Mystery: Those years when I was a foreign aid for the Aurora Club

Chapter 232 The Number of Outer Gods Has Increased

Chapter 232 The Number of Outer Gods Has Increased
Edward looked at the weird lamp a few meters ahead, and the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably. Then he put his fist on his lips and coughed twice, suppressing the complicated emotions and many narrow thoughts in his heart.

Number "0-05", "Magic Lamp of Wishing", a level 0 sealed item that has never been obtained by the Orthodox Church, and one of the most important sealed items in "Dawn of Elements"!

Its degree of danger is far higher than that of the "sage's forehead ornament". It has the real ability to distort reality and summon gods. At the same time, it has the image of "the magical oil lamp that can realize three wishes" as a consensus, and it appears widely in many stories and legends. .It can be regarded as an important prototype of many strange items and evil gods in later generations that "fulfill wishes and also capture people's souls".

It's unholy and terrifying to most people, of course, if you're powerful enough...

He walked forward slowly, and the spirit world creature opened the seal of the "Wishing Lamp" for him, took it off the stone platform, and held it in both hands.

Out of respect for the laws of the "Wishing Lamp" and disrespect for the lamp god himself, Edward stroked the shell covered with mysterious patterns with his fingers, then stared at the silently burning wick, solemnly speaking in giant language said:
"Eternal lamp god..."

Before he finished speaking, the "Magic Wishing Lamp" suddenly emitted golden light, and the light rose upwards like a viscous water curtain, forming a fuzzy, distorted pale golden figure.

A slit was split in the figure's head so that it could have a mouth.

"You?" The figure was startled at first, and then his tone became subtle.

"I said who actually broke in. I didn't expect it to be my dear old compatriot. I'm glad you still remember me who is not worth mentioning. Did you come here today to have a deal with that little girl, or did you come here specially?" To mock me?"


"I feel you laughing."

"I just think of happy things."

Edward coughed twice more, and said with an impeccable sneer:
"I still need a kettle in my garden, and I think this is a very suitable place for you."

The pale golden figure swayed for a moment, and the opening of its head became a curved crescent, and a distorted and exaggerated laugh:

"'Order' can't fight 'Decline', but 'Miracle' and 'Chaos' can, oh, maybe you don't like the word 'Order'?"

The king of decay crossed his arms, looked at the god of light with the eyes of a rare animal, and said in a flat tone: "Long life can always allow me to witness some surprises, and there is a god who tries to provoke me by provoking the part of me that is not good enough to make me angry .”

"You still have the face to talk about your authority. Have you forgotten that you have changed your name to the Wishing Lamp?"

The Djinn skipped over this topic quite naturally:

"Long life does cause strange wear and tear on the gods. Those little bugs you observe are all insignificant dust in the eyes of the great me. They are not smart enough or strong enough. They are not as good as any of my family members. Using it as a leader or a slave is more costly than profitable. If you can really bring some changes to the world of those little bugs, the ones who can’t sit still will be those boring and stupid false gods.”

"Especially their behavior of repeatedly revising the code, it's so reckless that it makes me sick!"

The Son of Chaos said angrily:

"The code serves the emperor, and the order is determined by the gods! Immortal like a rock, like the universe is eternal, how dare they use those mortal thoughts, and use those weak, pitiful and weak suggestions to distort the will of the great gods?!"

The King of Decay looked at his hands disapprovingly, and slowly scraped off a small piece of frizzy edge on his nails:
"The question of why I'm interested in humans was discussed 200 years ago."

"At least the consensus between you and me is that all good feelings and expectations are just beautified expressions, just like for mortal beings, any ordinary thing will be more loved after death than when alive. That The only advantage of the era is that there is no mystery."

There is no Lord of the Mysteries, which is important.

"So, what is your purpose?"

He looked up at the lamp god: "Please come to my garden as a guest, you have no choice."

The exaggerated crescent moon of the lamp god gradually returned to a straight line.

"You think you who are incomplete now can destroy me? Although I don't want to admit it, this lamp is really strong."

"Don't worry about the tortoise shell. I'm really worried that your brain will disappear along with the Extraordinary characteristics. After all, your old path does have wisdom bonuses. In addition, I'm curious, if you kill you, what will happen to you?" Where will part of your consciousness wake up? Any planet in the universe that believes in you, or the 'fog of uncertainty'?" The king of decay put his hand on the magic lamp and said jokingly, "Of course, the lost 'chaos' ' and the authority of 'order', it may not be possible to wake up at all, and this part of you will die completely."

