Chapter 234 Promotion

In the room filled with twilight light, Klein quickly flipped through the books in his hand, and talked to the "Saint of Black" from time to time.

Leomaster also sat cross-legged on the ground, wearing a robe dyed golden by light.This is a real, ancient demigod who also has good intentions for himself. In addition, the real creator has made it clear that he wants to invite him to drink tea. It is simply unreasonable not to take the opportunity to ask for some information.

After flipping through the "Bible" for a while, Klein found that there was so much intelligence and information that it made one's scalp tingle. Although the main frame was to praise the ancient sun god, the part filled with content was supplemented by stories from the second era. An overview of the situation, and the general performance of the ancient gods.There are also mentions of eight kings of angels surrounding the Lord, but their names are all vague.

Klein asked Leo Master:
"Do you remember the names of the eight kings of angels?"

"Why have their names been covered up?"

Leomaster closed his eyes and opened his eyes, and said solemnly: "First, don't take their names in vain, and use the title of an angel when praying."

"Second..." Leo Master hesitated, "In today's world, there are only three people who can still be called by their real names."

Can't be called by real name?As if not to look directly at, what he meant was "call them by their real names", that is to say, the eight kings of angels did not die... none of them died?But only three people are still "able to be called"?
Well, one of the two sons of the ancient sun god, "Angel of Time" Amon seems to be the type that can be called. "Sun" has seen Amon's clone in the Land Abandoned by God, and their chief has also called this name directly, but nothing terrible happened, and Amon's body did not appear, so they silenced them...

Then the other two... "Angel of Destiny" Ouroreus seems to be fine too. He has already descended in the City of Silver, so the chief will definitely call him by his name occasionally... What's more, their names are all silver The city was handed down through the records of ancient books.

There is another one, maybe "Red Angel" Medici...

In other words, Adam, another son of the ancient sun god, does not belong to the ranks of "can be called"?How is he different from his brothers?
Klein asked again: "Why can't they be called by their names? Are they special only in this sea area?"

Leo Master shook his head: "They have erased their names."


Leo Master hesitated: "My lord, you should ask the Lord, I am not qualified to tell you the secret history."

Not qualified... Klein could only nod his head and changed the question:
"Is there still a way to the Land Abandoned by God?"

The little boy "Jack" that everyone in the City of Silver met during their investigation probably didn't go in through the normal route, because the "Sun" once said that there was a human face on "Jack"'s stomach, and that face was similar to Uroliu's. His face was very similar. "Jack" should have been blessed by the "Angel of Destiny", or in other words, authorized to become the only survivor and be found alive by the City of Silver exploration team.

Leo Master nodded: "The noble 'Angel of Destiny' will open up a pilgrimage path for the blessed."

"As for us, the Aurora Society holds another path to the Lord's sanctuary, but we need the Lord's approval to go there."

Speaking of this, he sighed and replied with a wry smile: "I failed to get approval, because I spent too long in the battle with the dark side, far exceeded the time limit of the pilgrimage, and was completely out of contact. .I made a big mistake and lost myself in the atonement. My belief and soul are not pure enough. After this time, I will continue to practice penance, wash away my sins, and redeem myself.”

"Where is this road?"

"Entering from somewhere in the sea of ​​ruins of God's War, passing through the eyes of the false sun, passing through the sea full of dreams, and crossing the abundance and thunderstorms, this must be the order, otherwise it is not the right path."

"Then we can reach our island. The black temple you saw in your dream is the end of this road."

Klein's breathing stagnated for half a second: "Would you be able to reach the Land Abandoned by God by passing through the black monastery in reality?"

Leonister nodded: "Exactly, as long as the Lord approves."

A route that can truly reach the Land Abandoned by the Gods, and the people in the Lands Abandoned by the Gods must also be able to come out through this road... The darkness has descended for more than 2000 years, why has no one discovered it for so long?

