my duplicate body." Leo Master had calmed down and began to try to recall, "The absence of me in the mirror proves that my duplicate body has left, or has been killed by me? But I fundamental……"

Leomaster stopped suddenly, his eyes gradually widened.

Klein looked at Fang's profile, and suddenly had a ridiculous guess.

The ascetic monk Leomaster said that he has many companions, but none of them appeared in this dream...

The performance of this dream is a huge prison, as if to trap something...

From the beginning to the end, besides Leo Master, the only one who lingered here was the "Saint of Black"...

He clenched the imaginary "Scepter of the Sea God" in his hand, and chose to reasonably delete some negative effects of this sealed item. This is the source of Klein's confidence.

He chose to face Leomaster, and backed away slowly, ready to fight and leave at any time.

"I seem to remember—" Leo Master's eyes were straightened, he held up the candlestick, and said in a dream as if his soul was out of his body, "I pushed this door open, and I saw this mirror..."

Klein felt that Leo Master suddenly stood up straight, but it was actually a sensory illusion.

The ascetic monk who had been acting with the self-awareness of ordinary people unexpectedly had a dangerous and fierce aura, which made Klein feel that the other party was much taller all of a sudden, and he almost needed to look up!
"Evil existences began to appear, and we began to fight them... This is the test set by the Lord, and they have succeeded, only my trial is not over yet..."

The ascetic monk muttered to himself. Maintaining that strange momentum, he turned around slowly and looked at Klein.

There was a red light in those pure black eyes.

Klein's face was solemn, and the "Scepter of Sea God" in his hand quickly brewed a silver-white brilliance.

At this moment, the tall ascetic monk suddenly nodded at Klein and smiled.

Then, the pitch-black prison suddenly became brighter, and brilliant white ruled his field of vision.

Klein opened his eyes naturally, warmed by the sunlight from outside.

It was like waking up from a dream.


Double update the day after tomorrow. (read

(End of this chapter)

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