The lamp god laughed loudly and said: "Interesting, this is like our kind, our kind and damned brothers, the dolls from 200 years ago are really boring, I almost really thought you were obsessed with playing the role of 'angel of the abyss' gone."

The lamp god cursed fiercely in his heart: "Irreverent and arrogant bastard! I have just been cut off a small part of my authority the size of a fingernail, and lost my personal freedom. If it is you, a lifeless wooden lump Entering the earth, or those other lunatics, under the same conditions, you will only face the mysterious consequences worse than me now!"

"I can hear it."

"I didn't say anything."

"I am a demon." The Declining King said, "I can hear your hostility clearly, shut your mouth."

The Genie stopped talking, and obviously had no clear outline of limbs or face, but its body twisted as strongly as its mood.

The Declining King took the golden "Wishing Lamp" off the stone platform, grabbed it in his hand and left the dark room.The demonized spirit world creature put away all the sealed items and followed him step by step.

They came to the heights of the Emerald City, looking down at everything on the island of Rasha.

The gray volcano continues to erupt, the lava has destroyed all vegetation, and the ash has buried 80.00% of the island.

I walked more casually before, but now, there are spiritual brilliance of mysterious magic flashing in several corners of the island.They probably thought that the "Emperor's New Clothes" or other superimposed mysterious magic had an effect, and they were moving quickly, heading towards the harbor.

Each of them has negative emotions that are so strong that they cannot be ignored. To the devil, it is like a group of fireflies gathering in the dark night, which is clear at a glance.

The Outer God watched the survivors, and suddenly changed into a more brisk tone:

"Just right, I'm here to try the power of fairy tale magic."

The level 0 sealed item "Sage's forehead ornament" only corresponds to Sequence 2, and it only has the ability to informatize people and temporarily obtain the personality and authority of "Sage".Therefore, Edward asked the creatures of the spirit world for the sealed item corresponding to Sequence 4 of "Secret Peer", and held it in his hand.

He swayed his spirituality without hesitation, locked on the fleeing humans, and picked an interesting fairy tale for them:

"Mysterious reappearance..."

"Red shoes."


Forests, cultivated land, towns, mountains... Even the gorgeous Emerald City was reduced to ruins under the attack, the topography of the island was completely changed, and the terrifying high temperature and thick volcanic ash covered the land at an unimaginable speed. The paradise-like island has already suffered catastrophe. Compared with repairing it, it is a better choice to flee directly and find another place.What's more, they kept praying to the chief without getting the slightest answer.

The survivors are eager to get rid of the stronghold that has been swallowed up by the disaster after calling for help in vain. They are struggling to advance in the natural disaster, and use mysterious magic to open the escape channel to deal with the critical moment. As long as they leave through this route, they can appear in a safe place place.

In a mountain passage that should have collapsed, but was supported by turquoise "pea vines", a woman in a plain black wizard robe suddenly shook, and the expressions of a small group of people following her suddenly became more tense. .

A faint smell of blood pervades this small corridor. These more than a dozen people have injuries of varying degrees, or gurgling blood seeps out from the simple bandages, or there are burnt marks on their bodies. The skin of all of them showed abnormal black and red.

"Has it been discovered?"

The blond-haired man behind her spoke nervously, and the female leader was the only demigod who sheltered them in the small classroom far from the disaster outbreak site.After encountering such a terrifying unknown attack, it is better to follow closely behind the demigod and try to survive as much as possible.

The lady in the black wizard robe held her breath, suppressed the momentary palpitations, and whispered:


The faces of the survivors became a little paler, and the blond-haired man said nervously: "...It's good that I can pass on the clues."

Walking here in desperation and fear is only a few tens of meters away from successfully escaping. If you die here, if you are not unwilling, it is absolutely impossible, but if you firmly believe that you and others can go out, then how much? Some self-deception.

The survivors of "Elemental Dawn" have already made preparations. Compared with death, it is more important to pass on clues and information, so that the companions who are not in this stronghold and have escaped can judge according to the specific situation, and escaped incognito. , or try to do something.

The lady nodded and said nothing to hurt them.

"Volcano, environment, weather, is that a high-sequence 'weather warlock' or 'disaster officiant'?" In such a critical situation, scholars took the time to analyze the situation, "Theoretically speaking, it is impossible to have The high-sequence activities of the 'Sailor' pathway of the Church of Storms are outside, but we still don't know which pathway 'Weather Warlock' corresponds to."

"Hmm, I seem to have read in the classics that 'weather warlock' is a certain name that symbolizes the path of disaster!"