Klein was happy at first, but after thinking about it carefully, his heart slowly sank: There is only one possibility, the exit of this route is really too far away from the City of Silver.In the description of "The Sun", the current level of combat power of the City of Silver is almost the highest in history, but with the degree of danger of the Land Abandoned by God, going out to explore also requires the chief to lead the team personally... For more than 2000 years, the City of Silver has also It's just expanding the scope of surrounding exploration...

But this piece of information itself is also of sufficient value. Klein carefully inquired about Leo Master's location when he came, and planned to tell the "Sun" this piece of information. Although it is insignificant and the possibility of success is infinitely close to zero, it is also true. hope of existence.

Klein had an idea, and he took out "Eastern Continent" from the bookshelf. As we all know, the Eastern Continent is the land abandoned by the gods. In front of a believer who believes in the Creator, he certainly cannot call the "sanctuary" the land abandoned by the gods.

He quickly flipped through "Eastern Continent Experience", and found that it actually recorded an adventure of the "Black Saint" in the Land Abandoned by God.

One day more than 100 years ago, the "Saint of Black" crossed this road, and with the permission of the true Creator, he walked through the monastery and entered the Land Abandoned by God.But the land abandoned by the gods is full of dangers. Even with the protection of the saints, the followers of the Aurora Order brought by the "black saints" still continue to die due to various reasons.After everyone died, the "Saint of Black" still walked a long way with his own powerful power and sealed items, but nothing was found except the wreckage of the town, and there was no trace of the legendary "Lord's Chosen One" .

In the end, the "Saint of Black" carried the relics and Extraordinary characteristics of his companions, returned the same way, and ended the pilgrimage.

"Eastern Continent" recorded a lot of information about monsters, and also recorded the route of the "Black Saint" at that time. Klein recorded all these and planned to share them with "The Sun" in the future.

"The Aurora Society is also looking for a city like the City of Silver..." Klein wasn't surprised.

He was about to ask again, when the glare of the sun shone in, which made him wake up naturally.

Looking at the brilliant sky outside, he wiped his forehead and said silently to himself:

"What a strange dream."

Putting away his emotions, Klein turned over and got out of bed, came to the deck area, continued to observe the surroundings, and waited for the mermaid to appear.

After nearly an hour, he finally heard a thin, ethereal singing sound coming from a distance with the waves.

Klein was overjoyed, and there was a long-lost excitement.

After leaving Backlund for almost four months, after going through a lot of things, he finally arrived at the destination of this "travel", meeting the last condition needed to be promoted to Sequence 5 "Puppet Master"!
The anxiety and agitation in his heart caused by waiting have been growing since he entered this sea area. All the seemingly absurd things that happened on the "Future", but when he thought about it, they were extremely frightening and the inside of the ruins of the battle of the gods. The dangers and unknowns contained in the three states of night, noon, and dream respectively made him tense all the time, spending every hour and every minute with torment.

Now, these emotions and pressures finally have a chance to vent and release!

Phew... Klein exhaled slowly, returned directly to the cabin, and entered his own room.

Without panic or forgetfulness, he took out the remaining spirituality of the ancient wraith, the eyeballs of the six-winged gargoyle, the bark of the dragon tree, and the metal bottle containing the golden spring water of Sonia from the suitcase according to the predetermined procedure. Unfolded behind the desk, he entered the bathroom, locked the door, and skillfully arranged the ceremony of praying for bestowal.

After finishing this ceremony, he didn't rush to respond above the gray mist, but arranged an additional ceremony, summoning his own ceremony!
Walking four steps backwards and reciting the incantation in a low voice, Klein came above the gray mist and responded to the summoning ceremony. Through this, he came to the real world in a spirit state and brought the "Tinder" gloves back to that mysterious space.

After completing the preliminary work, Klein did not relax. He came to the Fool's place, took out a pen and paper, and quickly wrote a divination statement:

"The one singing ahead is the mermaid."

After taking off the citrine pendant, he confirmed the situation by means of divination:

The singing in front of the "Future" is the mermaid!
After calming down, Klein beckoned to make the iron cigarette case fly out of the pile of debris and land on the mottled old bronze long table.

With a snap, he opened the lid, and saw the pupilless "All Black Eye" still lying quietly inside.