"Do you all think it's 'weather' and 'disaster'? I noticed the color of the lava, the blue flames and the smell of sulfur, as well as the weird cannibalism. These elements have corresponding elements in the mysticism of demons..."

Scholars whispered.

"Attack Rasha and destroy the Emerald City, this is provoking the Queen..."

When the companions started discussing, the blond-haired man approached the lady in the black wizard robe with a solemn expression: "If you are not afraid of the queen, you must be at least as strong as the queen, or even an angel! More importantly, The queen is now out of contact..."

He didn't go on talking, the two looked at each other, and at the same time saw fear and worry in each other's eyes.

"...Escape first."

In order to calm people's hearts, they didn't say anything. The blond man followed closely behind the lady. A thin cry came from his gray cloak. Two children of similar age were hiding in the arms of the teacher, a boy and a girl. She shed her tears and cried hoarsely.They are the children selected from Rasha by "Dawn of Elements". They have excellent spirituality and talent. They happened to be in the classroom when the incident happened. They escaped the tragic disaster and witnessed the destruction of the city they have been living in.

The light curtain constructed by mysterious magic could already be seen in front of him. The blond-haired man tightened his cloak, squatted down, and hugged the two children from left to right, with the three faces tightly pressed together.

After two full seconds, the man let go, stood up, and sent them to the leading female demigod.

"I hope they follow you." The man smiled wryly, "I don't have enough power to protect them, but I can still be a human shield."

Facing a possible angel, no one is sure to protect the two children.The lady was silent for two seconds and nodded slightly. She reached out to stroke the hair of the two children. Suddenly, her movements stopped.

On the feet of the girl wearing a simple skirt, a pair of bright, delicate, and ridiculously beautiful red dancing shoes appeared.

The next moment, she raised the hem of her clothes slightly in disbelief, and found that red dancing shoes appeared on her and another woman's feet!
The blond-haired man didn't find it strange, but as a demigod, the lady who was entitled to learn more myths from the "Queen of Mysteries" immediately recognized the origin of these dancing shoes!
It's a maddened curse to dance to death!

"It's fairy tale magic!"

The moment she yelled these words, the woman in the team and the little girl in front of her suddenly had wonderful and intoxicated smiles on their faces. An invisible melody danced joyously.

A fast-paced minuet rang in the ear of the female demigod, and her legs moved involuntarily. Her face instantly turned pale, and then took on a strange wood grain color.She instantly turned into a puppet with a long nose, and decisively removed her feet together with the red dancing shoes, and threw them backwards into the depths of the passage.

But the other two were not so lucky. Their upper bodies were extremely sluggish and couldn't keep up with the rhythm of their legs. They were driven by the increasingly intense dance steps like epileptic patients. Under the control of the shoe, he maintained his balance strangely.

Everyone was terrified, they didn't need to be reminded, and immediately ran towards the light curtain ahead, the blond man also picked up the frightened little boy, dragged the female demigod to his back, and fled run forward.

The dance steps of two people, one big and one small, were too fast to be seen by the naked eye. The tall adult woman kept spitting out blood in the rapid rotation. The legs still dance with the dead body.

The little girl held on for a few more seconds. The child's body was very soft. Her toes touched the back of her head, her heels touched her chest, and her calves even went around her neck.But soon, a high jump shattered her head on the stone wall above, and the headless corpse twitched a few times before finally falling to the ground.

Then the red shoes appeared on the feet of the men in the line, and one by one they danced after a brief moment of terror.

The blond-haired man and the child in his arms also fell into a frantic dance, and the demigod, a woman who lost her feet, rolled to the ground. She watched all this in horror, and a pumpkin carriage appeared out of nowhere, and the tin soldiers took her Lift it into the carriage, and drive the wooden horse out of the passage.

Behind her, all the survivors were dancing crazy dance dances, and then they broke their cervical vertebrae and vomited blood to die. Standing on tiptoe with both feet, approaching in an elegant ballet, it jumped slightly, landed on the rear rut of the pumpkin carriage, and followed the pumpkin carriage to the outside world.



After confirming the death of the last person, Edward clapped the wishing lamp on his hand: "Bernadette is dead, and Roselle is about to die. The king of Loen wants to become the new Dark Emperor. He is in a normal mind and in good health. It has not been polluted, and the ceremony of becoming a god is just this year."

The wick of the wishing magic lamp lighted up with a click.

"So, from now on, you can think about what else you can give me besides the clues of the source quality."


06:30 Second update.

(End of this chapter)

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