After getting the "Tinder" glove, he separated the pollution that belonged to the real creator, and the restored "All Black Eye" can provide him with a lot of help, and it is also the normal main material of the potion.

He grabbed the "All-Black Eye" that was no longer a problem, quickly responded to the ritual of praying for it, and passed the extraordinary characteristics left by the "Secret Puppet Master" to the altar in the washroom through the illusory door.

Stopping in front of the desk, Klein took out the steel milk pot that originally belonged to the kitchen of the "Future" from the side, and began to prepare the potion.

All the auxiliary materials are fused together to form a golden bunker dominated by "Sonia golden spring water".As the "All Black Eye" was finally submerged by the dark golden liquid, one bubble after another popped up on the surface of the water.

Every time a bubble bursts, the potion will become black for a minute, and after ten seconds or so, all changes will be terminated.

Inside the milk pot, the potion took shape and was completely black. There seemed to be countless small bugs that were not clearly visible to the naked eye swimming around at high speed.

Klein took out the gold coin and quickly made a confirmation using divination.

After receiving the revelation of success, he breathed a sigh of relief, poured the "Master of Secret Puppet" potion into the metal bottle prepared in advance, and stuffed it into his pocket.

It wasn't until this time that he left the cabin at a slightly faster pace and came to the deck.

At this time, the symbols, magic signs and strange patterns on the "Future" have been clearly lit up, forming a bright ocean of stars, which weakened the mermaid's singing to the greatest extent.

——It is rumored that the singing of mermaids will make humans lose their minds and become crazy, so they jump off their ships and become food for mermaids.

Soon, Klein left the "Future", left the protection of the bright sea of ​​stars, set foot on the boat, and was in the ocean.

The singing came faintly, as if it had penetrated directly into his spiritual body, making him numb all over, and he couldn't help wanting to hear more.

For Klein, this was far from enough, and his spiritual intuition told him that he had to get closer to make the singing clearer, so as to meet the needs of the ceremony.


Klein took out a spell made of white tin, and summoned a gust of wind that could be controlled to propel the boat forward.

After an unknown amount of time, the mermaid's singing voice suddenly became louder, as if she was singing softly in Klein's ear. Every note could touch the spirit body, and every melody made people intoxicated and longing.

Klein was in a daze, and almost jumped into the sea, swimming towards the source of the beautiful singing.

He tried his best to control himself, and found that there were many reefs not far ahead, and figures were sitting on the edge, singing softly.

These creatures have human heads, and their eyes are pure and beautiful. Their chests are covered with dark red scales, and their lower bodies are huge fish tails, slapping the rocks rhythmically.

Different mermaids have different looks and different tail scale colors, which have a strange sense of beauty for humans.

But when Klein approached in a boat, many mermaids jumped into the water in panic and wandered around.

Fortunately, there were a few mermaids on the farther reef with their backs facing here, and they didn't notice the companions who left in a hurry.

Klein lifted his spirits, thought for a while, and took out another talisman.

This is the spell of the "Sea God" domain that makes underwater creatures feel closer to the user!


In the sound of the incantation, the blue flame wrapped the white tin sheet, making it disappear into the real world out of thin air.

Seeing that the remaining "mermaids" were aware of him but no longer ran away timidly, Klein immediately took out the metal bottle containing the "Master Puppet" potion and unscrewed the lid.

Gulu, the slightly bitter potion poured into Klein's mouth with a stale feeling, along his esophagus, and went straight to his stomach.

Suddenly, Klein found himself becoming extremely stiff, as if he had returned to Tingen, back to the state when he was manipulated by the strange puppet of the sealed item "2-049".

He tried to move his joints, but it seemed to be filled with lead water.

At the same time, he felt tiny worms penetrate into every cell of his body, into the spirit body.His thoughts began to slow down, and the ability to reflect his own state in his mind gradually failed.

The melodious singing of the mermaid aroused that desire, accumulated fanaticism and obsession, and allowed Klein to maintain his last emotions, and used this lure to get rid of his rigid and sluggish state little by little.

An indifferent gray mist quickly appeared in front of his eyes, and the illusory "Honakis...Fregra... Compared with "home", "clown", and "magician", this raving has obviously become intermittent, as if it is being disturbed and eliminated by something.

Unlike when I became a "Faceless Man", the ravings are obviously much stronger, and I can intermittently break through the barrier of the combination of gray fog and reality... My thinking ability has recovered!Klein was overjoyed and tried to raise his arm.

The awkwardness of the joint position is still there, but it has become weaker and weaker!

At the same time, Klein "saw" himself as he is now:
The complexion is yellowish brown, like a doll wrapped in old bandages and buried alive for many years, granulation buds are hidden under the skin, wriggling, separating, and merging.

Klein immediately outlined countless light spheres in his mind, and used "meditation" to calm down this state.

During this process, the mermaid's singing still echoed in his ears, causing his joints and muscles to twitch and slowly recede from stiffness.

After an unknown amount of time, Klein opened his eyes, and his body was completely normal.

He took a breath and sighed silently:

"Finally Sequence 5!
"It's finally the 'Secret Puppet Master'!"

In a small coastal town.

The tin soldier driver gave a tug on the wooden pony's reins, and a pumpkin cart appeared out of nowhere on the shore of the seashore.

The tin soldier patted the wooden pony, jumped off his seat, and opened the door of the pumpkin carriage. The demigod, who had lost both feet, poked her head out of the door and looked back in the direction of the rut.

There used to be a pair of tap dancing feet wearing red dancing shoes. Those brisk and life-threatening steps were the culprit for her haggard and painful past few days.But in order not to let the pair of dancing shoes leave with others, she has not dared to slack off in walking through mysterious magic.

She has fled day and night for three days with this pair of deadly dancing shoes.

Just 10 minutes ago, the female demigod with severe spiritual consumption had a premonition that if she continued to walk like this, she would lose control due to spiritual dryness, so she had to take a short break.

She deliberately chose to rest in the deserted woods, but it seemed to be of no avail, and she still failed to keep the "red shoes".In the brief contact with the real world, the tap dance steps suddenly disappeared.

disappeared without a trace.

"Red Shoes" abandoned the demigod who had no feet and could not dance, and went to nowhere.

"We have to find a way, hurry up and tell the church..." The voice of the female demigod revealed endless fear.

This dancing curse cannot be stopped. If there is no external force to stop it, I don't know how many ordinary people and low-level extraordinary people will die silently because of these dancing shoes!


Edward sorted out the harvest from "Dawn of the Elements": some gold, some mystic books, some sealed items and real estate, and then picked out the sealed items that belonged to the five paths of omniscience and omnipotence, and quoted them to the real creator.

The quotation is not too self-indulgent, it is basically based on the price of Extraordinary characteristics.There must be a premium, but the True Creator didn't say anything after reading the quotation. Anyway, these things will become Extraordinary characteristics for members of the Aurora Society to promote, and they are not unaffordable.

The coordinates and situation of the island Rasha were also informed, and the real creator said that he would investigate it before making a decision.

After finishing the task at hand, Edward took out the "Pale Death", looked at this cold and hard human face, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"In the beginning, I told Shia Eggers that if he told me about Siea, I would send him several silent cities."

"He didn't agree. But in order to take Aldera, he had to tell me about the high priest."

"Later, I said again, if you can trick Siuah to come here, my condition remains the same, and he didn't agree."

"Now that I have obtained Siea, I want to see what else He can exchange for this 'Pale Death' with me."

"To do business with the devil, of course you have to buy early and enjoy early."

He put these things away, took the wishing lamp with him, and planned to stay in the Southern Continent for a while, and return to the Northern Continent when the war started.

Because the lamp god said that it needs to be close to the Black Emperor of Loen, and it is best to find an opportunity to meet with him for any reason, so that it can be made more concealed and the influence from the top of the path can be more difficult to detect.


Shinzao: What's going on? Why is the probability of failure on the earth always rising? Can this new version still be played?

(End of this chapter)

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